Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 80: Guo Family

Inside the Guo Family, there are currently many individuals sitting around a table, and on their faces were fear and distress. They had recently received the news of how their genius Pill Master and Eldest Daughter of the Guo Family, Guo Canyin, had offended a senior of unknown origins. However, what they do know was that this mysterious senior had powers way beyond their reach. How could they possible fight back a senior that can change the weather and shake the earth when even their Sky Realm expert cannot do such things!

Guo Dai, the current head of the Guo Family sat there with a frown on his face. He turned to look at the doors where Han Yixue was currently standing with her head lowered.

“You, what is your relationship with that senior? Don’t give me that bullshit ‘I have nothing to do with him’ when he protected you even at the cost of offending our Guo Family!”

Han Yixue had come back only a while ago before getting bombarded with questions from the elders of the Guo Family. After answering all the questions, which were mostly asking about the relationships between her and the mysterious senior who had threatened to flatten their entire Guo Family!

“Senior, I really do not have any relationship with that senior,’ replied Han Yixue. She was used to addressing her father as ‘senior’.

An elder finally could not take it and stood up while slamming the desk, “Bullshit! Why would he help a nobody like you if you didn’t have connections with him?! I refuse to believe how such a monstrous senior will be willing to help anybody, let alone you!”


Han Yixue did not reply and stood there quietly. If they do not believe her, then there was no point in repeating the same thing over and over.

Seeing how she was not even looking at him, let alone replying, the elder’s face turned red from anger. He began walking towards her with his hand lifted in the air, preparing to slap the Soul out of her.

“Stop! Don’t do anything stupid! What will you do if she actually has a connection with that senior? How will you bear the responsibility of the entire Family falling to ruins because you were impulsive?!” Another Elder stood up and stopped him.


The Elder with his hands in the air trembled and slowly lowered it.

“Hmph!” He turned around in anger and sat back down.


The room had turned silent again! Nobody wanted to offend this mysterious senior anymore than he already is!


The door suddenly opened, and a beautiful mature lady walked in swaying her hips left and right.

“What is all this fuss about?” Asked the mature lady.


“Guo Bao!”

The people in the room recognized her, Guo Dai’s first wife, Guo Bao.


Guo Bao noticed Han Yixue who was standing in her way and frowned, “You dare block me? Get out!” She raised her hand and slapped the side of Han Yixue’s face sideways.


Han Yixue did not expect to be hit from behind and fell on the floor.


Guo Dai stood up and shouted at his wife with anxiousness.

“What?! Why are you shouting at me?!”

Guo Bao was bewildered at her husband’s actions and yelled at him.

“Do you have any idea what kind of situation we are in?! Are you trying to destroy our Guo Family?!” He yelled back.

“No, I don’t! I just got back from shopping!” She yelled back.

“Then let me tell you, we-----”


A loud shout interrupted them.

“What is it?!” Guo Bao snapped her head back at the guards who came running in with sweat on their forehead.

“M-Mistress… Ah! There are three individuals out there that are dressed in overly exaggerated clothes, and behind them are thousands of pedestrians!” The guards reported.


The room went into an uproar, and everybody began running outside.




“What’s going on?!”

Guo Dai shouted as he walked out with a domineering aura surrounding him.

“C-Clan Head… L-Look…” The guards pointed to three figures being surrounded by thousands of others.

“And who are you---”

Guo Dai’s domineering aura suddenly disappeared like smoke, and he choked on his words when his head fully turned to look at the sun in front of him.

‘Where the hell is he going with these clothes?!’ He cried inside his head. He almost thought that this young man was visiting God!

“H-How may I help you, Young Master?”

Guo Dai’s mouth instinctively called the young man ‘Young Master’!

“Hello, I am Tian Yi, and I am here to receive my Disciple.” Tian Yi said with a warm smile on his face.

Everybody around including Guo Dai was immediately dumbfounded. He was only here to accept a Disciple?! While wearing such clothes? And doesn’t he look too young to become someone’s Master?

“Pardon? Did you just say you’re here to receive a Disciple? Did you come to the wrong house by accident?”

“This is the Guo Family’s main branch, no?” Asked Tian Yi still with a smile on his face.

“Y-Yes, this is indeed my Guo Family’s house, but I don’t recall anyone here accepting a Master---”

“Then I am in the right place.”

Guo Dai inwardly sighed at the current situation.

“Where’s Han Yixue?” Tian Yi directly called her name.


Guo Dai stood there with a stupefied face, just like everybody on the street.

“I said, where’s Han Yixue?” Tian Yi repeated.


The pedestrians gasped upon confirming that their ears were working.


Guo Dai stared at Tian Yi with his eyes wide open from bewilderment. The name was unfamiliar, yet familiar to him. How could he forget his own daughter’s name? However, he has not heard of it for many years, so his mind was blank for a second when he finally heard her name again.


An angry female voice roared, and everybody turned their heads to see Guo Bao walking towards them with an angry face.


“Say what? Han Yixue?” Said Tian Yi calmly while looking at her.


Guo Bao snapped her head in Tian Yi's direction and stopped speaking there and then the moment she saw him. Who the hell was he and why the hell is he all dressed up like that?!


A low cry called out with a shocked voice.


Everybody turned their head to see a blindfolded girl with her hands covering her mouth.

“Ah, Han Yixue, I was looking for you.”

Tian Yi ignored the dumbfounded people around him and walked straight into the Guo Family’s main gate.

“S-Sir, d-d-d-does t-this m-mean---”

Drops of tears began rolling down Han Yixue’s face as she stuttered nonstop.

“Yes, this means I will accept you as my Disciple. Although I have no experiences in teaching anyone, I will try my best to lead you to the correct path.”



Han Yixue dropped to her knees and kowtowed.

“Disciple Han Yixue greets her Master!”

"?!?!?!?!" The people there were bewildered at the scene. They had no idea what was going on!

“Un. Stand.”

Tian Yi nodded and pulled her back up.

“What kind of play is this?! Who the hell are you to have such guts to say her name in front of me?!”

Guo Bao walked up to them in large, angry strides. Her face was blooming with anger.


Yu Yue stopped Guo Bao in her tracks by standing in front of her.

“And who the hell are you?! You are not the only ones with fancy clothing around here!” Guo Bao shouted at her.

“If I let you get any closer to Master, he’ll be dirtied by your presences.” Yu Yue looked back at her in the eyes with a calm face.

“Y-YOU BITCH!” Guo Bao instantly raised her hand in anger and Spirit Power exploded out of her.

“Spirit King!” The pedestrians were shocked. They have never seen a Spirit King in action!


Guo Bao chopped her hands down with arrogance. She did not believe that someone as young as the girl in front of her could block an attack from a Spirit King like her! However, before her hand could even move an inch, a hand appeared in front of her neck like a ghost and grasped it tightly.


Suddenly having her neck gripped, Guo Bao gasped for air, but she could not breathe, and her body began to levitate into the air slowly.

“This is the first time I’ve been called a slut, let alone by a Mortal.”

Yu Yue glared at the struggling Guo Bao who had her neck grasped by her.

Guo Bao tried to use her Spirit Power to break free but was shocked to find out that she was not able to use even an ounce of her Spirit Powers! It was as if a mysterious power was restricting it! Not able to use Spirit Power, she began kicking her legs frantically.


The people watching the scene sucked in a mouthful of air in shock. They did not dare to believe their eyes! One second they were watching a Spirit King showing off her domineering aura, but the next second, that Spirit King had turned into a struggling chicken ready to be slaughtered!

“I wonder if killing you now will be considered bullying the weak?” Yu Yue asked herself with a grin on her face.

“S-Stop!” Guo Dai finally snapped out of his daze and roared.


The entire area was enveloped by a domineering pressure, fattening the gravity.


“It hurts!”

Not even a second after the pressure appeared, the spectators around began falling one by one due to the weight bearing down on them. How can Mortals like them withstand the Spirit Pressure made by a Sky Realm Expert?!

Guo Dai kicked the floor and flew towards Yu Yue, but not even a second later, he was blown back by a strong wind that also blew away the Spirit Pressure made by him without any chance to fight back.


Guo Dai rolled on the floor and coughed up a mouthful of blood, “?!?!?!?!?” He looked around with a face full of disbelief. What had just happened?! He had just felt what felt like someone punching him in the stomach! He tried to use Spirit Power to recover, but was shocked to find out that his Spirit Power was sealed!

Suddenly feeling the invisible Mountain on their back disappear, the spectators also looked around with bewilderment.

“We’re saved?”

“That was dangerous…”

“Damn, this is why I should stop watching Expert Cultivators fight in such a close distance. It’s basically asking for death.”

While Guo Dai was looking around, his eyes suddenly caught sight of a figure walking towards him. “Y-You…” His eyes widened after seeing the face and clothes of the figure that was walking towards him.

“I would understand it if you directed your anger towards Yu Yue alone, but to involve these who are only watching from the sidelines? What are you doing?” Tian Yi looked down at Guo Dai who was staring back at him with wide eyes.

“W-Who are you?” Guo Dai could not believe such a power came from someone as young as him!

“Does it matter who I am? I am only here to pick up my Disciple and nothing more, yet look at what is happening right now. Your Family does not even care if she was dead or alive, so why does it matter if I take her in as my Disciple? I am actually doing a favor to your Family by taking her away, so you do not have to see her anymore.”

“I-I-I---” Guo Dai did not know what to say! It was true that his Family did not care about Han Yixue, but how could they let a stranger walk into their house and take away something that belonged to them?! Even if it was trash that was being stolen, it was still their trash!

“If there is a next time, you should hide like your other Daughter,” Tian Yi looked at a particular direction and smiled.

“???” Guo Dai looked at where he was smiling at to see Guo Canyin hiding behind frozen guards with a face that has fear written all over it.

Guo Canyin also came out along with everyone else when it started, but the moment she heard Tian Yi’s voice, she knew that he was the ‘Mysterious Senior’ because he did not mask his voice when threatening to flatten her Family!

Guo Dai instantly realized who this young man in front of him was after seeing his Daughter’s face because she had the same face when she was talking about that ‘Mysterious Senior’!

“S-Senior! Please forgive us for our disrespectful actions towards Senior! We had eyes but could not see---"

“You dare call me Senior?! Do I look that old?! I’ll flatten your Family right now, do you dare to test me?!” Shouted Tian Yi while stomping his feet.

Guo Dai’s face instantly turned pale white and cried, “Please forgive my stupid mouth! I meant to say, Young Master! How can Young Master possible be old looking when Young Master looks to be around 18 Years Old at most?!”

Guo Dai was aware of how Tian Yi felt because he was also an old man with a younger appearance.

“You have a pretty good insight.” Tian Yi nodded in agreement. Someone has finally figured out his age correctly!

“Alright, Yu Yue, you can put her down. I’ll deal with her now.”

Tian Yi ignored the dumbfounded Guo Dai and began walking towards Yu Yue and Guo Bao.

“Yes, Master.”

Yu Yue released her grip, and Guo Bao fell on the floor like a corpse. She was only a second away from passing out due to lack of air!

“Han Yixue, what do you want me to do with her?” Tian Yi asked her with a mysterious tone.

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