Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 67: Half Gods and Gods

With her mind reeling, Yu Yue dumbfoundedly stares at the ordinary face that was only centimeters away from her own.

Tian Yi’s forehead was touching her’s, and with each breath, he unknowingly blows fresh air into her chest area.

Feeling ticklish from his relaxed breathing, Yu Yue trembled uncontrollably, “M-My Heaven, he’s so close that I can even feel his breath!!!” She cries with tears of happiness in her heart.

“Ah!” She suddenly shouts out loud.

She was so happy that she actually knocked out for a second and fell backward!

“?!” Seeing how Yu Yue was falling, Tian Yi instinctively reached out his hand, and he caught her with his arms wrapped around her waist. However, he did not stop there. After catching her, he instinctively pulled her towards him and hugged her perfect figure, pressing her pair of soft breast against his!


The girls watching this suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the ones who fell earlier, fell again alongside with these who did not the last time, leaving nobody sitting down!

“That’s outrageous! What kind of Heavenly Fortune Treasure did she eat before coming here?!”

“I’ll be damned if she does not get hit by lightning within the next minute!”

“Apparently the Heaven thought that just the hands were not enough for her, so they gave her a hug!”

“Why is the Heaven so unjust? Where is the equality in life? Where is the fairness? Who was it that said we sisters were created equally?!” All the girls were crying in their hearts.

Being hugged by him out of nowhere, Yu Yue’s euphoric feeling reached the maximum, and her mind went blank. She passed out from overjoy!

Due to Yu Yue passing out, her entire body went limp, and Tian Yi had to hug her even tighter.

“Ah?!” Seeing how she suddenly passed out, he did not know what to do.

“Why did she pass out? Was the information too much for her? But she’s a Half-God?!” He does not know what caused her to pass out, but there’s nothing much he can do other than to see if she was okay.

“She seems fine…” After checking her with Divine Sense, he found nothing wrong with her, so he decided to put her on the bed so she can rest for now.

Picking up her perfect body, he carried the unconscious Yu Yue who still has a smile on her face to the bed, princess’ style. Luckily, she was not conscious to witness this, because if she were, she would’ve died from happiness!


Witnessing this, Yan Yan also coughed up a mouthful of blood and plummeted to the floor. She could barely bear with him hugging Yu Yue due to there being a good reason, but no matter how good the reason was, she could not bear to watch him carry Yu Yue! She can touch and hug him whenever she wanted to, but she has yet to experience being carried the same way as Yu Yue is currently experiencing! Without a Human body, what is there for him to carry? At most, it would be like carrying a big chicken!

How can she bear to have some random girl experience something before she even could?! She really wants to eat an Appearance Changing Pill right now, but her pride does not allow her to take the form of something she has not achieved! She will personally become a Demon, making the experience of tasting him even more delightful. It is like working hard for a day just to afford rice for dinner. The harder you work for something, the better the experience will be once you obtain it! She will not walk the easy path to achieve her goal because that will only show how cheap Tian Yi was to her!

Laying Yu Yue on the bed, Tian Yi said to the girls who were still laying on the floor, “I will let her rest here for now, so you girls can do whatever you want until she wakes up. I will go back outside to bring the Mortals back to their bed…” He would feel bad if he left them sleeping out there any longer, not to mention that his Master was also amongst them. What kind of Disciple lets their Master sleep outside on the cold floor?

The girls stood back up after hearing his voice, and they bowed, “Brother Yi, you do not need to bother yourself with that. Let us do that for you.”

“Hm? Are you sure? Do you know who belongs to which room?” He asks them. He has already memorized everybody in the airship and their location the moment he stepped inside this airship.

“Yes, we memorized it before landing on the airship.” They answered. As Half-Gods, their memories were beyond perfect. Even with only a slight glance at thousands of people, they will be about to tell who was wearing what, and what they looked like without any difficulties.

“Okay, then I will have to bother you girls.” Tian Yi said.

“It’s our pleasure to be able to help Brother Yi.” The girls smiled before leaving the room to carry the Mortals back to their room with Spirit Power Control.

Just one of them was enough, but they all went ahead and did it anyways because they all wanted to feel useful to Tian Yi.

After putting all the sleeping Mortals back into their respective room, the girls gathered back at Tian Yi’s place.


“Brother Yi, do you mind letting us stay here for the remainder of your trip on this airship? We will help you with your daily needs, such as the chores.” The girls suggested being his servant until he arrives at his destination.

Although it will be temporary, to be able to work as servants for Tian Yi is an opportunity that most people could not achieve even by begging! Maybe he will even accept them as official servants later on if they ask again! Even Major Gods and True Gods wished to serve him as servants, let alone these girls who are only Half-Gods.

In the Higher Realms, there are Half-Gods, and then there are Gods. Half-Gods are Immortals almost achieving Godhood. There are three Realms that they have to breakthrough as a Half-God before becoming a God. The first is the Saint Realm, then the Divine Realm, and the last being the Paragon Realm. These three Realms has their own Level.

Once they breakthrough the Paragon Realm and become a God, there will be another three three different Realm for them to breakthrough. However, these three Realms are entirely different! Everything from how to breakthrough to what it signifies being in that Realm! The three Realms from low to high are Minor Gods, Major Gods, and True Gods.

Minor Gods are these who have their own title after becoming the best in their Cultivation Path, such as the God of Art, who is the Universe’s best artist.

Major Gods are Minor Gods who have made a name for themselves in the Universe and can give blessings, such as the God of Fortune who can bless his worshippers with good fortune.

True Gods are Gods who regulate the laws and nature of the Universe, making sure that no world destroying calamity happens. All Gods can create their own World, but only Minor ones.

Half-Gods and Gods are not Cultivation Realms, but a title bestowed and accepted by the majority of society. However, the Saint Realm, Divine Realm, and Paragon Realm are considered Cultivations.

Once one becomes a God, Cultivation does not matter as much anymore because they have already surpassed Humanity! They are Humans, yet they are also not Humans!

What will they try to achieve after becoming a God? Minor Gods will aim to be a Major God, and Major Gods will strive to become a True God! True Gods are considered the Apex, that is unless the Celestial Emperor grants them the permission to become a Celestial God! No matter how much a True God Cultivates, they will never be able to breakthrough unless the Celestial Emperor allows them!


Yan Yan’s eyes popped out after hearing their suggestion. Not only are these girls not willing to leave, they even wanted to stay until they arrive at their destination? That’s a whole week! How will she be able to relax knowing that there are drooling wolves in every direction?!

Unwilling to let them bother her personal time with Tian Yi, she shouted, “What nonsense! Certainly not—”

Tian Yi interrupted her, “Sure, if that’s what you girls want. It will be more lively around here, making this trip a better experience. But there are only three beds left in this room.”

Not counting the one he will be using, there are only three beds left. Although they were big, it will not fit all of these girls.

He thought that there was no harm in letting them stay. Always being around male servants since he was young, he wanted to experience what it was like to have female servants for once!

“Really? Thank you, Brother Yi! We will not disappoint you!” The girls bow to him with wide smiles on their beautiful faces. They also get to stay in the same room with him?! It looks like the Heaven did not give up on them! So what if there were only three beds left? Who would even be in the mood to sleep knowing that the son of the Celestial Emperor was in the room?!

“What?! Master, are you sure?! What if you get attacked in the middle of the night…?” Yan Yan tries to change his mind.

“Attack me? Who will dare to attack me in the middle of the night with so many Half-Gods around?” Tian Yi asks with a puzzled face.

“……” Yan Yan turns silent and gives up instantly.

She gave up surprisingly easy, but it was only because she knew it was useless speaking about these things to him.

“Well, I highly doubt anyone of them would dare to do anything like that, but it still feels unpleasant to have so many beautiful girls around him. Hmph, I will surely take back the time that’s being stolen from me once I become a Demon!” She thought.

She decided that once she becomes a Demon, she will stick to him glue and not let even a second be wasted!

“Ah, Brother Yi, do you have any clothes for servants that we can wear?” One of the girls suddenly ask.

He shook his head, “No… Is there something wrong with your current clothes?” Why would he carry around clothes for servants, and for females at that?

“No, I just wanted us to feel more like servants…”

“Oh, sister, then I have some Servant clothes for all of us…” Someone suddenly said in a murmur.

“?” They all look to the girl who said that.

“Eh? Sister Meifeng, why do you have something like that? And for all of us too?” Someone asked.

“I-I-I just do… Do you want them or not?” She blushes.

“….” The room instantly turns silent.

“W-Well, whatever reason you have for bringing these, thank you…”

“If Brother Yi will excuse us now, we will change over now.” They all started walking to the bathroom.


“Mmmm.” Yu Yue rubs her eyes, and she sits up feeling refreshed.

“What a lovely dream it was…” After whispering to herself, she looked around with a puzzled and astonished face.

“W-What in the Heaven—-?”

She watched with wide eyes as her fellow sisters walked around doing things such as dusting and wiping the tables. However, what made her even more bewildered was that they were all wearing the same clothing colored in pink! The designs on the clothing were clearly made for servants, so why are they all wearing them? More importantly, since when did they become servants?

“Ah, Sister Yue, you are finally awake.” One of the sisters noticed her and called out.

The other girls also noticed and said, “Sister Yue, you have been unconscious for the past three hours.”

“Eh? What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Aiya, you do not even remember such an experience? Did the experience turn you stupid? You even made Brother Yi carry you to the bed…” The girls sigh.


As if lightning had struck her mind, she sits there with a stupefied face from recalling her memories. She blacked out from happiness! And it was even right in front of Tian Yi! How embarrassing what that?!

Jumping off the bed, she said with a hurried voice,” Where is Brother Yi?! I need to apologize to him!”

“No need to apologize to me. I am glad that you are fine.” A calm voice suddenly comes from the back.

Yu Yue looks to the direction of the sound to see Tian Yi walking towards her with a smile, and she blushes from instinct.

“B-Brother Yi, I-I-I—” She stutters nonstop.

“Hehehe…” The girls around her giggled at her silly display. Yu Yue’s calm and graceful appearance was gone, and what replaced it is a timid girl!

“Sister Yue, after you passed out, we decided to stay here for the remainder of Brother Yi’s trip to become his temporary servants.” One of the girls tells her a quick summary of what was happening.

“What?!” She cries out from shock.

Become Servants of Tian Yi, the son of the Celestial Emperor? Even if it is only temporary, it is still an incredibly grand prestige that can be bragged about with pride! Not only that, but it also means that she can be around him for even longer! Although she does not know how long this journey will last, just an hour longer will be able to keep her happy for a few generations! She was pretty upset when she was finally called because it meant that their reason for staying was over! But now that they have another reason to stay, how can she not be overjoyed?

“Brother Yi, if you do not mind—”

“What is there to ask? Brother Yi has already given us the permission. Here are your clothes, hurry up and change.” Ju Meifeng shoved a pink dress in her hand.

“Eh? Ah, okay.” Yu Yue nods with a red face and quickly went to the bathroom.

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