Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 66: Forbidden Parts

After a whole minute of being glared at by Tian Yi, the girl wobbled back to her seat, and she sat down with an exhausted look.

Rubbing his eye temples, Tian Yi said, “Next…” Just the second girl and he’s already tired! He’d rather have them ask for Treasures.

“Coming!” Another girl walks up to him, and bows, “Greetings, Brother Yi.”

“Hello. What do you want?” He asks her.

Taking out a piece of blank paper and pen, she said, “Brother Yi, may I ask you to sign your prestige name here?”

“My name? Sure…” Not knowing what the point of this was, he writes his name skillfully, creating words that looked as if it was alive.

“Here, it’s done.” He returns the paper back to the girl whose eyes were shining like the stars.

“Thank you, Brother Yi! I will keep this safe and sound forever, no matter what!” She bows again before skipping back to her seat with a broad smile on her beautiful face.


As if lightning had struck their mind, all the girls who had their hands already raised suddenly freezes for a second, and as if gravity pressured them, their hands suddenly falls back down at the speed of light.

“How come I did not think of that?! Although having him call my name is beyond precious, how can it be as precious as something that will be there forever?! That piece of paper with his name on it will physically last forever, but his voice will only be in our memories! Genius, truly genius! As expected from a fellow sister! Good job!” Feeling enlightened, all the girls changed their current request in a split second and raised their hands again.

“What the… Did they all have a change of mind simultaneously?” Tian Yi was puzzled at their swift actions.

“Are you ready?” He asks the girl just in case.

“Yes.” The girl walked up to him, and bowed, “Greetings, Brother Yi. May I shamelessly request of you to sign this over here…”

She searched her Storage Pouch for a few seconds before finally taking out a pink dress.

Pointing to the middle of the pink dress, she said, “Brother Yi, can you please sign over here?”

“A dress? Sure…” Although he was puzzled, he still signs the pink dress anyways.

“Here you go.” He gives it back to her after signing it.

“Thank you, Brother Yi! I will never wash this dress again!” The girl showed a bright smile before skipping back to her seat.

Seeing how happy she was, Tian Yi thought, “Is it a type of fashion nowadays for girls to write on their dresses?”


“Yes!” Another girl walked up to him and bowed, “Greetings, Brother Yi. May I ask you to do the same thing just now, and sign my dress?”

Taking out an expensive looking green dress, she points to the bottom of the dress, “Please sign here…”

“Sure thing…” Repeating the same movements, he signs her green dress.

“Thank you, Brother Yi!” Taking the dress back, the girl skips back to her seat.


This process of signing dresses repeated for another 20 times before it changed, but the changes were not that different since it was only adding in a few words.

“Do you want me to sign your dress too?” Tian Yi asks.

“Please. Ah, Brother Yi, can you also add in a few more words?” This time, it is a girl with a matured body, and she also has this natural seducing Aura around her.

“Sure, what else do you want me to write?” He asks, preparing to write.

“Please write, ‘Owned by,’ then his highness’s name.” She said with a voice full of uncertainty.

Not expecting such a request, his hand suddenly went rigid, “Uh, can you repeat that? I think I misheard you.” He asks with an ignorant voice, not understanding it’s meaning.

“B-Brother Yi, please write, ‘Owned by,’ then his highness’s name next…” She repeats it with a shy voice.


The room instantly went silent!


“H-How shameless!”

“As expected from Senior Sister who’s title is Steel Skinned Goddess!” All the girls were shouting in their heart.

Feeling awkward from the silence, “If Brother Yi finds this unacceptable, then just your name is okay…” She said with a dejected tone.

“Of course it is acceptable. It is just a few words, but are you sure? This dress is yours, not mine, so if I write that, won’t people think that I own this dress?” He asks just to be sure.

“Ah… Then you do not have to worry because nobody will think about it in that meaning…”

“Okay then… If you really want it.” Tian Yi does what she asked without thinking too much about it, and he hands it back to her a few seconds later, “Here you go.”

The girl received the dress that read, ‘Owned by Tian Yi.’

“T-Thank you, Brother Yi!” She bows again before running back to her seat with a red face. Even this request was too much for her who was titled the Steel Skinned Goddess! She did not know where her bravery came from, but the moment she said it out loud, she could no longer go back and could only continue!

The girls watched with wide eyes, unwilling to believe that she actually got him to sign it like as she requested! Did he really find nothing wrong with that?!

“Damn, that could have been me! Why was I in such a hurry to be next?!” The girls that already went were all regretting their impulsiveness. If they had waited for a few more minutes, they could’ve had something precious like that too! However, there was no pill for regret, nor is there any pills that can turn back time!

“Next.” Tian Yi calls out the next one.

The girl who was next walked up to him, and bowed, “Greetings, Brother Yi. I would also like to request for the same contents as the last one shamelessly…” She said with a red face.

“You too?” Tian Yi asks with a puzzled voice. Why do they want him to own the dress? What’s the point of that?

“Yes.” She slowly nods her head.

“Okay, let me see your dress.”

“Here you go.” She hands him a pink dress that has this sweet fragrance to it, giving off a pleasant feeling to these who smelled it.

“Okay, here you go.” He gives the pink dress back to her after signing the same words as the last time.

“Thank you, Brother Yi!” She bows again before skipping back to her seat with a satisfied face.



He called out for the next one, only to have her ask the same request.

“Unbelievable! How can they call themselves innocent Goddesses when they’re acting this shameless?!” Yan Yan could not believe how they were acting. What’s the difference between these Goddesses and mindless fangirls who chase after talented Young Masters? There was none! She was expecting at least some level of decency from them, yet they’re acting like Mortals who’s seeing their idol for the first time! At one point, she even forgot that they were supposed to be Goddesses from the Higher Realm! If it weren’t for the fact that her Master did not mind it, and that they were Half-Gods, then she would’ve already pecked them a few times!

They continued to request for the same thing until there were only two girls left.

“The same thing?” He asks the petite girl in front of him.

This small girl with a ponytail shook her head, whipping her ponytail left and right; she said “Big Brother Yi, can you sign my hand instead? Just your name is fine.” She lifts her hand, revealing her smooth looking palm.

“Your hand? Sure, hold still.” He nods.

With a swift movement, he gently holds onto her hand and begins writing.


What was supposed to be an innocent movement had just frightened the soul of all the girls, forcing them to swallow back down their heart that was just an inch away from jumping out of their throat!



Unwilling to believe their eyes, they could only sit there and rub their eyes nonstop. They could only dream of touching his hand, yet one of their Sister currently has her hand held onto by him!

“….” The petite girl was currently speechless with her eyes popping out.

Even she did not expect this outcome! All she wanted was to have him sign her palm, a place where she can easily access and see without much movements! In other words, a convenient spot! Such a simply thought had turned into an unforgettable moment for her!

With her mind blank, all she could do was silently stare at the warm hand that was holding onto her wrist.

Closing her eyes, she wanted to feel every sensation she could possibly feel, from the temperature to the softness!

“Okay, it’s done.”

Tian Yi has already finished signing her palm, yet she still stood there frozen like a statue.

She wanted to engrave the feeling of his hand into her Soul!

After a good minute, she finally opens her eyes that were flickering like stars, “Thank you, Big Brother Yi, for this unforgettable experience! I will forever remember it, and I will even think about it every night before I go to sleep!” She bows to him deeply.

“Do not mind it…?” He said with a puzzled tone. What unforgettable experience? All he did was write two words on her palm!

“I will never wash this hand again!” She vowed to herself before walking back to her seat, afraid that cleaning it would somehow damage her memories to the feelings of his hand.

With wide eyes, all the girls sitting down watched her walk back to her seat with this prideful Aura to each of her steps, as if she has just achieved something great!

The moment she sat down, the girls around her whispered, “You little Devil, how did you think of such an ingenious plan? Why would you hide it and not share it with your fellow sisters?”

“What?! I did no such thing! Even I did not expect him to touch me with his hands!” She refuted.

“Aiya, it does not matter anymore, We can only blame ourselves for not being smart enough!” One of the girl sighs.

“Looks like we need to Cultivate our mind more. Junior Sister, make sure to teach all of us when we get back.”

“Uhhhh, sure…?”

“You are the last one, are you ready?” Tian Yi asks the girl who was sitting there with a calm face.

Since the beginning, she has been the only one to stay calm this whole time, even during the last big scene. She was also the one who took the lead when they first landed.

Being called, she stood up and gracefully walked to Tian Yi with no signs of being impatient, and bowed, “Greetings, Brother Yi. My name is Yu Yue, and I am from the Yu Family, ruler of the White Jade Kingdom, one of the ninety-nine Mortal World. First and foremost, I would like to apologize for my fellow sisters for their unruly behavior in front of his highness. They got too excited and forgot who was standing in front of them. Second, I would like to thank Brother Yi for his graciousness. Although it may not seem much to you, it means everything to us sisters.”


After being called out, the girls finally realized how unacceptable their behavior has been up to this point. Due to the relaxed and comforting atmosphere, they had forgotten that the one standing in front of them was the son of the Celestial Emperor! If they acted in such around their parents, they would have gotten their ass beat before they could even say a word!

Standing up, all the girls bowed, “We apologize to Brother Yi for our unruly behavior; please forgive us.”

None of them were willing to lift up their head until Tian Yi said so.

“Raise your heads; I do not mind it. If I had a problem with it, I would’ve already said so long ago. I do not want such a serious atmosphere around me, especially not when I’m away from home. I am just Tian Yi here, not the son of the Celestial Emperor. Continue acting like before.” Tian Yi said with a gentle smile on his face, instantly calming down the atmosphere again.

“Celestial Emperor? What’s that?” Meng Xiang asked herself.

“Brother Yi…” The girls teared up after hearing his words.

Before today, they’ve only heard stories about him. From his personality to his Character, they were told that he was strict and ambitious. However, now that they’ve met with the real deal, they find out that he is nothing like in the stories!

Strict? He is gentle as a feather, kind, and sociable! Even if his real looks were ordinary, they would still fight for him! They can only dream of such a high-quality young man, yet there is one right in front of them now. The only thing preventing them from jumping onto him was his background! If he were to be even an inch below them, they would’ve already gone to his house and dragged him away!

“Brother Yi is not only charming, but he is also understanding. We need to learn from him.” Yu Yue said to the girls.

“Yes, Senior Sister!” They girls replied.

“Aiya, what kind of show is this? Hurry up and get on with it…” Yan Yan thought. She wanted these girls to move on with their request and leave immediately!

“So what is your request?” Tian Yi asks Yu Yue.

“Brother Yi, remember the reason to why we sisters are even down here in the Mortal’s Realm? We have been trying to locate one of our fellow sisters, but it looks like she is hiding in some kind of formation, blocking our Divine Sense. Can you find her?”

She did not ask for anything shameless, which made the other girls surprised.

“Eh? Is she not asking for anything? But she is even more of a hardcore fan than us…”

“For her to not ask for anything, what kind of control does Senior Sister have…?” Questions were popping up in their head. They knew each other like the back of their hand, yet they could not understand her actions right now!

“Your friend huh? What Cultivation does she have?” Tian Yi asks.

“She’s also a Half-God in the Saint Realm.” Yu Yue replies.

“Okay, I will try to look for her. Give me a moment.” With that said, he closed his eyes.


An invisible ripple suddenly spreads across the entire Mortal’s Realm, sending chills down the spine of every living being it sweeps across.


Yun Xiuying was currently preaching to the Empyrean God Church followers, “So there was this one time where he—?!?!?!?!” She suddenly stopped and shivered.

She then looked around with a puzzled face, “Is it just my imagination?” She felt something or someone looking at her from a faraway place, yet she could not be sure because it was gone faster than the speed of light.

“Leader, is something wrong?” One of the girls asks with a concerned tone.

“Ah, it’s nothing. I was just imagining things.” She said and went back to preaching.


Opening his eyes, Tian Yi said, “I found her, come, let me show you the location.”

“Yes, Brother—?!?!?!?” Yu Yue could not finish her sentence due to Tian Yi’s unexpected action.

Out of nowhere, he gently held onto her head, and with his forehead touching hers, he sent images of Yun Xiuying’s location to her!


The girls all gasped, with some even falling off their chair!

“….” The calm-faced Yu Yue suddenly went stiff, and with her mind blank, she stands there like a stone statue! Never in her wildest imagination did she think that her request would lead to something like this!

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