NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 76: The Shocking Monsters' Ultimate Skill

The three kept attacking with a variety of skills, while the monster, and its four other friends, were now stunned on the ground, while they were being hit.

Bloom smiled, as he was now feeling great, very sure of his win, however what happened next startled him!

The moment a monster's Hp decreased more than fifty percent, the monster suddenly broke free from the stun effect, stood on its four legs, roared violently over them, before it started to run away!

This simple action gave Bloom a shock, as he completely forgot about the nature of these monsters!

"Screw it, a running for life ultimate move and an ultimatum skill! killing these monsters is really such a pain, tsk," he muttered, while shaking his head in a helpless way, "hey you two, come and support two others," he shouted at the two who were trying to give that monster a chase.

Bloom now realized how hard it was to deal alone with these monsters! Even in a group it would be difficult! The idea of the presence of such absolute effect, that could even stop his stun, was really annoying.


Another monster started to escape, shaking off its two attackers. "Don't chase it, go help the other two," he shouted, while he refrained from attacking since it would make everything worse.

The three remaining monsters were forming a triangle, and he just retreated to stand in the centre of that.

His skills now were ready to use again, and that made him able to stun them again. however, he had stunned them away from each other, so they wouldn't be easily grouping again when the effect of the skill weaned off.

And now this preparation of his proved to be in vain, and it was a hindrance over killing these monsters.



Suddenly two monsters broke free at the same moment! He was prepared, as he had to attack one, and let one go.


He used instantly a dash skill to stun one of them, moving with the skill towards the monster forcibly, hitting it with his sword, and driving it back, again leaving it stunned!

Just as he turned to glance at the other one, he found it running already so far for him to catch. "Sigh, only two monsters this time then," he muttered, before adding, "keep attacking it, and beware, he has an ultimate skill."

He then returned to the centre, while shouting at the four shadows who were about to give chase:

"Two of you return to fight that monster, while the other two go and attack that one," he pointed to the two monsters with his swords, while stopping a couple of meters away from the last monster.


Just as he reached there, the monster roared, and before it broke free, Bloom used his skill.


He hit that monster, stunning it for ten seconds, and he hurriedly used his skills non-stop, coupled with his shadows.

After ten seconds, the two monsters roared, breaking free from the stun. Just before he could react, the one next to him used its tail to hit him, sending him a couple of steps backward, while three thousand damage appeared on top of his head.

Bloom sighed, as the next moment this monster attacked the four shadows here without mercy! The first to attack after its tail was its long tentacles, which wrapped themselves around each shadow, then lifted them in the air like they were little dolls!

Bloom just was about to use his skill to stun this monster when the horn on its head shone brightly, emanating a small shock wave that hit him, sending him flying a couple of meters backwards.


The monster roared, like it was warning Bloom from interfering with its meal! Bloom didn't have a single damage from this attack, however he knew this wasn't a normal attack, but the ultimate skill!

"Like I will let you toy with my shadows," Bloom stood up, and just as he was about to use his dash skill, the system notification appeared, giving him a scare!

"System alert: Player is forbidden from using the automatic skill system for the rest of the fight. Either player retreated, or the player activated the skills himself."

He smiled a bitter smile when he read these words; this was such an annoying ultimate skill for him indeed! He knew the game would unlock the ability of the players to use their skills personally, making any skill having a huge spectrum of effect according to the completion rate, but that should be after level twenty! Not be done by a monster!

"Screw it, I will show you what it means to be a veteran swordsman then," he gritted his teeth, as he moved towards the monster which was now using the horn in the middle of his two heads to hit his trapped shadows directly, causing damage in thousands to them!

His shadows had half of his stats, making their Hp slightly less than eight thousands. The first wave of attacks caused roughly two thousand damage to each shadow, and as he was running towards here, another wave occurred.


He moved his sword, in the same way and manner his mind preserved about this skill, to receive a system notification right on his face.

"System alert: Poor skill execution, skill is activated with only fifty percent of its effect!"

"Poor execution my as*!!!"

The next moment his body was moved forward, heading directly towards that monster, hitting its huge body, interrupting what was its third wave of attacks.


The monster roared, and a hundred damage value appeared on top of its head, with five seconds stun only.

The next thing he did was to use his two swords and activated the stab skill in a row, trying to cut these annoying tentacles, freeing his shadows at last!

"System alert: intermediate skill execution, skill is activated with only seventy percent of its effect!"

"System alert: intermediate skill execution, skill is activated with only sixty five percent of its effect!"


Two figures started to appear on top of the monster, however the attack of him, and the attack of his shadows made the tentacles be loose, releasing the shadows from the clutches of this monster.

He turned to glance at the other six shadows, seeing them not doing any better than here. He sighed, as it seemed he would have to retreat if things got worse than that!

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