NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 75: First Fight Against Wilderness Monsters

As he was heading to these monsters, he checked his character profile, feeling much confident in the high numbers he found there, mostly caused by his new upgraded and acquired gears.

"Character profile:

Player name: Bloom.

Player faction: Weapon wielder faction.

Player class: Shadow bandit secret class.

Player level: 10.

Player XP: 12k/ 150k

Player Inventory: five percent full. View inventory for more details.

Player Wealth: 355 gold coins.

Player stats:

Vitality (Vit): 1711

Strength (Str): 1246

Intelligence (Int): 1

Resilience (Res): 804

Physique (Phs): 751

Charisma (Chr): 1

Wisdom (Wis): 1

Luck (Lu): 551

Inverted Luck (Inv. Lu): 5510

Health Points (HP): 17k

Attack points (Atp): 6k

Magic Points (Mp): 5

Stamina (Stm): 8040

Speed (Sp): 4020

Defense (Def): 3755

Control power (Cp): 5

Gaia power (Gp): 5

Will power (Wp): 2755"

"Wow, my stats really had a ground shaking change with these new gears," he muttered to himself with a shocked expression, while currently feeling much confidence in facing these monsters. "I could now use my doppelganger skill without any worry," he chuckled, as he now could summon his ten shadows without worrying about the Low Lu stat anymore!

The monsters he selected were the smallest in size, but they were really huge. Each monster's body was over five meters long, and two meters height, formed of a mixture of many other creatures, with body and legs of a giant wolf, while it had two tiger heads, a long strange tail moving with great flexibility, ending with flat wing-like end, a few projections like that of octopus tentacles, while it had one horn over each head.

Ferocious! What was also special about these monsters was their ability to stand on two legs like humans, moving around either on two or four. Bloom just glanced at the two frontal claws, which each had three long thick fingers with sharp needle-like extensions.

"Hmm, I think they will depend entirely on their swift movement, and these tentacles will be quite a problem," he muttered to himself as he was moving slowly and carefully towards them.

From the general appearance of these five monsters, he realized monsters here were much different than those he fought before at the starting point leveling area. Each monster had armor, arm guards, leg guards, and two helmets.

Some held swords, and some didn't. Bloom chose a direction where only one monster stood there, looking around it like it felt his presence.

"Busted… Stab, slice, stab, stab, stab, slice," Bloom didn't delay to attack first, while his barrage of old skills fell over the monster's big body.

His level was currently stagnant at level ten, while he had the Grode chest plate special effect, with three level difference added to his current level, making the difference in stats only for two levels.

However, the number rising from the monster head was really shocking!







Despite their high numbers considering his past record of damage, when considering this to his high Atp reaching six thousand points currently, there was a huge difference indeed!

"Never imagined these gears to be this effective, over two thousands defense alone, and Hp jumped from four thousands to over twenty! That's really hard!" he muttered as his body was moving on the side of the monster when he felt something coming to him from different directions at the same time!

Two tentacles moved to clash with him from the side, while the tail moved to attack him from behind; with these three he was cornered with the huge body of the monster, with nowhere else to go!

"Really?! Swift kick!"

He wasn't out of options, and his mind didn't freeze with this combined fierce retaliation of the monster, as he turned around himself at once, and gave that huge body a kick, sending it flying backwards for five meters, breaking the attack of that monster and freeing himself; temporarily of course!

"I got cornered, huh!" he muttered, as during his sudden swift exchange with that monster, the other four turned to surround him. this was new experience for him in this game, as these monsters seemed not to be dumb at the previous ones he fought before; a very great difference in intelligence indeed!

He didn't delay to turn towards one of them, selected randomly, when the four monsters started to move swiftly, as two stood on their two back legs, raising their long curved, with irregular edge, in front of them, while the other two used their four legs and jumped from the ground, moving fast towards Bloom!

"Oh, two tank and two DPS, interesting, shadow steps," he muttered while activating his escape skill, however he didn't use it to escape, but to evade. Four times his initial speed made his speed outrun theirs, and he simply moved, evading the incoming sharp claws, and the brutal jaws of the four heads of these two monsters, to turn around them, and finally starting his own counterattack!

"Stab, stab, slice, stab, stab, breaker piercer!"

He didn't delay to use his two swords in these two seconds to attack one of the two monsters in front of him, and lastly he used his defense skill, to meet the sword falling over his head, turned around, and dashed directly towards that monster, carrying it alongside him for three meters in the air!

"250-250-300-500-250- 300- -3500"

He took just now three thousand and five hundred damage from this single exchange. He wasn't surprised by that, as there was already a two level difference, plus these monsters had high leveled and seemingly upgraded gears!

Just as he was in the air with that monster, two shadows appeared suddenly on his side, startling him.

"Pretty persistent, huh? Cloud of fog skill!"

He had many movable skills right now, but his best skill to deal with this threat was this one. At once he changed the trajectory of his sword two times, each clashing with each monster's claws, sending them flying in the air three meters backward as side effects of his dash skill, with three times damage arising from the top of their heads.

"900- 900"

His skill was still in motion, however he didn't plan to proceed forward anymore, as he muttered:

"Swift kick…Breaker piercer!"

He turned around himself, dealing a kick to the monster he was flying with, sending him flying for five more meters away. Three were now in front of him, while two were now trying to hurry to attack him, one from each direction.

And he just linked this kick with his defensive skill, forcing his body to change route again, defending against the incoming sword from the second sword monster, before dashing directly into its body, making both Bloom and it to fly away from others for three meters.

"Stab, stab, stab, stab, slice, stab, stab, stab, stab, swift kick, dash!"

"300- 250- 500- 250- 300- 250- 250- 250- 250- 600"

He used his two swords to their utmost speed, stabbing and slicing the body of the monster flying with him, before finally kicking it for five more meters, then using the dash skill to hit the last monster without stun effect yet, the first one he attacked and kicked!

He was trying to stun everyone here, plus avoiding getting hit with their sneaky tentacles and tails! He really managed to scatter them off his shoulders, making each monster at least five meters away from each other, and around ten meters or more away from him.

Ten seconds of stunning effect was now controlling all of them, and he didn't delay to use his trump card at this precise moment!

"Shadow doppelganger festival skill!"

Finally his ten shadows appeared, each carrying two identical swords as him, with all the gears he was wearing, but all were in black!

"Nine minutes, I'm sure they can kill them in less than that!"

He was feeling overconfident right now! as he was dashing with the fifth monster by the skill effect, he was watching what his ten doppelganger was doing!

Two went to attack the same monster at the same time, while two moved hurriedly, running towards him. Those who arrived at their monsters started to use their swords to stab and move with the familiar effect of the slice skill.

"125- 125- 125- 125- 125- 150- 150- 125- 125- 125"

Four swords kept hacking the monster in many places, without any fear. Bloom was feeling pleased with their actions, and then he turned to face the monster in front of him, as the dash skill effect was about to stop.

"Hawk skill, stab, stab, stab, stab, slice, stab, swift kick, sky piercer."

A long row of skills started to fall over this stunned monster. The first was the hawk skill, as it enabled Bloom to jump two times in a row, changing his sword trajectory, while the other sword started to hack the monster without pause! As he just stopped jumping, he used slice to move around the huge body of the monster, kicked it more to the back, before dashing towards it with a jump in the air for three meters, creating more momentum towards his attack!

And his two shadows appeared and joined the fun!

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