Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 324: Interitus And Cleobis (VII)

Samira vent her head down faster than anyone could possibly follow and happily ripped out the throat of the dark elf queen. As if to highlight how much of a gory scene it was, blood sprayed into the air as the dark elf queen gurgled and choked on her own blood. Samira had a rather nasty grin on her face as she threw her head backwards and laughed before her form was wrapped in shadows and she turned back into a cloud of bats that goes right back to where Gynaika and the rest of Daughters of docile were waiting. The dark elves were yelling out in shock and pain at the sudden turn of events, but to Gynaika's cold gaze, it was akin to the house made by a groups of ignorant children.

"Was it necessary for you to make it so gory Samira, you should have been a bit civilized about it, plus is there a reason why you left the Dark elf queen alive. That's sloppy work, killing her immediately would have been better, while leave her gravely injured and slowly dying. You know she would be saved by their healers, and that would completely offset the action you just took right now, pray tell what was the use?" Gynaika asked as the dark elves rushed towards them yelling out in rage and anger.

"I easily went into their bloody camp and ripped their Queen's throat open, and then flew right back without so much as a scratch on me. A statement has been made, right now they're probably attacking out of a misplaced sense of anger at me attacking their leader, but right now said leader would probably be extremely scared, which would make it extremely easy to subdue them later. I'll kill her if I have too Your highness, but right now let her stew in her own helplessness and fear, and let her watch how a real queen slaughters her enemies." Samira said to Gynaika with a smile.

"You expect me to head out to battle?" Gynaika asked Samira with a raised eyebrow.

"Well think it's about time the Biancans see their queen in their own element, it would help with morale and would most definitely help and improve your chances with the people who look up to you. They say you're the weak Queen, good to them, but completely incapable of protecting them from their enemies, that the butcher of Morte Bianca is a perfect example of what a Biancans queen should be, this would be a very good chance to prove them wrong, let this be your own battlefield."

Gynaika was not stupid, manipulation and political maneuverings were her thing, and she knew Samira was goading her I to this, but why was something she wasn't so sure of. Samira did not have a stake in the battle for who was going to be the most valuable queen to the Biancans. They couldn't choose their king or the choose to love, respect or fear him. He was all that they had to look up to. But with two queens the matter of who was better would definitely arise, a d while she and Lenore were on equal pages now, Gynaika was able to make that concession because she believed all Lenore care about was the battlefield and not the politics of the royal court.

And that was a good thing, but truly the people can make or unmake a Queen. She might be immortal and would Probably outlive Lenore, but she didn't want to have her reign be one where she struggled for spotlight with the Butcher of Morte Bianca. The bitch was dangerous in the fact that she was loved for doing nothing more than winning wars. She was the one on the street doing the work and making sure the kingdom was thriving and growing in the right way, yet the preferred a woman who would spent her days covered in the blood, guts and filth of her enemies. Be that admit may, Gynaika was more than ready to show them that she too could be just as dangerous on the battlefield if not more so. Whatever Samira was after Gynaika did not have the foggiest clue, however she succeeded in goading her into this battle, and she would make sure that it was sight she would never forget for a very long time coming.

Gynaika stretched out a dainty light brown skinned arm, grabbing the head of a dark elf that had gotten close to them. Before dark elf could slice down with the dual elven sabers she held in both her hands, Gynaika squeezed her hand, splitting her head into piece like an overripe melon. She pulled her arm back, and as she stayed it back, all of the blood of the dark elf followed her, moving with her arm in a flourish like she was some sort of dancer. She pirouetted; the blood drawing a spiral around her body like a ribbon before she flicked her arm in the direction of the approaching elves.

[BLOOD MASTERY(Solidification)]

She was subdued in the skills that she had masters choosing to keep many of them to herself. And while as a vampire she was well known for her mastery over the Compulsion skill, she was also quite achieved in the hood mastery passive, even evolving it last it's fifth level to develop and auxiliary effect for it. She could solidify the blood she controls and could make them very hard depending on the quality of blood and the amount of energy she purse into the Solidification.

All of the blood spilt into hundreds of millions of droplets, with a single command, those droplets surgery forward like the bullets of a machine gun. Rapidly poking holes into the bodies of hundreds of elves, killing them all as they fell to the ground like puppets that had their strings cut. As they fell, dead, with Gynaika completely loosing track of the fact that she wanted to have most of them turned into vampires, their blood floated up out of their body and gathered into a massive orb over the battlefield. Samira took a deep breath at that, this was a move that was Synonymous with Rezar, and seeing it again made her feel apprehensive; feeling as if she might have gone a little too far in goading the queen in waiting.

Gynaika rushed forwards, slamming her palms on the ground as she flew across the battlefield her body nothing more than a hour. At every location where she slammed her palm down massive pillars shot out of the ground with the carvings of faces, belonging to monsters and people, all a varsity of races. Al of a sudden she seemed to grow faster and grow stronger, while the dark elves within the circle of control of those pillars seemed to be getting slower, some of them even seemed to have lost their minds as they turned on each other, screaming, fighting and clawing at each other in abject horror.

[Summon Totem: Mire Of Sorrow]

[Summon Totem: Shade Of Horrors]

[Summon Totem: Iron Blessings]

Samira had totally forgotten that the Queen in waiting was a member of the wild tribe race, or rather it would be better to say she used to be of the wild tribe race. The base of her skills all came from shamanic and totemic arts of the wild tribe race, it's why her divination always seem like rituals, it was due to the base of what she had learnt, hand honestly that side her extremely dangerous.

From what could be seen not her totem poles, it seems that they were more like buffs. And giving how wide s that's they seem to cover, it was entirely possible that the buffs could spread to an entire army. It would positively affect and buff her allies on the battlefield. She was dangerous and while Samira had her own goals in trying to manipulate Gynaika and get her to act on this battlefield, she was left rethinking her method of approach. She wanted the king, and to get to the king she has to go through the Noble Queen in waiting or the Butcher of Morte Bianca.

She would rather go after Gynaika, she was just like heron the sense that their devotion to Rezar was also a result of them being turned by him. They were sired to the king. But Lenore loved him, and this was something that was genuinely born within her heart. Meaning she was more than happy with the attention she got from him, just being a buffer to Gynaika and serving was enough to make the demoness happy. She didn't have as mu h devotion to Rezar as Samira and Gynaika that they would do whatever they like to be closer to him and not at all willing to have anyone share his attention with them. She was not a vampire, which mea t she didn't have the greed and lust for power that came with that for blood. Samira wanted to be Queen, and to do so, she has to bring Gynaika De la Muerte down.

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