Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 323: Dark Elves (VI): The Dark Side Of Queens

Gynaika stood bloody and exhausted as blood dripped from the crown of her head to the sole of her feet, Samira stood beside her; afraid. She was just as scared of the queen in waiting as the thousands of dark elves that were now on their knees, their queen included looking at the monster of a woman that was standing in front of them with a stoic visage. Samira had on multiple occasions seen Rezar visit death and destruction and darkness upon the lives of many people, but this! This was something else entirely.

A lot of people had wondered why Rezar and how Gynaika was able to have herself stay by his side, even to the point of becoming his queen. They only knew her for her beauty and her pretty words and pretentious attitude when it comes to the way she dealt with the citizens of morte Bianca. But those with an eye knew politics when they saw it, and they knew how to not get sucked into such elaborate lies as the ones she was spewing to the world around her. and then her divination came into question and everyone believed that she was valued because of her ability to see and expose the secrets and happenings of the world.

But now she understood, she was his monster. It wasn't Lenore that was the true Butcher of Morte Bianca, it was this incredibly heartless vampire of woman. Lenore killed with a coldness that belied her duty and responsibility. She could derive a bit of fun from bringing her enemies down, but that was the satisfaction that came from a hard fought battle. Samira knew Lenore, she knew in one way or the other her position as First General of Morte Bianca was taking a toll on her, yet she has still tried her best to see it all to the end. But that was just Lenore, Samira guessed that the demoness had a conscience and a softer heart than she let on.

But Gynaika; the one with the bright smiles and heaven destroying beauty loved it. She enjoyed the kill. The hunt was a fun game to her and the insides of a living being fascinated her. There were dozens of dead Arachne, and they had been stripped down to their barest bones and flesh. She had drunk and bathed in their blood and danced with their guts around her neck while she beat others to death with limbs harvested from still breathing dark elves. This entire thing was like a fun surgery for her, she had taken an eye from the queen and had promptly forced the matriarch of the dark elf race to eat her own eyeball.

Gynaika had shaken everyone present here today, and in more way than one. She was a monster, and no matter how greedy Samira was for a position at Rezar's side, Gynaika was the last person she should cross for it. If she knew she would have just gone after Len ore instead, at least she had a bit of humanity left in her. One that Samira would have been able to exploit, and she would have at least gotten somewhere with a limited amount of success if not a fully sweep. But now she was now in the cross hairs of Gynaika making it too late for regrets.

All of these gory displays had been because she provoked the Diviner, and Gynaika made sure she didn't everything in the full view of Samira, to let her know just how much of a danger she was and could possibly be to her. And unfortunately of the dark elves, they were the scape goats Gynaika had chosen to make that point to Samira, and there was no turning back from that.

"I told you all to surrender willingly all the consequences would be one you would not be able to carry, but you proved stubborn and wanted to challenge the power of the Illustrious Morte Bianca, and in the end it only took a single vampire to bring your army of thousands down to its knees. So let this be a lesson to you, and as you are reborn in the bloodline of the great Rezar Deathwind that flows through my veins, be every grateful and rejoice for it is by his rule of mercy that you all live. Let the un fortunate end of this dark elf race be a warning to any that would want to stand against the Royalty of Morte Bianca, we are not to be trifled with.!" As Gynaika finished her speech she turned away, but before she moved she whispered into Samira's ears.

"Am I Clear…. Night Mother?" Samira gritted her teeth as she answered back with unwillingness on her face.

"Yes your highness!" Gynaika smiled at her and then walked way, her supremacy proven to all, and they would not be forgetting it anytime soon.


Lenore heaved a sigh of relief as the watch towers of Necron city showed up in front of them. the city was alive and abuzz with activity, it was beautiful and with each day that passes it was looking even better. It was a city of steel, magic and technology, but apart from that it was also a city of nature. Of a perfection so sublime not man y would ever be able to understand it's ambience. Her heart was heavy, she felt as if she was losing her way, and for the first time in a long time, she felt the urge to pray or at least ask a higher power for answers.

"Mina please if you don't mind, call for a car; I would like to visit the temple of death today." Mina and Kari looked up at her in surprise. One of the reasons why they all got along so well was the fact that neither one of them was religious, so hearing her say something like that caught all of them off guard.

"Why would you want to go there your highness? That's totally unexpected." Kari said to her as moved her head to the side with a puzzled look on her face.

"It is being it... well you all don't have to worry about anything; I've not lost my mind or anything like that, I just need to run a few errands there." That was the perfect excuse, it was well known that Priest was the cleric in charge of the Temple of death, and until he returned from gods know where he went, the temple has been nothing more than a decorative building. With his return there were now summons and services, blessings and healings and bunch of other things priests were responsible for.

They couldn't say anything but do as she asked. 30 minute later Lenore was in a jeep driving through the city, with her destination being the temple of death. From the airbase to the temple was a good one-hour journey, accounting for traffic and stops. Necron city was massive, with dozens of districts and sectors. Their numbers were in the millions and it was growing by the day, and this was just in the city, the total sum of citizens within Morte Bianca was now almost 50 million. And a good number of them were in the military or currently undergoing military training.

Everything in this bright city worked well, people had come together to work for a common goal. And it didn't matter how they came here, whether it was through one if Rezar's conquest or they were refugees; the moment they step foot into this city, the need to belong, to be among those who have made a life here was too strong to ignore. Necron city was built by choice, and not on the back of tyranny or slavery, but by people choosing to work together for a cause that was just; and it was her job to keep them all safe.

She stepped out of the car as soon it went past the second checkpoint on the land bridge that connected Death island with Necron city's beaches. There was a massive statue of a hooded woman holding a scale in one hand and a sickle in the other, and behind her a pair of bony wings could be seen. However, she was beautiful, her visage was unlike any other and her tresses seemed to spill out of the hood. Lenore had the feeling that if she ever saw her in the flesh, she would be just as beautiful if not more but-

"But what First General Lenore of Necron city and soon to be queen of my son." The sound of a rapier being drawn was heard as Lenore drew her weapon and thunder clouds began to quickly gather above her head.

"Please put the weapon away I'm not going to bite, and it's extremely rude since I can literally feel both soul crying out for help. So tell me Butcher, what do you want?" Lenore ignored the fact that the woman in the statue was now in front of her, all she could focus on was the fear and the all-encompassing feeling of power in front of her. She felt small, insignificant and it took almost all of her strength to say what brought her here.

"p-please help me! I-I think I've lost my way."

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