Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 49: Dying as a Nameless Casualty

- 4 Days Later-

-POV CHANGE ???- 3rd person POV-

In the camp of Cloud ninja a young man who is short for his age, with rather tanned skin and an athletic physique. He possesses ruffled burgundy hair that casts notably dark shadows on itself, combed back to expose his forehead, and wide, dark eyes with white pupils that appear dark pink around the lower section of their irises. 

His name was Ken, a Chunin of Cloud Village, he was born and raised in the slums of Akuzaya which is a city in the Land of Lightning, he had a sickly mother he deeply loved. In order to pay for medicine, Ken pickpocketed from people in town, but was caught three times. The guards beat him and marked him with tattoos, threatening to cut his arms off the next time he was caught and calling him a "demon child". When Ken returned home after his third beating, a villager informed him that his mother, having heard of his arrest, hung herself. In the letter she left, she stated she wanted Ken to live a full life and didn't want her to be a burden to him. She also said that she didn't want to take medicine if it was earned by dishonest means.

The beatings didn't hurt him but the death of his mother did. He felt that she wasn't a burden after all... she was his mother... at her death he was devastated and lost... he didn't know where to go and what to do.

With his criminal tattoos and no home to return to, Ken was eventually banished from Akuzaya....

Devastated by the loss of his mother and enraged at this society they lived in where he couldn't afford his mother's medicine, he picked fights with people and beat them up. One day, after nearly killing 10 adult men in a village, he was approached by Han... Han is a ninja from the Village Hidden in the Clouds he is a black haired and brown eyed older man with a muscular body and unshaven stubble and a very cheerful personality... He is also a jounin from Cloud Village and a Clan head of the small clan which consisted of him and his daughter.

Annoyed by the man's cheerful demeanor, Ken challenged him to a fight, but was defeated with ease...

Han took him in so he could nurse Izuno, Han's sickly daughter. Her mother, her previous caretaker, drowned herself due to stress and Han had to do a lot of missions to keep them afloat and pay for Izuno's medicine, so Ken was tasked with tending to her...

Already accustomed to tending to his mother, he had little trouble tending to her, though he found it awkward whenever she burst into tears. One of those times, unbeknownst to him, he had indirectly motivated her by telling her that "there will be a next year" to see the Lightning Festival which celebrates the 1st defeat of the Octopus Bull Demon.

Han also started training Ken to be a ninja.

Three years later, Izuno was in good health and could stand and do chores. Ken continued training with Han to become a ninja. One day, Han offered Ken to take over the small clan—and take Izuno as his bride, to Ken's surprise and embarrassment. He agreed, silently vowing to protect both of them, even at the cost of his own life.

At the Lightning festival, Izuno told him of her past, asking if he was really okay with the proposal, to which he reaffirmed his vows to her, promising to protect her for the rest of his life.

He went and prayed to the grave of his mother before going to war and told her of his latest experiences... at the age of 17 he was a chunin almost a jonnin in about a year he should be able to become one... he still remembers the ambush that happened against the Konoha ninja... that was really just a coincidence they were supposed to deliver a message to the Mizukage that was their mission... but they already stealthy send 2 chunin and 1 jounin to deliver the message while they distracted the Konoha ninja... at least if the Konoha ninja were planning to attack us and they haven't returned to Konoha yet.

He went to war together with Han, who is now his father in law. He is actually one of the jounin. At that time Han came towards Ken and smiled and said casually.

"Hey Ken, how you doing."

He then immediately goes alert, that greeting was a code that was made in case we are surrounded and not to let lip readers notice. We then start getting ready casually with no sudden movements. Then all of a sudden we are surrounded we all go to fight our enemies and as we are fighting them Ken notices that someone killed one of them and it was a shadow clone then all of a sudden an explosion happens and that is the last thing he saw before he only saw darkness and DIED.

{And that is how one of the countless victims of the 2nd ninja war died... an easily and forgettable death... some time later when Izuno got the news that her

father and the love of her life died she committed suicide... and Yami never knew who Ken was and what happened... even if he did he wouldn't really care}

-MC POV- (some seconds earlier)

I look at the camp with binoculars and see that one of the clones got 'killed' then I do a half tiger seal and say.


A huge explosion happens and I signal the Root ninja... we had all used shadow clones and filled them up with explosive tags under their clothes. We then went and took care of the survivors... there were 17 survivors we tortured some of them and got information out of it and once we got what their mission was and I immediately start a retreat we don't even clean the site. After all we could be surrounded by Mist ninja at any moment.


- 3 Days Later -

We returned to konoha we only saw some Mist patrol teams and we killed them all and we arrived at Konoha safely....

I just smile and think.... I wonder what has changed since I was gone... did my bounty change... did I become some kind of war hero....

Ahhhhh The Plan Goes On

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