Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 48: Chain Jail

As I open the scroll I read the technique and think...

The techniques name is Chain Jail..

It is an inferior variation of the Adamantine Sealing Chain that the Uzumaki use. It was made for those Uzumaki without the talent to be able to produce the Adamantine Chains, which would be able to hold the 9 tails for a very long period of time. Kushina wasn't able to hold the 9 tails down for as long as she would have been able to if she was in top condition during the 9 tails attack.

But still this technique could hold down the 6 tails for a long period of time and 7 tails for some time. How the technique works is that you write the specific seal in a part of your body and the seal will generate a sealing chain made out of your chakra.

The max that can be inscribed in the body is 4 seals so that means 4 chains can be made at max. The chakra requirement is extreme for the average ninja to make even 1 chain... I should be able to generate 3 chains at max with my natural chakra amount.

But I probably will only generate 1 chain to fight efficiently. I could generate all the 4 chains with the chakra in my seal, but if I am not fighting a Tailed Beast then 1 chain would be more efficient. I then put the technique scroll in a storage scroll, I will learn this when I return to Konoha and have more time. I really hit the gold mine this time. Iwas lucky... I am not usually this lucky... I guess there is rest for the wicked.

I return to my camp and I rest a little and then we become ready to depart again.


- 1 Day later-

We are now at the land of waves. We destroyed the boat before arriving on the harbor and stealthily walked on water towards a desolate part of the shore. As soon as we arrive in the shore... a lot of projectiles are thrown at us I immediately use

[Earth Style: Earth Wall] and put extra chakra into it still we still lost some people around 50 Root chunin and almost all the genin I think only Duy survived we have a lot of injured ninja. We were ambushed and had a catastrophic loss... WE NEED TO RETREAT.

Then I notice the chakra signatures that were hidden before.

So they used a technique that hides their chakra signatures and attacked us...

I sense 10 jounin and 84 chunin.... I have around 70 chunin and a couple of genin under my command...

Then 5 of the enemy Jounin clap their hand and use [Lightning illusion: Flash Pillar] I see that and I immediately start violently running chakra through my body from the seal and as I do so I see the 5 other jounin use [Gale Style: Laser Circus] towards us and I use use

[Earth Style: Mud Wall] a gigantic wall of earth appears and stops the attacks... that took a lot of chakra. Then the Root ninja get out of the genjutsu... so I just tell them with hand sings my plan.

They get atop the wall and we all use.

[Fire Style: Flame Thrower] and as we are doing that I cut of my fire ninjustu and use [Wind Style: Great Breakthrough] to power our fire style and a great tsunami of flames appears going towards the enemy.

They used water wall but it wasn't able to handle our jutsu completely.

51 enemy chakra signatures disappear. They let their guard down for a moment... they seem like they are fighting in unnatural territory... they probably aren't Mist ninja even though they have Mist Village headbands... some of them seem kind of tan... if they were Mist ninja they would have used more Water Walls together to defend against our jutsu...

I think they are Cloud ninja after all they even use Lightning techniques, what they are doing here I don't know but I will think about that later.

The Root ninja retreat and take the injured with them.

I thet signal my ninja and we all disperse in different directions while I leave a couple of shadow clones to distract them.


-1 hour and 30 minutes later-

We have all regrouped in a specified location. It was in a cave under a small bridge. We retreated because even though we took them by surprise with our fire technique we were still at a disadvantage thay had 10 jounin and we only have me. If we fought the battle we would have had a 30% chance of winning ... and I don't like odds like that.

I look at our survivors there are only 82 Root chunin with 13 of them injured and 7 of them critically injured. I am treating them right now and by tomorrow all of them should be able to fight again... I am not Tsunade's student for nothing you know... actually even Tsunade would need about a week to completely heal the critically injured ones... I used their lifespans to make them heal faster that is why they are able to get better so fast. 4 genin survived only Duy was not really injured only some scratched which I checked and they weren't poisoned.

Three of the genin were injured and 2 of them heavily injured. I also healed them... This mission won't be a 100% perfect completion like I thought it was going to be... I need to think of a plan and take the Cloud ninja all out in a fellow swoop. It won't be as easy as with the Sky ninja, after all the Cloud ninja are more alert and experienced than them. Hmmmmm.....

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