Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 726 - source

After more than half a month of digging, Ryan finally found the secret place where the legendary Camello could invalidate the wizard’s magic. Probably because of the long time of abrasion, the large amount of defensive magic that should have existed is now very few. So Ryan easily opened a stone slab and found the way to the ground.

This underground passage was directly cut into the rock, but magic may have been used in the construction process, and the walls and the ceiling of the cave looked unexpectedly smooth. There is an alcove at every distance on the wall of the cave, which should be used to place candles or oil lamps in the past.

For safety reasons, Ryan and Hermione did not use any lighting facilities. But simply rely on the ability of night vision to walk down the stone steps all the way. The steps are narrow and long, and it seems as if you can’t see the end. After walking for nearly 20 minutes, the two talents found that the steps under their feet had disappeared, and a not-so-large cave appeared in front of them.

The top of the cave grows a lot of fungi like sponges. These fungi emit azure blue cold light to outline the things in the cave, and also make the top of the cave look like the night sky.

“It’s a magical scenery. I didn’t expect such a wonderful life in this dull cave.” Hermione raised her head and looked at the shining blue fungus. Then she looked down at the cave. A stone platform in the center. “I can feel that what we are looking for is on that stone platform, because I can feel as if something is calling me.”

“Do you feel this way too? When I walked in before, I felt that the stone platform was a bit wrong.” On the one hand, Ryan could clearly feel some weak magic fluctuations on the stone platform, and on the other hand, the stone platform It is also the only man-made structure in this space. Normally, all important things will be placed in that place.

Carefully inspected the surrounding environment, and summoned the Virgin Rose to release several magic traps that were checked out. It has to be said that the masters of magic that created an era did appear thousands of years ago, and they also possess many powerful magics. Even today many important or commonly used magic. The earliest origins come from that era.

But after thousands of years of development in the magic world, many complicated magics that were regarded as top-level inheritance have now become common things. Therefore, Ryan easily lifted the powerful defense magic around the stone platform, and then the two walked to the edge of the stone platform together.

This stone platform is a square double-layer stone platform, not very tall. The appearance looks like an altar in the church. The brightly colored reliefs stained by various pigments on the stone platform make the whole stone platform vivid and lively, and also bring a life to this dead underground space.

“This is the legendary story of King Arthur,” looking at the continuous pictures on the reliefs, Ryan quickly recognized what kind of stories these reliefs narrate, “From birth to Merlin’s teaching, he pulled up the sword in the stone and established the round table. The Knights will fight for a lifetime, and finally King Arthur, who was seriously injured after the battle of the sword fence, goes to Avalon. Here is the life of King Arthur. “

“That is to say, the last renovation of this place should be after King Arthur disappeared in Avalon, that is, when King Arthur’s kingdom began to fall apart.” Hermione reacted at once, “If this is the case, they need to use A lot of complex magic to protect things should be something very important but can not be moved. “

“Your conjecture makes sense.” Ryan said, pulling out his wand and gently tapping the props held in the hands of some sculptures on the stone platform in a special order. At this time, Hermione noticed these embossed hands. The various weapons held in it are actually made of wood or metal, and they are completely small scale models of real weapons.

After the tapping, Ryan stepped back and looked at Shitai. After a clicking sound, Shitai slowly sank. After the stone platform completely disappeared from the ground, a Roman-style stone column slowly rose from the ground, and a basketball-sized gray stone ball embedded with gold wire was placed on top of the stone column.

“A very strong breath of death.” After the stone ball appeared, Hermione felt a suffocating breath of death swept away from the stone ball all around.

“This is a grievance.” Ryan thought of pulling a yellow rune paper out of his arms and throwing it out. As a result, the rune of the rune paper just broke away from Ryan’s hand and then burned with a slam. Paper dust fluttering in the air.

“No problem, this is it.” Looking at the paper dust, Ryan determined the specific situation here. “The whole castle is a magic circle, and the builders used these resentful spirits in conjunction with the magic of moonlight to build a powerful magic circle specifically for magicians in this place.”

“This method of using the soul of death is too rough, and it seriously violates the laws of nature.” For Hermione who believes in the theory of life cycle, the current method of forcibly binding the undead to prevent them from obtaining tranquility is that she cannot Accepted.

After all, destroying the soul like Ryan’s previous production of Our Lady of Roses is also a means of bringing the soul back to circulation, and now this completely restraint of the soul completely prevents the soul from entering the circulation.

“So I think we need to free these undead for thousands of years now.” Ryan said to Hermione after carefully examining the stone ball. “It’s best if you do this, it can help you understand the power of death.” “

“No problem.” Hermione said that she took the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra from the space bag. Although the two books have been taken out by the gods, their own divine power, but its own precious materials make it pass through several After a thousand years of divine power, it is still a very useful cast item.

After preparing all the necessities for casting spells, Hermione looked at Ryan who took a step back and asked. “If I let these resentful souls be quiet now, then the magic circle here now will disappear. Then–“

Before she finished, Ryan waved her hand to signal Hermione not to worry. “Relax, in the exploration of a while ago, I have written down the magical structures in the castle, and after I came in, I also mastered the core technology of the entire magic circle.”

“Seriously, the principle of this magic circle is not very complicated. I have basically understood the principle of this magic in my inspection just now. After going back, we can add a new weapon to the floating city. And and Compared to this ancient magic array that must rely on the magic of moonlight, I think my new design should be better than this ~ ~ Of course, I will not use the soul of the dead as the core. In the end, Ryan concluded, “That is a very rough method. For the floating city, as long as the tower spirit is used as the main guide core, and then the flying stone crystal is used as energy, then the magic can be launched at any time to form a prohibited use around The magic area is just like Camelot. “

“That would be great,” Hermione nodded happily and stood up to start singing the spell. Ancient Latin mantras sang like an old ballad. With the chanting, two magic books also began to shine, and at the same time one or two cracks began to appear on the stone ball. Through these cracks, Ryan could see some white light revealing from the cracks.

Finally, half an hour after the spell was recited, the shell formed by the first stone peeled off the stone ball like an eggshell, and through the gap left after the stone shell fell, Ryan found hiding in this stone Inside the ball is a light ball. On the surface of the light sphere, one painful face after another protruded and returned flat, revealing a strange taste.

The fall of the first stone shell was like a signal, and soon the stone shells in the rest of the area fell one after another, and only a white light ball remained in the air.

“Now it’s time for the next step.” Hermione made a gesture on the chest while watching the white light ball. With her gestures, the two magic books that were originally placed on the ground automatically opened and floated into the air. In a flash, two colors of gold and black emerged from the pages of the two books, leaving the entire cave. Shrouded in the light of these two colors.

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