Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 725 - Excavation

After the annihilation of the werewolves, Lane spent half a month in this forested open space to study this magical ruin. Through the excavation of a large number of puppets, an ancient and large-scale ancient city appeared in front of everyone.

During the time they dig, the outside world has also changed a lot. When the alchemist dolls sent the rescued hostages back to Hogsmead Town Hospital and their own manor, they also brought the latest information outside to them.

Voldemort’s previous harassment of Hogwarts was indeed to contain Dumbledore, but to Ryan’s surprise, besides his ambush and Dumbledore’s containment, Voldemort concentrated all he could control The Death Eaters raided Azkaban Castle and almost succeeded.

Fortunately, under Moody ’s command, the Azkaban guards suffered little loss. And the group of Death Eaters rushed from the top of the castle into the prison cell of the top prisoner of the castle and triggered the magic circle that Ryan had set up.

The Magic Array exploded after it sensed that a large number of unauthorized personnel had entered and exploded. At that time, everyone covered in this area ate a strong soul shock. According to the letter from Sirius, who was brought back by the alchemy puppet in Azkabankaban, 80% of the prisoners in custody died on the spot, and three Death Eaters did not respond because they were too close. Come and die together.

At the same time, the people who survived were seriously injured by the soul. This also forced them to evacuate from Azkaban Castle with all the living people and a part of the corpse while occupying an absolute advantage.

In short, this Voldemort’s operation was once again a failure, and the loss was not bad. At least the werewolf annihilation of the whole army was an irreparable loss to Voldemort, especially when it was dawn the next day after the attack, Ryan found Fenrir Greber in a large number of bombed and fragmented bodies. The backbone of almost all evil werewolves.

The biggest influence that the werewolf’s almost army annihilation brought to Voldemort is that he can no longer threaten others by using the werewolf’s effective terrorist means, which also makes Voldemort’s control of the ruling area greatly reduced. For example, Lupin ’s letter brought back by the puppet stated that there have been many more wizards who have fled to the north recently than before.

Of course, in addition to telling Ryan the information in Lupin ’s letter, he also expressed his gratitude in a large paragraph at the end. Because he was bitten by Fenrir Greyback before he experienced a painful first half of his life, and now they successfully killed Greyback in the battle. This incident also made Lupin feel a bit worried. .

In addition to letters from Sirius and Lupin, they also received letters from other people during this time of digging in the jungle. For example, greeting letters from Harry, Percy, Neville, Weasley twins and even Luna. These letters also bring a lot of fun to the boring excavation work, and reading these letters under the tent lights and to friends Replying to letters has become a rare entertainment activity for them during this time.

After half a month of digging time, the outline of a city in the jungle was sorted out. According to the archeological map drawn, they found that the city was large enough to accommodate 10,000 people living together. If you consider that the city was more than 1,000 years ago, it can be shown that the city was almost a miracle in Britain at that time.

“Accurately speaking, it is an architectural relic from more than 1400 to more than 1500 years ago.” After using a combination of science and magic to detect a large number of building components and even a part of the excavated utensils, Hermione roughly inferred the site. There is time.

“I think I can be sure what’s going on in this place.” Ryan had just cleaned a red pottery bowl with only the bottom half left. From the rest, the pottery bowl was smooth and hard, and the color was well-proportioned. It is used by nobles. After turning over the bowl, there was a nick on the bottom of the bowl with a word in Latin: Camelot.

“Cammelo, King Arthur’s capital?” Hermione, who had read many books, was immediately excited after hearing the word Ryan’s performance, “I always thought it was just a legend.”

“How could it be a legend?” Ryan showed the bowl to Hermione. “Do n’t forget that Merlin really exists in the history recorded by the wizards, and the Merlin Knight Medal was originally to commemorate the wizards who helped ordinary people like Merlin, which specifically explained that King Arthur did exist in that era.”

“And it also gave us a direction for the next investigation.” Ryan said, pulling a book out of the space bag, and turning to a certain page, he pointed to Hermione word by word: ” ——Because King Arthur ’s father King Yousel had carried out the massacre of wizards in the country, Camelot is a holy city that is not tolerated by evil magic. “

“In other words, the magical power of this land is related to the wizards who died here a thousand years ago.” After listening to Ryan’s studies, Hermione raised her eyebrows and said. “After all, legends cannot be fabricated out of thin air.”

“Yes, all kinds of legends always leave a shadow of facts.” Ryan closed the book and nodded. “And if it is related to the soul, the power of death you have can play a big role in this situation.”

Sure enough, in the next targeted search, they easily ruled out a lot of places that didn’t make much sense. Finally, the focus of the search was placed on the previous open space.

Now the soil and lawn used by the Death Eaters to disguise the entire open space have been removed by the alchemy puppets, and the rest is a ruined wall that was hidden under the ground. Because of the severe damage caused by various natural and human factors in the long time, the highest part of the remaining part of this site is only as high as one and a half people. But the rest of the exquisite reliefs that occasionally remain and the paint that remains in the corners of the reliefs all show the magnificence before this castle.

“Unfortunately, all the findings in this place can’t tell ordinary people.” Hermione sighed after the whole was cleared. “Otherwise, just the name of Camelot is enough to make the whole world sensational.”

Said that she used her wand to gently wipe off the dust on a piece of earth-colored marble plaque buried under the wall ~ ~ there appeared a scene depicting a knight riding a horse and fighting a dragon. “This is marble from Syria, which was considered the best marble in the Roman era. Its appearance here shows that international trade more than 1,000 years ago was much more prosperous than people now know.”

“Because outside researchers ignore wizards and magic.” Ryan said looking at the marble slab. “Do n’t forget that a wizard can easily bring dozens of tons of marble across the Mediterranean Sea to Britain in three days, and if someone who ca n’t do magic is allowed to do it, it takes at least 30 people plus a month to complete this feat. time.”

“You are right.” Ryan nodded. “And even with the help of wizards, these top marbles from other countries are very precious. So I can be sure that we have dug into the core area of ​​the castle now.”

After finished speaking, Ryan held Hermione’s hand and summoned Our Lady of Roses. Soon with the magical cooperation of the two people, a pink ray of light wrapped in a red mist spread around them in all directions.

“Found it.” The two opened their eyes at the same time and said in unison. At this time, at a distance of five or six meters in front of them, a three-meter-diameter square began to permeate a trace of gray mist.

“It seems that this is what we are looking for.” Ryan and they walked over, then bent down and looked at this slate floor that was no different from the surrounding. “Hopefully I will find something that surprises us.”

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