Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 717 - Chaos is the ladder

The Christmas holidays in the wizarding world and the ordinary world in the UK are very long, generally around three weeks. But for Ryan, this Christmas holiday was exceptionally short, because on the third day after the festival, Ryan rushed back out of Hogsmeade and joined the guerrillas.

“You can actually stay a little longer at home,” Ryan said after seeing a dozen guerrillas have arrived at the meeting point in advance. “After all, you have been fighting with us in various places for more than a month. You should be very tired. So I think you should take a good rest this Christmas and stay with your loved ones for a while.”

“Three days are enough.” Bob, a young wizard who worked in Diagon Alley and a second-hand bookstore before the war. “Now if we take a short rest, then we can eliminate those enemies earlier. In this way, we will have enough time to be with our loved ones.”

“Yes.” “He was right.” “That’s how it was.” After the young man finished, the rest of the guerrillas also echoed, watching the high morale of everyone, Ryan showed. Satisfied smile.

“Relax, I will take you to victory in this war.” After everyone calmed down, Ryan inspired everyone, “We must be able to take back everything we lost in the war through our own hands.”

It may be because Voldemort is planning a big operation recently, or it may be because it is Christmas recently. Therefore, no attacks occurred during the past few days of Christmas. In this case, Ryan did not choose the same attack as before, but began to formally train this group of guerrillas.

In the previous guerrilla warfare, Ryan had trained these guerrillas, but at that time, he mainly trained various combat abilities to improve their combat effectiveness in the shortest time. And now, Ryan took them collectively to his manor to prepare for a short system training to make up for their previous shortcomings.

With Ryan’s cautious character, he used his manor as a key place before and kept this place in a hidden state. But now that he has his own flying castle, he has moved most of his important things from the manor into the flying castle, and after screening, he is believed to be a reliable person to open his manor.

In the ten days after, these guerrillas took out a dozen or so confirmed former joke shop employees who came later to undergo strict closed training together.

In the test on the first day after entering the manor, Ryan found that the problem of the unification of this group of people was that, except for a small number of people, most people had a very poor knowledge base in magic, and it was even terrible.

Think about it too. Except for a few people in this group who entered the Ministry of Magic with excellent results, the academic level of other people is the same, otherwise they will not be engaged in work similar to ordinary staff. Not to mention that because of the pressure of life and the knowledge blockade of the pure-blood family, their strength not only did not improve after graduation, but declined a lot.

Even most of the former joke shop employees now work in the Ministry of Magic, but this only shows that Ryan ’s training has played a part after they entered the job, and it does not mean that their current level has reached the level that Ryan hopes. In fact, this group of people is still a bit short of the regular Ministry of Magic staff. If there is no one at Hogsmeade, they will not get the position they are now.

Fortunately, this problem of academic mastery is not very difficult to solve. With the help of potions and soul magic, Ryan let this group of people master a lot of important theoretical knowledge in just one day.

“It’s really exhausting.” Hermione complained when she slept at night. “I instilled knowledge to more than 30 people in one breath. I also had to ensure that the recipient’s memory did not have any problems when this knowledge was infused. Words are very challenging. “

Memory instillation is mainly based on Hermione, and Ryan just helps her. After all, the power Hermione masters is more suitable for these things. Fortunately, Ryan designed a special magic array to greatly reduce Hermione’s labor intensity.

“But okay.” Hermione said after complaining. “At least after this memory instilled spells, I can be sure that they are now absolutely faithful and reliable, and we can proceed normally with the next move.”

“You checked their memories today?” Hermione uttered the sentence and Ryan immediately realized what was happening, so he quickly asked. “How? You haven’t been caught by your movements.”

“Of course it was not found by anyone. You know, I just investigated their ideas and did not modify them.” Following a burst of friction, Hermione turned her face to Ryan. “I thought you would oppose my approach.”

“Seriously, I don’t quite support your practice today. But since you did, I must be on your side.” Ryan said. “And I can understand your thoughts. All our plans afterwards are based on enough supporters, and all you do today is to ensure that our supporters are true.”

“Yes.” Hermione admitted Ryan’s inference. “After all, the things we have to teach them are very precious even in the pure-blood family. After the war, we will slowly generalize these things and make them daily so that they can become wizards. We can all learn knowledge. But now, we must confirm that these powers belong to those who have previously given strength and loyalty. “

“You’re right, our dream is to build a fairer magical world. It’s an unchangeable principle to pay as much as you want, and not to be different because of your identity.” Speaking here, Ryan changed the topic, “If you Found someone unreliable today? “

“It depends on the situation.” Hermione replied. “If I just do n’t want to be loyal just because of personal interests or ideas, I will make an excuse to give them another piece of knowledge that is commensurate with what they have done. Of course, this knowledge must be a certain gap from what loyalists learn. . And if he is a bad-hearted person, I will give him enough punishment. “

“Relax, I’m not that kind of evil witch.” Hermione summed it up seriously. “That’s why I just looked at their ideas and didn’t modify them. I still have a bottom line in doing things anyway, not that. A madman who tramples on everything for the purpose. “

“Yes, I believe you.” Ryan said, “I didn’t expect that we already have more than 30 followers, which also means that the weakest link in our plan has now been made up.”

Unlike the protagonist of Harry Potter who tried to change the world in his previous life, Ryan is much slower than others in transforming the magic world ~ ~ This is not because of his strength problems, but He has suffered a lot from the birth condition.

Britain is a class-oriented country, and wizards are no exception. It can even be said that wizards pay more attention to this aspect. Therefore, as a wizard of Muggle background, he does not have a noble magic family background, it is impossible to affect the Ministry of Magic through his family, and then obtain sufficient resources.

At the same time, he is not as popular as some protagonists in the novel, as Harry has become a Dumbledore’s proud student, and has the favor of a big guy, and then obtain huge resources and connections.

Therefore, he has kept a low profile before accumulating strength. After all, Ryan knew that without a follower, transforming the magic world was a simple joke.

Fortunately, the wizard has one of the most basic principles is to respect the strong. Therefore, he has been going to various worlds to accumulate resources and strengthen himself for a long time before. It was not until this inevitable war broke out that he leapt through the war. Like the sentence in a book he read the previous life, chaos is the ladder. This war has brought Ryan unprecedented opportunities.

It was at this time that Ryan noticed an additional benefit of finding Hermione as a lover: Hermione, like him, came from the Muggle world, so he does not exclude Ryan ’s current plan to use chaos to achieve his goals. The other popular heroines in the previous life, such as Luna, Zhang Qiu, Ginny, Penelope and even Pansidu, have an inextricable relationship with the magic world. They will definitely not support it as fully as Hermione. This plan to completely subvert the British magic world.

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