Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 716 - conspiracy

Finally, under the witness of Hermione, Mr. Greengreen Grass, who was helpless, could only swear allegiance to Ryan through an ancient magic oath. Ryan promised to protect their safety and ensure that they would not intervene in his family’s affairs under normal circumstances.

As a sincere surrender, Greengrass specially took a large amount of information from the family’s secret room and handed it over to Ryan. Fortunately, Ryan had no interest in the few peculiar bloodline magics of their family, which made him relieved for a long time.

In fact, the Malfoy family also surrendered all their inheritance except bloodline magic at the time, which was also the most important prerequisite for Ryan to ask them to swear. As for bloodline magic, which is regarded by the pure blood family as the core, Ryan does not care, right For him, everything that can’t be used universally doesn’t make much sense.

The knowledge they taught the guerrillas when they attacked the guerrillas before, except for a small part specially prepared by Ryan, all the rest was obtained after the optimization of the casting skills from the pure blood family. of.

After all, the magic that Ryan owns comes from multiple worlds. For the wizards of this world, there will be some difficulties in learning, and the knowledge from pure blood will not have the learning difficulties caused by the cultural differences of different worlds. So now those Ryan and their followers mainly learn from the optimized part of the pure blood family knowledge.

“Why are you opening the Greengrass family network?” After getting all the information he has from Mr. Greengrass, they returned to their estate. Hermione asked her inner question as soon as she returned home. “Tonight we can completely kill him and torture his soul.”

“Then? Even if we wiped out all the pure blood families on the side of the Death Eaters, the situation of the hemp wizards would at most improve, but absolutely no real equality could be achieved. Do n’t forget that there are pure people on our side. Blood Wizard. “Ryan said that he thought of the Weasley family. In the original text, the Weasley family became the biggest winner after the war.

When Ryan was a child, when he read a novel, he felt that justice defeated evil, but now think about it is actually equivalent to a pure-blood family replacing another pure-blood family from the perspective of the ending. The hemp seed wizard does get some benefits, but the social structure does not change. Everything is not much different from the past.

So that ’s why he wanted to leave a pure-blood family like Malfoy or Greengrass, a controllable, but apparently a family of pure-blood wizards who are on their own side in this war. After the war, let the pure-blood families check each other, leaving room for the hemp wizards that should belong to them.

After explaining, Hermione nodded slightly to show her understanding. Then the two went to the study room to make a pot of tea, preparing to analyze the information they had obtained from Mr. Greengrass overnight.

“The only source of our information about Leaping Pot is from this fairy tale book.” Ryan said, taking out the previous book and turning to the story of Leaping Pot, then pointed to one of the thoughts.

“In the rest of the week, no more villagers will come to the wizard’s house to ask for help, but the crucible still keeps telling their patients about it. In just a few days, it not only screamed and groaned. , Tossing tears while jumping, sarcoma, coughing and retching, crying like a baby, wailing like a dog, spitting bad cheese and sour milk, and countless hungry slugs. “

“That is to say, this magic pot can gather all these bad things around itself and then reveal it.” After listening to the passage that Ryan read, Hermione was keenly aware of the horror of this conspiracy, ” If, according to Greengrass, the effect is reversed— “

“If the effect is reversed, it means that as long as you put some targeted potions in this pot, all people around you can be affected by the action of the potions at the same time.” As an alchemist master, Ryan easily inferred The specific function of this alchemy prop. “For example, after placing a special poison in the pot, you can transform everyone around you into a corpse.”

“And most importantly, if you want to infect as many people as possible and spread it over a wider area, then the magic power spread over each person ’s head will not be too much. In this way, the magic wizard will not make a move, and Ordinary people who do n’t have magic power in their bodies will suffer bad luck. This is in line with the slogan of the southern group of people to remove dirty blood. “

“So we have to stop this.” Hermione concluded. “By the way, do we need to notify Principal Dumbledore? I think Mr. Principal will provide us with some help if he knows this.”

“No need.” Lane thought about whether he had rejected the proposal. “Greengrass said earlier that the mysterious man would choose a location in the north for a raid at this time. In case Professor Dumbledore weakened our defense, I believe that the mysterious man would definitely change the pretentious attack in the plan If you become a strong attacker, it wo n’t make a difference if we lose too much. “

“Of course, in order to avoid what the other party is doing in this operation, I will do enough preparations.” Lane saw Hermione a little uneasy, so comforted. “Anyway, according to Mr. Greengrass, this operation will start on January 13, and we have nearly half a month to prepare for it, which is enough.”

“Unfortunately, even he didn’t know where the mysterious man would be. This magic ceremony was arranged. We can only know the signal he left from his wife when he left the house to start acting.” Hermione looked a little bit. Sorry to say.

“This is very in line with the character of the mysterious man. He will not tell others what to do at the last minute.” Ryan shrugged. “Of course, this may also be a small trick by Mr. Greengrass. He should be hopeful. Confirm that we have fulfilled our commitments, and our wife and children will only tell us after they have successfully moved to a safe place. “

“This–” Hermione pressed her lips hard, and Ryan suddenly felt that she was acting like Professor McGonagall. But soon Hermione replied with her usual expression. “Although I gave up a possible early detection opportunity, but I can understand his uneasiness as the first cooperation, but to be honest, these pure-blood wizards are really too wary.”

“Because they have to fight all their lives, not only the enemies who might threaten them, but also those friends who are still pushing their cups with them yesterday. Remember, every pure blood family that can survive today It won’t be that simple. “Ryan raised his eyebrows and then recounted the fact in a slightly heavy tone.

“Nadrako Malfoy–” Hermione frowned ~ ~ When she talked about the pure blood family, she first thought of Malfoy, but the pure blood family in the narrative of Malfoy and Lane It doesn’t seem to be the same breed at all. “Why does he look so-naive.”

“Because Malfoy doesn’t belong to the core pure-blood family.” Ryan said, “In the eyes of a true pure-blood family, the Malfoy family is just an upstart. Don’t forget that they never entered the Ministry of Magic, although they are Because the Malfoys are used to hiding behind the scenes and controlling everything, but from another perspective, it is not because they are excluded by others that they ca n’t even enter the Ministry of Magic to control power. “

“It makes sense for you to say that.” Hermione nodded slightly and then asked. “So, what about the Weasley family? Are they so good at calculating?”

“No, of course not.” Ryan shook his head gently, and then thought of the fact that the principal Dumbledore pointed out in the second grade in the original book: The Weasley family is one of the most prestigious pure wizards.

“I think that each family has its own way of survival. The one I just said is only suitable for most pure-blood families. The Weasley family is an exception. They are so famous because they have enough people. Think I think there are only three people in the Malfoy family, and the Weasley family members we met at the last wedding were at least more than 100. According to Mrs. Weasley, not the entire population of the whole family, many live in foreign countries. Family members did not come. “

“That’s good.” Hermione patted her chest lightly. She didn’t dare the Weasley’s harmony and friendliness. If it were just disguise, how bad the world would be.

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