Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 44 - Crossing the barrier

After hearing Harry’s words, others also looked up at the birds on the roof. After careful observation, they found that the glittering things flying up and down were not birds at all, but keys with wings.

Suddenly Harry cheered, “Yes, you see! Flying broom! We must go up and catch the key to that door!”

Look at the flying broom and the keyhole on the wooden door that were set aside, and they knew at once what the trick was.

When Harry was looking for the flying broom, he handed a small bottle of acid secreted from the moss of the tombstone to the stones on the side of the door frame, which were still intact.

Sure enough, this level is not so simple. Wanting to break through the magic of doors and walls requires powerful magic power and rich knowledge. Otherwise, you can only chase those keys on a broom.

Thought Voldemort wouldn’t go riding a broom according to the idea of ​​the person who arranged this level. Because according to his suspicious psychology, he absolutely refuses to follow the method given by the enemy, and he will worry whether this is the enemy’s trap.

According to Voldemort’s history, he has to master his own habit of everything, then he should use magic to catch the key. This also consumed Voldemort’s not much magic power now.

This is the same reason as Voldemort ’s cave entrance where he placed his Horcrux, which requires human bleeding, is to consume the enemy ’s power as much as possible before the enemy approaches the target. It’s just that Dumbledore’s method is even brighter than Voldemort’s.

Harry and Ron were already on the broomsticks at this time, while Ryan and Hermione, who could not fly at the same level, did not go up to the chaos. They stood back to back in the center of the hall, observing the keys needed in the group of keys in the sky.

“Our goal is a big antique key-maybe silver, shaped like a door handle” Ron chanted before taking off “should be very close to the style and color of the door lock.”

Lane saw the two of them rush into the dense array of keys. They desperately grabbed and fished, but those enchanted keys dodged too fast, and it was almost impossible to catch them.

When everyone is more and more anxious, Ryan feels that he has found the target. He shouted to Harry loudly: “I found the key, and you are in the upper right front position. The key is silver with sky blue wings and feathers all falling to the side as if it had been caught by someone. “

Ron apparently saw the key before Harry, and he rushed towards it. As a result, the key flew out of a sharp turn and he did not stop, almost hitting the ceiling directly.

“Let’s rush down the key, Ryan, you are ready.” Harry finished speaking with Ron and the two of them to rush down the key.

The key quickly flew down to avoid their pursuit, but did not find that it had flown too low, leaving the large army.

Finally, the key was forced very close to the ground, and Ryan jumped up and grabbed the key. (Ryan: “Thanks for the mechanical and medical knowledge I learned recently, which greatly improved the stability and accuracy of the hand. Otherwise, I will definitely be ashamed today.”)

Lean held the key tightly, because the key struggled like a living creature. After Harry and Ron landed, they came to the door together. Ryan inserted the key in the keyhole and turned the door open with a click, which meant that the key they chose was correct.

After releasing the key and watching it fly away, Ryan unscrewed the door handle. Four people pour into the next level.

When entered the room, the room was dark. Ryan also worried about what he would trip over. But as soon as everyone stepped into the house, the whole house became brightly lit. The door behind was locked with a click.

This reminded Ryan of the soap opera where the heroine celebrated her birthday but the hero did n’t listen to it. The heroine felt a little sad. Finally, after a day of work, the hostess arrived home with a tired look, and just walked into the house to close the door, and the light turned on. The host and her friends prepared a whole birthday party to surprise the hostess.

It’s a pity that Ryan and theirs are here, not the cake at the surprise party, but Professor McGonagall’s giant chessboard.

Ryan felt that if Professor McGonagall was replaced by a Celestial, he might become a giant mahjong or something. But seriously, he thinks these levels are purely for mocking Voldemort. He mocks that he is now mixed up with the first graders.

After all, there are only a few ways of entertainment in the wizarding world. Wizarding chess should be the most popular except Quidditch, and at least half of the people should be. The style of Professor McGonagall was probably similar to Hermione when she was young. Then the level of wizard chess is estimated to be average, even if the stone pieces are even stronger, but the level of the chess player is the biggest flaw in this level.

The pieces on the board are about the size of real people, and they are made of black and white stones. You do n’t need to try to know that this thing must have a very high magic resistance, and it ca n’t be done by magic such as smashing spells.

What’s more important is that these flags have no facial features. With a brightly lit chess board and other places in the dark room, a thick horror movie feels ready to come out.

Ryan couldn’t help but think of the monsters who had no mouth and no face in the horror movie of the previous life ~ ~ Feeling a bit cold. But he turned around and saw that Harry was shaking, obviously obviously more terrified.

A door opposite the chessboard shows that only by winning this chess can you pass. To make matters worse, everyone has to play a chess piece. At this time, the more people, the more losses.

Finally, Ryan and Ron played knights, Hermione played the queen, and Harry played the castle. This game is played by Ron, the wizard with the highest level of chess.

After the game started, Ryan found that these pieces seemed to be fierce when they ate other pieces, but they were mainly stunned, and they did not use the weapons in their hands to kill them.

It seems that Professor McGonagall’s level is just to delay the time, and at the same time avoid accidentally injuring Harry who came to pass the level. And if Voldemort used magic to force through the level, then these pieces will not feel as peaceful as they are now. For Voldemort, who is currently attached to Kilo, these levels are hard to break through, and it is estimated that there will be no left. How much magic.

Since there would be no danger to his life, Ryan put his heart down and began to have a leisurely time to see Ron playing chess.

Ron’s level looks good, but because of the need to take care of Ryan, he can’t show his hands and feet. Sometimes you have to pay more.

Ryan saw these shouting to Ron: “I learned an iron armor curse, and it should be fine when I hit me, so you don’t have to take care of me.”

“Really?” Said Ron. After getting repeated confirmations from Ryan, he said to Ryan: “You lean forward to the right to eat their most threatening queen. Then you will be eaten by the opponent’s knight. ‘S chess is ready to go, “

It seems that the more people there are, the more Ron will be. He thinks that if he feels he can make sacrifices here, the situation should be much better.

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