Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 43 - Break through

“How about that. See,” Harry whispered, “Snape has passed Luwei smoothly.” Seeing the half-open door, they seemed to be more clearly aware of everything they were about to face.

“None of you want to leave now, I won’t blame him.” Harry said, “You can take the invisibility cloak away, I don’t need it anymore.”

“Since I’ve been here, I won’t flinch,” Ryan said. “Don’t talk silly,” Ron said. “Let’s go together.” Hermione said. Harry pushed the door open.

With the creak of the door opening, their ears immediately sounded a low bark. Although the big dog couldn’t see them, all three of his noses twitched and sniffed wildly towards them. “What’s that at its feet?” Hermione whispered.

“It looks like a harp,” Ron said. “It must have been Snape’s stay.” “Obviously as soon as the music stops, it will wake up immediately.

Harry just about to take out the clarinet delivered by Hagrid, and Ryan pulled out something from the small bag on his belt, and made the sound of ding dong dong dong.

As soon as the voice sounded, the big dog’s eyes began to droop down. Slowly, the barking of the big dog stopped-it wobbled a few times, his knees fell softly, and then it fell to the floor and fell asleep.

The sound is a music box, which is what Ryan used to practice his hands in order to learn the “Winter House Industrial Manual”.

“After this music box is wound up, you can play for three and a half minutes.” Ryan said to Harry and them. “This way we can calm down and free up our hands to do something else.”

“It’s incredible.” Hermione said looking at the big dog that was falling in front of her. “The book says that the three-headed dog can even compete with the dragon. Now it is actually put down by a small music box, so the dragon is afraid What? Would it be possible to put the dragon in the same ordinary thing? “

“Okay, this is not the time to study these issues. The dog will wake up later. We should take advantage of this opportunity to pass here.”

After finishing, Ryan walked to the trapdoor and opened the trapdoor.

Under the door is a dark mass, there is no place to step on, there is no imaginary ladder.

Lean uses fluorescent flashing, looking down, but unfortunately still can’t see anything. Fortunately, he has read the original and he knows what is below.

Ryan turned around and climbed into the hole, then grabbed the edges with his hands and said to Harry, “I use the floating mantra best, so I’ll get off this place first. If I don’t have any problems, please go to the professor Come and save me. “

After he finished speaking, he let go of his hands and fell to the bottom of the cave. This distance is not low. Ryan felt that he was at least four or five floors high. Midway, Ryan released a floating spell to himself to slow down the speed of his fall. Finally, he felt that he had fallen on a soft thing. This should be the Devil’s Internet Cafe.

While Harry hadn’t come down, Ryan smeared the knife with a potion that had an inhibitory effect on the miraculous plant (which was deducted a little while helping Professor Sprout work). Later, through the faint light of the entrance, he quickly cut off the chopstick-sized twigs and put them in the crystal medicine bottle that he carried with him. Because of the effect of the medicine, the devil’s net did not react excessively.

Quickly completed all this, Ryan found that his ankle had been entangled in the devil’s net. He immediately shouted to the top: “There is a big devil net underneath, which can absorb shock when jumping down, but prepare a magic spell that can set fire, otherwise it will be troublesome if it gets caught.”

The voice just fell. Ryan saw the three black spots fall almost at the same time. He tried hard to lean on the side, hoping he would not be hit. However, there was still a shadow hitting Ryan, and he quickly aimed at the shadow and released the floating spell. Fortunately, there was a buffer for the spell, so that when he used the shadow, he just felt his arm fall slightly.

Then came two collisions, and everyone had landed safely.

At this time, the shadow that had just been put down came a voice. “Sorry Ryan, are you okay.”

This should be Hermione. After Ryan made a sound of noise, Hermione’s wand head began to emit a series of blue flames. The vines flinched from the light and warmth of these flames, loosening their entanglement. The plants twisted and twitched, automatically loosening the tendrils wrapped around them

“Let Ryan, you explore the way first, otherwise it would be a headache to encounter these things suddenly.” Ron said to Ryan as he watched the retreating vines. “But why did you catch Hermione?”

“Are you sure who is close to me to pick me up.” Ryan’s voice did not fall, Harry pointed in a direction and said: “Go here.”

Lean looked in the direction he pointed and found that it was a stone corridor and the only way here.

In this case, there is nothing to choose from. The four people walked out of the place where the devil’s vines were entrenched and began to walk down the corridor. The corridor is very quiet, they heard the sound of water drops dripping slowly down the wall in addition to their own footsteps ~ ~ Lane even suspected that this might have reached the bottom of the lake, as they walk The farther away, a new voice appeared. At the other end of the corridor, there seemed to be a soft rustle and a tinkling sound.

Feel the sound of a group of gold coins flying around with wings, they continue to move forward along the sound. Finally came to a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling. Countless small birds as brilliant as gems fluttered around the room with flapping wings. There is a thick wooden door opposite the room. It is fully consistent with the description of some underground city entrances in the adventure story.

“These birds will not attack us?” Ron said

“I’ll try it.” Harry stopped everyone, and then he ran towards the wooden door opposite the room with his hand on his head.

Wait until Harry reached the wooden door, the birds did not respond, it seems that they would not actively attack the people below.

Seeing this, Ryan and they also came out of the tunnel, went through the room and came under the wooden door.

Reached the edge of the wooden door, they tried to open the door, but it was useless to push or pull. Hermione tried her unlock spell again and it was still useless.

Ryan took a steel rod with a flat slap from one end of his pocket, facing the door of the door, the hinge and the lock part were prying for a while, but unfortunately it had no effect.

Finally, he smashed the wooden door and the surrounding walls with this steel rod. Then he turned and said to Harry: “This door and the surrounding wall should have protective magic, otherwise it will not hit the wooden door panel and the wall, and no traces can be left.”

Harry looked closely at the birds on his head, and then said: “It seems that we can only open this door according to the requirements of the designer of this level.”

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