Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 32 - New skills and Christmas

Deford was taken aback by Ryan’s surprise.

Don’t wait for Defu to react, he saw Ryan took a large bottle of sunlight crystals from behind.

“This is the fine crystal of the sun, soak one into the water, your nest will be as warm and half an hour as the sun under the summer. There are 300 in this bottle, enough for you to survive the whole winter.”

Then Ryan touched the chestnut gold ingot again: “This is 1 pound of gold. It’s spring, you can reopen your hospital.”

“However.” Ryan said: “I have a rule here that is equivalent exchange, what do you exchange for these?”

Defu said: “As long as the fairy you are willing to help me, I will give you more than a hundred pounds.”

Lane shook his head in tears: “I don’t want a big living person here.”

“Then, then I have nothing else.” Defu squatted in frustration.

“Your master is a magician, the medical technique should be good, would you like to exchange the medical technique you learned for exchange?” Ryan asked.

“Of course I did, but how can I give you?” De Fu’s face was puzzled.

“Will you like it.” After Ryan waved his hand, a white mist floated out of Telford’s temple and flew to the shelf to become a blue leather threaded book.

“Okay, let’s clear it.” After finishing, Ryan gave Sun Crystal and the gold ingot to Telford, and then Telford went out with a look of embarrassment.

Returned to the yard, Defu thought he had a dream, but when he looked down, he saw the bottle and gold in his hand full of sunshine crystals. Immediately ran into the shack excitedly: “Master, I met the fairy, we can get through this winter.”

Ryan heard the system prompt in the grocery store:

——Slightly change the fate of the son of the plane, gaining 1 point of deviation.

Well, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat.

After comforting herself, Ryan looked at the new book. On the blue cover is “Handbook of Primary Chinese Medicine, Telford Edition”. According to the system prompt, learning this requires 2 offset points.

Although Telford’s medical skills can only be regarded as ordinary, it is now at the level of the attending doctor. In addition, Ryan considers that in the future it is likely to go to some worlds in the context of ancient China, and it is necessary to master the knowledge of acupoint meridians, otherwise you may not understand the cheats.

So Ryan finally chose to learn this manual of Chinese medicine. After consuming 2 offset points, countless information began to flow into his mind.

After 15 minutes, the instillation of knowledge was over. Ryan felt that he had mastered a lot of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, but to become a real traditional Chinese medicine, he still needed practice.

Ryan feels that it is difficult to practice in reality. After all, an 11-year-old child, no one believes that he will see a doctor.

Paid a bunch of things to change a skill that may not be used temporarily. After secretly sighing that he was a little lost, Ryan returned to the real world.


Christmas Eve is coming soon. This day is an important shopping time for the British, and there is a lot of discount space in each store. Ryan ’s adoptive parents naturally went to Regent Street to buy things as they did in previous years.

And Ryan went to Diagon Alley to prepare some gifts for friends, Diagon Alley is also a festive atmosphere. Each store is decorated with Christmas baubles, and various Christmas celebration songs are heard from the street.

After buying all the presents and mailing them to friends at the Owl Post Office, Ryan plunged into a second-hand store and Taobao in a pile of old books.

Spent more than an hour, Ryan bought two books. One is “The Making of One Hundred Common Potions”, an old book published in 1893. There are many magic potions that Ryan has never seen in textbooks, such as quick hair dyes, modified versions of ageing agents and ageing agents (the production method is simpler, the required medicinal materials are cheaper, but the time can only be maintained for 15 minutes .)

There is also a black magic defense lesson note left by top students. At least Ryan feels that with some of the notes inside, he can try to learn the coma spell by himself.

On Christmas Eve, Ryan went to bed early. Because it is the most fun on Christmas day, you will receive Christmas gifts, and there will be a big meal at noon.

Waking up the next morning, Ryan found himself receiving a pile of gifts. There is a new set of clothes sent by the parents, and there is a string of sandalwood bracelets sent by the grandfather from the East. There are some gifts from students. For example, Hermione sent a new set of quill pens (Is this suggesting that the pen is not enough?), A box of assorted candy sent by Harry, and a box of spice black tea with the calming effect sent by Longbottom. (This should be prepared by his grandmother.)

What surprised him most was that Professor Sprout actually copied a copy of her student’s herbal medicine notes to Ryan, and hoped that he could achieve success in herbal medicine in the future.

Fortunately, Ryan sent a box of chocolates to every professor out of courtesy, otherwise it would definitely be embarrassing at this time.

At noon, Ryan was eating roast goose (Mr. Lambert, who is of Chinese origin, thought the turkey meat was too thick to be delicious. So Mrs. Sally chose the more traditional roast goose) pudding and various dishes of Christmas dinner. Also wondering what Christmas looks like in Hogwarts?


Unlike the small family gatherings that highlight the warmth of the Lane family, UU Reading Christmas in Hogwarts is very powerful, and Harry who has spent the best Christmas of his life in school has a deep experience .

The hall is beautifully decorated and magnificent. Walls are covered with pendant ribbons of holly and mistletoe. Twelve tall Christmas trees are erected everywhere in the room. Some trees are hung with small icicles, and some trees are shining with hundreds of candles.

On Christmas morning, Harry woke up for the first time and saw a small pile of parcels lying at the foot of his bed. He was a little shocked because he never thought he would receive a gift.

After celebrating the festival with Ron, he started to unpack gift bags. Ron next to him exclaimed: “God, Portormi’s card, Ryan’s luck is so good, I haven’t seen him eat the chocolate frog a few times.”

Harry also found a gift from Ryan to him, a delicate flying broom pruning shears. “Yeah, Ryan always thinks more thoughtfully, and sometimes feels like the uncle.”

Finally, after Harry unpacked the paper bag underneath, something silvery gray like a liquid slipped down to the floor and gathered into a pile, shining brightly. Ron took a breath.

Later surprised Ron told Harry that this was a very precious invisibility cloak. When Harry tried it on, he found a note inside which was written in a handwriting he had never seen before:

Leave this thing to me before your father died.

Should be returned to you now.

Use it well.

Sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas.

After being greeted by the Weasley twins, Harry wore a sweater knitted by Mrs. Weasley and went to a Christmas party with at least a hundred roasted turkeys and a lot of barbecue potatoes.

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