Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 33 - Back to life at Hogwarts

After Christmas, Ryan devoted most of his time to that black magic defense lesson note.

In the last few days before the end of the Christmas holiday, he finally mastered the coma spell, which is closely related to the constant practice in the Wanjie grocery store. The only regret is that now his spell level is limited to being able to release, but the intensity may not be enough to stun a person.

Ryan is now very eager to have a quick way to increase the magic power, otherwise now even if he has enough knowledge, he cannot turn knowledge into power.

The last day of the holiday, Ryan said goodbye to the reluctant parents. He returned to school on the Hogwarts Express with Hermione.

As soon as he arrived at the school, Ryan learned from Ron that Harry had been seeing a magic mirror that made people hallucinate for three nights.

After Hermione complained about Harry’s reckless behavior (“What if Filch caught you?”). Ryan told Harry: “Actually caught by the night watch teacher is a small problem. The main thing is that the hallucinations can make you slowly distinguish between reality and illusion, which will eventually go crazy.” Ron and Hermione together Nodding his head in agreement with this view, Harry had to swear again that he would not go to the mirror again.

The days after walked slowly in normal learning, but the “Handbook of Primary Chinese Medicine, Defu Edition” that Ryan thought it might not be useful for was unexpectedly useful.

In the potion class, he found that he had made a great progress in processing raw materials, controlling the heat, and making potions. Because Snape actually gave his potion an E.

Layne only woke up afterwards. The Chinese medicine has a lot in common with the magic potion making process. Since Telford is so general in medicine, it is often ordered by Heila to grab the medicine and boil it. This kind of skill that can make perfect after long practice is also acquired by Lane in this inheritance.

This has to be said to be a good thing. After all, Gryffindor students have always had a deduction in Snape ’s class, and Ryan has been worried that his final exam will be deducted by Professor Snape.

These days have been good for Ryan, but it is worse for Harry. Because the Quidditch game is about to start again, Wood’s requirements for the players are stricter than ever. Even after the heavy snow, the continuous rainy days did not stop training. When Ryan reads a book in the common room after dinner every day, he often encounters the exhausted Quidditch players. Sometimes he is even wet, dropping mud from the corner of his robe.

One day while Ryan and they were doing potion lesson homework together in the common room, Harry suddenly rushed in and sat beside Ron.

“Wait, I will finish my homework soon. I will be able to have fun afterwards.” Ron said, and then he turned to see Harry’s face. “What’s wrong with you? His face is terrible, he won’t play next time. It ’s the hunter for the Lettering team, Snape, hahaha. “

Harry’s face became more ugly, and Ron’s smile froze at once: “Isn’t Snape really going to be a golfer?”

“Almost.” Harry made a sad expression: “Snape is the referee in the next game.”

“Why, Huoqifu talents are professionals.” Ryan said.

“Please leave.” Hermione said immediately.

“You said you were sick and could not be on the field.” Ron added.

“A broken leg is fine.” Hermione said

“Simply break your leg. Anyway, Mrs. Pomfrey will be able to get her leg back one night.” Ron followed the bad idea.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to be so nervous,” Ryan said. “The competition is under the watch of the teachers and students of the school. Even if Snape wants to kill him, he will not choose to do this occasion, otherwise he will have been in the potion class. Harry was killed. “

Harry also said that he would definitely go to the game, because there is no substitute for the golfer, if he does not match the Gryffindor team, he will not be able to match.

As they discussed, Neville fell into the common room. Everyone can’t guess how he got out of the portrait hole, because his legs were tightly stuck together. Harry saw at a glance that it was a leg-locking spell. He must have jumped upstairs like a rabbit and entered Gryffindor Castle.

Everyone laughed, only Ryan and Hermione didn’t laugh. Hermione stepped forward to cast a spell on Neville, and Neville’s legs parted at once. Ryan helped him stand up and found him trembling.

“What’s going on?” Hermione led him over, and sat with Harry while asking.

“Malfoy,” Neville said with a trembling voice. “I met him outside the library. He said he was looking for someone to practice the spell. But thanks to Lane, I was reminded that Slytherin had attacked Gryffindor students. Habit, when I leaned over to ridicule me, I subconsciously sprayed the chilli water spray he gave me on Malfoy’s face, and then ran back while he was washing. “

Hermione said to Neville, “You can go and sue him!”

Neville shook his head.

“I don’t want to cause trouble anymore.” He mumbled vaguely. “After all, I didn’t lose this time.”

“But Malfoy might make you a second time.” Ron said: “You need the courage to tell Professor McGonagall about this.”

“I know I’m not brave enough ~ ~ Malfoy said that.” Neville choked.

Finally, under the comfort of everyone, Neville finally left with a weak smile.

In the days after, everyone is still training training, learning to learn. It’s just that one day Hermione took out an old big book and told the other three people that she found the account of Nicole May on the wizard’s side.

The three of them went up and saw that the page turned to read: Nicole May, the only maker of magic stones known to all. Ancient alchemy involves the making of magic stones, which is a magical substance with amazing functions. The magic stone can turn any metal into pure gold, and it can also create a medicine for immortality, so that people who drink this medicine will never die.

For many centuries, there have been many reports about the magic stone, but the only piece of magic stone that remains is the famous alchemist and opera enthusiast Mr. Nicole May. He celebrated his 665th birthday last year, and now lives in Devon with his wife Perenar (658).

“It’s not much different from what we found, but basically confirmed our conjecture. Now it is completely certain that the magic stone is hidden in the school.” Ryan said to Hermione after reading it.

Harry also interjected: “No wonder Snape wants to steal it, a stone can turn into gold, and you can never die! Everyone wants it!”

“You can’t just doubt Snape because of your prejudice, maybe Chilo would like to make a potion to cure his stutter.” Ryan said. “But now Snape has a more realistic threat to us, Harry, think about your game this week.”

Harry suddenly became frustrated. Snape’s refereeing game was really difficult to handle. He even felt that it might be difficult to walk down the field alive.

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