Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 14 - 3 dogs

“We are now at the door of the Curse Classroom.” Ryan said to Ron. “Sure enough, my worries are justified, but are the wizards of the pure blood family generally so untrustworthy when facing a duel? “

“Never.” Ron retorted, “Only Slytherin’s snakes are likely to do this, like our Weasley family

Will never do such a thing. “

“The Weasley family? I think I might have encountered one. An official from the Ministry of Magic called Arthur Weasley who guided me to the magic world helped us a lot. He is really a warm and nice person.”

“Thank you for your praise of my father.” Ron smiled friendlyly at Ryan.

“It looks like we got rid of him.” Hermione wiped the sweat from her head and said, “I have said …”

Before she finished, Harry interrupted her: “We must hurry back to the dormitory and can’t stay here anymore.”

Looking at Harry’s expression, he might think Hermione was right, but he didn’t want to admit this in front of Hermione.

They just got up, a door in the hallway opened, Pippi floated out, and screamed happily after seeing them.

“Nasty freshman, walking around in the middle of the night. Gee, Gee, Gee, naughty, naughty, you will be caught.”

Hermione was just about to step forward to plead, and Ryan pulled her and ran forward, yelling at Harry at the same time: “He is a Pippi, pleading is useless, hurry and run.

Harry was still a little stunned, but Ron reacted, grabbed him, and hurried forward along the corridor. At this time, everyone could not ignore the sound of his footsteps and tried to escape along the corridor. Pippi’s shout came from behind: “Students don’t sleep, they are in the hallway of the spell class!”

Four people escaped to the end of the corridor together, only to find that the door at the end of the corridor was locked. And Filch’s footsteps came from the corridor behind.

“It’s over!” Ron whimpered. They pushed the door in despair. And Ryan is ready to be caught. After all, compared with the three-headed dog, Filch looks more affable.

“Go away.” Hermione rushed to the door suddenly. She snatched Harry’s wand, knocked on the door lock, and whispered, “Arah hole!” The lock clicked and the door opened. “

Ryan’s face changed sharply, and before she had time to say anything, Hermione was pulled in.

He sadly found that women of this age developed earlier than men. He was pulled into the room by Hermione when he was caught off guard. Then with a bang, the door was closed.

Sure enough, Pippi Ghost is Pippi Ghost. He will ignore anyone in this school except for a little respect for Professor and the blood man Barrow. Filch was teased by Pippi but got nothing, cursing angrily, but at last he left with nothing to do.

Harry breathed and said: “He must think that the door is locked, we are finally safe.”

“I don’t think so, look back.” Lane said with a trembling voice.

Probably the big dog Luwei, who has the blood of the three-headed hell, appeared in front of everyone.

They are facing the eyes of a monster-like dog, which is so big that it fills all the space from the ceiling to the floor. It has three heads, three pairs of ferocious eyes, three noses twitching and trembling in their direction, and three drooling mouths, like a slimy rope, from yellowing dogs The teeth hung down.

It stood there motionless, all six eyes staring at them.

Ryan knew that this dog would fall asleep as long as it heard music. At first he thought that knowing this weakness was not so difficult to deal with this dog. But at the scene, he discovered that when you face such a huge beast, you can’t sing songs at all.

Glanced down. Sure enough, a door leading to the basement was stepped on by his dog. This should be Dumbledore ’s test of Harry, and it ’s a little suspicious that Pippi deliberately drove them in this direction.

At least the principal should be able to order the ghosts of Hogwarts. If he really does n’t want people to come to this place, the principal can completely order the ghosts to rush the students who are near here in other directions. Think of the levels in the original book, except for the final magic mirror, the others are too playful. It really doesn’t seem to be used against the Dark Lord, and if those levels happen to be the advantages of the three passers-by, is it a bit too coincidental.

Fortunately, this is just the beginning of the main storyline. For now, do n’t worry about being elected as a brave candidate by the principal, at least Neville is not considered a brave man in the original text.

At this time, the door lock was unscrewed, and Harry turned the door handle. Then they quickly went out and closed the door. Fortunately, the dog was tied to the wall with an iron chain and could not be chased out. Then the four men desperately ran upstairs to the Gryffindor Tower.

On the way, Ryan quietly stuffed the crystals of the sunlight in his pocket before departure back into the grocery store. This was what he had prepared beforehand just in case. At that time, he hoped to use the sunshine crystal flash bomb, UU reading to buy time for escape.

Went very well. They ran to the front door of the eighth floor, and the fat lady had returned. She asked curiously how the embarrassed four people made this happen.

But no one wants to speak, and then opens the door with a password. Stumbled back to the lounge, then collapsed on the sofa in the lounge.

The four people were silent for a while, Ron broke the silence: “Why should the school keep such a fiery beast in the castle, are they not afraid of something going wrong?”

And Hermione panted at this moment and stood up. “Don’t you see it standing on a trapdoor? It should be guarding something.”

Then she glared at the three boys. “I hope you are happy for today. We were almost bitten to death-or worse, expelled from school. Well, if you don’t object, I’m going to bed.”

Well, as an innocent person involved, Hermione’s anger is completely understandable, especially this adventure almost let everyone die.

Sitting for another few minutes, the three went upstairs together, and then said good night to each other at the door of the dormitory before returning to their respective dorms.

Ryan felt sore all over her body, so she didn’t wash her. She took off her clothes and went to bed directly.

In bed, he reflected on his behavior today. Sure enough, it was still a bit reckless. The most important thing was that I was lack of strength, even if I knew what would happen in the future, but I was unable to change it.

Thinking of this, he made up his mind. I had been afraid of facing a strange world before. So he didn’t open the door to a new world in the grocery store. It seems that he can’t go now.

After setting a new goal, Ryan turned over and slowly fell asleep.

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