Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 13 - Midnight duel

After Mrs. Huo Qi took Neville away. Malfoy began to provoke Gryffindor students. It was really difficult for Ryan to understand how a person in the wizarding world who advertises a noble lineage can be a gangster on the street with the street.

After Malfoy took Neville’s memory ball and flew up, he provoked Harry Potter. Hermione wanted to stop Harry Potter’s reckless act of following, but failed.

After a tense air chase, Harry Potter finally snatched Neville’s memory ball. But it was also taken away by Professor McGonagall.

On the way back to the castle, Hermione was a little worried, “Shouldn’t they really fire Harry?” “Shouldn’t.” Lane replied. “Harry made a small mistake at most, and no normal school would expel people for such a small problem.”

“How could Harry do this? Didn’t he think about how many points this would deduct before he flew up.”

Lane stopped and turned to look at Hermione: “I know you are unable to accept Harry’s behavior because of the honor of the college. But in that case, Malfoy’s bullying behavior is really disgusting, Harry. It ’s just out of righteous indignation. I do n’t think it ’s appropriate to blame him for his just behavior. ”

Hermione said: “You may make sense, but I can’t understand why your boys are so reckless, can’t we let the professors deal with it?”

After speaking, Hermione shook her head and went to the auditorium.

Because the flight lesson is today’s last lesson, some people have come out to eat in the auditorium one after another. When Ryan slowly walked into the cafeteria. Seeing Harry and Ron sitting at the table, and what Malfoy was saying to him.

Lane saw Hermione beside them, so she passed by and heard Hermione say to Harry, “You can’t wander outside at night.” After a few words between them, they left angrily.

Ryan walked over and sat next to Harry and Ron. Ron asked Ryan and asked, “Are you planning to discourage us like Hermione?”

“No, I am not.” Lane denied. “It’s just that you haven’t thought that Malfoy will not show up and tell the teachers the possibility of pitting you. After all, Ron, you always said that Slytherins are very cunning.”

“No, no.” Ron’s face twitched. “The Malfoy family is the oldest family of pure-blood wizards. He should not be so shameful. Play tricks in the wizarding duel he initiated.”

Lean looked at Harry, and Harry said: “I think it’s reasonable for Ryan to say that this possibility is not impossible, but if he went and we didn’t go, we would be laughed at by him for a lifetime.”

Suddenly, Harry seemed to think of something. “Ryan, I think when you rescue Neville today, the spell is quite powerful. Simply go with us so that we can stare at the teacher alone.”

Lean thought for a while, today is a very important main task, in order to offset the point, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the child of luck on the plane.

Thinking of this, Ryan agreed to Harry’s request. They arranged to meet in the common room at 11:30 in the evening.

Lane feels a little excited. After all, how can the Hogwarts night tour Gryffindor traditional project not experience it for yourself? Besides, even if you are caught, the simple night tour will be deducted at most, and you can do some after-school labor. The problem is not big.

After returning to the common room, Neville had returned from the hospital. It seems that this time the injuries were lighter than in the original work. After seeing Ryan coming back, thanking him with a stumbling grip in his hand, Ryan comforted him.

At eleven thirty in the evening, the roommates were asleep, and Ryan quietly opened the door. Harry and Ron saw the opposite door also drilled out.

Greeted each other, they quietly walked towards the portrait channel, and the light closest to the channel turned on. Hermione sat there wearing a cute pink pajamas, frowning. “You actually did this, especially you Ryan, how did you mix with them?”

Ryan: “Relax, night tour is also a part of Hogwarts’ life. Look at those seniors and elder sisters, there are a few who haven’t gone out at night. After all, we have to learn to follow the customs of the village, not to mention the life as a wizard. A very important part of it, I have n’t seen a wizard duel yet. “

“Shut up, be careful I write to your parents.” Hermione followed them through the hole. “Don’t you think we should have won the Slytherin Academy Cup? I can’t watch you throw away all my hard earned points at once.”

“It’s okay, if you really want to lose points, I will earn this point with you, I swear.”

Two people quarreled while crawling across the passage.

“Well, I don’t care about you anymore.” She turned to prepare to go back to the dormitory and found that the painting she was facing was empty. The Fat Lady went out late at night and Hermione was locked out of Gryffindor Castle.

“God, what should I do?” Hermione asked.

“That’s your problem.” Ron said, “We have to go, it’s almost late.”

“Anyway, you have violated the school rules. Let’s just go together. At least it’s safer than you standing here.” Lane said to Hermione, sometimes. The best way to avoid being accused is to drag the accusers into the water. UU reading

“Why?” Ron exclaimed softly.

“At least two people just happened to be able to monitor the entire corridor. Lest the night watch teacher really appear, we can’t hide.”

“Okay.” Harry turned around and said, “Be quiet, or we’ll be caught on the road.”

After walking ten minutes nervously, they came to the showroom on the third floor, and various medals in the room appeared to shine under the moonlight.

Harry and Ron walked into the showroom, while Ryan and Hermione squatted at the door, and from time to time they protruded half of their heads to observe the situation in the corridor.

Time passed by one minute and one second. Ryan saw a cat in the corridor rushing out of the staircase, and then a limping figure also walked out. It seems that this should be Filch.

Lane patted Hermione, Hermione also widened her eyes nervously, and they slowly returned to the showroom to inform Harry. Then the four people crept to the door away from Filch, and then walked along the armored corridor.

It’s just that they didn’t go fast in order to prevent Filch from hearing the sound. But Filch seemed to find something behind, and the footsteps were getting closer.

Finally, Ron finally tripped on the armor under tension, and the sound of the armor falling to the ground spread throughout the corridor.

The four people could not care about any concealment, they quickly ran along the corridor.

After going upstairs and downstairs, after crossing several corridors, they finally could not run.

Everyone bent over to support their knees, panting, and Ron asked, “Here, where is this?”

Lean looked at the surrounding environment, and he made a chuckle in his heart, because this is near the fourth floor of the curse class classroom, and the forbidden ground guarded by the three-headed dog Luwei is nearby. Is the inertia of the plot so great?

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