My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 246: Shaking plan

In the fissure between the surface and the bottom, a dull rumbling sound suddenly sounded.

Around, the professionals guarding this place noticed the abnormality, and then quickly lifted off to check.

However, looking condescendingly, apart from the deep darkness in the chasm and the dull rumbling that spread from it, there was nothing else to see.

All kinds of detection equipment fell into the chasm, and the result was no response.

“What’s going on, what happened in it?”

“Who knows.”

“Feeling inexplicably flustered.”

“In the past few days, many people have entered it openly and secretly to explore. As a result, there was no reaction at all, and no one came back.”

“There must be a problem in the Rift.”

“Notify the person above.”


The information was quickly passed back to the twelve power masters, and most of the power masters were just a little surprised by this.

“A strange noise suddenly came from within the Rift Abyss. Is that what Gu Zhi was doing?”

“I let people go down and take a look. Among them, the old trees are intricately intertwined, the blood energy mist and the sleeping redridge beasts are scattered. The blood energy concentration is extremely high. The existing blood resistance items and medicines are very poorly effective. These are obviously The purpose of the ancient methods is probably to re-separate the road between the surface and the ground.”

“Attors is more important now, and the underground world is not in a hurry.”

“Atoles just opened up to us, the frozen wind and snow vision is too powerful, and it will definitely usher in a large number of demigod-level powerhouses in the next time.”

“Only when I become a demigod first can I be qualified to sit down and negotiate with Gu Zhi. I can’t always rely on Chen Cha.”

“Stop the soldiers and continue to pay attention to the movement in the Rift Abyss.”


The meeting here is easy to chat, on the other side, in the rift.

As the dull rumbling sound approached, in the end, the ancient branches and leaves rushed out of the darkness in the chasm like devil’s tentacles, scaring everyone around them back.

At the same time, all the power leaders also noticed such a change, and appeared in the high air beyond the rift, with a solemn color on their faces.

“What is Gu Zhi planning to do?”

“Do you want to go to war with us?”

“Don’t he even care about Chen Chai?”


In doubt, thousands of ancient branches and leaves spread all the way, and finally gathered together over the opening of the rift, forming a pair of huge ancient tree palms.

The giant palms are closed, and there seems to be something in the palms.

At this moment, the main forces looked at each other, still indifferent, unclear why.

Boundless Tao, who is good at divination, is not here, but has gone to reincarnation to seek breakthroughs, so they are not sure whether the mutation in front of them is dangerous.

Mainly because of Chen crack.

After seeing Chen’s terrifying power, they didn’t believe that Gu Zhi would do anything unfriendly, otherwise it would be easy to kill the opponent with Chen’s strength.

We must know that various investigations have shown that Chen Li and them are in the same camp, and that they are together with Blue Star.

Unless Gu Zhi’s brain is kicked by a donkey, he will never become an enemy of Chen Cha.

But the scene in front of me was inexplicably frightening.

Just in case, the main powers watched the changes in the giant palm of the ancient tree while informing the people below to prepare for battle.

The underground world, Longyuan City.

Inside the ancient tree.

Back to the world before the end…

Queen Mother Xi looked at the firmness in her son’s eyes, and couldn’t help sighing: “Your ideal is too far away, so far away that it is impossible to realize it even if you become a god.”

After all, only by reversing the long river of time can she return to the past, and she knows exactly how difficult it is, so great that she can’t see the slightest hope even if she breaks through the demigod, and can’t shake the long river of time at all.

It’s not sensible to be an enemy of Chen Cha for the extremely vague ideal in his heart.

What’s more, she is still a Chen cracked woman.

The so-called marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog, as a woman of Chen Chai, she was completely conquered by Chen Chai from the inside out, and a woman who was full of Chen Chai’s brains, of course, should think about it.

In order to prevent her son and Chen Chi from becoming irretrievable in the future, she must come forward to stop her son’s next move.

“It’s man-made.”

Gu Zhi did not shake his heart at all because of his hopelessness, and said coldly: “To be able to die in the path of the ideal I am pursuing, I am dead without regret.”

Queen Mother West said helplessly: “Silly boy, if you die, mother will be alone. After all, only the two of us in this world are the closest people.”

Lying woman.

Gu Zhi smiled and said, “Mother, you won’t be lonely with him.”

Queen Mother West sighed again, noncommittal.

Gu Zhi paused, then looked up and said, “It’s almost there.”

Queen Mother West frowned, then she found something and said, “What do you want to do.”

Gu Zhi said calmly: “Take back this world first. Before that, my mother will stay here.”

Queen Mother West said: “I’m afraid I will stop you, so do you imprison me here?”

Gu Zhiman said casually: “It’s just that I haven’t had a long conversation with my mother for a long time.”

Queen Mother Xi’s silky legs overlapped at will, her beautiful body wrapped in a skirt, sitting in a gentle and dignified posture, and said: “Okay, tell me about your plan.”

Gu Zhi poured tea casually and said: “The plan is also very simple, but he needs to be avoided…”

Over the mouth of the rift, the closed giant palm of the ancient tree slowly opened, and the hidden things in it finally came into view.

That is a **** strange flower.

But the blood flower is not the core yet. With the petals blooming, a huge hideous heart comes into view.

At a certain moment, the huge blood-colored heart suddenly contracted, and then suddenly expanded, beating.

This jump sounded the dull sound of giant drums.

Along with the beating sound, a huge blood mist was shaken out by the beating of the heart.

The blood mist formed a torrent and rushed in all directions, instantly enveloping the heart, blood blossoms, and the giant palms of the ancient trees, and then pushed by invisible force, swept and spread.

However, after a few breaths, the entire rifting abyss was shrouded in blood mist.

Looking closely, the blood mist turned out to be composed of endless blood energy particles.

And these blood energy particles have a very strong out-of-control effect, which can cause all beings to enter a state of out-of-control. They can’t survive and die, and they don’t even have the opportunity to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

“Just this trick?”

Queen Mother West said softly: “Can you take back this world just by relying on those blood qi?”

Gu Zhi drank the tea and said, “It’s enough for trying.”

It’s really enough.

Faced with the sudden appearance of blood mist, everyone’s complexion changed drastically, and they retreated decisively.

Behind him, there was another heartbeat of “boom” in the blood mist, and another wave of blood energy swept and spread.

For a time, between the heaven and the earth, the endless blood mist that enveloped the huge mouth of the chasm was carried by the violent wind and began to raging everywhere, spreading, drowning everything around it, and rapidly expanding in scope.

“As long as the blood can envelop the whole world, it can be taken back naturally at that time.” Gu Zhi said softly: “No one can survive for a long time in a world full of blood. The cost of forcibly staying will only be under my control in the end. Monster.”

Queen Mother West thoughtfully said, “Do you want to replace the air in this world with your blood?”

Gu Zhi smiled slightly and said: “Each equator is one of the roots of ancient trees. For a hundred years, the roots of ancient trees in the earth veins have spread all over the earth under the star world, and the blood accumulated in it is enough to fill the entire earth in one day world.”

“Thanks to him, I was able to realize this plan. After all, without his foot, the ground and the surface would not be connected, and no amount of blood energy would be transported to the surface world.”

“Of course, if there is nothing outside the center of the earth, you can leave, and I would not choose to do so.”

“If I can leave, I will recreate the world that I used to be with myself, and even make that world a better place.”



Within a day, you can completely occupy and recover the earth star world with your blood.

Queen Mother West closed her eyes.

Above the surface, in the face of crazily spreading, even the sky was stained with red blood mist, the main powers decisively chose to let everyone enter Attors as soon as possible.

Even so, many people were caught off guard by being overwhelmed by the blood mist, watching themselves out of control, becoming a monster, wandering aimlessly in the blood mist.

The blood mist swept too fast.

When everyone returned to the main urban area where the protective shield had been opened, all the main urban areas were also submerged in blood fog.

Looking around, there is only a thick **** color between the world and the earth, and people’s hearts are full of panic.

If it weren’t for the main city-level protective shield to defend against the blood fog, everyone on the scene would not be able to escape.

Fortunately, there is still a way out.

The door of Artos has been opened, and countless people walked in with rejoicing and expectation, and came to the icy and snowy land that was not much better than blood fog, which was shrouded in wind and snow all day long.

Some retreated, others stayed.

“The main city can’t give up, otherwise, even if I return to Atoles, I won’t be able to return to Blue Star, and I will be trapped in the dungeon world.”

“Send some people to stay behind, and you must keep the copy entrance.”

“Those blood energy shouldn’t pass through the dungeon entrance and spread to Blue Star.”

“Don’t be lucky.”


In the meeting room, following the command of the power leader, the twelve main cities became busier, as if the end had come.


Xiwang’s mother tongue said angrily: “It looks like you are going to succeed.”

Gu Zhi let out a sigh of relief, and said, “Where did he go?”

Queen Mother West said: “I don’t know, but according to his habits, he should be back soon. There is not much time left for you. It is too late to stop now.”

Gu Zhi’s eyes were biting, and he said, “Since it has already started, then I can’t stop.”

Queen Mother Xi looked around the enclosed area and said, “Next, what are you going to do.”

Gu Zhi put down the tea cup in his hand and said: “I need people, the more the better, the best is…”

Queen Mother West said: “It’s best to be Blue Star, there are many humans in that world.”

Gu Zhi stood up and said, “That’s right.”

Queen Mother West followed up and said, “Are you planning to invade Blue Star?”

Gu Zhi said indifferently: “This world is already hopeless. Even if it can be retaken, it is worthless. From the very beginning, taking back the world was just a trivial attempt.”

Queen Mother West’s face changed slightly, and she said: “No matter how willful you are in this world, if he comes back, I can still maneuver for you, but Blue Star must not, destroying that world will definitely provoke him.”

Gu Zhi was expressionless, and said: “You are right, the hopes and ideals I want are too slim, so I can’t wait.”

“I want to turn the blue star into the earth star a hundred years ago, recreating the world it used to be.”

“The genes of that world and the genes of all the creatures in it have been kept in the gene sea. As long as I can invade into the blue star, I can replace the blue star with human genes and turn the blue star into the former earth star and retrieve it. The world that used to be.”

“Mother, I need your help. Only your reversing power can replace the genes of the Blue Star humans with the genes of the Earth Star humans, and then can we recover the world we once lived in.”


Gene contains a lot of biological information, which is a kind of inheritance, and the gene preserved by the ancient child can also retain the memory in the gene.

Under this circumstance, once the genes of the Blue Star humans are replaced, everyone from the inside to the outside, from memory to thoughts and personalities, will become another person, another human being belonging to the Earth planet.

In short, gene replacement is equivalent to a hundred years ago, the collective resurrection of the Earth and planet humans before the end of the day passes to the current Blue Star humans a hundred years later, replacing all the current Blue Star humans.

There is no doubt that this trick is amazing, the handwriting is very big, and the layout is even more shocking.

If it can be realized smoothly, then the world that was once can indeed be found back. The most important thing is that this plan does not need to be reversed for a long time, and there is no need to wait so long. It is not insignificant, it is justified, and the feasibility is high.

And now is the best opportunity to realize this plan.

The only problem is that one is indispensable.

“I won’t help you.”

Queen Mother Xi sat back and said in a tired tone: “Just treat me as if I never had a son like you.”

Gu Zhi was speechless, and said: “Mother, from the beginning, I let him own you, so that you can break through the demigod and help me. You also know my purpose well, and promised me that if I help you match it up. , You will help me today.”

“In order to match you up, I even gave the Gene Lock and Liuli, but now you are…”

Before she finished speaking, Queen Mother West hummed and interrupted: “That was before. Now my old lady has conquered and conquered. I don’t want him to be unhappy. What if he doesn’t touch me again when he gets angry.”

Gu Zhi sighed and said, “Mother, you are not the kind of person who loves men and women.”

Queen Mother West said quietly: “It was true before, but now it is. I can’t wait to be in love with him every minute and every second, so don’t want me to help you, blame him for being awesome.”


Gu Zhi’s brows frowned, suddenly feeling thorny.

Queen Mother West said with excitement: “Give up, your plan will not be realized without my help.”

Gu Zhi smiled bitterly: “Mother, mother, no matter what, in that case, I can only use it strong.”

After the words fell there was a wave in the surrounding space, and then the invisible force solidified, turning into a strip of vivid **** tentacles.

One end of the source of the tentacles disappeared into the void beyond this small world, and the other end gathered together, entangled the beautiful woman sitting gently and gracefully.

“Shenmai 18 bound!”

Queen Mother Xi’s hands, neck, and legs were all entangled, and her whole person was bound in front of her in big characters, and she said in disbelief: “You are actually…”

Gu Zhi turned his back and said, “Mother, I have done everything possible, including you.”

“Sorry, for the sake of the world in my heart, I can only do this.”


Queen Mother Xi looked uncertain, and finally gave up struggling, inexplicably thinking: “This posture is good, he must like it.”

Gu Zhi:?

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