My Property Panel Has Gone To Kill the Gods

Chapter 245: Sudden sleep

The land of nine heavens.

Chen Che’s consciousness came again.

The roar of the sky and the earth disappeared, and the eternal darkness above the sky also faded, but it has not recovered as before, but gloom and dark clouds remain.

The emotion of a true **** always affects everything in the entire Nine Heavens Land, and depending on the weather, it is obvious that Nine Heavens has not calmed down.

With the other party’s arrogant personality, he was suddenly smashed so badly, that the anger in his heart might not be subdued.

Chen Crack sighed.

That’s it, after all, he’s still a child, and so pitiful, so let the other party vent his anger.

The thought fell, but nine days were not seen.


Chen crack was puzzled.

He is here now. Nine days can’t be unconscious, because the opponent’s temper will surely rush up for the first time and suppress him in the Land of Eternal Darkness for five hundred years with his **** facing up. It doesn’t make sense that he will not show up after a long time. Find him to exhale.

has a problem.

[Record: Nine days occupied your sacred stone, isolated the exploration of the recorded information, unable to find the problem. 】

Keep the change, please.

Chen Ching raised his head to look at the gloomy sky, his eyes slowly lit up, and he saw the turbulent horror behind the thick clouds.

The eternal darkness has not faded away, but is hidden in the farther shore behind the clouds.

At this moment, in his sight, in the endless darkness, deeper than the void, a huge head of 10,000 meters is sticking out from the eternal darkness.

The face of his head is constantly changing, with a black and red horn on his forehead, and the horn is fishing with nine colorful lanterns.

Nine pairs of neatly arranged eyes are burning with flames of various colors, half closed and half open.

Nine pairs of black fox ears trembled slightly, and the nine divine marks flowed between the eyebrows. Behind the head is a gloomy light wheel like a Buddha. The light wheel slowly rotates. The introverted divine light flashes and wanders continuously, and the visions are endless and exudes. With its evil and strange breath.

The magic hair danced wildly, stirring randomly throughout the eternal dark sky.

The tadpole-like **** patterns on his face are densely packed, converging into an equally strange and evil tattoo.

There is an unknown black flower in the mouth, and the flower is closed, and there seems to be something in it, which makes people feel extremely heart palpitations just by looking at it.

Too many visions.

It’s just a single head, and it seems to have gathered thousands and countless visions, each of which is different, and exudes the aura of divine Dao and traces of heaven and earth.

In this contrast, the beautiful legs in front of his head are slender, his feet are thousands of miles of clouds, he is dressed in a purple thunder and lightning god’s clothing, his silver hair is dancing, and the Nine Heavens True God holding a Xuanyue spear is undoubtedly inferior, as small as an ant.

“Why Master Xuan Nv is so angry.”

The big head opened, and the sound was like billowing thunder, but it couldn’t penetrate the cloud, it could only echo between the cloud and the eternal darkness.

Chen Cha could see, and naturally he could also hear.

“go back!”

There is no emotion in Jiutian’s voice, as plain as water, but it gives people a sense of command that cannot be resisted.

“Ha ha.”

His head shook the colorful lantern on his horn, his face changed from a man to a woman’s appearance, and said, “Since Master Xuan Nv asked me to wait back, it seems that the adult has not rested yet, too. After all, the adult has been treated by me. Wait until it hurts to the source.”

His face changed into another strange man again, and continued: “Thank you, Master Xuan-nv, for her anger, so that I can get a head out of trouble. This is a rare opportunity. It’s better for adults to fight with me again.”


Chen Che let out a dry cough, his expression full of shame and guilty conscience.

If expected, the big head is the product of the fusion of the nine super gods of the ancient world. The opponent should have been suppressed in the land of eternal darkness. As a result, because of his fall, a little problem occurred under the anger of Nine Heavens. The big head is out of sleep.

Everything is his reason, he is sinful.


Nine days of cold and merciless voice fell, and then Xuanyue’s spear swept across in his hand, and a terrifying Xuanyue appeared along the entire eternal dark sky. After a slight swing, it directly hit the big head, cutting the big head in half.


The roar rang out, full of pain and fear.

Unsurprisingly, Xuanyue’s head was cut in half like tofu, and it melted quickly like a lit candle under the shroud of Xuanyue’s light.

Eternal darkness swept and covered, swallowing Xuan Yue to cover up.

Among them, a gasp sounded: “My lord is worthy of becoming a **** in battle. If it were not for eternal protection, that blow would be enough to kill me.”

“It’s a pity, I took the initiative to escape into the eternal darkness, seeking both suppression and asylum.”

“Master Xuan Nv, when the eternal darkness disappears, it will be when we wait for the return of the true god.”

“At that time… I still look at Master Hyun…”


The last words disappeared with the complete silence of Eternal Darkness.

On the dark clouds, the void returns.


Jiutian’s body was broken, and his body fell like thunder, breaking through the clouds along the way, slamming straight to the ground.

It’s a bit accurate.

Chen Chai watched the thunder that fell and slammed into him, hesitated and decided to stay still, and silently stretched out his hands to greet him.

I just fell, and if I don’t pick it up, it’s really inappropriate to let the opponent fall to the ground.

The main reason is that I’m afraid of angering the other party again.

Tsao Jiao is Tsao Jiao, and she makes such a big move if she is angry, so other than petting and coaxing, there is really no way to take the other party.

Thunder flashed down.

With a sinking in his arms, Chen Cha steadily caught the girl while being directly kneeled on the ground by the force.

With this kneeling, the earth was directly knocked out of a huge sinkhole with a bang.

The flying dust dissipated.

In the sinkhole, the crackling thunder and lightning lingered around Chen Lei’s body, and finally he was completely calm.

Seeing this, he heaved a sigh of relief and said: “Huh…so heavy…”

In his arms, Jiutian’s small mouth opened, and then he snapped it up, the silver tooth’s force, directly crushed the eternal freezing of Chen Qian’s body, and bit out a **** tooth mark on that smooth shoulder.

Why do you say smooth shoulders?

Because of the eternal freezing and being crushed, Chen Che’s figure changed a while, returning to the appearance of a previous woman.

After all, it is a true god, even a casual bite is not a horror that the invincible power of the moment can contend.

It doesn’t matter if it freezes or gets crushed, the main reason is that it hurts.

Chen Chai immediately sucked in a cold breath, and said with a trembling voice: “Slacken, loose your mouth.”

On his shoulders, the little mouth pressed harder, and the extreme touch allowed him to clearly feel the neat rows of teeth and the shape of the two tiger teeth.

“It hurts!”

Chen Lei’s body trembled, and said, “Wrong, I was wrong. If you have something to say, let go of it first.”

Nine days of being indifferent, he applied force again, his teeth broke through the skin all the way, flesh and blood, harder and harder, you can feel the full of anger from it.

It seems that if you don’t bite, you won’t let your mouth go.

Chen Che was helpless and unable to open the small mouth on his shoulders, so he could only let it go. He got up and looked at the brokenness around him, then left the tiankeng and came to the sea of ​​flowers outside the tiankeng with his back leaning on it. The lonely old tree sat down.

During this period, Jiutian has been biting hard to vent his anger.

“Oh, my nine days, because of being betrayed by the people under the rule, so angry…”

Chen Cha endured the pain and sighed forcibly, “All the anger bit people.”


A muffled sound came from her little mouth.

This sound was not simple, it was full of anger and anger, and the bite became harder.

Chen Cha felt that the meat on his shoulder was about to be bitten off, and his whole body was already in pain.

Forget it, let’s stop talking coldly.

Without a word, he looked at the scattered clouds in the sky, and slowly stroked the girl’s back, calming the girl’s anger and grievance.

After a long time, the girl let go of her mouth contentedly.

The wound on the shoulder healed quickly, and finally there was blood stains and an indelible tooth mark.

Chen Cha didn’t care. He pulled the changed skirt over his shoulders and looked down at the girl in his arms. He paused on the other’s blood-stained mouth, and couldn’t help saying: “Your gums are bleeding. .”

Jiutian licked his lower lip with his tongue, yawned, and turned his head and said, “I don’t want to talk to you now.”

After speaking, he curled up in his arms like a kitten to rest.

Chen Che held the girl, feeling inexplicably weak, and said, “Bite and bite. Why do you still **** blood? It’s all drained by you.”

Jiutian hummed softly.

Chen Cha was tired and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted like never before.

[Record: Your…property panel…squeezed dry…falling asleep…]

[Record: Your divinity… and the fire of the gods… fell into… collapsed state…]

[Record: Your…all skills are in… collapsed state…]

[Record: You are too tired… fell asleep…]


Under the old tree, Chen Cha’s consciousness was silent, holding the girl silent, only breathing smoothly.

Seeing this, Jiutian whispered to himself: “It seems that you have eaten a little too much…huh…who makes you disobedient and bullies my palace…”

On this occasion, a gust of wind passed by, and the old tree trembled and the leaves fell.

I don’t know when a figure quietly appeared under the old tree, in front of Jiutian and Chen Chai.

If Chen Chai was still awake at the moment, he would be confused, because the figure in front of him was a woman, or a very familiar woman.


The most unlikely person around is the one who hides the deepest.

At this moment, Xi Lian stepped forward and sat down next to Chen Chai, holding Chen Chai into her arms and touching it gently.

In his eyes, the deep divine light is looming.

“You crossed the line.”

Jiutian firmly dominated Chen Chai’s arms, and said coldly: “Don’t think that you are taking advantage. You can use this body to conceive a goddess for yourself. ”

Hearing this, the world temporarily occupying Xilian’s body glanced at Nine Heavens, and said, “Is it delicious?”

Jiutian snorted coldly: “No matter how delicious it is, you can’t steal it as much.”

The world said lightly: “I thought you would eat him thoroughly.”

Jiutian adjusted his posture because of Chen Crack’s obstructive slime, and said, “You can eat as much as you want in this palace. If you are fine, go quickly. Don’t get in the way of this palace’s eyes here.”

The world was indifferent and said: “I can help you.”

Jiutian disdainfully said: “No, you don’t want to take the opportunity to steal the power of this palace.”

The world whispered: “Why do we have to divide so clearly between you and me, after all, we never divide each other.”

Jiu Tiandao: “That was once, but now it’s different.”

The world sighed softly: “You, why bother.”

Jiutian lay down comfortably, and said, “This palace has nothing to do with you.”

The world said indifferently: “If you move him, it has something to do with me.”

Jiutian raised his head and said: “This palace has always been punished clearly. This is his punishment. If you fall to this palace, you will not favor this palace.”

The jade hand of the world fell on the small mouth of the Nine Heavens and the Nine Races, and said: “Obviously you can’t help but tempted to secretly eat. If you don’t wake up at last, he will have been eaten up by you.”

Jiutian raised his hand and patted the jade hand off his mouth, and said: “He loves this palace, loves it, and is willing to be eaten by this palace. You can’t control it. Besides, if the palace eats a little bit, he will recover after sleeping.”

“Don’t you think my palace eats a little bit more in one go? You haven’t eaten less. Compared with you, the bite eaten by this palace is nothing.”


The world is speechless.

She does eat, but she eats bit by bit, undetected, the kind of stealing that is good for each other.

But Jiutian just forcibly asked for it directly, without paying.

But Jiutian’s personality has always been like this, and she had already expected it.

Fortunately, although the stealing food this time was a bit too much, it did not hurt Chen’s roots. As long as she sleeps, she can recover, otherwise she would not be so polite to Jiutian.

“You can eat, but you can’t eat it without paying anything.”

The purpose of the world is very clear.

Jiutian pursed his small mouth, and said impatiently: “Sniffy, you know, when he wakes up, my palace will show mercy and accompany him to sleep once.”

The world tapped to reach the head, and said: “Such the best.”

The breeze is still there.

Jiutian said unhappily: “Why are you still not leaving.”

The world stroked Chen Chai’s cheeks and said softly, “I want to wait for him to wake up and watch you sleep with him.”

Jiutian murmured, finally snorted heavily and fell into a deep sleep.

The world silently accompanies and waits, the eyes looking towards the sky are unpredictable, it seems that something is brewing…

The outside world, inside the cave **** shuttle.

Hong Yan and charming looked at Chen Cha, who fell asleep at first glance, and looked at each other, not knowing why.

Okay, why did you fall asleep suddenly?

Blue Star, in the dungeon world, in the Longyuan city deep underground.

Gu Zhi was cultivating in the sacred tree. At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

Weakened, the terrifying power that was connected to the world outside the copy in the depths of the earth, turned into a black hole, weakened.

Why is there such a change?

His mind was fluctuating and hesitant.

That was Chen Cha’s strength. Could it be that Chen Cha’s problems had caused the remaining strength to weaken?

Do you want to take this opportunity to do it…

After a while, he breathed out slowly, his expression firmed down.

Not to be missed.

To do it.

But just in case, let’s try and raise his head, his gaze pierced through all obstacles, and he arrived in the chasm that directly connected to the surface world, and landed on the cage that was flooded in the chasm.

There are countless red ridge beasts sleeping in the cage today, and many of them have been transformed into red ridge beasts after humans have lost control.

Obviously, the White King’s invasion is going to happen again, and his invasion will be countless times more violent than the White King.

Siding, just as he was about to do it, a figure appeared out of thin air, saying: “Why do you want to go it alone?”

Queen Mother Xi’s eyes were disappointed, and said: “You know very well that it is not a good choice to be an enemy.”

Gu Zhi was not surprised, and said: “Only when I become a **** can I protect everything and my mother can reverse everything and return to before the end.”

“At that time, those who have lost will return.”


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