My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 63: Trails of Life

There was not much within this circle. Just a few over the top manors that were spread out evenly. Leaving ample ground for each one to claim as its own. There would most likely be more of the same if they were to continue to follow the circle instead of going to the centre.

Since there is nothing of note or interest to them they make a beeline directly towards the final archway. As they pass underneath it they realise how massive the courtyard is. Exotic flowers bloom along the lines of the path to the castle.

Well kept fields of blue coloured grass spread out to the sides. Making their way around the sides heading for the rear of the castle. What appears to be a hedge maze lays off to the right side. While some sort of herb garden is situated to the left.

'It could be worth taking a look at the herbs once we're done inside.' Kace thought to himself. Becoming intrigued by what sort of things vampires would feel the need to cultivate.

They started down the path towards the palace. Taking in the full beauty of the surrounding sceneries, their faces relaxed as they appreciated the rare sights. 

As they came upon the large, heavy wooden doors that safeguarded the treasures housed within, they noticed that something was awry. One of the doors lay slightly ajar. Leaving a gap large enough for a couple of grown men to pass-through at a time.

They approached the situation carefully. Taking note of what was nearby that could be used for cover in a crisis. Taking up opposite flanking sides of the door, Kace slowly peeped inside. Ready to unleash a retaliatory strike at a moments notice.

However, all was as silent as a grave. There were no unusual movements. Not even a draft blew through the interior. Taking his time he carefully selected each step before he took it. 

His [Tracking] ability had picked up a slight trace of a cloudy violet colour floating through the air. It was so faint that is was only visible as short patches. Like something had passed through the area numerous times. Though it had been an extended amount of time since it had last been here.

Kace reckoned that the culprit was most likely to be the guardian that Yul wanted them to deal with. It was most reasonable to assume that the guardian was quite a large thing. Based off of where the clouds of colour reached up to.

'At least this time we won't be getting ambushed. Something that large will give a clear reading through [Tracking]. If we're lucky we may be able to avoid it entirely.' Kace calmly assessed the situation. 

After all, Grugda himself had advised that they should avoid returning to the eerie being known as Yul unless there was absolutely no other option. Taking their first steps into the interior of the palace, they were full of trepidation. 

Not only was the palace exceptionally vast but they also had no idea what direction to begin in. Standing in the foyer, they could see how far the staircases rose. Taking an entire ten floors to reach the top.

"We should. Split up." The Eljein grumbled, not caring for his suggestion in the slightest.

"I don't think that would be wise. It would probably take both of us just to escape whatever monstrosity is skulking about in here." Arguing his point of view Kace shook his head in denial. "No. It's too perilous to take the risk. We should move together. Even if it costs us more time than we can afford."

Grugda was secretly relieved to hear him say this. Kace may not be able to feel it but he certainly could. The air around them was charged with static mana. Meaning that whatever was stalking these abandoned hallways could barely contain its power.

They moved quickly but as carefully as they could. Speculating that it would make sense for a treasury room to be held underground. Which would be where the safest location should be in case of an attack.

They attempted to open several doors as they passed by but to no avail. It seemed that the previous owner had gone to great lengths to ensure the safety of whatever was hiding in these rooms. Each one proved to be impervious to both physical and magical attacks.

Grugda was confident that there should be a way to force them open. Though he could only achieve this if he had time. Which just so happened to be the one commodity they were severely lacking right now.

They were coming close to a ninety-degree corner in the corridor. Forcing them to take it unhurriedly. The worst thing that could happen just now was if they barged around the corner and straight into the very thing they were trying to avoid!

Although Kace could sense any remnants of its passing in the area, that did not mean that it could not have taken a different route from the one they had chosen. Kace was well aware that the palace most likely connected different corridors through intersections. Allowing the inhabitants a quicker way of moving around.

They placed their backs hard up against the wall. Trying to make themselves appear smaller than they were. I mean, it is a standard procedure after all. You know, in case the big bad monster, which is ironic coming from a pair of them really, just so happened to poke its head around first.

Grugda inched closer to the edge, each step making Kace feel more nervous that something was about to reach around and grab him. Moving extremely slowly, Grugda poked his head out from the protection of their cover. Starting for a few seconds with disbelief before turning to Kace.

"What's wrong?!" Kace questioned, a sense of urgency brimming within him.

"Ehm. Hmm. I think. I found. The stairs." Grugda let out a guttural chortle, laughing at his friends exaggerated worries.

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