My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 62: Gargoyles

Their feet pounded against the paved road as they sprinted all out. Their breathing was ragged and shallow cuts marked their bodies.

"Fuck OFF!" Kace roared as swung his halberd, his anger getting the better of him. The gargoyle flew out out of reach before it could connect though.

Since awhile ago they had been pestered by hundreds of these things.Their ugly faces and fat, squat little bodies were made entirely of stone. Each one about the height of a seven year old child. 

Kace was at a loss as to how stone statues could be alive. Let alone how their wings were able to give them the ability to fly. Seeing the look of disbelief on his face Grugda decides to enlighten him.

"They are. Golems!" He panted rapidly. "Created by infusing. Magic into. A core to. give them. Life."

As Kace continued to try and scare of them off with might and magic Grugda continued his explanation. To sum up all the complicated stuff he basically said that they were usually only crafted by powerful civilisations of the past.

Mainly used as an automated workforce for cities or guards for wealthy individuals. 'I guess that explains why the place is so immaculate then!' Kace swore to himself as pushed onwards.

He inwardly rejoiced as another pair of gargoyles were smashed to smithereens by his [Ice Spear]. He could have sworn though that the rest of the flying rats stopped for a moment to laugh at his efforts.

Another lunged through the sky towards him. Whipping its pointed, arrow tipped, stone tail at his face. Leaving another cut behind as it avoided the lethal halberd.

"Is there any way to turn these damn things off!" He roared in frustration at Grugda.

"Only their. Master can do. Such a thing." He replied, just as frustrated as he was. Grugda had found himself in a bit of a predicament. Whatever was used to make the city was not affected by his magic. Not only that but it was so securely in place that he could not even burst through it with the earth it covered. 

This left him without his best source of strength to aid Kace in his plight. Instead having to be protected by him. Kace caught one of the gargoyles by its tail when he avoided having his eye poked out.

Swinging it around and tossing it into one of its companions. The pair falling to the ground having had their wings smashed. Completely unfazed the two of them proceeded to give chase on foot. Laughing all the while.

Kace soon lost sight of them though as their stumpy little legs failed to keep up. They were fast approaching the archway that led to the next ring. With a mischievous smile Kace had an idea.

Racing through it he paused for a moment on the other side. Waiting for the ones in the lead to catch up.

"Eat this!" He screamed. As he cast a large web using his [Spider Thread] to cover the entire opening of the archway.

With panicked squeals a large number of over zealous gargoyles got caught in his impromptu trap. Making him feel quite pleased with himself as he took joy in their squeals. 'They sound like fat little pigs being led to their slaughter!' He chuckled to himself at his own poor excuse of a joke.

Having seen what happened to the forerunners the rest of the pack flew over the top. Their eyes glinting in delight, or would be if they were not made of stone, at the distress of the ones foolish enough to be caught out.

This back and forth continued as they passed through more layers of the city. Debris scattered through the streets as Kace managed to shoot down more and more of them. Unfortunately his halberd had been little to no use during the chase.

They were simply too agile for him to reliably strike when they were within his range. He did manage to catch another load with his web trap when they passed another archway though. Easing his burden a bit more.

Unfortunately when they came to the next archway they had learned their lesson. Flying up over the top without even giving him the chance to cast it. He was beginning to feel more and more pressure as he slowly accumulated minor wounds.

When they reached the archway leading to the area before the castle his frustration had reached breaking point. With a dangerous growl escaping his throat he slid to a stop underneath it.

Preparing his weapon he turned to face the remaining gargoyles. Using the archway to limit their aerial manoeuvres. However to his surprise the pack seemed reluctant to attack him.

Confusion filled his thoughts as he eyed them one by one. Just moments ago they had been determined to torment him. Why stop now?

Suddenly they started chatting in a guttural language between themselves. As though having a serious debate. 'Oh hell! Don't tell me their actually cowards that only pick on people who run away from them!' Kace thought angrily. Feeling like he had been played for an utter fool.

He began cursing and ranting at them. Daring them to attack. Doing all he could to try and provoke them. He had lost himself in the feeling of needing to get a little payback for all they had put him through.

They eyeballed him from time to time. As if to mockingly say, 'You're kidding right? You think we want to pick a fight with a beast that bites back? Dream on loser.' Although they did not say this it was exactly what Kace imagined they were saying to him. Judging by the looks he was getting.

With no other choice left Kace threw another few [Ice Spears] towards them. Though they were easily dodged as they were paying proper attention to him now. Instead of being lost in the excitement of the chase.

"Ignore them." Grugda said simply, believing they were now safe.

"You better hope I don't see you guys on the way out!" Kace roared at them. Causing a raucous uproar of laughter from them. Kace scoffed as he turned his back to them, ready to see what secrets were hiding in that castle.

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