My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 79 - new domestication base

“Ah—” A terrified cry came from the ward, and Xiang Pu was convulsed, his expression extremely distorted.

The medical staff rushed over, suppressed his body, and injected sedatives. After tossing for a few minutes, he slowly calmed down.

Since he was rescued the day before yesterday, Xiang Pu has been in a state of mental disorder, sometimes awake and sometimes confused, with incomplete memory, easily frightened, and speechless. Dr Liu’s condition was even more severe, with frequent nightmares, an exceptional sensitivity to music and animal calls, and a madness at the sight of a syringe.

The video of that day was posted on the Internet by the people on the passenger boat. The tentacles of the octopus that dragged the two into the sea were photographed a lot. From the length and strength of the two tentacles, it was inferred that it was a terrifying giant octopus. Being dragged into the sea by such a giant octopus and being able to come back alive, everyone called “lucky”!

Xiangpu’s organization of going out to sea to shoot killer whales has been promoted and publicized for a long time. Although it was not filmed in the end, the accident they encountered was more eye-catching than the show itself. First, the blue whale that came out to breathe overturned the boat, then was surrounded by a group of killer whales, and finally was swept into the sea by a large octopus. The process was thrilling and bizarre, comparable to a blockbuster.

Some netizens ridiculed: [What the **** did they do to make those marine animals who rarely communicate with each other form a group to punish them? 】

Soon after, the accident ship was also towed ashore. The equipment on the ship was basically damaged, but the waterproof camera was well preserved. The scene of the accident was recorded, but it was not very clear and shook violently. But the killer whale audio played on the boat is very clear, and everyone speculated that the appearance of blue whales, killer whales and octopuses may be because of this audio.

Xiang Pu didn’t plan to shoot step by step at the beginning, but used tricky methods, which almost led to a tragedy.

Netizens who originally expressed sympathy for him have rebuked him after the video was released. He and Dr. Liu, who provided the audio, will also bear responsibility for the accident and a large amount of compensation.

[Natural Passerby A: The owner of the museum said earlier that they used improper filming methods. Wasn’t it very fun to delete comments at that time? Are you being punished now? 】

[Women’s clothing boss Medusa: I processed the sound effects of the video they posted before, and found that they did use interference sound waves, which caused the killer whale to behave abnormally. What they did was not a popular science show at all, but a show using killer whales. 】

[Sesame dumplings: They also advertise that they love nature and explore the truth. They really want to vomit. 】

After the incident came to light, Yuyou’s fans were finally able to speak freely. At the beginning, they were banned from speaking and blocked. As long as they said a word, they would immediately be overwhelmed by a large group of sailors, and they were so aggrieved. Now that the truth is revealed, it is finally their turn to counterattack.

As for Xiang Pu and Dr. Liu, even if they return to normal in the future, they will leave a big psychological shadow, and the call of killer whales will become their nightmare for a lifetime.

As a human in this life, Yuyou abides by the laws of human beings and will not kill people casually, but in the sea, she has the right to choose the way to punish the enemy.

However, she did not know that the public video is not all. Xiang Pu had previously installed a fixed-point camera under the sea area. Although this camera’s pixels were not high and the battery life was not strong, it still captured her figure.

Xiang Pu was insane, this video has not attracted attention for the time being, because the quality of the picture is too bad, it was taken away by Xiang Pu’s program group, and I don’t know what they plan to do with it.

“Jing Yi, the aquarium’s domestication base has been remodeled.” Yu You stuck his head out of the kitchen and looked at Lu Jingyi, “Would you like to come and see with me today?”

“Okay.” Lu Jingyi walked in and helped Yuyou bring breakfast to the table.

“I opened a green channel on the Internet to treat and shelter injured marine life for free.” Yuyou told him his plans.

“Have you considered the issue of spending?” Although Lu Jingyi is very rich, he does not support public welfare activities without a budget. “The annual donation is limited, and it is impossible to maintain huge medical and maintenance expenses.”

“I know.” Yuyou poured him a glass of soy milk and said, “I will ask them to submit an application for help first, and receive it according to the priority. If it is a private help, the corresponding fee must be paid.”

Lu Jingyi nodded, agreeing with her handling.

After breakfast, the two asked the driver to take them to the Fantasy Aquarium.

Just a few days after the green channel opened, the aquarium received four requests for help, two dolphins, a sea lion and a money shark.

After Yuyou reviewed the materials, Curator Ouyang Hui received them all and kept them in separate spaces.

Today’s breeding base is divided into inner and outer areas. In the outer area, many isolated water areas have been built to raise medium and large marine animals. The inner area is mainly for the treatment and cultivation of ornamental fish, where nearly a hundred aquariums are placed, most of which are currently empty. After it is perfected, some of the more popular ornamental fish can be sold to tourists.

“Hoo, ho…” While Yuyou and Lu Jingyi were visiting the training base, a hoarse roar came from not far away, followed by the noise of several staff members.

“It’s a sea lion.” Yu You already said without waiting for Curator Ouyang Hui to explain.

Several people followed the sound and walked over, and just after entering the isolation area, they saw a sea lion desperately chasing a breeder to bite.

Two other breeders followed with tools, looking for an opportunity to restrain it.

“Shh—” A whistle suddenly sounded, and the sea lion stopped, looked around, and then ran straight towards the fish.

“Be careful!” Curator Ouyang Hui stood in front of the two nervously.

“It doesn’t matter.” Yu You bypassed him and met the happy sea lion.

Although Lu Jingyi believed in her ability, he did not dare to take it lightly, staring at the sea lion, secretly preparing to save him at any time.

Yuyou squatted down, and the sea lion just ran forward, plunged into her arms, and arched in grievance.

The appearance of seeing her own mother was completely different from the violence just now, and the staff around her were stunned.

Yuyou picked up the sea lion’s head and carefully checked its condition. The eyes are cloudy, the abscess is pressed, the mottled wound on the back looks particularly oozing, and the originally smooth fur is dull. It suffers from relatively serious skin diseases, purulent teeth and respiratory infections. These problems are recorded in the application materials. As for whether there are other diseases, further examination is required.

“Hooho…” The sea lion’s voice was irritable and painful. It was originally a mild-mannered creature, and if it wasn’t sick, it probably wouldn’t attack the keepers at will.

“It’s okay, it will be fine soon.” Yuyou relieved its pain with the power of the ocean, and it immediately calmed down, lying in front of her obediently, looking at her with big round eyes.

“Miss Yu, you are too powerful.” A breeder came over and bent forward.

“Roar!” The sea lion suddenly raised its neck and pushed him fiercely.

The breeder was so frightened that he took a few steps back, and Yuyou hugged the raging sea lion, ignoring the germs it carried.

“Scared the baby to death.” The breeder patted his chest and looked at Yu You in surprise, “Miss Yu, have you ever been a breeder of this sea lion before?”

Yuyou shook his head: “No, I only recognized it today.”

“Then how did you make it obey?”

“I have been close to marine animals since I was a child, which should be regarded as a gift.”

The breeder looked at her enviously, a talent that is the dream of all marine animal breeders.

Yuyou stood up and instructed: “It’s hungry, prepare some deboned fish for it, and add a portion of acetylcysteine ​​by the way.”

“no problem.”

Yuyou plans to help the sea lion to treat respiratory infections first. Antibiotics and anesthetics are needed for the pus teeth, and skin diseases need to be treated slowly.

But after a long time, the breeder brought the food and medicine, Yuyou fed it to the sea lion by himself, sterilized it, and then said goodbye to it, ready to go to see a few other marine animals that needed treatment.

The sea lion chased after her, biting her trousers to keep her from going.

Yuyou lifted her foot and gently took it away, but it didn’t let go, and in the end she simply pressed its fat body on the back of her foot, sloppy.

Yuyou stared at it for a while, and said, “You want to follow me? Come with me then.”

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the water next door.

Ouyang Hui hesitated to speak, but when he saw that Lu Jingyi didn’t speak, he also kept his mouth shut.

Several staff members saw the sea lion swaying behind Yu You, and found it quite interesting, so they followed. However, as long as they approached, they would be chased and chased by sea lions, and the range within five meters around Yuyou was emptied by it. With the exception of Lu Jingyi, he ignored the threatening gaze of the sea lion and strode to Yuyou’s side. The sea lion just roared a few times in dissatisfaction, but did not attack him, or did not dare to attack.

Yu You glanced at him, and always felt that the aura on his body was getting stronger and stronger, and his domineering aura was leaked in a large area in cubic meters.

The two walked unhurriedly ahead, with Ouyang Hui and several staff members following far behind.

“Curator, is it really good to let that sea lion walk around at will?” a breeder whispered, “The germs on it may infect other animals.”

Ouyang Hui frowned and said, “Miss Yu should have a good idea. Let’s take a look at it first.” After a while, he suddenly asked, “What animal is next door?”


Before the breeder’s voice fell, he saw the sea lion suddenly jumped back as if he was running for his life, plunged into the pool, and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone: “???”

Yuyou stood by the pool next door and beckoned to the water.

A head popped out, it was the killer whale cute ball that was brought back to the breeding base by Yuyou for recuperation. It dashed forward a few meters, then jumped high and did a nice backflip.

Sea lions have only two natural enemies, killer whales and sharks. So it ran so fast just now, and it was all scared by the cute ball. In fact, Mengqiu just looks scary, but in fact it’s too cowardly. If the sea lion runs a little slower, the next second will be the cute ball.

Mengqiu is very comfortable in the domestication base. Occasionally taking it out to the sea to release it, it is extremely satisfied. Yuyou thought, it may use this place as its own home in the future, and even if it is released, it will choose to come back.

There are people who are free and unrestrained, and there are those who like otaku. The same is true for killer whales. As long as they feel happy, there is no right or wrong.

Saying goodbye to Mengqiu, Yuyou and Lu Jingyi went to see two sick dolphins and a money shark. They were basically troublesome diseases. Although they were not terminal illnesses, they also needed a lot of time to treat.

Yuyou plans to stay in the aquarium for a while, to help them control their disease first, and then the rest of the conditioning work can be handed over to others with confidence. These marine animals sent for treatment are all registered, and a video needs to be recorded during the treatment process. If an animal dies in the future, this video can be used as a treatment certificate.

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