My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 78 - Get out of my realm!

Yuyou removed all the trackers strapped to the three killer whales. These trackers were originally intended to facilitate the marine life protection association to collect feedback information a month later, but in the vast sea, the trackers were lost or the signal disappeared. It was a common occurrence, so Yuyou wasn’t worried about how much trouble removing the tracker would bring her.

Without the tracker, Xiang Pu and others could no longer track the three killer whales. If they want to complete the shooting, they can only go to the wild killer whale, but the wild killer whale is not as well-behaved as the artificial killer whale, and will attack outsiders at any time. The name of “killer whale” is not for nothing. The photographer had to put himself in a cage to shoot at sea, but in this way, the framing angle and flexibility were severely limited.

Yuyou took the three killer whales away from the boat, and chose a sea area with richer products, and let Mengqiu familiarize himself with the environment with Beanbag and Tiantian, and re-adapt to the marine life. But it always lingers around Yuyou, preferring to be hungry than to leave.

Yuyou deliberately disappeared from its eyes, leaving it alone in the sea, but it turned around for a while, and then swam straight towards the breeding base of the aquarium. It apparently thought that as long as it got there, it could find the person it was looking for.

The last experience seems to have left a deep psychological shadow on it, and it is full of fear of everything unknown in the outside world.

Yuyou didn’t think much about it at first, but felt that Mengqiu was more sensitive than other killer whales and needed a period of mental treatment, but something happened later that made her change her mind.

The boats of Xiang Pu and others drove slowly on the sea, searching for tracking signals everywhere, but found nothing. Not only were they fully equipped this time, they also invited a marine expert, who was Dr. Liu who participated in the release last time.

Xiang Pu stood at the bow of the boat, raised his binoculars and looked around. The sea was calm except for the cascading waves of microwaves.

“Strange, where did those three killer whales go?” Xiang Pu looked at Dr. Liu beside him suspiciously.

Dr. Liu held a device similar to a mobile phone in his hand and frowned: “The habits of killer whales in different sea areas are also slightly different, but these three killer whales, after selecting an area, should not move casually, unless Food is scarce.”

“Obviously not because of the food.” There are plenty of fish and shrimp here, enough for three killer whales to fill their stomachs.

“The killer whales will not enter the deep water. As long as they are still nearby, they will be found.” Dr. Liu affirmed.

Xiang Pu looked at the sky, a little anxious on his face.

Dr. Liu glanced at him and suggested, “If you are really in a hurry, you can use the audio I gave you.”

As an expert in the study of marine life, Dr. Liu has thousands of audio files in his hands. As long as the call or cry of a killer whale is played, the nearby killer whales will be attracted.

“Okay!” Xiang Pu’s eyes lit up, he turned around and walked into the control room to let the captain play the audio.

The captain did not refuse, and clicked play directly.

The loud cry of killer whales rang out in the sea, with the ship as the center, spreading around in circles…

Yuyou, who was a few kilometers away, turned his head and looked into the distance, frowning slightly.

Doubao and Tiantian around him also heard it, hesitatingly circled back and forth. Mengqiu’s reaction was the strangest, he kept drilling into Yuyou’s arms, as if he wanted to seek protection.

【What’s up? 】 Yuyou hugged its head.

Moeball cried out in a pleasing manner.

Yuyou communicated patiently with it for a long time, but unexpectedly found something that made her very angry.

There are also five killer whales in the breeding base where Mengqiu was originally located. The base will play this audio at regular intervals, and one killer whale will be taken away after each broadcast. Moeball was taken twice and lay dazed in a sink before something pierced his brain.

Mengqiu didn’t know what it was, but Yuyou could guess that someone secretly experimented with killer whales! That domestication base may have been shut down not because of bankruptcy, but because of illegal experiments. There are six killer whales in the base, and in the end there is only one cute ball left. The risk of the experiment is so great that the life of the killer whale is completely in vain.

【Don’t go there. 】 Yuyou grabbed the bean bag and Tiantian’s tail, and warned carefully.

Doubao and Tiantian slowly quieted down, and swam to the side to play, but from time to time, they glanced at the place where the sound came from.

[Mengqiu, don’t be afraid, wait for me here for a while, I’ll be right back. 】 Yu You comforted Meng Qiu again, then flashed and disappeared in place.

Mengqiu floated alone in the sea, looked at the direction Yuyou disappeared, and looked at Beanbag and Tiantian, feeling at a loss, and finally swam to the sea and opened his belly to pretend to die.

The audio of the killer whales was played on a loop, but within a few tens of minutes, two groups of killer whales were attracted. They wandered back and forth around the ship, looking for the source of the sound.

There are photographers both at sea and in the sea, but they didn’t capture the three killer whales they wanted.

“Did they really migrate to other waters?” Xiang Pu asked suspiciously.

Dr. Liu looked around and said indifferently, “Then we may have a hard time tracking them down.”

Xiang Pu’s face was gloomy, he thought for a moment, and then instructed the crew: “Put down those dolphins.”

Dr. Liu looked at him strangely: “What do you want to do?”

“Since we can’t track them, we will select three similar sized ones from these wild killer whales instead.” Xiang Pu said, “The dolphins are brightly colored and flexible in movement. Feeding them to the killer whales can be very interesting to photograph. Sexual imagery.”

What he is most interested in now is not the killer whale, but the mysterious person, or the mysterious “species”.

Dr. Liu has nothing to say about his approach, but he just doesn’t like such entertaining popular science programs in the bottom of his heart. The reason why he came here was because he had some friendship with Xiang Pu, and secondly, he wanted to see the situation of the three killer whales. Now that they have left, the association no longer needs to track feedback.

The dolphins were thrown into the sea by the crew, and the killer whales immediately chased after them and began to hunt in an orderly manner.

The sea is thrilling, and the waves on the sea surface are rolling.

It is significantly more efficient to lead snakes out of their holes than to wait for rabbits. The pictures of predation are wonderful, and with post-editing, one episode of the show is complete. Anyway, the audience can’t understand the language of killer whales. The setting of the story and the direction of the plot depend on the narrator’s mouth.

At this time, under the sea four or five hundred meters away, Yu You opened his mouth and emitted a high-pitched sound wave.

The group of killer whales that was preying suddenly slowed down, then turned around and swam away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The nearby fish also fled, but within ten seconds, in a radius of thousands of meters, no active marine life could be seen, and the whole sea area fell into a strange silence.

“What’s going on?” Xiang Pu asked in confusion.

The captain stared at the monitor for a while, and showed a puzzled expression: “Strange, this sea area seems to be emptied, and not even a single fish or shrimp can be found.”

Xiang Pu looked at Dr. Liu, who shook his head and said, “I have never encountered such a situation. Even if a dangerous creature is approaching, even the fish and shrimp will not run away. Moreover, the killer whale group is already the overlord in the marine food chain. There are basically no creatures that can threaten them.”

“Then what is the situation now?”

Dr. Liu thought for a while and said to the captain, “Try opening that audio clip again.”

The captain complied.

The voice of the killer whale resounded in the silent ocean, high-pitched and loud, revealing an indescribable desolation.

Three minutes later, a flashing signal dot suddenly appeared in the monitor, just below the ship.

“What’s down there?” the captain asked in surprise.

The photographer under the sea heard the captain’s voice from the contactor, and immediately turned the lens downward. Before the focal length was aligned, the cage they were in suddenly fell to one side, and then slowly rose.

The two photographers in the cage were unsteady on their feet, spinning with nowhere to go.

The people on the boat could only see pictures that circled upside down. Before they could figure out what was going on, they suddenly felt a vibration under their feet, the hull tilted, and a huge shadow appeared under the boat, accompanied by the water like a gate. The sound gradually emerged from the sea.

“Oh my God, it’s a blue whale!” a crew member hugging the mast tightly exclaimed.

“What? Blue whale? How did the blue whale appear here?” Xiang Pu shouted at Dr. Liu, “Are you sure you gave me the audio of the killer whale? Not the blue whale?”

“Of course it is!” Dr. Liu was both terrified and bewildered, completely clueless as to what was going on.

The blue whale is the largest known marine animal in the world. It is about 30 meters long, bigger than this ship! But they mainly live at the confluence of warm and icy seas and are generally not found in tropical waters. But it’s winter now, so it doesn’t seem strange to come and visit occasionally?

When the blue whale showed its head, the hull was already tilted to 90 degrees, and all the people on the boat were lying on the doors, windows or walls.

“Woo–” A whistle-like cry sounded on the sea, causing everyone’s eardrums to hurt, and immediately saw a water column of about 10 meters jet out, rolling out together with the nearby sea water, turbulent and imposing. fill.

After a few minutes, the sound stopped, the water column disappeared, the blue whale glanced in a certain direction, and then slowly sank down, the raised pectoral fins slapped the sea heavily, rolled up a huge wave, and screamed in bursts. In the middle, the ship rotates half a circle, upside down and upside down on the sea.

All the people on the boat fell into the sea and rushed upstream.

【Thank you. 】 Yuyou’s sound waves came from not far away.

[Just come out to take a breath, nothing to thank. 】The blue whale left leisurely.

A group of people struggled desperately in the sea, scrambling to crawl towards the bottom of the boat floating on the sea. Fortunately, their water quality is good, unless they are a little embarrassed, there is no danger to their lives for the time being.

The distress signal has been sent, and they just have to wait patiently for the nearby ships to come to the rescue.

But, before capsizing, they forgot one thing, the killer whale’s audio hadn’t been turned off, and the call for help was still playing on a loop.

When Dr. Liu first realized the problem, it was too late.

Killer whales came one after another and swam around the ship, surrounding them.

These are all wild killer whales. They are fast, powerful, and have high IQs. They also like team action. They are completely different from those cute creatures in Ocean Park!

Everyone’s faces turned green, and they shivered and squeezed together.

The worst thing was that the two photographers in the cage who were in charge of shooting under the sea were trapped in the cage alone, breathing **** the little oxygen left in the oxygen cylinder, and the killer whales with big arms and round waists were beside them. Swim around, staring at them. They have to worry about the sudden fall of the chain, worry about running out of oxygen, and worry about being attacked by killer whales, which is really pitiful.

On land, Yuyou’s ability is limited, but in the sea, killing a few people is just a matter of minutes. It’s just that she doesn’t want to kill any intelligent life casually, but she can’t easily bypass them.

Their harm to killer whales is not only the use of sonic interference, but even more intolerable is the use of them for illegal experiments.

It was Xiang Pu who was in charge of the filming, and the only one who was in charge of the experiment could be Dr. Liu. Although Yuyou couldn’t remember what he looked like, she recognized him from how others called him. Everyone else can let it go, but these two people can’t.

Yuyou’s pupils shrank, and with a flash, he disappeared in place.

Soon after, a passenger ship came from a distance, and the panicked people were overjoyed and desperately waving and shouting.

The other party obviously received a distress signal and came here on purpose, with a very clear goal.

The nearby killer whales heard the movement and left one after another, which greatly relieved everyone who had been watching for more than ten minutes.

Seeing that they were about to be rescued, all of them had smiles on their faces for the rest of their lives.

The passenger ship is getting closer and closer, and several crew members are ready for rescue. Forty or fifty passengers are standing on the deck, holding mobile phones, and filming with great interest.

Just as the crew lowered the rope ladder and planned to rescue the victims one by one, a tentacle crept up on the ship’s board and wrapped around Xiang Pu’s ankle.

Xiang Pu noticed something was different, and before he had time to look down, he was dragged into the sea by the tentacles.

“Ah!” The people on the boat screamed, and the people waiting for rescue turned their heads and saw only a circle of waves.

While still at a loss, another scream came, and Dr. Liu, who was still on the boat just now, also disappeared.

“MD, what’s going on?!”

“Where are Xiang Pu and Dr. Liu?”

“It looks like they were dragged down by octopus tentacles.”

“What are you still in a daze? Hurry up and get us up!!!”

There was chaos on the boat and off the boat.

Under the sea, the bodies of Xiang Pu and Dr. Liu sank, and a huge octopus head soon appeared in their sight, with two huge eyes staring at them coldly.

They struggled in terror, trying to break free from their shackles, but in vain. The two tentacles were firmly attached to their feet.

The pressure on the whole body is also increasing, the breath in the chest is about to be exhausted, the dizziness, the pain in the ears, the pain is unbearable, and the fear that I have never had before hits my heart. Xiang Pu and Dr. Liu deeply felt the approach of death, and countless memories flashed through their minds quickly, and finally turned into endless regret and despair.

When they were confused, the octopus in front of them suddenly spit out a mouthful of ink at them.

Xiang Pu & Dr. Liu: mmp! You’re going to die, why are you spraying hair! ! !

A sense of numbness swept through the whole body, and in the gradually fainting ink color, Xiang Pu vaguely saw a black hair floating, a white hand pushed away the water waves and stretched out here… The next second, he was completely lost. consciousness.

Yuyou patted the octopus on the head, and the octopus raised its tentacles and threw it out to Xiangpu and Dr. Liu.

Yuyou pushed with both hands in the air, and two waves rolled up, pushing them to the surface of the sea.

【Get out of my realm! 】

There was an exclamation from above, but after a long time, the two were dragged and dragged onto the boat.

They were deprived of oxygen for a few minutes, and they were sprayed with poisonous juice from the octopus. Although it would not kill them, it was enough to keep them insane for a few months.

Yuyou kissed the bald head of the octopus to thank him, and then walked away.

If they dare to shoot in the future, Yu Youjing and the others are men!

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