My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 201: Draconic plankton and total control

Yun Jhin watched as Guan Hang's soul finally stabilized and he stopped shouting in pain, his resistance ended up futile as his eyes glazed over for a few seconds before they regained focus.

He immediately kneeled in front of Yun Jhin to show his respects but Yun Jhin ignored him, he already got access to his memories after the brainwashing success so he knew where to go to get what he wanted.

As for the people they were practically all under him already so he didn't care much about them, most of them were weaklings and the army of the nation wasn't anything special so he didn't need them yet, he only instructed Guan Hang to distribute the blood throne's technique through the population.

Then he left him to do whatever he was doing beforehand as he didn't need him anymore.

The draconic plankton was harvested a few kilometers away in the fields by lowly cultivators who became farmers.

For them, the plankton wasn't that useful besides being a construction material and it could also be used as food if you were desperate enough.

Yun Jhin looked down as he teleported to the field full of draconic plankton, there was so much his eyes started to glitter as he waved his hand making all of it disappear into his spatial dimension, he counted almost 600 kilograms of it and combined it with some complimentary materials that he already had he could chew them to break through to the 2nd stage of the God Realm!

No harvests were happening right now because the farmers were resting so he easily looted everything he needed and left.

The planet became needle-sized in his vision as he disappeared by teleportation, he now owned one more planet and his territory expanded once again.

However he didn't feel a sense of safety at all, who knew when would Duritz teleport near him, and what if he came with Yuan Fang to tag-team him?

Yun Jhin didn't really like feeling hunted so he needed to quickly return to the blood throne sect where he had his formation and think out how did they teleport to him.

He started a fast return to the sect using his teleportation technique multiple times in high succession to arrive successfully to the sect.

Fortunately, they didn't decide to attack him again on the way back or he might be in trouble:

"Just you wait after I break through further Yuan Fang... I will show you that this continuous offense of yours will be paid with your blood!"

He was angered multiple times by his transgressions and this one was the one that topped all of the other ones together!

They were enemies but Yun Jhin didn't go out of his way to make trouble for him this was just a dick move at this point, they were both in the growth stage so they should focus on their plans not fight each other, he was just wasting Yun Jhin's time, and time was the most important thing to a cultivator!

Yun Jhin arrived in the sect with no fanfare as he returned to his dark palace before asking for the recent news from his advisors then he returned to the depths of the blood river for meditation.

In this session he wanted both to break through to the 2nd stage of the God Realm as well as find out how could Ukog and Duritz teleport to him without any formation's help.

He decided to first focus on the more important things, which was his breakthrough! If Duritz and Ukog were dumb enough to teleport to his current location he would welcome them all with open arms!

He took out all of the draconic plankton from his spatial dimension and sent word for the other complementary materials to be sent to him which were:

'Three-eyed star leaves', 'Destructive lava moss', 'The core of a dead tree', 'mandibles of the tricorn', 'heart of the 3 man-killer' and lastly a bit of tender human flesh, the younger the better, it should also be fresh to increase the effects of the combination of the resources.

It didn't take much for everything to be sent to him, slaughtering an infant was done rather quickly by his disciples and he was sent the freshest meat that could be found around.

He gathered all of the things together as he took a good look at them and squeezed some of them while tasting some of them preemptively to see how good their effects would be, afterward he washed his internal palace with ki to get rid of the effects of the herbs and other resources before he sat cross-legged above the blood river and started the ritual.

"Let's start with the tender flesh first..."

The already carved red flesh started to sizzle and quickly darken under Yun Jhin's fiery gaze he cut into it with his sharp fingers as he opened it up, then he used the herbs to spice it up along with the plankton and the other stuff.

In front of Yun Jhin his personal creation appeared, it was a steak specifically made by him, with enough of these he would be able to rise through to the 2nd stage of the God Realm or also said the 2nd stair.

Yun Jhin continued to create these steaks en masse as he used multiple ki hands to speed up the creation process, in the end, he got around 630 steaks in total.

He started to slowly devour them as terrifying evil energy started to converge in his body, the wailing of infants could be heard coming from Yun Jhin's stomach as if the infants that were killed were ready to burst through his stomach due to their intense hatred.

Yun Jhin easily ignored the cries as he continued to consume the 'evil steaks' that he had created, his eyes reddened as he continued to eat and his aura thickened continuously.

After he finished all of the steaks his body started to shake as he opened his mouth and let out a big satisfying burp before he cleaned his mouth using a napkin.

He closed his eyes as the energy inside his ki pathways rampaged around before he easily tamed it with his soul willpower and sent it towards the skies of the sect!

He was calling forth more laws so he could link with them!

He didn't gather enough energy for more than 2 laws but he would be able to reach the 2nd stair of the God Realm and close into the 3rd as he would have 3 laws!

Now he wanted to fuse with the laws of Yin and Yang, he unleashed a dark and white beam out of his body in the starry skies of the universe.

The light naturally attracted the associated laws as they tried to identify who was summoning them, when they felt it was Yun Jhin they easily entered the light as if they were guided there by a loving hand.

As the laws returned to his body they fused into it and elevated his status even further, his body started to slim down the excess muscle as it became more compact, the body refinement stage started to break through the 7,500 stage and beyond and stopped around the 7,800 stages.

His ki cultivation steadily rose as it broke through the shackles of its previous stage, his soul started to ascend upwards as if it was moving up some 'heavenly stairs'.

The higher he went those stairs the harder would it be to go further, in his previous life he reached the 9th step of the stairs and stopped there, but in this life, he wanted to go even further beyond!

His cultivation finally stabilized at the later stages of the 2nd stair as his eyes opened, he let out a long laugh as he got up from his cross-legged position above the blood river and projected his voice through the whole sect:

"I had another breakthrough and it's time for another banquet!"

This time Yun Jhin wanted to hold a banquet for real, he already had mind washed almost every disciple and the new ones were given food with the same effects, he had taught the elders and grand elders how to prepare the food and considering it was his recipe they would worship him.

Yun Jhin laid out the table just like last time and decided to actually look out for disciples that he could accept and teach, now that there was no chance for them to backstab him he decided to be an actual teacher to them as it would strengthen his sect as whole if he trained them.

His soul willpower engulfed the whole gathering of disciples and he looked through to see if there were any that could catch his eye, among the 10 million people present he actually couldn't see anyone that was up to his talent target!

It was quite disappointing but suddenly his eyes lit up with eagerness and curiosity as an emaciated boy entered the crowd wanting to get closer to the table, he could feel a unique aura coming from his body!

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