Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 223: Nen Ability activation

med to enter in a frenzy! They run around, laying plans, collecting funds, hiring workers.

Their eyes were red, but were shinning with unprecented obssession, it was as if the two had become completely crazy!!

Like deranged maniacs they plunged into work without a second of rest. The Rest of the girls were getting worried.

Cornelia who saw a fierce expression his brother never showed could help but exclaim in her heart.

The two were summoned, after a long absence of the Emperor from the Supreme Council.

After that, the two seemed like a deranged monsters accelerating all on going projects.

Even disregarding some miscallenous things…

On the other side, the Emperor kept himself on the throne, his eyes shut as if his deep slumber never ended.

But those with keen eyes princaply the Marshalls and generals….They detected that the aura of the Emperor seemed sowmehow unnatural.

His smooth ki was finely controlled, his eyes even close had the threatening aura of his last Omni-Rinnegan.

But weirdly…The more powerful and domineering aura wasn't his Ki…But something no one has even felt from him.


Yet, he was comfortably lying on the throne, as if he would rather be here than anywhere else in the world.

Only, three people in the Atleasian Empire knew what's was brewing in that throne room.

Quietly…The day passed over and a new day descended on the Empire.

Only…The people here that didn't know, that the happenings of this day would be recorded by future generations.

The Emperor kept a focus gaze…And by now the only dominating power inside his body was…

….His Nen…

The Emperor's body was bathed with endless Nen…This Nen was thick, green and held weird golden engravings it's seemed ever-growing…. Everchanging….

New, yet with the air that only valuable antics could possess. The Nen was immediately repressed and became invisible…

But it only continued to grow, like a starving beast, that was held captive for way too long.

Finally….The Emperor opened his eyes…

A giant Altar appeared on his head…It was faint, and appeared to be very weakened, like it could disappear any moment.

The Giant Altar could only be perceived by the Emperor!! But n his eyes it grew so big, it was shading the whole Astaroth Continent.

Only two people could perceived the anomaly in the sky.

In the Klatos Union, the Matriarch spoke after a long contemplation:

"It has begun…"

"I hope it is a success, your majesty."

"The Guardians of the Lower Primordial Realm may be arrogant…but they are far from beong stupid."

"Sooner or later, they will elucidate the meanings of the actions of the Saharos Empire."

"And sooner or later, they will comprehend your identity."

On another place, a faint fairy, looked up! Her eyes for the first time, were widen in deep surprise.

'What is this thing'

She looked up at the Altar, and from it she could feel a faint and unreal sense of threat.

Not because this thing was powerful enough to hrut her…But because…

'This thing is able to devour the Imperial Flame?'

'What the hell is going in his head?!'

She looked up…The Altar was dark, and even carving blood were present all over it…

It looked desolate, like the place of rest of an evil good!

It exuded majesty and power faraway on the Multiversal Level.

The Altar grew up…and it's shade continued to expand until all the continents by it's side were englobed…

It now had the size of the Milky way…And from it one could fee an incredible sense of thirst and hunger!!

Silently…Marek's began to transform into his Imperial Super Saiyan and Beautiful Deep Dark green flames filled his body…

He sighed deeply…As Imperial Fire appeared in his hand. He looked at it deeply one last time.

"Let's begin."

Immediately the Altar began to brim with endless hunger, a powerful resounded through the whole place! On the throne!!

Chains began to appear behind the composed emperor! The chains immediately penetrated, the heart of the Emperor!!

The Emperor puked blood immediately!!

More and more chains began to bound the Emperor!!

On the center of the Alatar, a gigantic humanoid shaped fire, appeared.

It was shaped after the Emperor!!

The gigantic Fire was dark green and plendid!!

The Fairy looked up, disbelief:

"This is his Imperial Flame…He is scarifying his flame…"

And on the Altar!! The different platforms moved transforming move after move into a gigantic mouth!

Even her who lived for eons…never heard of someone so bold to try that!!

If such spectacle was displayed in the Ancient Vega Empires…People would be crying and screaming in the streets, cutting their own wrists in desperation!

The Imperial Flame was that scarce, it was that important.

Her eyes lingered:

"5 years' worth for his current power."

She smiled fiercely:

"Indeed!! How could he be a normal human being?!"

Was anyone of the Grand Monarch clinically sane…That would be another long topic to discuss!

The Mouth munched on the Imperial Flame…

Immediately Marek felt a pain so great it threatened to tear him apart!

It was without doubt the greatest pain he ever felt, even the 8 gates were nothing in front of it!!

Nevethless, he kept a fierce smile on, this was a sign that it was working!

And as the mouth ended it's feast, the Emperor felt his Imperial Super Saiyan transformation, disappear, as long with a big shunk of his power.

A the same time, countless graves in the confines of the Primordial Realm, started shaking…

Some old monsters, even were on the verge of awakening, this freaked the shit out of some Empires!

All of that happened around the wordl!!

Because the most experienced and powerful felt…A change in the Imperium..

On their place of long slumber they could faintly feel…That the Imperium was opening up a path!

A path to the world of the Primordial Realm.

On the more hidden and more inaccessible dephs of the Imperium.

Six pair of eyes opened up, at the same time…

In it could be seen the endless flow of power.

"Hurrem, do you know what that is?"

The slumbering figure responded:

"Why ask when you already know the answer."

The rest of the slumbering figures laughed lightly. In the dephs of their eyes one could see insanity, vanity, vainglory, and bloodlust…

Finally, someone said:

"Good Move."

Before the rest slumbered one more time. Only the figure called Hurrem, kept a wake for a tad longer.

"I don't know what's going on there. But I certainly look forward to seeing it."

Before she shut her eyes too. This conversation resounded through the endless Imperium, where everyone slumbering creature heard it.

Immediately, the old Powerhouses, calmed down.

The path connecting the Imperium to the outside world continued to grow, and as it grew it began to be filled with endless rune and endless dao patterns, that would make even creatures of Omniversal level head explode if they dared to lay their eyes on it.

Carved with unreal calligraphy that no one could read but everyone could comprehend was the words:

'Imperial Path.'

In this path, not a soul could pass.

Not a will nor a wisp of existence.

The only thing that could possibly fill it, is nothing but the Imperium itself.

Outside…Under the gaze of the Fairy….

The Altar slowly crumbled…Becoming ashes, and from it's hades under the dark fire of the Imeprium grew from the endless void.

As if it was here and at the same time not here.

Gigantic gates, that seemed to know no beginning and no ends.

Even if the Fairy and the Matriarch who held transcendants senses couldn't see it's limits.

At the moment, even the fairy looked up, delight and happiness on her fac:


"What a magnificent legacy for a Grand Monarch. It even makes me a little jealous…"

"Even if he died now…He would always be remembered, and his name shall be spoken through the endless ages!!"

In a place that seemed to exist, yet doesn't…Inscribing that couldn't be read but only understood were written!

The Calligraphy was flawless, perfect in everyway…

It gave the feeling that it couldn't have been written by a sentient being no matter who he was!!

And suddenly!!

In the mind of all the people inhabiting the Atleasian Empire in the endless worlds, the Matriarch, Kosem and even the Fairy herself.

Appeared the same majestic scene.

And everyone laying their eyes, without being able to read, comprehended the words:

'Library of the Imperial Path.'

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