Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 222: Monstrous Ability and Heavy Price

He knew…That his Monarch had made a major decision. And that this decision was final.

Before anything else, Marek in his mind, spoke to a faraway land:

"What do you think, Matriarch? Is it worth it?"

A voice resounded in his head; it was a helpless but there a hint of surprise in her tone:

"You certainly assembled some interesting talents. The Minor Worlds seem to hold some good surprises."

"Nevertheless…concerning your project…"

"I would certainly like to convince you otherwise…"

"But does it matter…"

"When you already made your decision?"

Marek nodded. Indeed, he is been working on this plan for the past days. And he didn't plan on stopping for anything or anyone in this world!!

The Woman sitting on the top of the Klatos Union continued, admiration in her eyes:

"But if it works, your future legacy may already begin to compare to that of the other Grand Monarchs."

He shut his eyes for a long time…Making his two present vizirs' curiosity skyrockets.

By the time, Schneizel already realized the solemnity of the situation. The Emperor didn't ask those question out of boredom.

He already had a plan in mind. And seemingly a heaven defying plan.

With a calm and clear voice, he asked:


"Do you remember that time we spoke off a certain project I envisioned?"

"A seemingly extremely difficult project, that would require a great price to pay for it to even be possible."

"Until, now…You are the only one I confided in, about it."


"Because it was only a pipe dream at that point."

Lelouch eyes opened up widely, suddenly the whole person changed, and even sweat began to appear on his handsome face:

"This is…"



" Your majesty said that the project was only a vain obsession, since there were different flaws in it…"

"And the price to be paid is astronomically great."

"That neither the current level of conquest, the civilization nor the nature of your power didn't reach the standard, for even the said price to be paid."

Schneizel's calm face starting getting a little agitated…What kind of heaven defying project was this?!

Price?! Level of Power?!

He saw it with his own eyes! T

The Power the Emperor showcased in his fight! If this level of power isn't enough, then what in the world was?

If his Majesty couldn't do it…Then does it mean no one in the Lower Primordial Realm could?!

The Emperor's eyes became deep and calm like an inscrutable void:

"Yes…I know…"

"But when I asked you what if I could make this project a reality…"

His eyes moved to his Vizirs:

"What did you answer me back then…?"

Lelouch took a deep breath, a solemn and even a little terrified expression on his face, his voice even trembled with dread:

" I estimated that within 10 years the Atleasian Empire…"

" …Could reach the level of civilization necessary to face the whole Lower Primordial Real alone."

Schneizel eyes widened, and even him couldn't possibly keep his composure!

"My Brother?!"

"The Lower Primordial Realm's most powerful countries have countless Multiversals."

"Although I doubt even all of them combined could resist the powerful Marshalls…."

"But still to say that the Atleasian Empire as a whole civilization could the reach that level in 10 years…."

Lelouch kept a dazed gaze. He didn't seem to be even listening to his brother.

In the depths of his eyes one could see terror, it was like a man coming in contact with a Pandora's box.

Lelouch was a calm and ambitious man, even in the face of life-threatening danger he wouldn't be this terrified.

But that day…The Emperor confided this idea of his to him.

He couldn't sleep!

Because of excitement and terror.

The excitement is because the more he thought about it. The more calculations appeared in his mind.

The more he was entranced.

It's not only because of the earlier estimations…But it's because the project, if activated will only grow stronger with the Empire.

More than anything it's snowballing effect is the most terrifying of all!!

If it is estimated to be only 10 years to reach the Universal Level Civilizations.

Then they could probably reach the Multiversal Level in fifteen.

The Infinitely Multiversal in …

It was a terrifying thing that once unleashed on the Empire will only continue to make it grow again and again in a frenetic pace!!

Until it reached the limits of it's own evolution!

Its appeal was irresistible.

But that exactly why he was terrified. Because even for him, this project, this idea, was irresistible.

How could the Emperor resist it?

After all…The 'sprout' of the project was already planted deeply…and sealed within his Nen!

The Emperor already locked his Nen in preparation for that.

But if the Emperor decided to go with that…The price to pay…Would be too immense.

"Yes…I know…"

He looked back at his brother, with deep solemnity:

"This project is that absurd."

"And more than anything…"

"It's price is too high."

He looked up at the Emperor as if seeking his permission, and continued:

"It's the reason, his majesty has been sealing his Nen all this time."

He looked up in fright at the Emperor:

"Your Majesty!"

" Last time, you said you would have to feed your Nen with your Sage Ki for One Hundred Years at your current power level."

"And even then, you would have to sacrifice 90 percent of your Powers."

"For it to even have a shot working…"

"And even then, you will need the assistant of thousands of Magus at Rank 9 and Space Warping, existential Scientists and the King Piece."

Schneizel face revealed fright!!

'Just what kind of monstruous endeavor is this!"

Thousands of Rank 9 Magus…This kind of power could obliterate the Saharos Empire with ease!!

If they had a thousand Rank 9 Magus, their civilization would have already reached the Multiversal level!

How could they need this project to begin with…How absurd!!

Lelouch tone trembled, one could hear the distress in his voice:

"And even then, because of the limited number of worlds that could be accessed the result will always be incomplete."

" And can only be perfected by us through endless plunder."

The Emperor smiled:

"But even that incomplete result could make the civilization grow to this level within 10 years…"

Lelouch looked up:

"But the price is too high…and our personnel isn't qualified…Not yet anyway."

The Emperor smiled brilliantly, his eyes brimming with boundless excitement:

"What if I said that I could make the desired result complete from the get go."

"Without the need of all this support…Only be the virtue of my own powers…"

Lelouch took a deep breath, a little apprehension on his face:

"I would ask your majesty, what is the price that you are paying for that happen?"

The Laws of the Nen were clear, the more one pays, the more one receives…The Price for the Nen of the Emperor to become 'that thing' previously was…

90 percent of the Sage Ki and Ki of the Emperor for 30 years…That would make the Emperor revert to a basic Super Saiyan God level warrior.

He didn't dare imagine the price for something so convenient and complete.

The Emperor took a deep breath, as a dark green flame appeared on his hand…

His eyes became complex:

"This is the price…"

"The Price is my Imperial Flame."

Lelouch eyes widened in horror:

"Your Majesty you can't possibly do that!!"

"This your Imperium!! The Essence of your identity!!"

Schneizel took a deep breath….He couldn't fathom the powers of this mysterious flame…But something inside him rejected the very idea of such a sacrifice.

Marek laughed faintly:

"I knew you would oppose that, my friend."

Lelouch continued:

"The Imperial Super Saiyan form would be lost too. "

"I don't know the limits of this form but it is certainly much more powerful than your 8 Gates form!"

"I at least know that much!"

Marek heard all he had to say with a peaceful smile on:


He clenched his Flaming hands:

"In this form…Even Whis wouldn't be my match…I can feel it."

"The Power of the Imperium is magnificent. Superior to Sage Ki or God Ki."

"But for now…This much power is useless to me."

"Power is only a tool. If there is a better use for it."

He smiled brightly:

"I don't mind getting rid of it."

Hearing these words…Even Schneizel was took by surprise. He already knew the philosophy of the Emperor he served….But being able to forfeit so much power with such ease.

He knew, rare those who could do it. Marek continued:

"5 years…"

"For 5 years, I will lose the control of my Imperial Fire."

"But the results are much better…"

"The Imperium is more complete than the Heavens of the different worlds."

"And more so…The Imperium itself hold secrets and the wisdom of endless dynasties and heritage of endless people."

"It is already more perfect than anything we could plunder from the Heavens of other worlds."

"So it will be complete from the beginning."

"The Imperium will be it's sacrifice and in the same time it will be it's source."

"It could be called a perfect solution."

"There is no need to argue any longer."

"My decision is already made."

Lelouch sighed deeply…

"Your Majesty…"

"This is too much…"

"We barely scratched the surface of your identity as a Grand Monarch."

"It's already given you so much power."

"And now…you will lose it."

He clenched his fists:

"We, again, are pulling you down."

Marek laughed with condescendence as if mocking the words of his First Vizir:

"Your words are ridiculous, Lelouch."

"The Imperium was never mine, to being with."

"The Imperium belongs to everything that serves my dynasty and everything that follows me."

"If it could be used…"

"I would rather it be used by my people, instead."

Lelouch sighed:

"So this why your majesty wanted to open the borders so quickly."

He spoke with a solemn tone:

"You are also aware of the effect it will have on your people."

His eyes became extremely serious:

"If your majesty goes through that even the frogs in our lakes could turn into paragons of wisdom."

"Your people will have access, to a tool way beyond their level."

"From now on…Miracles will only become a casual thing for them."

"What every man in other countries will need a hundred years to accomplish could be accomplished in minutes."

"If you open this gate, there will never a normal person in your country again."

"No turning back will be possible."

The Emperor smiled kindly:

"My people have lived in normalcy for long enough."

"I long to see it…"

"The day when all of them became dragons among men."

"They day when all my people will look down on the foolishness of others."

His smiled brightened:

"How beautiful of a sight would it be?"

Schneizel eyes opened widely…Seeing his confusion…The Emperor, put a finger on his head.

Details of the Emperor's hidden ability appeared on his mind.

Suddenly, the Third Vizir's eyes opened up, and his usual calm completely disappeared:

"Your Majesty…This…"


He held the exact same expression as Lelouch:

"To thing power could be used like that."

Marek laughed:

"I couldn't take all the credit."

"I was simply inspired by a world we will soon try to conquer."

Schneizel nodded…He knew the word he was talking about, he already read about it in reports in his free time.

Indeed…But even in this world this ability is nowhere this powerful and it was already considered a complete bug!!

A Protagonist's cheat!! Now….His plan was to use on a whole country!!

"I didn't expect Lelouch to be actually low balling."

It took him some time to finally calm down, he kneeled once again:

"Your Majesty…I am in owe of your wisdom."

But unlike Lelouch, his eyes were filled with longing and approval:

"To think…one of your powers could carry a civilization on its shoulders."

"Such foresight…."

"I think the exchange you made is worth it…If the result is as you envisioned."

The Emperor looked at Schneizel with approval. He then leaned back on the throne contemplating:

"I will activate it tomorrow."

"But since we don't have the structure to support such progress…"

"I will give you two some time."

"For now…"

"…I will start with those I consider the future pillars of my Empire first."

"I want you two to solely focus on this project."

"Use their fast growth to your advantage, so the Empire could advance enough for everyone else to benefit."

"A test will be made tomorrow."

The Emperor's had a scheming smile on:

"At the same time…It will be a good way to watch the effects."

"Be sure to come tomorrow."

Lelouch and Schneizel, they were indeed entrusted with a heavy responsibility. It could be seen how much trust Marek put in their abilities:

"If the test goes according to plan."

"The benefits we will get from tomorrow test could be quite big."

Lelouch nodded.

"It's seeming your majesty already have made preparations."

Marek leaned on his throne, a beaming smile:

"Maybe the first Great Magus of the Empire will be neither of the ones aforementioned."

"I will look forward to it, your majesty."

Marek nodded:

"It will be all for today."

"All I wanted is to inform you of my decision."

The two stood up and left, but before they left, they heard the emperor's slightly bloodthirsty voice:

"Also…prepared…for blood."

The two eyes narrowed, as a solemn and slightly ominous aura appeared around them.

The decision of the Emperor has been made.

And the decision of the Emperor couldn't be taken back…

But it had numerous ramifications…

The most important ones…is that the Empire is going to be plunged in endless war from now on.

Not in the Primordial Realm, not yet…

But in the endless verses…It held no doubts. It will get really bloody.

The Peaceful and slow paced plans have been completely been flipped over.

And the boards of war and conquest will make it appearance.

What The Nen of the Emperor is going to activate is simply a 'tool'.

An extremely powerful and heaven defying tool.

But a tool nevertheless.

Only when it was 'used' could it display its real abilities.

While it won't be as violent as the 'previous Heaven Plundering plan design by the Emperor'…

This tool to be used needed for their civilization to come in contact with different phenomena and different worlds to gather data.

And only by invading those places…Could the gathering be the easiest. Be it for the Empire or it's people.

This why the Emperor decided to accelerate the opening of the passages between different worlds.

A Continuously expanding Multiversal Empire is the perfect stage…for the Growth of the Atleasian Empire. Maybe in the first stage, just the contact between the different people of different worlds could usher miraculous effects.

The eyes of the two shined with a complex light…Schneizel spoke first:

"It seems what we've been working towards until now with was only the prelude."

Lelouch sighed deeply:

"…Indeed…This move is big…too big…"

"This time his majesty consumed the essence of his power."

His eyes brimmed with determination:

"We've been dwarfed by the Saharos Empire this time."

"Their technology is no different form magic in our eyes."

"Their magic is ingenious and suited for war."

"They may have failed but they didn't suffer any losses either."

"And until now…They never even showed a fraction of their hand."

"We never even saw their cultivators."

Schneizel nodded, a little darkness seeping in his clear blue eyes:

"It becomes clearer and clearer that this war won't be won by the brute force of the Saiyan Army alone."

"And even if it was, it will be at the price of heavy causalities."

His brows furrowed lightly, as he spoke with apparent frustration:

"This is one of the reasons; his majesty saw fit to make such a sacrifice."

Lelouch continued calmly:

"The next five years will be pivotal."

"No mistakes shall be allowed."

Schneizel responded as if reading his brother's mind:

"And the preparations and foundations of the next five years, need to be laid right now."

"The Magic Citadelle, The Imperial Dao Sect, the Scientific city…"

"All hubs of knowledge and professions need to be reported and affiliated."

Lelouch nodded:

"The Base of knowledge of the Empire will expand vehemently."

"We, at least, needs this much to support 'its' sheer size and to be able to exploit it."

"The Planning of the Military expeditions."

"All things need to be coordinated smoothly for the project to work out."

Schneizel sighed:

"His Majesty…is also aware of that…And only a select few will benefit first."

"Giving us leeway to grow the infrastructures enough to support the advance of the whole Empire."

Lelouch responded:

"This leeway time, mustn't exceed two years of the Primordial Realm time."

"Luckily since the borders between the words are opened…We can use the different time flows of the different words to our advantage."

"The more difficult projects need to be worked on, in the more stretched time flows."

"We may have to even construct a Hyper Bolic time Chamber for all of it to be ready in time."

Schneizel smiled mildly, excitement could be seen in his eyes:

"I didn't regret following you here brother."

"I look forward to it. The fruit of this work."

"What scenery would it be…I find it exciting."

Lelouch also had a crazed smile:

"I look forward to it too."

The two separated, already planning their next course of actions…



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