Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 960-969

Chapter 960: Counter

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“These people are despicable! How can they even do such a thing‽” Sam slammed angrily on the table and its glass surface cracked.

Ali added with anger, “They are truly the worst. Have they forgotten who saved this world earlier? This bunch of people truly used resentment to repay our kindness.”

Cairn frowned and asked, “Is the Shi Jian we saw hypnotized?”

Sam nodded. “It has to be. He looked too unnatural and wooden. They trusted Xinghe so deeply and gave her all their technological information, so they wouldn’t frame her willingly.”

“We should have killed He Lan Yuan,” Wolf added darkly.

“Yes, I should have snapped his neck when I had the chance.” Sam sighed with great regret. But how could they have known that the other countries would be so unscrupulous to work with He Lan Yuan.

“What should we do now?” Ee Chen asked. From the announcement until now, Xinghe had been fielding questions in the President’s office on the phone. The Shen family, the Xi family, and many were worried about her. She calmed them down and promised she would handle it well.

She was not just saying that. Every time such things happened, she would remain calm. Even if the sky was to fall, she would not bat an eye.

“You should go clarify the situation. No matter whether they believe you or not, this pool of water has to be muddied,” Mubai reminded her.

Xinghe nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. I will arrange it now.”

Thankfully, they had exposed the Tong family yesterday, so Hwa Xia’s leaders did not turn on Xinghe. They chose to believe her and did not drag her off for an investigation. Xinghe still had the president’s power, and she used it to call a press conference. She was going to comment on this accusation.

The whole world tuned in live to this press conference. According to everyone’s expectations, Xinghe should be cowering in fear or drained of energy because her conspiracy had been exposed. However, to everyone’s surprise, Xinghe stepped onto stage calm and collected; there was even a sharp presence that was previously absent. She did not show any trace of fear or anxiety, if anything, she looked angry.

Yes, she was furious. Her tone was icy when she started, “Everyone here, Hwa Xia’s citizens in front of the television screen and citizens of the world, good afternoon. I am standing here today to give every one of you a response and explanation. This country and its citizens never suspected that such a large accusation will come my way. However, I am telling you now this is because of a larger conspiracy, and we have been looking into this conspiracy for a long time. It is, however, true that we did not expect them to strike so soon.

“Regardless, it did confirm our suspicion. Initially, we do not want to affect world peace, but since the enemies could not wait to ruin this wonderful country, we will sit not idle anymore. Hwa Xia might uphold peace, but it does not mean that we can easily bullied! Therefore, I will expose everything today and declare war with you! And the ‘you’ I am talking about refers to Country W and Country C; it is these two countries that want to ruin us and take over this country. This is all a part of their conspiracy, a wicked and despicable conspiracy!”

Chapter 961: Fight to the Death with Them

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The world was dumbfounded when she said all that. What is she talking about‽ What does she mean by ‘Country W and Country C are trying to ruin Hwa Xia’?

Similarly, the leaders from Country W and Country C were stunned. They have… discovered our plan?

“I must sound crazy right now, but stay with me as I explain everything to you…”

Then Xinghe launched into a detailed explanation of everything that had happened and had been planned. She started from her journey to the moon, her meeting with Shi Jian and the guys, and the crimes committed by the Tong family. The world was shocked by every truth bomb that she laid down.

She even gave evidence of Country W and Country C’s evil intention regarding Hwa Xia. The evidence pulled from the embassy and the military preparation the two countries had secretly been doing. Xinghe even predicted what they would do next.

“Their timing was impeccable because, if you think about it, why did they choose today of all days to accuse me? Because from today onwards, I represent this country, coming after me means coming after this country.

“They needed a reason to declare war against us, and believe me, they will start a war soon because they will not give up especially after everything they have planned. Even if they don’t, our country will not forgive such extreme behavior.

“Therefore, today I announce Hwa Xia is adamantly against such usurpation of power! No matter what conspiracy they fling at us, we will not be afraid, nor will we retreat. If they dare to trespass one inch into our land or harm a single one of our citizens, we will not take this lying down, and we swear to fight to the death with them!”

“We swear to fight the death with them!” The country’s other leaders echoed Xinghe’s stance. They believed Xinghe, and they would never allow their beloved country to be swallowed by other’s ambitions and conspiracy. Therefore, they would fight until the bitter end even if it meant giving up their lives.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast saw their reaction. A wave of patriotic sentiment parsed through Hwa Xia. As mentioned before, they were easily convinced by Xinghe and chose to face the external threat together.

Not only that, many other countries’ citizens were impressed by Xinghe’s spirited speech. They had a good impression of this capable, calm, and regal woman. The audacity she showed when she openly declared war against her enemies galvanized them as well.

Many chose to side with her. Even in Country W and Country C, she had her supporters. They were furious at their government for doing such despicable activities. In any case, Xinghe had fearlessly turned the tables on them.

The enemies’ plan of framing her failed grandly. They thought they could easily pin the crimes on her and thus use her as an excuse to start a war against Hwa Xia. To their surprise, Xinghe laid everything in the open and instead had declared a war against them.

There had always been an unwritten contract between the countries. For the sake of world peace, they would not expose each other’s secret openly on the world stage. Even if there had been many battles, those would be conducted in the dark. Occurrences where world leaders were forced to shake their enemies’ hands at global conventions while their countries were secretly at war were exceptionally common.

This created a mirage for the common people to think that the world was a peaceful place. They had no clue that international relationships had always been full of tension.

Chapter 962: No Benefits for Anyone

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Even if they suspected it, there would be no proof, so many adopted a don’t ask, don’t tell philosophy. However, this time, Xinghe had completely broken that contract. She listed Country W and Country C’s crimes directly out in the open, and it definitely had caused a good measure of panic for the two leaders.

Other than that, she also made sure the United Nations wouldn’t be able to come after her with ease anymore. Even if they still dared, Hwa Xia would counter. Hwa Xia was not a small country, if there was really a war, no one would benefit. Therefore, Country W and Country C had to measure their own capabilities before they openly declared war on Hwa Xia.

In other words, Xinghe’s actions not only deterred a war from happening but also sowed fear and caution into her enemies’ hearts. She was definitely going for broke by directly announcing her desire for war without any room for negotiation. This was completely different from how a normal country leader would act!

The man who watched the video in a corner of a world was first shocked before a smile spread across his face. “Looks like I have underestimated this woman, she is not so simple after all.”

“Then what should we do? Are we continuing with the plan?” the underling beside him asked respectfully.

The man smirked, and iciness emanated from his eyes. “Of course, don’t forget our technology now is vastly different from before. Stick to the plan, Hwa Xia will eventually be mine!”

“Yes sir!”

After Xinghe made this announcement, the world citizens started to panic. This was not Country Y who was used to war and was geologically isolated from most of the central power of the world.

If a war broke out with Hwa Xia, the whole world would be affected. Hwa Xia was surrounded by influential and rich countries, so if a war broke out, they would be affected in some way. Who would want that?

Furthermore, if Hwa Xia was really levelled, the world economy would be greatly disturbed.

Therefore, for the sake of world peace, many countries called to persuade Xinghe to retract her statement. They advised her to not start a world war because it would cause too much damage to the world.

Their advice fell on deaf ears. No matter who it was, Xinghe’s answer was the same. “If Country W and Country C dare to trespass into Hwa Xia, we will have a war on our hands. If you don’t want that, you’d better go persuade them to not come after us. I wish you understand who the real instigator is.”

Therefore, the group of world leaders shifted to persuade the two leaders from Country W and Country C.

Not only that, the countries who had good relationship with Hwa Xia like Country Y and Country R all gave official statement to support world peace, but with an addendum that said they would not forgive anyone who encroached on other people’s land and provoked a war. In other words, they were siding with Hwa Xia if there was a war.

With the pressure on all sides both locally and internationally, Country W and Country C were indeed hesitant to declare an open war.

They had rounded up their military. However, they did not give the attack command. Similarly, Hwa Xia was ready to defend themselves.

There was another reason the war did not happen openly, it was because the war had already started in the dark but was stopped. They’d thought that, with He Lan Yuan’s technology, they could easily take down Hwa Xia’s anti-missile system.

Chapter 963: The Biggest Joke in the World

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

However, all of their attacks were neutralized; they could not break down Hwa Xia’s defenses. Not only that, the new weapons that they had designed, Hwa Xia had them too!

In other words, their plan had been completely destroyed by Hwa Xia, if anything, they noticed Hwa Xia’s technology was greater than theirs. This was because Hwa Xia’s tech team managed to break down their own barriers while they could not do the same to them.

Xinghe wasn’t lying when she said she had the technology from Shi Jian. Not only that, she had mastered the technology. This woman, her capability was greatly beyond He Lan Yuan’s prediction.

“Impossible!” He Lan Yuan hissed with disbelief when he was informed. “That technology took us decades to perfect, even the simplest of them would require a genius to understand. How could she master them in such a short period of them? That is impossible!”

He Lan Yuan had always treated Xinghe as the lowest of the low. Even though Xinghe had ruined his plan, he had still looked down on her. After all, she only managed that because she relied on the techniques left behind by her mother. But now, Xinghe did not rely on Xia Wa and had managed to master these techniques; this was such a shock to He Lan Yuan.

He was certain Xinghe herself mastered these technologies because these technologies were created after Xia Wa’s disappearance. Xia Wa would not have known about these technologies because she had disappeared from the base then. Therefore, Xinghe’s success was a great blow to He Lan Yuan.

He could not accept that the daughter of a normal human would have such a brilliant mind. Even if her mother was Xia Wa, her father was a pedestrian idiot. He Lan Yuan had always held the opinion only his progeny with Xia Wa would be a genius, but reality had proven even a child of Xia Wa with a commoner was an undisputed genius…

In that case, wouldn’t his progeny with her be one hundred times or even one thousand times brighter than Xinghe?

The thought of losing such an unrivalled progeny clawed at He Lan Yuan’s heart that was boiling with fury and regret. His resentment at Xinghe had reached its pinnacle.

“They have destroyed everything I am…” He Lan Yuan sharpened his gaze, his eyes were blood red, bulging in their eye sockets that they looked like they were going to pop out.

“How dare they destroy everything I am! They have destroyed everything I am!” He Lan Yuan growled crazily, but no one could understand how deep his grudge went. Xia Wa, who he’d cultivated with all his attention, had betrayed him; his decades of effort, his dream, his everything were destroyed, but the biggest blow was knowing the extent of Xia Wa’s daughter’s brilliance. The last bulwark shielding his heart and sanity broke down.

At that moment, he realized what a failure he had become. He’d thought he was the greatest genius in the world; he was going to rule the world like a god, but everything was joke!

His whole life was a joke, the greatest and biggest joke the world had ever seen!

He was the greatest failure, the ugliest, the most laughable…

He had failed so perfectly.

He Lan Yuan started laughing as the strands that tied him to reality gradually broke. He suddenly choked on his laughter and started to weep, but that lasted only for a while before he started insanely laughing again.

Chapter 964: Devil’s Contract

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

He Lan Yuan was a quintessential example of a man who had lost his mind. Anyone, no matter how psychologically stable they were, would be spooked by him. However, the man who sat across him was as composed as before. There was barely a flicker of emotion in his eyes. He looked at He Lan Yuan with his calm eyes, and even though He Lan Yuan was treading before him into the abyss of despair, he remained unmoved. There was probably nothing in this world that was going to get a response out of him.

He Lan Yuan continued his craziness until he reached a tipping point where he coughed out a handful of blood!

The blood seemed to represent the vitals that were leaving his body. He Lan Yuan hung his head down low and maintained that wordless situation for a long time, so much so that the man opposite him thought he had died. Suddenly, his body jerked to activity, and he lifted his head that appeared to weigh a thousand tons.

Two lifeless eyes that were no different from a dead person’s looked at the man opposite him. In the dark, enclosed room, his voice croaked not from his body but from the bowels of hell, “What do you want?”

He stared at the man opposite him; the situation was reminiscent of a dying man signing a contract with the devil.

“No matter what you want, I will give it to you… I just want you to kill them, kill Xia Wa, kill her daughter, kill everyone, and I will give you everything you want…”

The immobile man finally stood up. He was very tall, and his face was hidden in the dark.

“As long as I kill them, you will give me everything?” the man asked in a low voice that showed no emotion.

“Yes.” He Lan Yuan’s face split into a curious smile. “As long as you kill them, I will give you everything. I know, similar to me, you want to obtain the whole world. I can smell that on you. Therefore, everything that I have prepared will be crucial to you. You can only gain the whole world through me.”

The man did not deny it but smiled. “You are right that I want to gain the whole world. Therefore, a contract is signed. Give me everything you have, and I will take the revenge for you.”

“Wonderful!” He Lan Yuan laughed excitedly. Even though he was going to die and his everything had been destroyed, his spirit remained. Even after his death, his spirit would live on; someone would take over his everything and reinitiate the plan to rule the world!

He Lan Yuan started laughing like crazy again. In a corner hidden away from the world, a devil’s contract had been signed.

The international tension persisted for three long months. The world economy was shaken in that period, and everyone lived in fear. Thankfully, no war truly broke out.

The general public thought it was because neither country dared to open war, but those in the know realized they had been fighting every other day.

In the sea that separated both countries there had been many wars. However, no matter how strong Country W’s offence was, they would be deterred by Hwa Xia. Hwa Xia’s military morale was maintained at an all-time high while Country W suffered one losing battle after another.

Hwa Xia’s military had immense admiration and respect for Xinghe. Initially, they had doubted her ability due to her young age, but she had completely won them over. She not only helped the military improve many of their technology, she was also a spirited leader and strategist.

Chapter 965: Last Meeting

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Under her leadership, it was like Hwa Xia was cheating; the good news kept coming. Under such a continuous stream of losses, Country W was scared into submission. Their navy retreated to open sea and did not dare to randomly attack anymore.

Hwa Xia’s military was overjoyed when they noticed the retreat. However, Xinghe did not think this was the end. Country W had given everything they had to this infiltration plan, so they would not give up so easily. She made sure the military stayed on full alert. In any case, she reminded them to not let their guard down simply because their enemies had retreated.

At the same time, she cooperated with other countries to usher in He Lan Yuan’s execution. No matter whether Country W cooperated with He Lan Yuan or not, he could not be allowed to live. No one had any issue with regards to He Lan Yuan’s execution.

The United Nations could not withstand the whole world’s pressure, so they finally relented. However, He Lan Yuan’s physical condition drastically deteriorated, and he was dying even without the execution. He had one last request, and it was to meet Xia Wa before he died. He requested that the United Nations fulfil his dying wish, and in exchange for locating Xia Wa, he would give them anything they wanted. To extract more information from He Lan Yuan, like how he managed to create a world crisis, the United Nations agreed to his demand. However, the main reason was naturally He Lan Yuan would provide them with his advanced technologies.

Regarding those technologies, every country wanted them. If one of them had access to them, everyone needed to have a slice of the pie. In the world conference, even though Hwa Xia and a few countries vetoed the idea to cooperate with He Lan Yuan, most countries allowed it. After the conference, they started to look for Xia Wa.

He Lan Yuan even recorded a personal video for Xia Wa. The video was normal expect for a part where he went into an unknown language, it was not a language from Earth. According to Xinghe’s analysis, it felt like some sort of code. Mubai agreed with her.

“He is giving your mother some hints? To force her to show herself?” Mubai analyzed.

“Should be.” Xinghe nodded.

There was another thing that Mubai worried about. “I am afraid when your mother does show herself, the United Nations will come after her.”

After all, she was raised by He Lan Yuan. That was the perfect reason for the United Nations to capture someone.

“That is what I’m worried about too.” Xinghe frowned slightly. He Lan Yuan must have his ways to force her appearance; he did not do it before because it would have exposed his existence. However, now he had nothing to lose.

What if her mother really showed herself, then what should Xinghe do?

Mubai said firmly, “Therefore, we must locate her faster than the United Nations to protect her safety.”

Xinghe shook her head helplessly. “If that were possible, we would have found her by now. She is not willing to show herself.”

After all, Xinghe was world-famous, and He Lan Yuan’s plan was thwarted. If Xia Wa was on Earth, she must have known about these events, and if she wanted to show herself, she would have done so a long time ago.

Mubai hugged her waist and consoled her gently, “If even we cannot find her, this means that they will not be able to locate her either.”

Chapter 966: Xia Wa

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“It will all be over when He Lan Yuan dies and that wouldn’t be long now.”

Xinghe thought the same way. “Hopefully you’re right.”

Or else they would need to continue fighting with Country W, and that was not going to last. Country W probably had the same opinion since they did not launch another attack after they retreated. The search for Xia Wa continued for another month.

Just as Xinghe thought the search was going to end in vain, the United Nations suddenly released an announcement that she had been found!

Xinghe was visibly shaken when she heard the news. They really found mother‽

Xinghe and Mubai were highly suspicious of this news, but when they saw the surveillance, all their hope was dashed. From the video sent over by the United Nations, they could see a woman facing the camera. She was calm and collected, and she looked a bit like Xinghe. However, the biggest point of similarity between them was the way she carried herself. The serenity from a wealth of knowledge was not something anyone could emulate. Even through the video, they could sense the unique aura radiating off her.

With just one look, Mubai was certain that was Xinghe’s mother. Xinghe did not need much convincing either.

“Xinghe, that is your mother?” Ali and her group were shocked. “How come she is so young?”

Xia Wa almost looked the same age as Xinghe, and for Xinghe, she looked similar to the woman she cherished in her memory. The only difference was she was more reserved. Time had not left any trace on her face, but it had intensified her soul, causing her to radiate a sense of saintliness and holiness. Xinghe stared at the video unblinkingly, and she realized she was losing control of her emotions.

“It’s her,” Xinghe confirmed. “That is my mother.”

Then, she turned around to face Mubai and said in a vehement tone, “I have to go to the United Nations; I have to meet her now!”

“Okay, we will depart now,” Mubai promised easily. They instantly left for the country currently hosting the United Nations. In almost a day, they had reached the United Nations’ headquarters.

However, Xia Wa refused to meet her. This shocked Xinghe; why would her mother refuse to meet her?

No matter how hard Xinghe pressed, the answer from the United Nations was the same; Xia Wa said she did not want to see her. They could not make her change her mind because one of the conditions she gave for making her appearance was that they could not force her to meet people that she did not want to.

“What can we do now? It was so hard for us to finally find her,” Ali said with worry.

Xinghe did not give up. She said softly, “Regardless of whether she wants to meet me or not, I must meet her. She has to come out eventually, and when she does, I will be able to see her.”

Sam suggested, “But this place has more than one exit. What if she steals away from another exit?”

“Let us go back first. I have my way to tell when she will leave.” Xinghe turned and departed.

Mubai and the rest understood what she meant. When they returned to the embassy, Xinghe immediately went online. She quickly hacked into the headquarters’ system and could see into every nook and cranny. However, she could not find any trace of Xia Wa.

“The room that she is in probably does not have surveillance,” Mubai said confidently.

Chapter 967: Don’t Need Reason to Betray You

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Xinghe nodded. “I know, so the only thing we can do now is wait for her to come out.”

They were not wrong; Xia Wa was in the middle of a meeting with He Lan Yuan in a secret room. He Lan Yuan was in a large armchair and his nostrils were attached with oxygen pipes. He should have been a picture of weakness, but his eyes that glared at the woman opposite him were surprisingly lively.

Ever since she’d walked in, his eyes had never left her. Even though there was no emotion in his gaze, it did speak of an unsurmountable pressure. Xia Wa seemed to ignore him completely. No matter how long he stared at her, she maintained an impenetrable composure. Two of them sat across each other wordlessly. After some time, He Lan Yuan finally lost his patience and was the first to break the silence.

“Xia Wa, it is you,” he croaked in a harsh and grating voice.

Xia Wa nodded slightly and confirmed in a calm voice, “That’s right, it is me.”

“So, it is true that you have betrayed me.” He Lan Yuan cut straight to the point.

“Yes.” Xia Wa nodded again. Even though He Lan Yuan had known the truth before that, to hear it confirmed personally still dealt quite a blow to him. He coughed out a few dry laughs, but he did not get angered. “But why? Have I treated you badly?”

“At most, you are my academic teacher, but from the perspective of philosophy and thinking, we are complete opposites. Since there is no common ground between us, then what happened between us was only natural,” Xia Wa answer matter-of-factly.

He Lan Yuan continued to cackle, “No common ground! That is the reason you betrayed me‽”

“You have harmed so many people and intend to ruin this Earth, there doesn’t need to be a reason for me to betray you.”

He Lan Yuan was startled; he did not expect this was Xia Wa’s impression and attitude. His gaze zeroed in on her. “Do you not feel a little a bit sorry toward me?”

“He Lan Yuan, you do not deserve my pity,” Xia Wa announced coldly. “When you chose this path, you chose to be humanity’s enemy, and you lost your right to all human connections.”

“In other words, you think betraying me is something noble?” He Lan Yuan scoffed, “Don’t you remember it was you who designed Project Galaxy!”

Xia Wa nodded in admission. “I did. At the time, I still hadn’t developed my own thinking. Therefore, I could only listen to your orders. However, after that, I learned many things and formed a clear idea of what I want, and so I chose to leave. Initially, I did not plan to betray you because you are after all my teacher and my father figure. But…”

“But what?” He Lan Yuan pressed.

Xia Wa lowered her gaze. “But after I returned to Earth and the longer I spent here, the more I felt like you are wrong. To stop you, I had to betray you. However, I left everything to God; it depended on fate how everything else developed.”

He Lan Yuan understood what she meant. “Therefore, you planted your hope in your daughter to see whether she could deal with me?”

“Yes. If she couldn’t then perhaps your plan would be a success. However, I knew, in the end, you would fail because no one in this world can be a permanent ruler.”

“I can!” He Lan Yuan stressed furiously. “If the plan was successful, then I could’ve been! It is because of your betrayal that you ruined everything, if not for you…”

Chapter 968: Fifth Dimension

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“You can’t,” Xia Wa interrupted her, “The plan for immortality you have in mind will not succeed. At least not now, you cannot make it a reality.”

He Lan Yuan was silenced. She was right; until now, none of his plans had come into fruition. If not for the fact that Xinghe had ruined the He Lan family, he would not have shown himself so soon. However, he still believed that, if he was given more time, his plan would definitely succeed. Therefore, they had ruined him!

He Lan Yuan laughed mirthlessly. “You have indeed raised a wonderful daughter; she has ruined everything. However, even though I am dying, none of you will live. You all have to die, none of you will escape, all of you have to die!”

“I know, you used that to force me out, remember?” Xia Wa nodded nonchalantly.

He Lan Yuan smiled smugly. “You still fell for my threat, even though I have ended up in such a deplorable state?”

The method he used to force Xia Wa out was by claiming that the world would be completely ruined if she did not show herself. However, he was already a dying prisoner, so the threat to the world would not have come from him. Regardless, Xia Wa chose to believe the threat.

“I did not believe you, but I believe myself.” To his surprise, Xia Wa gave such an answer.

“Yourself?” He Lan Yuan was lost.

Xia Wa nodded. “Many years ago, I calculated that the world will face a great tragedy, but you are not the mastermind behind it, it is someone else.”

He Lan Yuan was shocked. “You have calculated it?”

Xia Wa continued to nod. He Lan Yuan was surprised, he demanded darkly, “How did you manage to calculate that?”

“Call it an intuition. When I was searching for the fifth dimension, I accidentally sensed it. However, I still have no clue who that person is.”

“You have found the fifth dimension?” He Lan Yuan was shocked. He asked that because Xia Wa had basically predicted the future, that was only possible with the fifth dimension. He Lan Yuan believed everything she said. She was Xia Wa, the most brilliant person in the world, and anything was possible for her.

“I have not found it,” Xia Wa answered without batting an eye. “He Lan Yuan, who is that person who wants to destroy the world?”

“No, you have found it!” He Lan Yuan confirmed as his emotions got riled up. “You even managed to find the fifth dimension! Child, I always knew you are the cleverest person in the world, you have even managed to find the fifth dimension! Then you can change the past and the future, right? Tell me, how did you find it? If you want to repay everything I have done for you, then tell me everything!”

He Lan Yuan at that point did not feel like a dying man anymore, in fact, it was as if he was given a second life. He was acting that way because he saw the hope to change everything.

What is the fifth dimension?

The first dimension is one-dimensional space, which is just a line. The second dimension is two-dimensional space, which is planar space. The third dimension is three-dimensional space, the additional dimension by which a solid object may be distinguished from a two-dimensional drawing or picture of it or from any planar object.

The fourth dimension has an additional variable: time. Mankind exists in the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension represents entities at a specified space and time; no two entities can exist in the same space at the same time. The fifth dimension is the combination of limitless fourth dimensions. In the fifth dimension, one could look into different space and time, thus naturally, one could look into and in some case, travel into the past and future…

Translator’s Thoughts

Lonelytree Lonelytree

To help people with getting their head around the fifth dimension, this link is useful:

The 3D system can be represented as (x,y,z). No two objects can exist in the same space.

If two objects occupy the same space but at different times, we have to introduce another variable: time. So, now you have (x,y,z,t). So, you can have multiple points on the same space, in different times.

Go one dimension further. I can’t define any, but let’s say it’s called i (of incognito). Now, your coordinate system is (x,y,z,t,i). In this coordinate system, you can have points occupying the same poisition in space, at the same time, AS LONG AS THE POSITION IN i IS DIFFERENT. Some people propose this fifth dimension as alternative realities/universes.

Chapter 969: Better Die

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

One could even change the past or future!

It was why He Lan Yuan was so excited. If he could enter the fifth dimension, then he could go back to the past and change his fate!

Even if he couldn’t, as long as he had a chance to venture into this mysterious dimension, his life would have been worth it. Of course, his biggest wish was to rectify his mistake. Needless to say, Xia Wa would not allow that to happen.

“I told you, I did not find the fifth dimension,” she repeated. “He Lan Yuan, if you tell me who wants to destroy the world, I can still save you and allow you respectable and peaceful twilight years.”

“No, you have found it! Xia Wa, don’t lie to me. I raised you, so everything you are belongs to me; I can tell if you are lying to me. Tell me how to get into the fifth dimension, tell me!” He Lan Yuan was on the verge of insanity. In fact, even Xia Wa had not seen him so unhinged before.

In contrast, she maintained her composure, so calm and collected like she could survive anything.

“I will say it again, I have not found it.” She stared at him and repeated what she’d already said word by word. He Lan Yuan suddenly deflated like a balloon leaking air.

He stared at her with disbelief and anger. “You have! Why won’t you tell me?”

“Because the things that have happened cannot be changed. I believe you know as much as me when it comes to fifth dimension. Changing the past or the future is near impossible.”

Even if change could be affected, the change would be so small. Even though one could enter fifth dimension to touch or see the scenes in fourth dimensions, one would not be able to enter the fourth dimension. The people in the fourth dimension would not be able to notice the people in the fifth dimension, so how could one bring about change?

Even if the people in fifth dimension purposely moved something about, for people in the fourth dimension, it would be chalked up to an accident or supernatural activity; no one would think it was something from the fifth dimension.

He Lan Yuan, of course, understood all this. However, he refused to give up. As long as there was a chance, he would not give up.

“Regardless of whether change can happen or not, I must give it a try! If you want to save me, the best solution is to change everything. Xia Wa, I promise you, I will not harm Earth anymore. I will seclude myself away to only conduct experiments, that is fine, right?” He Lan Yuan negotiated.

Xia Wa looked at him. She did not say a word, but her expression said everything. She would not help him.

“Why do you treat me like this?” He Lan Yuan’s eyes hardened, and he glared at her viciously. “What wrong have I done by you for you to treat me like this‽”

“I said, I can save you…”

“I don’t need it!” He Lan Yuan pounded the table angrily. If his ankles were not strapped to the chair, he would have pounced at Xia Wa. “You think I am willing to live such a hidden life? I am He Lan Yuan, either I live a life of glory or death! Peaceful twilight years? In that case, I would rather die!”

He would rather die than live a normal life. Therefore, Xia Wa’s suggestion was to him a direct humiliation.

Xia Wa responded, without missing a beat, “But this is your best option.”

“No, this my worst choice! I will not allow myself to live like this, this is worse than death, do you not understand‽”

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