Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 950-959

Chapter 950: She Was a Traitor!

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Other than it, it was a special year for Hwa Xia and the world because of He Lan Yuan’s appearance. He had broken the rules of the world and had shaken many people’s worldview.

Country W and the rest had appeared to suppress Hwa Xia, thus changing Hwa Xia’s electoral tradition that had not changed for many years.

Xinghe’s sudden arrival was treated not dissimilar to a world hero. Her arrival did bring many fresh elements to the world. Especially in Hwa Xia, it was a year full of happy and sad surprises. Many of them were thanks to Xinghe. Therefore, when she announced her desire to run for president and had reached the finals, no one had a bad word to say about it, if anything, many supported her.

After all, many of them understood that the country was faced with enemies on all sides and she was the most likely candidate to turn this situation around.

Tong Liang was honestly an incomparable talent as well. She was experienced in the world of politics and came from a powerful family. She would have been a great president if not for the single fact that she was a traitor who had sold out her own country!

Almost everyone there knew about the result of the election, everyone except the Tong family themselves.

Tong Liang was still giving her speech on stage, talking about her future policies, her view on the country and the world, her beliefs and experience…

It was a good speech and deserved a great round of applause. Tong Liang saw the smiles they awarded her, and she assumed her speech was a great success and that everyone loved her. Her heart flitted about happily because she could already see the victory in her grasp.

“Here I end my speech. Next, please put your hands together to welcome the young and beautiful Miss Xia to give her speech. Even though she is my competitor, honestly, I am greatly impressed by her spirit and ability. I am proud to have this opportunity to compete with her. Without further ado, we will now welcome Miss Xia to the stage. Miss Xia, please,” Tong Liang said with respectful tone, thinking she was being humorous.

Xinghe walked past her but did not acknowledge her with even a gaze. Her attitude greatly satisfied Tong Liang. She thought Xinghe was losing it. Everyone present was a person with great eye, so they would be greatly disappointed if she lost her bearing and would naturally not vote for her.

Tong Liang went back to her seat happily, thankful for her father’s lesson. In such an important election, the biggest test was on one’s attitude. The person who could hold her own until the final minute would be the winner.

“Good afternoon…” Just as Tong Liang was lost in her delusions, the appropriately dressed Xinghe started to speak. Her voice was like usual, not too fast and not slow, but there was strength behind her every word. For some unknown reason, she had a natural allure to her that would attract everyone’s attention whenever she spoke, and her words would have a lasting impact on her listeners.

“Regarding this speech today, I am actually under-prepared because I have said everything I want to say, and it would only cheapen them by repetition. I am an action-orientated person and will do everything to fulfil the promises that I have given. I am not an ideologue; I will not promise anything that is not within my actual capability.

“Today, I promise everyone, if given the chance, I will solve the diplomatic crisis facing this country and will usher in great improvement to this country so that no one will be able to bully and look down on us anymore, so that every citizen can live in a peaceful, influential and dynamic country!”

Chapter 951: Elected

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“That is my promise to you and the conclusion of my speech. Thank you everyone. I hope you will support me, and I will never disappoint you!”

After she finished her simple speech, Xinghe bowed and walked off the stage. Xinghe’s speech was as interesting as Tong Liang’s speech but each in a different way. Tong Liang’s was detailed and careful while Xinghe’s was simple and to the point.

This was the first time in decades someone had used such a style during their final speech. It was indeed refreshing.

However, from Tong Liang’s point of view, Xinghe was too simplistic, going with a speech that an elementary student could write. She was overjoyed because the worse Xinghe acted, the greater her chance of winning even if her victory was already confirmed. She was so tickled by Xinghe’s performance that she almost burst out laughing.

During the whole voting process, this good feeling never left because she could already see that victory was hers. Even Tianrong had a hard time suppressing the joy that bubbled up within him.

Xinghe’s expression throughout remained unchanged as if the result did not matter one bit to her. In Tong Liang’s eyes, she was only pretending to be calm. However, when the result was announced, it was Tong Liang and Tianrong who got the shock of their lives. They almost thought they were dreaming.

The Vice President represented the President who was still recovering to announce the result. He looked at Xinghe and said in a joyous voice, “Congratulations, Miss Xia Xinghe, you are the winner with a vote count of 32 over Miss Tong Liang. Congratulations to Miss Xia for winning the presidency and congratulations to everyone here and the citizens of Hwa Xia, because we now have a new leader who is brave and full of wisdom, congratulations!”

A thunderous applause followed the Vice President’s announcement. This was a live broadcast and even the viewers before the screen joined in the celebration. Many of them had voted for Xinghe, but they really did not think she could nab the final victory. They saw a different future for the country in her.

Everyone who supported her was excited beyond belief. Even Mubai was wearing a bright smile. The eyes of Elder Shen and everyone in the Shen family were filled with tears. They really did not expect that Xinghe would win the election.

She’d won; their granddaughter had won the presidency! They knew she was different, but they did not expect her to be so unique from others.

Xinghe’s victory sent a shockwave throughout the world. Other than Mubai and those who were part of her campaign, everyone else who knew her looked on with disbelief. Even Chengwu and Xia Zhi felt like they were dreaming.

Xia Zhi stared at Xinghe on the television and said dumbly, “Dad, can you pinch me? Am I dreaming?”

Chengwu also stared at the television like he had lost his mind. “Wait, you pinch me first, because I also feel like I am dreaming.”

“Dad, is that really my sister? I have been staring at her for half a month, but how come, at this moment, I still feel like all this is not real?” Even since Xinghe had joined the race, Xia Zhi and his father had been following her news. Until now, he was caught up in disbelief.

Chengwu slapped him on his back and said, “That is Xinghe! Don’t forget, it was she who saved the world, so what else she cannot do? That is her…”

“Father, I… why are there tears in my eyes?” For some unknown reason, Xia Zhi started crying.

“Son, me too…” There were tears in Chengwu’s eyes as well. The two of them stared at Xinghe on television and tears poured down their faces freely.

It was because they thought about the past…

Chapter 952: Top of the World

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

A year and a half ago, they had still been in that hellhole. Who would have thought Xinghe would make such a drastic turn in life in such a short period of time?

After she’d regained her memory, it was like her whole person had changed and one giant transformation followed another. There was a mix of melancholy and excitement in their hearts upon witnessing the success that she had made for herself. However, mostly, they were happy for her. She stood up when she had fallen, defeated her destiny, and now stood at the top of the world!

They were proud of her. Everyone who cared for Xinghe felt the same way; their hearts were filled with pride!

However, Tianrong and Tong Liang refused to accept this result. How could this happen? I should be the winner, how come the name announced was Xia Xinghe‽

They had secretly bought many votes before the election, and her votes would definitely be more than half of the total. In other words, at least fifty of the hundred in total should support her. However, the result showed that she only had thirty plus votes, and Xinghe had the remaining sixty plus votes. Therefore, around twenty people had betrayed them and voted for Xinghe.

Tong Liang turned to Tianrong with plain disbelief and the latter’s face was ugly. Even though this was live broadcast, they had a hard time maintaining their composure.

Everyone saw their reactions, but no one came to console them or pity them. They were busy celebrating Xinghe’s victory and congratulating her. Tong Liang and Tianrong’s faces turned uglier witnessing how Xinghe became the center of attention. Even though they wanted to pull some tricks, this was, as previously mentioned, a live broadcast, and their hands were tied.

Tong Liang walked to Tianrong’s side and asked in a whispered voice that was mixed with resentment, “Father, what should we do?”

Naturally, her resentment was directed at Xinghe.

“What else can we do? We were tricked!” he answered in a deep voice, struggling to hide his wrath.

Tong Liang was incensed. She scanned those people who had promised their support but were surrounding Xinghe to congratulate her, and a flash of resentful anger burned in the depths of her eyes. What she wouldn’t give to kill them all!

“Father, I will not accept this!” Tong Liang said through gritted teeth, “I will not accept this result. Which part of me is worse than her? How come she can defeat me? Father, I would rather die than accept this result!”

Like father like daughter, Tianrong was also unwilling to accept the reality. So many years ago, he had lost to Xinghe’s uncle, and now he had put all his hope onto his daughter and had done everything he could to ensure her victory, but even so, she had still lost!

They kept on losing to this blasted family, so how could he accept it?

For this day, they had done so many things and sacrificed so much. In the end, their effort was no better than an unheard woman who shoved her way into the scene, so naturally, they would challenge the result. Tianrong was so unsatisfied with the result that he almost coughed out blood.

He gripped his fists and a malicious glow flashed in his eyes. “Don’t worry, we have not lost. We still have the chance to turn this around.”

Tong Liang was startled before comprehension dawned. “Father, you mean…”

Tianrong looked at her and smirked coldly.

Chapter 953: You Want Me to Respect You?

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“That’s right, we still one final card we can use to completely destroy her! So what if she’s won, the presidency will eventually fall into our hands!”

“Father, you’re right, we still have hope!” Tong Liang rejoiced; her heart that had fallen into the abyss was suddenly revived. She was fidgeting with excitement. She could not wait to destroy Xinghe, to get back everything that she deserved!

When the father and daughter were having their moment, they did not notice Xinghe walking toward them. Xinghe was just close enough to overhear Tong Liang’s last sentence.

“What hope do you still have, care to share your interesting conversation?” Xinghe’s clear voice suddenly rang out, which spooked both Tong Liang and Tianrong. The father and daughter looked toward the sound of the voice and was shocked to realize Xinghe walking toward them. Behind her was the whole entourage. For some reason, they had a sinking feeling in their stomachs.

However, this was not Tong Liang’s first social event. She quickly corrected her expression and said with a smile, “I was saying, even though I have lost this election, there is still hope for next time. Miss Xia, congratulations. Even though I have lost, I am happy for you.”

Tong Liang extended her hand to Xinghe out of courtesy. Xinghe did not take her hand as decency demanded but glanced at her hand nonchalantly like it was below her to shake Tong Liang’s hand.

Tong Liang was already nursing a full body of resentment and she exploded from the slight. “Miss Xia has learned how to look down on people so fast? Then again, from now on, you are Hwa Xia’s president, of course you wouldn’t give face to losers like us.”

Tong Liang did not care if other people overheard her, after all, Xinghe would be forced to resign tomorrow. Furthermore, it was Xinghe who had started the aggression; the fault did not lie with her. Therefore, her rudeness would not reflect badly on her, if anything, this classless behavior would only harm Xinghe’s reputation.

Tong Liang retracted her arm and continued snidely, “Miss Xia, you might have won, but you at least have to show me basic respect, right? I just lost the election, but it does not mean that I should be denied the basic courtesies.”

“In other words, you are asking me to respect you?” Xinghe asked nonchalantly.

Tong Liang scoffed. “Shouldn’t you respect me? Whatever, I don’t care whether you respect me or not. However, I just feel sad that this great country has fallen into the hands of woman such as yourself!”

“That’s right, this country must have been cursed for falling into the hands of a woman that is as narrow-minded as you! And all of you chose to elect her, now she is showing her true colors! I, Tong Tianrong, have sacrificed my whole life for this country, but in the end, I have to watch it being ruined by a witless woman. No, I will never allow that to happen for the sake of this country! I challenge the result of this election, and I will expose to the whole world this woman’s real colors! This great country of mine will never be allowed to fall into such a woman’s hands!” Tianrong scolded sternly.

His face was red from anger like he was truly a person who would lay down his life for Hwa Xia. He had also managed to slander Xinghe’s name, making her out to be a witless leader. Tianrong was an influential player in Hwa Xia, due to his seniority, so he could pretty much say anything he wanted. He did not believe anyone would dare to call him out on it.

After all, Xinghe was indeed, in his eyes, an intolerant bimbo who did not have the qualification to lead a country.

Chapter 954: Exposed

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Tianrong and Tong Liang held on to Xinghe’s small social faux pas and decided to use it to ruin her reputation. Then tomorrow, they would unleash the evidence to frame and ruin her! They would make her pay for standing in the way of their plan!

Alas, no matter what they said, Xinghe remained unmoved. Even the people around her did not show much of a reaction.

“Are you two done?” Xinghe asked with a raised brow.

Tong Liang was incensed once more witnessing Xinghe’s infuriating serenity. “Xia Xinghe, what do you mean by that‽ Or you dare say we are wrong‽”

“Indeed.” Xinghe’s eyes hardened and she added icily, “You two are wrong on so many levels.”

“What do you mean‽” Tong Liang was beyond furious.

Xinghe smiled coolly and said, “What do I mean? I’m sure you know what I mean.”

Tong Liang and Tianrong were startled.

“You little baby girl who is still sucking her mama’s tits, it is one thing to look down on others, now you’re throwing random accusations? I, Tong Tianrong, swear on my life, I will fight you until my last breath! You blind asses might have chosen her, but the citizens of Hwa Xia will not be swindled by this woman. I will expose you and tell the whole world what kind of depraved woman you are! And I dare to say those words now because I am not afraid of you coming to seek me for vengeance. Whoever dares to side with her will be the Tong family’s mortal enemies!” Tianrong roared loudly; he thought he was able to stun everyone there into submission.

Alas, Xinghe only smiled to herself and said, “Are you done?”

“You…” Tianrong was ready to blow an aneurysm. Is this woman really not afraid of me?

Not only was Xinghe not afraid of him, she inspired more majesty than him. “If you’re done, then follow the police to the police station to aid with the investigation quietly!”

“Investigation?” Tong Liang looked at her with a frown. “What are you talking about?”

Xinghe stared back at her and demanded sternly, “Tong Liang, what is done at night appears in the morning. You really think the strings your Tong family has been pulling in the dark have escaped our detection?”

Tong Liang and Tianrong were stunned, and their faces immediately paled.

“Xia Xinghe, what are you talking about? You can’t go around slandering people’s names, what strings we have pulled? If you dare, then say it out loud for everyone to examine,” Tong Liang retorted ferociously even though her heart was shaking. Her acting was to be commended.

“Fine, then I will lay it out for you,” Xinghe announced severely, “Both of you have colluded with foreign forces to harm this country and its people. To take the president’s seat, your Tong family has done so many deplorable and disgusting things, did you really think they would not be found out?”

Tianrong and Tong Liang’s brains were blown in smithereens. There was abject fear in their eyes from the sudden exposure of their crimes. They really did not see this coming. It was a flash of lightning in broad day light…

“Nonsense!” Tianrong, with his decades of political experience, immediately turned his expression around. “Our Tong family has always put this country first, so how dare you slander our name like this. Xia Xinghe, you need to have proof before you say those words. If you cannot show us any proof, then I, Tong Tianrong, will personally end you!”

“You want proof?” Xinghe scoffed before pointing directly at Tong Liang and said sharply, “The fact that she has the virus’ antigen in her body is the best proof.”

Tong Liang issued a singular laugh. “Naturally my body will have the antigen after I took the vaccine shot. Have you lost your mind…”

Chapter 955: Traitor Traitor

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

After she said so, Tong Liang was suddenly hit by a thought and her face paled significantly.

“No one gave you a vaccine shot.” Xinghe glared coldly at her. “The doctor only gave you normal blood salts, and we have tested your blood. Your body contained the antigen way before the national administration of vaccine shots. Miss Tong, do you care to explain why that is?”

Tong Liang’s pupils widened. She stared at Xinghe with open disbelief. She could not believe they had caught on to her so early and had been laying traps for her…

They even thought to check her blood for antigens.

“Could it be that they knew about the virus outbreak beforehand?” the people in the crowd asked out loud as the implication fell.

“Indeed,” Xinghe answered, “They not only knew about it, it was also them who started the virus outbreak.”

“What‽” The crowd was stupefied. Tianrong and Tong Liang looked at her with their jaws on the floor.

Xinghe continued to explain, “Tong Liang came to my academy’s competition as the virus carrier. The first person she infected was the President. Because the President has a weak body, he is prone to infection. After killing him, their Tong family would have the valid reason to start and join the presidential election. Am I right?”

This time, Tianrong and Tong Liang looked at her with fear. How, how did she know?

Others, who were not clued in, were shocked.

“That’s right, everything Xinghe said is correct,” the Vice President also stood up to announce with authority. “We have suspected the Tong family for a long time. Don’t any of you feel suspicious regarding their recent activity? Especially Tong Liang, the virus outbreak is so viral, but she kept going to various hospitals to visit the patients. Is she really that kind or is it all a stunt? I am sure everyone knows the reality of it now.”

The truth slowly came out. Indeed, the virus was highly contagious; all of them were hesitant to even leave their houses much less have close contact with the patients. But she dared to, not because she was kind, but she was not afraid of infection. If she really wanted to help, she should have focused on controlling it and not going about pulling publicity stunts. Therefore, Tong Liang was indeed suspicious.

Recently, there was high tension between Hwa Xia and other countries, and everyone suspected the virus outbreak was a conspiracy by a foreign force. Now, combined with the Tong family’s suspicions, everyone confirmed this was indeed a conspiracy. For the sake of the President’s seat, the Tong family had colluded with foreign countries to harm Hwa Xia. They had sold out their own country!

Everyone there might have their own goals and ambitions, but at the end of the day, they were all from Hwa Xia. They would unite to fight any and all threats that came at the country. Therefore, their hatred toward the Tong family was at an all-time high; they glared at them with unbridled fury.

“No, she is framing me! I have not done such a thing; our Tong family did not collude with other countries, we did not!” Tong Liang went directly into defensive mode. Tianrong also denied the accusation angrily, but no one was going to believe them. Their suspicions were too high.

“Whether I am lying or not, truth will tell, and more importantly, the antigen in your body, Tong Liang, will tell,” Xinghe said conclusively. “The doctors have said that human bodies will not produce the antigen for this virus naturally.”

Chapter 956: Impressed by Mubai’s Farsightedness

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“Therefore, the antigen in your body can only be explained by an earlier injection of the vaccine. How else are you going to explain its presence?”

“I…” Tong Liang opened her mouth to say but no explanation came out. However, she quickly turned this on Xinghe. “How can I know whether my body really has this antigen or not? Perhaps this is all made up by you! Xia Xinghe, you have the intention of harming humanity, so you want to save He Lan Yuan’s lackeys and take advantage of them for your own personal interests. This is all part of your scheme! I have found that out already, that’s right, this is all part of your scheme! Everyone, you have to believe me, this is all Xia Xinghe’s evil plan, our Tong family is being framed!”

“Framed?” Xinghe laughed. “The issue of the antigen is jointly witnessed by Doctor Lu and many other doctors, so they all are framing you? Also, you are the only one that keeps on harping on about my anti-humanity agenda. If anything, it feels like you are using that to frame me and remove me.”

“But you do have an anti-humanity agenda!” Tong Liang stressed like she had found her life-saving straw. “You are harming this country, and this is all part of your plan. The people from the moon base gave you all of their technology, and this virus was created by you. When we tried to capture them earlier, your group tried everything to make things difficult for me and that is more than enough to validate our suspicions. Now that this country has fallen into your hands, you will definitely use it to destroy the world. Xia Xinghe, you are the evil, crazy one. I, Tong Liang, swear on my life that this is part of your grand conspiracy!”

Xinghe suddenly felt impressed by Mubai’s farsightedness. The Tong family was indeed going to use this point to attempt to frame her. Alas, Tong Liang had lost her footing and had exposed her plan when the timing was not right. The damage that it would do then was not big.

Xinghe clapped her hands mirthlessly. “This reason you made up sure is interesting, but unfortunately, it does not hold water. You say I have an anti-humanity agenda, then tell me, who stopped He Lan Yuan’s plan to dominate the world?

“You say I created the virus, then tell me, how did you know the virus is related to the people from the moon base? Indeed, it is related to them, but this is supposed to be confidential information, so how did you find out about it?

“Then, you say I will use their technology to ruin this world? But I am telling you, I have already handed over all of their technology and have started working on ways to defend against them. So, tell me, who will believe you? If anything, everything you have said only goes to prove your collusion with other foreign forces even further!”

Xinghe’s last sentence was so powerful that it could be heard throughout the congress hall. Tong Liang subconsciously took two steps back, and her face could no longer hide the trace of fear. Noticing that, everyone knew who was in the right.

The Vice President picked up where Xinghe left off. “And the fact that you have used hypnosis to harm the President has also been exposed!”


Tong Liang and Tianrong’s eyes grew even bigger. Everyone else was shocked.

“Mr. Vice President, you mean they are responsible for…”

“Yes.” The Vice President nodded and continued, “I suppose it is time to tell everyone the truth. According to our investigation, we suspect other countries have colluded with He Lan Yuan.”

Chapter 957: Fall of the Tong family

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

“They plan to use the technology in He Lan Yuan’s possession to harm our country. Other than that, they colluded with the Tong family, hoping to undermine this country from within as well. He Lan Yuan knows hypnosis; Xinghe and her friends have seen it when they were on the moon base. It was why they could see through this conspiracy.

“They used his hypnosis to hypnotize the doctor and ordered him to attack the President. We have found proof regarding these hypotheses. The two individuals who hypnotized the doctor have been caught, and they have named Tong Liang as their accomplice; she helped them get close to the doctor to hypnotize him.”

Tianrong and Tong Liang received another shock. The two of them were already beyond words at this point. It was similar for other people; this series of truths was like a continuous stream of slaps to their faces. They did not realize so many things had been progressing in the dark. The Tong family colluded with foreign forces to harm their own country. How could they be so… heartless?

“Tong Tianrong, I believed you so fully and gave you all my support, but you are the biggest trash this country has ever seen! I was truly blind for thinking you are a good person.”

“I was also blind! Tong Tianrong, we have known each other for decades, but you sure have hidden this well.”

“The Tong family will receive the adequate punishment; the law will never forgive you!”

“That’s right, they deserve to die, karma will get them.”

Facing the public’s batteries, Tianrong’s body was practically swaying. Like he was suppressing a great indignation, he roared, “Our Tong family is being framed! We’ve been framed; my loyalty for this country is evident. I, Tong Tianrong, would not betray my own country, we are framed—”

“That’s right, we are being framed. Uncles and Aunties, you have to believe us! We are really being framed,” Tong Liang started crying to plead her innocence. However, no one would believe them anymore. The evidence was already exposed, so how could they have been framed?

These people knew they were only struggling before death. They were not your typical crowd. Each of them had their own judgement and thoughts or else they would not have become congressmen and congresswomen. They had seen plenty of characters like the Tong family. The truth would tell whether they were innocent or not.

“Framed?” The Vice President huffed angrily. “If you are really innocent, we will definitely give you an official apology, but if this is all true, then just wait for the law’s judgement and punishment. Security, take them away to interrogate them!”

As he said so, the security guards who had been waiting pounced on them.

“No, I am being framed, we are innocent…” Tong Liang struggled out of fear, but no matter how hard she struggled, she was still forced out of the room by the guards. It was similar for Tianrong. He might have held a high ranking, but all that was irrelevant now that his guilt had been proven.

Many sighed internally or in relief when they witnessed the Tong family’s ending. After all, they had been holding in their fury after the country was struck with the virus and after the President was attacked. Therefore, they were glad when the true culprits were caught. When they knew it was Xinghe who had seen through and exposed the Tong family’s conspiracy, they were further impressed by her.

Chapter 958: A Contract

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

They had heard many things about Xinghe, and their impression of her only continued to improve after this incident. They believed she would be a good president.

After Tianrong and Tong Liang were taken away, Xinghe calmly ordered, “Everyone, I hope you will keep the Tong family’s capture a secret. Currently, we still cannot let our enemies know we have seen through their ploy or this will only get worse.”

Before they’d exposed the Tong family, the live broadcast was cut off, therefore, only those who were there knew what had really happened.

“That is for sure, we will not breathe a word of this.”

“That’s right, we understand the severity of the situation, we know what to do.”

Everyone agreed, and Xinghe nodded with satisfaction. “Not only that, we have to focus to face the imminent trouble. Our enemies will take action after they fail to hear back from the Tong family, so I hope everyone is prepared,” she once again reminded them.

“Don’t worry, no matter what they do, we will fight them with a united heart.”

“Miss Xia, from tomorrow onwards, you will be our President. We will follow your arrangement.”

Xinghe was appreciative of the fact that they accepted her and trusted her so easily. She promised on the spot, “Okay, I promise that I, Xia Xinghe, will not disappoint the faith and expectations you have placed on me! No matter what happens, I will put this country first. As long as you believe in me, I will not disappoint you.”

The Vice President was the first to say, “Xinghe, I believe in you.”

“Miss Xia, I too believe in you.”

“Me too.”

A series of people stated their stance. This was like a trust contract. From then on, no matter what happened, they would trust her fully, and what Xinghe needed then was exactly their trust!

Perhaps in everyone’s eyes, Xinghe’s fate had changed from that moment onwards. She, a normal woman, suddenly became Hwa Xia’s president. That was unheard of.

However, for Xinghe, she was still the same person. Her fate had always been in her hands, and she had been rewriting it since day one. Therefore, nothing truly changed according to her, she only gained a new title and a giant responsibility.

Mubai treated it the same way but not Sam and the rest. They were excited for her and crowded around her for a long time. In their eyes, Xinghe becoming president was a great source of pride.

Only Mubai still treated her the same way. After Sam and the rest finally left, only Xinghe and Mubai remained in the room.

Mubai finally took her hands and he smiled, congratulating her. “Congratulations, I am so proud of you.”

Xinghe laughed. “I merely rode on the coattails of everyone’s effort and sacrifice, there is nothing worth being proud of.”

“But I still feel happy for you, and everything you have you earned with your own two hands; you deserve everything.”

“This is merely a responsibility. After this crisis is taken care of, I will resign,” Xinghe said seriously.

Chapter 959: Assaulted by the Whole World

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

Mubai knew she was not being humble or joking. After all, she was not at all interested in the seat. If not to defeat their enemies, she would not have selected this path. He chose to respect her decision.

He hugged her and whispered, “Okay, no matter your decision, I will support you. After this crisis is taken care of, you can do anything you like.”

“I will solve this crisis as soon as possible, and we will return home together.” That was what she wanted, to go back home with him, to live a peaceful life.

Mubai’s lips curved into a bright and glorious smile. “Okay, I promise you.”

Xinghe responded with a brilliant smile. She also hugged him in return and enjoyed this last piece of happiness and serenity that they would have the luxury to enjoy for a long time.

Mubai’s prediction was right. The second day after Xinghe was sworn in, the United Nations released their official statement. They accused Xinghe of colluding with He Lan Yuan’s lackeys and harbored the intention of harming the world. This official statement naturally shocked the world!

The world was still recovering from the joyful news of her ascending to be Hwa Xia’s president, and now they were told she was going to destroy the world. Many naturally did not believe this, but the United Nations provided the evidence.

They revealed the news of Xinghe going to the moon base to draw up a contract with He Lan Yuan’s lackeys, and they had verbal confirmation from these people. According to Shi Jian, their contract was that after Xinghe helped them get back to Earth, they would help Xinghe take over the whole world, and they would rebuild a new world together. He also added the virus outbreak was part of Xinghe’s conspiracy; her purpose was to kill the previous president to take his place.

The United Nations even added that the assassination of Hwa Xia’s previous president was Xinghe’s handiwork as well. They insinuated that Xinghe slept her way to the top because, with her young age, she would not have won the presidency. Therefore, her win was full of loopholes. In any case, to frame Xinghe, the United Nations had provided a lot of evidence and pinned many crimes on Xinghe.

The evidence they provided looked so authentic that the whole world really started to suspect Xinghe. That was how humankind was, easily influenced by outsiders and had difficulties coming to their own conclusions.

They initially trusted Xinghe, but now they all turned on her. Hwa Xia’s citizens reached the stage of being angered. Many formed groups to protest outside of the President’s House, demanding Xinghe and the country to give them an explanation. They would not allow their country to be ruled by such a scary woman.

All over the world, there were people holding protests to censure Xinghe. In just one day, the world’s opinion of Xinghe witnessed a 180 change!

Yesterday, they’d lavished their love on her, but today, they hated her to their core. This speedy change shocked many. Even though Xinghe’s group knew this was coming, how soon it came still startled them. Sam and his friends were furious.

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