Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 12 - First stop, Fengwu

   Chapter 12, the first stop, Fengwu


   Familiar calling.

   is no longer red, but black.


  She fell here, but at least, her body no longer hurts.

   Chaos consciousness gradually became clear, as if there was a hand in the dark, grabbing her forcefully.

  The black faded slowly, washing the world covered by ink like rain.

  Everything appeared as it was.

   Xiaolan was sweating and panting.

  The car bumped more severely, but Xiaolan, who was here, seemed as if he had just escaped from the sky.

   finally woke up.

   Xiaolan’s nose was sour, feeling very aggrieved, but she couldn’t shed tears.

   “Have a nightmare?”

Dao Master’s voice sounded, Xiao Lan nodded with a grievance, and looked down to see that her right hand was tightly holding Dao Master’s right hand, Dao Master’s whole person was torn into a strange shape, and saw her wake up. , Breathed a sigh of relief.

   Xiaolan quickly released, the Taoist leader retracted his right hand, which had been pinched so white, and shook it lightly.

  ”You are not too old, and you have no strength.”

   “What did Xiaolan dream about? I was so frightened.” Xiaoyin moved her seat, turning around holding a bag of potato chips, opening her mouth and handing it to Xiaolan.

   Xiaolan sniffed.

   “It’s scary.”

Sister Pineapple smiled and opened the mineral water.

   “I just stopped at the rest stop and we went down to buy food. Xiaoyin just opened a bag of biscuits to share with us. When he walked to your side, you suddenly punched out and almost knocked over the biscuits.”

  I punched? Xiaolan thought fearfully, didn’t I wave a palm?

   Xiaoyin turned around again, pretending to be angry.

   “I was so angry that I ate all the biscuits and didn’t leave you a bite.”

  Cookies are not that important anyway.

   “Did I yell out?” Xiaolan took the potato chips, but couldn’t take care of it, and asked anxiously, “Is it bothering you?”

   Xiaoyin just wanted to open his mouth to answer, the car suddenly bumped up violently, and Xiaoyin, who was sitting upside down, was almost thrown out of his seat.

  The road leader opened the curtain on the side, and outside the window was a low hill in the distance. The car was struggling on the dirt road paved with rut marks, and everyone’s eyes also undulated with the ups and downs of the mountains.

   “We have entered Fengwu.”

   Xiaolan also leaned forward and looked out the window. Is this Fengwu’s mountain and Fengwu’s tree?

   “If you don’t even repair roads, how does this tourism drive GDP,” the little fool’s sullen voice sounded from the back row, “sprinkle water all over me!”

  Pineapple hurriedly handed over a dozen tissues.

   Xiaolan was smiling with everyone, and suddenly, her chest choked.

   Coughed fiercely, and at that moment, it felt like a cold hand pinched her heart.

  The hairs are standing up, but this feeling only lasted for less than a second before disappearing.

  After taking care of the pineapple, he came to take care of this side, patted Xiaolan’s back lightly.

  ”Be careful, this is a short section of the road that is not easy to walk, and eat later, don’t choke.”

   Xiaolan panted lightly and nodded.

  Although the momentary pain passed, Xiaolan felt that her state seemed to have changed.

  The cold hand moved away from Xiaolan’s heart, but left her cold oppression. What she felt at this time was the slight heavy oppression.

  There are others.

   Xiaolan looked down at her hands.

  At the same time, I came to myself, and when I just woke up in the attic, it seemed as if there was a thread pulling myself traction.

  She came, where she should be.


  The bumpy road quickly passed, and the bus drove onto the concrete road in Pingchuan.

  Involuntarily, several people quieted down, observing the strange city through the car window, and the atmosphere gradually became serious.

  There are indeed many mountains in the distance of Fengwu.

  The not-so-large Fengwu is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The weather outside looks like it is going to rain. The cloud curtain hangs down and covers the top of the mountain. The whole city is like a box, firmly locked by mountains and clouds.

  The sense of traction comes from that mountain.

It can be seen from the buildings passing by that Fengwu is indeed not a dilapidated and desolate place. Most of the buildings are clean and new, and the design style is also very modern. However, this also confirms that Fengwu has indeed only developed in recent years. of.

  As we drive into the city, the car gradually slows down, and occasionally we can see a few local people, which is not much different from people in other places.

  When you arrive at the station, it is four o’clock in the afternoon, which is the moment when day and night meet. Several passengers in the front row got out of the car with them, and their eyes looked strange.

  Daochang held Xiaolan’s backpack in one hand, and called the booked hotel with a mobile phone in the other.

  I don’t know why, after arriving at Fengwu, everyone became stunned.

  Even the little idiot who talked a lot in his own words calmed down, standing at the gate of the passenger terminal, looking around the entire Fengwu mountains.

  Fengwu has its unique temperament and taste, just like a lonely eye.

  ”The driver can’t come for the time being. The boss told us to take a taxi to the hotel.”

  After talking for a long time, the Taoist chief put down the phone and said these words.

   Xiaolan closely followed the Taoist leader, sat in the back of the taxi, and huddled with the pineapple maple syrup.

  ”Master, go to the sunset hotel on Nanzhong Road.”

  The master driver opened the handbrake while looking at them strangely, “It’s far away there, are you going to play in the mountains?”

  The road chief sat in the position of the co-pilot and fastened his seat belt.

   “We are just going to the mountains,” the Taoist chief handed a bottle of mineral water to the driver. “Master, do you know that there is a village over there.”

   “Hey, thank you,” the driver took the water and glanced at the three people in the back seat. “Lianshui Village, are you going there too?”

   “Is anyone else going there?” Sister Pineapple sat in the middle of the back row and said.

  The four people swept to look at the driver who was starting the car.

  The driver’s face blushed, and the car moved slowly.

   “I thought you were with the few people who came a few days ago. There hasn’t been a single person in Lianshui Village for a few years. You don’t have to come here as soon as the guy has an accident.”

problem occurs?

  The four people suddenly came to their minds, even the maple sugar, who had been in a semi-comatose state, sat upright and went over to listen.

“What happened?”

  The driver was a little surprised, and looked at them carefully through the rear mirror.

“So you don’t know. A few days ago, it was also a group of people, about seven or eight. They said they were tourists and were going to play in Lianshui Village, but they were actually looking for someone. As a result, there was a girl in that group on the mountain. Committed suicide.”

  Dao Master and Pineapple Maple looked at each other, showing their expected expressions.

   “It seems we have found the right one.”

  The pineapple maple syrup nodded, leaving Xiaolan alone and confused.

  What what, what happened?

   Xiaolan looked at the pineapple, and then at the Taoist leader.

  Pineapple patted her thigh, and whispered: “I will explain to you later, let’s listen first.”


   “What are you looking for,” the driver heard curiously, “Are you looking for the first group?”

   “We are here to find the place they are looking for,” the leader looked at the driver, “Master, do you know anything else, can you tell us more about it?”

   “Oh, that’s a long story.” The driver shook his body from side to side while holding the steering wheel, and sat upright, “It just happens that this road is far away, and I will also tell you a lot…”

   The signing process is underway. If you feel that the book is still in the past, please invest and recommend a lot of support! Thanks for reading, thanks for your support, tweeted!


  (End of this chapter)

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