Monument of Life and Death

Chapter 11 - Can\\\'t escape

  Chapter 11 Can’t Escape

  Green world, green world.

  Resisting the dizziness, Xiaolan held on to something. There was a green halo in front of him desperately spinning, his legs trembling, as if he was about to float up, wanting to vomit, really wanting to vomit.

  How could this happen, stop now.


  Under her feet, a clear sense of falling spread all over her body, and the subtle touch of her body passing through the air made her sober.

   Xiaolan’s eyes widened, trying to catch something and stop her falling.

  It’s going to fall, it’s going to fall.


  With all four feet facing the sky, Xiaolan finally touched the real ground.

  Listening to the voice just now, Xiaolan couldn’t feel her pain, she only felt that her surroundings were soft and the scent of dry leaves filled her nose.

   Xiaolan doesn’t hurt at all, throwing away the things covering her face, and opening her eyes.

  A small round green sky.

   is surrounded by cyan stone walls covered with vines. Xiaolan can reach from one end to the other with her hands. There are dry leaves and fallen flowers under her feet, and she steps on it softly, like walking on a cloud.

  The green sky above is part of a tree canopy. Autumn flowers are still growing on the canopy, lazily covering Xiaolan’s sight.

  But the situation is not as romantic as expected.

  Xiaolan is underground.

  A deep well. The sky at the mouth of the well has become smaller than a palm. Xiaolan sniffed the scent, recalling herself before the fall, and was even more sure of the current situation.

  I am dreaming.

  There are real feelings and pain in dreams, this kind of urge to escape like falling into hell.

  She seemed to be back in the dream of seeing the boundary monument.

  Thinking of the boundary monument, Xiaolan cheered up. This time I had to see the boundary marker. The last time I saw it was too far away from the mountains, Xiaolan couldn’t see what the boundary marker really looked like.

  Leave this well.

  Thinking about this, Xiaolan was suddenly full of strength again. Step on both sides of the well wall with your feet, grabbing the vines with your hands, and moving towards the well head a little bit.

  There are vigorous moss and algae growing everywhere in the well wall. Every time you move, there is a slippery foot.

  The well seems to be bigger as you go up, Xiaolan’s hands are almost not long enough, and there is still some way to climb from the well head. It seems that this method will not work for the time being.


   Xiaolan was convulsed by the sudden abdominal pain, her feet immediately weakened, and she could no longer step on the slippery well wall.

   Holding a vine on the side wall, Xiaolan half hung on the wall of the well.

  She used a lot of energy, and finally stepped on a sturdy vine with trembling feet. At the edge of the flared well, she could lie down and rest for a while.

  The stomach still hurts, and the pain makes the whole person scratch the heart and the liver is anxious. It is a pain that Xiaolan has not experienced before. It always lasts and does not give people a chance to relieve.

  I haven’t recovered the strength for the time being, Xiaolan supported on the spot and panted.

  Look up, there is still not a long distance, maybe it can be done in one effort…

  The feeling of something flowing past my thighs. Xiao Lan couldn’t make any movement to see what happened, she just wanted to use her force again and directly send herself out of the well.

  Raise the left leg.

it hurts!

  It hurts too much!

  The pain at that moment seemed to numb Xiaolan’s whole body, and the hands clinging to the vines lost consciousness at this moment. Xiaolan desperately watched the well head farther and farther away from him, and fell to the bottom of the well again.

what! belly!

  The pain seemed to be dying.

   Xiaolan tried to lift her upper body to see what happened to her, but saw that her clothes from her lower abdomen to knees had been soaked in blood.

What’s wrong with me?

  The fear of not being able to escape from her birth was less than the shock that this scene brought to her. Xiaolan was puzzled and anguished. Her whole body was entangled in severe pain, and she could only squeeze out a few faint calls for help from between her teeth.


  The cry for help and groaning echoed in the dry well, maybe it was impossible to reach the forest at all. No one came to rescue her, only herself.

  Xiaolan lay down at the bottom of the well like a corpse, all of her strength seemed to be taken away. Now it is very difficult to even ask for help, and she can’t even move her fingers.

  Looking up at the green sky, Xiaolan only hopes that this is indeed a dream, and prays that this nightmare will end soon.

  The sky gradually darkened, and Xiaolan was still awake. She could not feel the time going, but she could feel the pain weakening little by little.

  A lot of blood was shed, and there was no strength, but the pain was gone, Xiaolan picked up a little hope again.

   She clenched her teeth and straightened her upper body, leaning against the wall of the well, breathing heavily.

  A little bit of oxygen comes in, and the strength is restored a little bit.

  Work harder, work harder.

   Xiaolan grabbed the vines at a high place hard, and bit her teeth on the vines, dragging her legs a little bit.

   can stand up! She was about to cry, and the feeling of bleeding disappeared. Maybe there was no blood to shed. The strength of her legs was also returning. She tremblingly hooked a vine with her feet, and finally moved forward a little higher.

  A little bit is good.

   Xiaolan dragged his weakened self and long bloodstains, climbing towards the mouth of the well inch by inch.

  The green sky had already turned black. There was no moonlight in the well, and Xiaolan couldn’t see anything. She could only groped with her hands to find where the next vine she could rely on was.

   didn’t know how far he was from the mouth of the well.

  Suddenly, there was some noise in the quiet forest.

   Xiaolan held her breath, and to make sure that she had not misheard, she stopped her hand movements.

   is the sound of footsteps, the sound of several people’s footsteps, accompanied by low conversations, came from far and near.

someone is coming!


  Xiaolan’s voice was only a faint, she finally saw hope, and saw the firelight brought by the rush of footsteps.

  It turned out that I was only such a short distance from the well. Under the shining of the fire, Xiaolan saw the footsteps of the owners surrounding the well. Xiaolan smiled comfortedly and bitterly, and was finally saved.

   Xiaolan stretched out her right hand to the man in front of her.

  But what awaits her is not the help of the other hand.

  The man spit out and kicked Xiaolan’s shoulder fiercely.

   “I babble, dead woman.”

   Xiaolan’s eyes widened in disbelief, and his body slid down a few inches uncontrollably.


  This time, the man did not speak.

  What she answered was the oncoming fire. The torch ignited the dead leaves and vines, spread to her clothes, and burned her skin.

  She can’t catch it anymore.

  The man cursed at last and threw the flaming torch at her. A group of people stood up and disappeared.

   The crackling flame surrounded her. Under the embrace of the flame, she finally saw the flowers and trees and the green sky at the mouth of the well again. The beautiful colors entangled in her eyes and gradually turned into a dazzling red.

  She fell into the flames in the flames.

“Do not!”

  (End of this chapter)

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