Modern Patriarch

Chapter 102: Wujing Yang

Chapter 102: Wujing Yang

Yao Shen had left the forge and was walking towards the temporary residence that had been constructed for him in All Haven when his expression warped in surprise. The next moment, he was gone with a flicker of motion, his movement so swift that it left behind a powerful gust of wind that buffeted the disciples that had been standing nearby him.

A moment later, he found himself in the skies above All-Haven, staring in the direction of the Soul Emperor level Qi-Signature that he had detected, nay, that had been intentionally revealed to him.

A flash of light in the distance served as a beacon for Wujing Yang, the First Floor Master of the Tower of Radiances arrival.

Yao Shen watched calmly as a silhouette of reformed light took on the appearance of Wujing Yang, his fellow Soul Emperors speed truly a sight to behold.

Yao Shen, Wujing Yang greeted, his expression a mask of composure as he scanned the three Nascent Soul Elders that had detected his entry out of habit.

Wujing Yang. I trust you bring triumphant news? Yao Shen asked, not having forgotten the audacity of Gavril Arkael to invade his territory and threaten his disciples.

I am afraid that I cannot offer you a complete victory, Wujing Yang shook his head, though his tone didnt seem disappointed.

Oh? Kindly explain.

Pursuing Gavril ArKael initially proved to be a challenge, as he had employed a variety of Blood Cultivation methods to deceive my senses and prolong my search. However, the sheer advantage I possessed in speed against an injured Gavril eventually allowed me to catch up to him. Whilst the Demonic Blood and Soul Cultivation has many taboo methods that allow the wielder great power, even if Gavril Arkael was uninjured, he would have a hard time competing in pure offense.

How did it go? Yao Shen asked.

The fight and its result was largely unsurprising. If you had not devastated his domain so thoroughly though, I would not be able to confine him for as long as I had. It is not Gavril Arkaels domain itself that makes him a tricky opponent, rather, it is fighting him alongside his domain that has a multiplicative effect.

But you could not capture him, Yao Shen stated, his tone curious rather than accusatory. Why?

Fellow Daoist Yao, are you familiar with the Demon Gates? Wujing Yang asked, having switched to communicating via Divine Sense.

Yao Shens expression was a mask of cold composure, but inwardly, he was shaken. There was only one reason why Wujing Yang would mention the Demon Gates and it did not bode well for the Modern Sect. A Myth, Yao Shen replied through his own Divine Sense.

No, Fellow Daoist Yao. Are you not curious how Gavril Arkael managed to reach the Azlak Plains so quickly after giving the Tower of Radiance the slip. Are you not curious why I, a Soul Emperor specializing in speed and offense, was dispatched to deal with him, yet reached only after the battle had been concluded.

Yao Shens expression turned grim

A network of teleportation points scattered all across Ionea, allowing for instant and traceless travel. This was the only mention I have found of the Demon Gates across hundreds of tomes and even the author of that journal attributed it to a myth created by mortals to keep their children from wandering out of the village, Yao Shen recalled. Traceless teleportation. If the demonic path has truly concealed such a powerful weapon from us, then what stops them from attacking?

Wujing Yang had a thoughtful expression as he considered Yao Shens question, before he answered via his divine sense, Fellow Daoist Yao, it may very well have been a tale used to keep naughty mortal children in check during some bygone era. How amusing would that be, a Soul Paragon level artifact used to scare mortal children.

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Soul Paragon? Yao Shen asked.

Indeed, though, you need not worry. The Soul Paragon responsible for the creation of the Demon Gates died in the Era of Turmoil and whilst cultivators that exceed him in strength do exist in our present era, none can replicate his unique talents.

There are restrictions to this Demon Gate, then, Yao Shen deduced.

Quite so, Fellow Daoist Yao. I myself have had the honor of destroying one, though I did get a brief opportunity to study it before doing so. No doubt, a vast amount of resources is required to send a single cultivator through the demon gate and if too many are made privy to the secret, then our spies will make sure that we destroy all of them. The gates are still dangerous, no doubt, but on most days they are just an annoyance.

Gavril escaped through a Demon Gate, then? Yao Shen asked.

No, Fellow Daoist Yao. I would simply have destroyed the Demon Gate before he had a chance to, but no matter how desperate Gavril Arkael got, he would not think of betraying the Ancient Codex and the larger interests of the Demonic Path. Some fates can be crueler than death, especially with the amount of forbidden methods he has dabbled into.

How did he escape, then? Yao Shen asked.

A Demon Seed. Sister artifacts left behind by the Soul Paragon that forged the Demon Gates, left behind for his descendants. Shattering one instantly teleports you to the last Demon Gate you have accessed and only the slightest fluctuations of Qi can be detected- interfering in that short time frame is nigh impossible, even for me. It is immensely valuable, a final life-saving method that very few are capable of detecting in time, let alone stopping.

Ah, Yao Shen replied, a little disappointed. I see.

Do not worry, Fellow Daoist Yao. I did not let the demon leave without extracting a pound of flesh, Wujing Yangs lips curled into a proud smile.

Yao Shen raised an eyebrow at that statement.

May I address your sect, Fellow Daoist Yao?

Yao Shen considered the request for a few long moments, roughly deducing the gist of what Wujing Yang wished to do and then answered, Let me introduce you first, then you may.

That is fine.

Yao Shen and Wujing Yang began to descend, coming to a stop in the exact center of the near completed All-Haven. Immediately beneath them was the paved road that connected the Apartment District to the Commercial District. Disciples were carrying ostentatious tables and chairs along that pathway, likely towards the Auction House that Yao Shen was told was soon to be complete.

All-Haven, if I may have your attention, Yao Shen amplified his voice to address the cultivators working to build the mortal capital. He allowed a minute for the gazes to turn in his direction, before continuing, Fellow Daoist Wujing Yang of the Tower of Radiance wishes to address you all.

Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yao. Unfortunately, I must keep my address brief, as I can only ignore my duties for so long.

Whispers were immediately set ablaze amongst the hundreds of disciples that were keenly watching the cultivator whose sheer presence was enough to give them pause. Who was he, where had he come from and what the Tower of Radiance was, were only a few amongst the dozens of questions that were asked in that brief moment.

They all came to a halt as Wujing Yang continued, As a representative of the Righteous Path, I apologize to you all for failing to keep the Demonic Path cultivator who so ruthlessly invaded your lands in check. It was my duty and I failed.

The silence blanketing All-Haven was truly shocking for the sheer number of cultivators present at the site, but a cultivator equally, if not more powerful than Yao Shen, apologizing to them was even more shocking.

However, the righteous path as a whole stood strong in the face of this adversity. Your Patriarch, Yao Shen, bravely took on Gavril Arkael of the Ancient Codex alone despite being a recently ascended Soul Emperor and won in single combat, despite all the odds being weighted against him. But that is not all, Wujing Yang effortlessly had the audience spellbound, hanging on to his every word as they waited for the next.

What had happened, for a Soul Emperor to personally visit their sect?

The injuries your Patriarch left on Gavril Arkael allowed me to confront him before he escaped into the Bloodsoul Forest. The Demon who so brazenly decided to invade the righteous path, left behind an arm! Yao Shen noticed a fluctuation in the space before him, no doubt the work of a spatial ring.

A bloodied, heavily tattooed arm was raised in the air in triumph.

The wound I have inflicted will never heal and neither will the message that I and Patriarch Yao have etched into his mind.

The cultivators in attendance burst out into patriotic cheers and enthusiastic cheers as the boundaries between their former sects and current divisions blurred as they all took pride in the strength and resilience of the collective they represented, the divine might of the righteous path.

Yao Shen, who had been observing the effects of Wujing Yangs speech with his human dao, noticed just how commonly shared the emotion of relief was amongst the crowd.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from .𝐜𝐨𝗺

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