Modern Patriarch

Chapter 101: A traitorous tale

Chapter 101: A traitorous tale

Yao Shen would never have expected or could have predicted his third true disciple would end up being Xiaoli. Shadow was no less than his adopted daughter and Duyi embodied many of the principles of the righteous path that most Elders proselytized but rarely followed through in reality.

Xiaoli, though, shared none of Shadow or Duyis values. At least, that was the impression he had left on Yao Shen, on their first encounter.

He still remembered the day a young foundation establishment disciple burst into his chambers, his robes disheveled and his sylvan green hair wildly scattered behind him as he came to an abrupt halt.

Please accept me as a disciple, Xiaoli had said, in between heaving gasps of air. Or I will be dead before the end of the day.

Explain, Yao Shen had replied, as he found himself equally as flummoxed as he was annoyed.

So Xiaoli had.

He had narrated his story, about his life as an Alchemist Trainee in the prestigious Alchemy Hall. Some aspects of it were close to the impression disciples and even guardians had of the aloof and often secretive Alchemy Hall. His needs were taken care of by a mortal attendant, from prepared warm baths to specially cooked meals focusing on his nutrition.

Even as an Alchemist in training, the other disciples he met tended to put him on a pedestal, often even offering him cultivation resources, guidance and even spiritual stones all in the hopes of building a working relationship with him.

Unlike Yanyue, Xiaoli had not fled the Alchemy Hall due to a grievance with the Grand Alchemist, Zhiquang Yi, or any of the alchemists under his command. He had been content with the prestige, comfort and power that came with the duty of an alchemist. Whilst he couldnt hope to contend with even the weakest foundation establishment disciple that was training in the martial way.

My curiosity got the better of me, Xiaoli had wryly admitted. Yesterday night, I snuck into Grand Alchemist Zhiquangs quarters and peeked through his recipe scrolls and ledgers. I noticed the recording stone far too late, he had stated, to Yao Shens absolute astonishment.

You did what? He had asked, asking for confirmation to what was a direct admission of a crime.

I had considered destroying the recording stone, but Zhiquang Yi would have still found out that someone had slipped into his quarters. I can only play at subterfuge for so long until I slip up, Xiaoly had admitted, his tone flippant throughout.

I do not know who you take me for, but I am an Elder of the Heavenly Sky Sect. I cannot assist you in concealing a crime, Yao Shen had sternly replied, though his intuition told him that there was more to the situation.

Please, Elder Yao. If you were to die tomorrow, Zhiquang Yi would hold a wine banquet at your funeral pyre. I am not a fool, I have not come to you empty handed, Xiaoli had spoken as fast as humanly possible, as if he were afraid that Yao Shen would slice his head off before he could finish.

Oh? Yao Shen had asked, letting a flicker of anger seep into his voice. What could a puny foundation establishment alchemist possibly have to offer a Nascent Soul Elder? If I were you, I would answer this question carefully.

The grin that had spread across Xiaolis visage seemed more befitting of a demonic path cultivator, before he had answered the question, Leverage over Zhiquang Yi.

Explain, Yao Shen had immediately replied, knowing that he had fallen for a puny foundation establishment alchemists trap. Leverage over a Grand Alchemist was bait simply too alluring to ignore.

I did not enter Zhiquang Yis chamber because I had a death wish, Elder Shen. As you can see, I am not much of a fighter. In fact, I might be its direct opposite. I am an academic at heart and the pursuit of knowledge is what I seek.

I fail to understand what this has to do with Zhiquang Yi.

Elder Shen, I recently had the opportunity to be awarded an enhanced Foundation Establishment pill, which as you are likely well aware, is one of the main reasons behind the power and influence the Zhiquang Family has over the Heavenly Sky Sect. They are allowed to profit directly off the sale of the enhanced foundation establishment pill whilst using the Alchemy Halls resources, because no one else is capable of replicating their pill formula.

Yao Shen nodded, The Zhiquang Family zealously safeguards its pill formulas. That way, even if they fall out of favor with the current patriarch, or ever find themselves in a politically unfavorable situation, they are insulated from the shock.

I see, Xiaoli sagely nodded. Well, Elder Shen, Im sure you know how helpful the pill is to foundation establishment disciples.

Compared to a normal foundation establishment pill, the enhanced foundation establishment pill strengthens the foundation and can be taken up to five times without any consequences, compared to the standard foundation establishment pill, which can be used only once and has only three fourths of the effect of the enhanced version.

Correct, Xiaoli had confirmed.

The effects of this pill are well-documented and I have personally gifted them to my disciples before. If you are here to claim that it is spurious in nature, then leave.

This content has been misappropriated from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

Xiaoli shook his head, his expression turning serious as he explained, Elder Yao, do you know how expensive an enhanced single foundation establishment pill is?

Very expensive, Yao Shen replied. Even the legacy families are not enthused by the cost of purchasing them, whilst ordinary disciples save up for years before purchasing a single enhanced foundation establishment pill.

Indeed, Elder Shen. Now, what if I told you that the enhanced foundation establishment pill was initially five times as effective, then intentionally diluted so that the Zhiquang Family could amass more wealth?

Yao Shen remembered feeling a chill down his spine as he considered the implications of Xiaolis statement.


Amongst my other duties, I am required to concoct a mix of spiritual herbs and beast materials that I know is used for the enhanced foundation establishment pill. Grand Alchemist Zhiquang Yi has claimed that we assist in roughly 50% of the process and initially, I believed him.

What changed?

I consumed the enhanced foundation establishment pill myself, in hopes of gleaning insight into the closely guarded pill recipe.

Merely consuming a pill cannot-

I knew almost instantly, Xiaoli had stated, his tone unnervingly calm. The reaction, it was too muted. Dull. The crushed horn dust of a Noxi-Wushan. The blood of a powerful Dire Wolf. Powerful ingredients. Crushed stalk of a thornweave. The petals of a inkflower. Coagulants. The equation did not make sense, even for one half of the process. Adding any other spiritual plant or beast material within the Alchemy hall would not make the equation any better, either. Qi-Dense materials and Qi-retardants do not mix. Perhaps, Elder Zhiquang had the access to powerful Nascent Soul resources that made it so effective. But would Nascent Soul resources be used in a foundation establishment pill? It didnt make sense!

Not sure how to respond to the impassioned outburst, Yao Shen had let Xiaoli simply continue.

No other alchemist questioned it. Grand Alchemist Zhiquang was an alchemist chosen by the heavens, his skill and technique unparalleled. His methods were his own and they could not be replicated. I almost had started to believe it. That maybe the secret lay in his forge or his vast qi reserves. Until I reversed the equation.

Reversed the equation?

It didnt make sense until I asked myself a simple question. What if it was not one half of the process that had been completed at the hands of Alchemist Trainees like myself, but three fourths? Eight percent? What if I already had the answer before me all this while, yet I remained oblivious to it? It took all my savings and a little bit of theft, but I completed the equation.

You You forged an enhanced foundation establishment pill? Yao Shen had asked, incredulous.

Xiaoli had smiled. f(r)ee

Not just an enhanced foundation establishment pill, Elder Yao, He had boldly stated, as he pulled out a hardened glass vial from the inner lining of his robes.

Immediately, Yao Shen could sense the sheer potency of the pill.

But one that surpasses Zhiquang Yis creation by three times. I took out the coagulants and replaced them with more balanced, conductive materials, though the formula still pales in comparison to the original.

Why did you sneak into Zhiquang Yis chambers, then? Yao Shen barely managed to catch onto the inconsistency in Xiaolis motivations. He had already gotten enough to expose the Grand Alchemist if he wanted to and the punishment would be severe, for what Zhiquang Yi had done was no less than a betrayal of the sect.

I wanted to see where I went wrong, Xiaoli had nonchantly replied. My goal was never something as noble as wanting to expose Zhiquang Yi, I merely wished to see my research to its natural end.

Are you not afraid of death?

I am too valuable for Zhiquang Yi to kill. My plan was simple, Elder Shen. If I was caught entering, I would make an excuse. If he caught me in the act, then I would have resigned myself to a political marriage into the Yi Family. He had already hinted at the offer before, but I had managed to put it off until now. I still have no intention of becoming the Yi Familys puppet, but it would be better than dying, after all.

Instead, you got caught by the recording stone, Yao Shen had stated.

Indeed. Man proposes, the Heavens laugh. I had not planned for that scenario, but this pill ended up being my savior.

Ten minutes later, Zhiquang Yi came bursting through Yao Shens doors.

Why did you do that, Elder Shen? Xiaoli had asked, after their audience with the head of the Alchemy Hall, Zhiquang Yi, had concluded.

You may call me master, Xiaoli.

Xiaoli nodded, before asking again, Why did you do that, Master? You could have a Grand Alchemist dancing to your tune, instead you decided to.

Do you think I let him go? Yao Shen had asked.

A little.

Then, does that mean you do not agree with his practices?

Yes Well. I., Xiaoli trailed off, realizing that Yao Shen had gotten him back. I find it disgraceful, I suppose. Doing what he did lying to his own customers, its disgraceful to alchemy itself. It is a noble art that we struggle in pursuit of and our discoveries benefit all of cultivation. To lie is to set back that progress, that innovation, by decades, if not centuries.

I see, Yao Shen had replied. Well, to answer your question, I do not believe that I let him go.

Xiaoli was silent as he listened.

As I am currently, I cannot alone protect you from him at all times. Strength means little in the face of a squadron of assassins. Concessions were inevitable in this matter. The crucial part was in choosing the right ones.

How did you choose, Master?

I asked for your safety by making Zhiquang Yi promise that he would not go after you. Instead of holding the secret of the enhanced foundation establishment pills over his head as any other Elder would do, I gave him a year to rectify its mistakes. Zhiquang Yi is not a fool, he understands that his secret is not as foolproof as he thought it to be now. If you figured it out, someone eventually would in the future as well. By allowing him to increase the efficacy of the pill and granting him the glory that comes with it, I safeguarded the safety of all current and future foundation establishment disciples.

I see. Forgive me, Master. I did not consider the matter from that angle.

Besides, Yao Shen had said. Even if you do not consider helping others as a gain, this is still not a trade that I lost.

How, Master?

I got you in exchange, didnt I?

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