Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 36: Sow the seeds

It was a leather armor with a soft golden light. Not only did it have breastplates to protect the chest, but it was a set that included shoulders, hands, and legs.

What normally would not be completed even after several months of hard work, was made in only three days. It was truly amazing work.

‘Did I really not know such a person?’

Ivan should have known a craftsman with such great skills. Of course, he said that his weapons were selling well, so he must be quite famous in the north…

Nord, craftsman, hero, Gbüdmund Son. (TN: whoops, sorry, I think this is his correct name)

Several keywords were recombined in Ivan’s head. And at a glance, someone with enough skills came to mind.

The blacksmith of the parched land, the golden hammer.

When it was a game, of course, there were blacksmiths who could repair weapons in each area. Among them, the owner of the forge in the dry land of the western part was the Golden Hammer. A very cynical character who only care about money.

He didn’t realize it because the images were so different, but after he suspected it, it seemed strangely similar to Fialar and the Golden Hammer.

‘Is that you? Or a father or blood relative?’

If it were you, what kind of things have you been through to change a person like this?

The game didn’t tell us about every character’s past. It just showed you what it wanted to show you.

“How is it? Isn’t it good?”

“It’s great. In that short time…”

“Time doesn’t matter. Performance matters.”

Ivan looked admiringly at the golden leather armor he had given him, but he was a little worried. No matter how urgently it was, it might be that something was lacking, and it was very burdensome if it was just shining golden.

However, when he actually wore it, the golden color disappeared as if it had been washed. Rather, it turned black as if it were absorbing the light, and the armor, which seemed a little loose, reduced its size and stuck to Ivan’s body. He wore armor, but it was so light that he did not feel any weight at all.

Bump! Bump!

Ivan patted his chest. What was so soft when worn was very hard.

He felt it instinctively. It must be unique

“Heh heh, what do you think?”

“Awesome. Being able to make something like, no wonder you treated my equipment as garbage.”

“I’m glad to hear that. It’s my gift. Please, I’m giving it to you in the hope that you will become a hero in the future.”

Ivan tried to pay, but Fialar refused. And he drove Ivan out.

“I need to eat and sleep now. So you’d be in my way.”

Ivan came back the next day, but Fialar was nowhere to be seen. As he said, it seems that he stayed only three more days and left.

If he go to a dry land someday, will he be able to meet him again?

Anyway, as time passed, the city became a lot more noisy. It was because the people who at first shouted that they would not believe the words of the savages were greatly confused when they found out the true identity of Ivan.

Some say how can you believe a savage, some say he would lie after killing the son of an orc lord and slaughtering a horde of warlocks, and some say he’s not Ivan, but pretending to be.

In fact, it wasn’t that they couldn’t believe what Ivan said, it was closer to they didn’t want to believe. Their trust in the Eastern Front, which had reliably protected the Roman Kingdom for hundreds of years, was so strong.

In the midst of such a long history, news came from the east. Eventually the Eastern Front fell, and at last the Eastern Gray Citadel fell into their hands.

The people of this region, which had been tainted with peace without major wars, were greatly astonished. What they thought would never happen, happened before their eyes. It is never safe here either, and it will soon become a battlefield.

There was no food in the market. Some chose to persevere, and some chose to escape. The soldiers raised their weapons to fight, but their arms trembled because they had never had a proper battle-like battle.

“… What a mess.”

On the way back from explaining the enemies at the guard who invited him urgently. Ivan felt so pathetic that he couldn’t stop swearing.

The soldiers were completely unprepared to fight, and the inhabitants could not afford to prepare for war.

There was no battle going on right now, but everyone was in chaos, and before the enemies came, they had the momentum to collapse from the inside first. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

Even those passing by outside closed the door and fell into silence. Some places were still open with the thought that they had to make a living, but there were no customers. Only the robbers who tried to loot came flooding in with the madness of war that they had never experienced before. The security was already rapidly deteriorating just by the news that the war was approaching.

“Ho, you shouldn’t wander around in the midst of this! Haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous?”

“Now that we have informed you of the danger, we must accept the price.”

“We just need to search and find few pennies…”

The robbers were caught in Ivan’s sense while returning to the accommodation. There were three fairly large guys near the wall with threatening aura.

If they had that kind of power, they should prepare for war while wielding a spear or sword, but even in times like this, waiting in the alley to rob even one more penny.

Ivan didn’t know whether to call them diligent or stupid.

If he didn’t see them, he would just passe by. But since they came into his sight, he had to something. He was in the middle of accumulating a bit of stress, but now he found a good sandbag.

As Ivan was approaching with a happy heart, someone suddenly appeared and knocked them all to the ground.

Very simple and practical movements, yet compassionate hands that do not endanger life.

The movement was very familiar. So Ivan opened his eyes wide in disbelief.


After that, Delfino, who was rummaging through their pockets, found Ivan and smiled brightly.

“Ivan! You are here!”

“Didn’t you clearly say you are going back to the Great Hall? No, more than that, what are you doing right now…”

“We are saving their souls. Fortunately, it will help many people, so the dirt on their souls will be removed a little.” (TN: yeah, you corrupt him, Ivan)

And seeing him praying to Arun, the god of light, it must have been Delfino. But why is he here?

“Is there any place where you are staying?”

“No, I just arrived here.”

“Then follow me. There is a place where I am staying. The atmosphere in the city is not good right now, so it will be difficult to stay in an inn.”

Ivan took him to Fialar’s workshop. This is because Ivan was using the place where Fialar had left.

It wasn’t a very luxurious place, but it was enough for two people to stay. Fialar wouldn’t say anything about Ivan using it.

Delfino flinched as Ivan took the tea and kettle from his inventory, and quickly took it and brewed it himself. (TN: he learnt his lesson well… my precious!)

The flavor was mild and sweet, as if it was brewed by someone familiar with tea. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

As the tea warmed my body and mind, Ivan asked a question.

“I thought you had arrived at Great Hall by now, but why are you here?”

“Originally, I was going to return to Great Hall. On the way, I heard the news that the Eastern Front had collapsed.”

“Hey, what about your body? The aftereffects…”

“I can’t fight as an exorcist, but I thought I should come back if I could heal even one more person with the power I had left.”

Delfino’s smile was light. But the meaning contained in it was very heavy.

“There should be a priest where treatment is needed. If you ignore the pain of others just because you are sick, how can you be called a person who serves the Lord of Brilliant Light?”

As expected, the attitude of the priest was different because of the difference in God’s personality. The gods of Asgard would want to gossip around and laugh, saying that if you kill the enemy first, your allies won’t get hurt.

Ivan thought for a moment.

Is it possible to trust him, leave his back to him, and thus make him a companion?

The answer is yes. If Ivan can’t trust him, he probably won’t be able to save his lifelong companion.

It was a relationship that he let go of once, but since we met again like this, he couldn’t turn away.

Ivan looked at him with heavy, sunken eyes.

“Delfino, do you have any plans to join me?”

“Yes? What do you mean…”

“I didn’t want to, but there will be countless dangers ahead of me in the future. Darkness you’ve never imagined will appear. Because that’s my destiny. Because the gods and this damned world want it.”

He tried to speak as calmly as possible, suppressing his emotions, but in the end he could not bear it and leaked out. Delfino, feeling the emotions that flowed out like that, bit his mouth.

He thought he couldn’t take it lightly.

Ivan continued.

“I know that your will is noble. Yet mine is not. But in the end it will lead to the cause. The more I try to survive, the more I have to become a hero.”

There will be constant danger. In the end, you might end up losing your life in vain. With all that said, Ivan wanted him to be his companion. At that request, Delfino closed his eyes and fell into trouble.

“Arun, Lord of the Brilliant Light. What should I do?”

It was uttered like an exclamation. It was so familiar that it flowed out like a habit.

But when Delfino heard those words, he felt Him looking down at him from a far, distant land of brilliant light.

The light of the divine, which had always been blurry, was felt very clearly. It’s like when he burns his life force and calls for Arun’s power.

Arun’s gaze reached him. Delfino knew he was watching. He realized that a great divine god awaited the choice of a single mortal.

He had no choice but to admit that Ivan’s words were never false, and that even the great Lord of Light, Arun, paid attention to him.

Maybe it was Arun’s will that he eventually turned his back instead of heading to Great Hall.

The emotions and determination that suddenly passed him are not for a moment.

His body trembled with emotion and passion. In that moment, Delfino made up his mind. He didn’t even have to worry.

“I’m just following you because you’re going to use me. If this insignificant body becomes a torch that illuminates your way, wouldn’t I be glad to burn it?”

As Delfino said so, he bowed his head. Then, something trembled in Ivan’s desolate chest.

He finally met a true friend in this rough land.

Full of distrust and doubt, he met someone he could be with.

This was the beginning. He will make more colleagues in the future. No more being lonely, no more wandering around the world as a stranger.

It was only after many years of falling to this earth that Ivan felt as if he had moved on from a stranger to this world. He just felt like he was a living being on this land, not an outside observer.

Although he didn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, Ivan is now at the starting point. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)


Ivan took out the Orb of Life that he had carefully kept in his inventory and held it out to Delfino.

Although it had been abused for over a hundred years and consumed a lot of energy as the core of the dungeon, a strong vitality was still wriggling there.

“This is…?”

Delfino was startled and accepted it. Ivan said quietly.

“Unlike me, who lacked a spiritual vessel, your physical vessel was a bigger problem. The Orb of Life will restore your broken vessel.”

In order to obtain Arun’s enormous divine power, he burned his own life force and accepted the power of Arun. Because of that, he was wounded in mind, body, and soul, so the Orb of Life would be a great help. He is a strong man in spirit and soul from the beginning.

“This is too much for me.”

“You don’t have to refuse. You’ll suffer more than that.”

It is a treasure that increases vitality and resilience, but a higher-level heal slave, or a companion with a recovery period, was much more precious. In the first place, it was a material for healing equipment.

“Okay. Now then, what am I going to do?”

God is watching. What could be a more noble mission as a priest?

Ivan answered while looking at Delfino’s eyes that could feel his firm conviction.

“It’s Farming.” (TN: corrupt him more!)


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