Max Level Miscellaneous Character

Chapter 35: For him

In the promised cave, Fialar was chewing the jerky. His expression trembled as if the cheap jerky didn’t suit his taste.

His expression hardened when he saw Ivan. He had an intuition that it wasn’t normal.

Fialar chewed on the jerky he was chewing, spit it out and asked.

“You came sooner than I thought. Have you looked around?”

“I looked, and things are not so good.”

“It wouldn’t be nice to have a golden pig and a green pig running around at the same time. Do you have any information?”

Ivan took a sip of the water. Then he said while pulling out his short sword.

“For now, the golden boar hasn’t been caught. But the orcs are tracking it down.”

“That’s something we already know.”

“Not the local orcs. They’re from the northeast. They failed to stop them on the Eastern Front.”

Whether the Eastern Front was collapsing or had already collapsed, it meant that things were terribly bad.

Fialar’s expression distorted a lot.

“Golden boar or shit, it’s all a battlefield. How many of them are here?”

“I’ve only confirmed a few, but it must be quite a lot.”

“So, are they leisurely hunting golden boars?”

Ivan hurried Fialar.

“We have to move quickly. If we get caught and are attacked by them for nothing, it won’t end as just troublesome.”

“Damn, I’m so unlucky. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have followed you.”

They decided to give up on the Golden Boar and retreat. The news had to be reported to the city as soon as possible.

Avoiding the movement of the Orcs, he moved carefully. While moving for a long time, Ivan suddenly heard the breath of a wild beast.


Ivan saw the guy breathing in the distance.

It was bigger than most bulls, and the color of his hair was sparkling with gold. It was obvious that it’s the golden wild boar they were looking for.

“…Is that guy you were talking about? It sure looks great. It would be great to make armor from that guy’s hide.”

Fialar’s eyes became hazy when he met a wonderful material. He has dealt with many materials, but it’s his first time with a golden boar. Is there anything more exciting to a craftsman than meeting materials for the first time?

“We were moving while avoiding the orcs, so I guess that guy our line overlapped. It’s like the orcs drove him towards us.”

“What are you going to do? Are you going to catch him? It seems like this is your chance, it looks so exhausted.”

At that question, Ivan was in trouble for a moment.

‘What do I do?’

The orcs are chasing it, so if we keep going like this, they’ll eventually run into each other. If he make a fuss about hunting that guy, the orcs will come sooner.

But if you think positively, there was a little leeway. When that guy is resting, it means he’s kept a good distance from the orcs.

A golden fur that glistens and moves with each breath he inhales and exhales. Looking at it, Ivan’s eyes filled with greed.


Eventually Ivan pulled his spear out of his inventory.

“I’ll have to deal with him quickly and put the whole thing in the subspace. There’s no reason to delay it any longer.”

“Hehe, that’s a good idea.”


Ivan gave strength to his hand holding his spear and took a stance. The goal is the guy’s heart. It pierces with a single blow and stops breathing.


He threw it with all his magical energy, and the spear seemed to have disappeared. The spear thrown by Ivan was aiming for the boar’s heart.


The guy was startled and turned around. Instead of his heart, Ivan’s javelin cut only the skin and bounced off. His blood splattered, but his life was not affected at all. The boar started running rampant. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

“Damn! Did you avoid that?”

It was also due to the fact that the leather was too strong. If Ivan had shot the bow, the arrow wouldn’t have been pierced.


Fialar spread a net of steel. The net that covered the golden boar sank into the ground and then suddenly broke. It was made to block the movement of medium and large monsters, but it couldn’t even last for a while.

“Oh my God, it’s monster after all!”


Ivan, who narrowed the distance with thunder steps at once, swung his sword. He tried to cut off the boars’s head, but his sword didn’t go deep. The leather was terribly tough.


The red blood dripping from his neck soaked the golden leather. The golden boar twisted in pain, anger and fear.


Doong! Doong!

Every time he moved, the ground was dug up. Trees fell and rocks broke. A landslide was caused by just one beast running wild.


Ivan, who had blocked his headbutt with his shield, flew away, knocked down a tree and fell to the ground. His strong shield ripped open and his whole body throbbed.

“Damn it, it’s so strong.”

Ivan groaned and stood up from his seat. The guy was running towards him, snorting heavily. He was determined to kill Ivan without thinking about its back. It was downright reckless.


Ivan threw the axe. His ax smashed through his tusks and brushed his cheeks. When it turned its head in pain, the direction it was running was changed.

As it tried to pass him, Ivan sprinted and climbed onto its back. It was very shaky and unstable, but Ivan grabbed its fur and crawled up to the nape of its neck.


Fialar shouted loudly and threw a spear at him. Ivan, who snatched it, pierced the boar’s head and put the spear.

[Pierce the sky.]

A very simple and destructive technique that would pierce through anything that stood in the way, Ivan punctured the boar’s skull and pierced his brain. After that, it could not even let out a short scream and collapsed.

Ivan looked around, and wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead. The ground was turned over and all the trees were cut down. It’s only a matter of time before the orcs will attack after such a riot.


Ivan said as he put the entire golden boar’s carcass into his inventory.

“There’s no time to rest. If you don’t want to die, run like crazy.”

Hundreds of orcs came to know of the existence of Ivan and Fialar and pursued them. They retreated quickly, eliminating the pursuers. The Orcs were not used to this terrain, so fortunately they were able to escape without taking much damage.

The orcs, who had turned their eyes in anger and seemed to follow them to the end, returned again after Ivan and Fialar crossed the mountain range. It looked like it was still burdensome to cross the mountain range.

Returning to the small town where Fialar was staying, the two went straight to the guard and testified about what they had seen.

“We saw a herd of orcs beyond that mountain range.”

“What? Did you even go there? But Orcs appear everywhere, aren’t they?”

“I heard them talking. I checked the weapons. They weren’t ordinary orcs. They’re the ones who are at war in the East right now. The Eastern Front is down, so they’ll come here soon. You have to prepare for defense.”

However, people did not easily believe Ivan’s words. They could not admit that the Eastern Front, which had firmly defended the east of the Roman Kingdom for hundreds of years, had collapsed.

“It’s nonsense! The Eastern Front is collapsing? You know what place it is! Two savages talking nonsense!”

Criticism, ridicule, distrust. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

Fialar trembled at the great insult. It was unbearable for him. Did they dare to call the warrior’s words a lie?

“Damn it! That’s why I can’t talk to the Continental people! After that, you’ll have to be ripped apart by the orcs before you come to your senses!”

Fialar looked very displeased. His face turned red as if he was about to knock down the guard at any moment, but he managed to hold back his anger and left. The way he turned his head in a flash was very cold.

Fialar, who returned to his own workshop, snorted at them.

“Good. I was going to leave anyway.”

In the first place, this was the realm of the Roman Kingdom, which was a continent, not the land of the Norse. Whether this place becomes a battlefield or not is irrelevant to him.

“I’m going back to Nord again. It’s absurd to find a hero in a place like this.”

He cursed the people of the Continent over and over again, filled with disgust, and said to Ivan.

“Ivan, let’s go back to Nord with me. I’ll treat you to a great place there.”

At that, Ivan kept his mouth shut and shook his head.

“Thanks for the invitation, but I must stay here.”

“What? Are you going to fight the orcs here? For those stupid and rude continental bastards?”

Ivan smiled and affirmed at Fialar’s eyes, who couldn’t believe it.

“Yes. I will.”

It wasn’t just because the gods watching him wanted blood, death, and battle. Rather, it was to protect himself from their reckless attention.

The war gave a huge amount of experience. Especially if it’s related to the main event.

In order to raise Ivan’s spiritual vessel, it was the best method to raise his level in the end. It didn’t suit him at all to train his body and mind with praying, like other believers.

It was a very sad and unfortunate event, but Ivan was soon accustomed to battle rather than peace. He was becoming a warrior who gained peace of mind by shedding blood on the battlefield.

“Do you really have to? What have they done to you?”

“They didn’t do anything. But I still have to do it.”

If you continue to avoid risk, you will eventually become prey for an even greater risk. Destiny was following him in the name of a quest.

Either survive and become a hero, or fail and become a dead person.

The choices Ivan didn’t want come before his eyes, but he didn’t covet to be a hero. He simply chooses to survive.

Whatever the circumstances, Ivan’s appearance was quite heroic. That shook Fialar’s heart.

He unpacked his belongings again.

He took the tools out of the magic box, laid them out, and lit the cold brazier.

“..three days. I will make your armor out of golden boar hide. After that, I will leave without any regrets.”

Three days was an absurdly short time to make armor from the hides of freshly caught animals. Dry, trim, cut, trim. Considering those processes, it’s something that you can’t normally do.

However, this was not the case with Fialar, who had inherited some of the magical skills of the old dwarfs. It was very difficult, but not impossible.

“Thank you.”

“I’m just keeping my promise. I said that if you bring great materials, I’ll make you an armor. A man can’t say two words with one mouth.”

When Ivan took out the corpse of a golden boar from his inventory, Fialar kicked him out.

When he was working, people who didn’t know anything were hanging around around him, it was only going to get in the way.

Ivan took a seat, closed his eyes and meditated. In the meantime, the sound was constantly resounding in the workshop.

The sound of burning flames, the sound of hammers hitting an anvil, the sound tearing, cutting, and carving.

And three days later, the sound finally stopped.


Fialar, who opened the workshop door and came out, looked very tired. In that short time, his face became thin and weak, as if he had lost weight.

Ivan knew he had been working all three days. He didn’t eat and he didn’t sleep.

“…It’s all done. Come inside.”

A hoarse voice came out of his mouth. Ivan’s anxious mind suggested him to rest for a while, but he shook his head. He insisted that by all means he had to show Ivan the finished product. (dlazarturead(dot)wordpress(dot)com)

“This is your stuff. I must see you pick it up. Only then will it be complete.”

Although Fialar’s body was weakened, his eyes were sharper more than ever. Crafted brightly with the spirit of a craftsman.

“Hehe, it came out a lot better than I thought. You’ll like it too.”

It was as he had predicted. Upon seeing the work of Fialar, Ivan opened his mouth in amazement.

‘You made this in just three days?’

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