Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 990

Chapter 981 Million Sea Monster

The second wave of offensive launched by the Void Demon was more ferocious than Renault had imagined.

On the second day after the discovery of the first abyss cave in the Astral Blue Sea, the “disaster scanning satellite” in high-altitude orbit has detected 2 new caves, and each cave contains more than 40,000 alienated sea monsters. .

On the third day, the satellite found two more caves, with a total of 100,000 sea monsters.

On the fourth day, the satellite discovered 3 caves with more than 150,000 sea monsters.

Until the 7th day, for a whole week, the Third Satellite Exploration Center discovered 26 abyssal caves, and the total number of sea monsters reached an astonishing one million!

Every corner of the four large seas is full of vicious sea monsters, the sea lanes on the ocean are completely interrupted, and all merchant ships are honestly staying in the port.

A considerable part of the abyss caves were not detected by satellites, but the Mozu actively exposed them. Large groups of sea monsters emerged from the deep sea, and it was difficult for satellites to find them.

Undoubtedly, after the demons’ plot was exposed, they simply launched this wave of attacks ahead of time.

In the command hall of the Ministry of Defense located in the ocean tide, Renault slightly raised his head and stared at a large crystal light screen, his eyes swept across the dense red light spots all over the ocean, and said faintly:

“Actually, I don’t think this is a bad thing… If the demons suddenly launch millions of sea monsters hidden in the deep sea when the demon army invades, the Federation may really be in great trouble, or it may fall. A large number of gathering spots, countless innocent civilians were killed by sea monsters…”

Angela nodded deeply:

“I also think that now is the best time to fight the sea monsters. After all, the sea monsters are not strong. It is only a matter of time before they are eliminated.”

Chief of the Navy Elon said with some concern:

“Under the Supreme Crown, under the Prime Minister, there are too many sea monsters, which have exceeded the tolerance limit of the federal army. Although the air force and navy are doing their best to kill sea monsters, they still cannot prevent the rapid spread of sea monsters.”

“At present, 50% of the Shanghai monsters are hunting around in the ocean, and have not made their way to land for the time being. I am worried that in the next few days, once they fill their appetite, they will flock to land in droves.”

“The coastline of the Federation is so long that the army may not be able to hold every inch of the coast by then…”

Renault directly asked:

“What does the military need to cope with the attack of the sea monster?”

Elon replied immediately:

“More warships, more fighters, and more’Valkyrie of the Dark Night’!”

Angela meditated for a moment and put forward a plan:

“The shortage of the Valkyrie of the Dark Night is easy to solve. The National Defense Industry Group has multiple production lines of magical guided weapons. There are several types of the Valkyrie Valkyrie, which are similar to the Valkyrie Valkyrie of the Air Force. The Spear of the Valkyrie’.”

“The production lines of these types of Valkyrie have a high degree of similarity, and the magician can temporarily refit them into the production line of the Valkyrie of the Dark Night… I personally estimate that in a week, the maximum production capacity of the factory will be 10 times that at least every day It can produce 5000 pieces of the Valkyrie of the Dark Night!”

Elon nodded:

“The daily output of 5,000’Valkytes in the Dark Night’ should be sufficient, but we still need fighters and warships as launch platforms. The existing…”

Renault interrupted Elon’s words:

“After the Air Force was replaced with new fighters in the past few years, a large number of old’Silver Kite’ fighters were retired and sealed up. They were reactivated, and the pylons were urgently modified to load the’Valkyrie’.”

“In addition, let the’Ship Industry Group’ refit a batch of fast commercial ships and fishing boats, and then install the simple launcher of the’Valkyrie’ on the deck, which can also be used as a warship…”

Angela then added:

“I remember that there are more than 2500’magic helmets’ in the inventory of the General Logistics Department. The operation of the’valkyrie’ is not difficult. The military can order the recall of a group of retired pilots, or veterans of the Navy and the Army, for emergency training. How do they use the “magic helmet” to remotely control the “valkyrie” and then distribute it to the navy and air force.”

These words made a group of high-ranking officers wake up like a dream, with joy on their faces.

“The method under the supreme crown is great. The’Silver Kite’ is also a two-seater. The pilot in the front seat is responsible for driving the fighter plane, and the pilot in the back seat is responsible for the operation of the Valkyrie…

“The payload of the’Silver Kite’ is sufficient to carry 2’Valkytes’, and the Air Force can recall at least 1,500’Silver Kite’s. This is a very large combat force…”

“The Navy can requisition a batch of merchant ships and fishing vessels with a displacement of more than 1,000 tons, and the deck area of ​​each ship should be able to install 20 simple launchers…”

“The ‘Ship Industry Group’ of Haichao Ling has a very strong manufacturing capacity, and there are tens of thousands of shipbuilders who can refit 100 ships a day, and 400 ships can be refitted in 4 days…”

“The modified ships are dispatched along with the warships. There is no need to worry about safety issues. The speed of the Navy’s cleaning of sea monsters will be greatly accelerated…”

Renault raised his right hand lightly, and the comments of the officers disappeared without a trace. He said faintly:

“Then, follow this plan…I hope that within half a month, the army will be able to eliminate 80% of the sea monsters and open up the main sea lanes between the Tide Nether, the Glory Continent, and the Xinghai Continent!”


A group of military officers responded sternly.

In today’s human federation, maritime transport accounts for the highest proportion of logistics and freight transportation, almost as high as 60%, followed by railway and road transport at 40%, and air transport at 10%. The complete interruption of maritime transport has a huge impact on the entire federation’s industrial production and even the operation of the economy. Impact.

It is precisely because of this that Renault asked the army to open the channel as soon as possible.

In the next period of time, civilians living near various military ports or air bases frequently saw a huge fleet of dozens or even hundreds of ships leaving the port, heading towards Deep Blue, or consisting of 500-1000 fighters. The super large fleet of aircraft whizzed away in the sky.

The scene of encircling sea monsters on the sea is even more vast.

After the large fleet flew over the sea monsters, the number of Valkyrie weapons dropped in one round reached hundreds or even thousands. Thousands of sea monsters were wiped out at once, and the sea surface of more than ten square kilometers was bombed. It boils.

After the bombing of the aircraft group ended, blood stains and corpses were floating everywhere on the sea, and the stench was stinking to the sky.

The efficiency of the fleet is not bad at all. A fleet loaded with Valkyrie can often kill tens of thousands of sea monsters.

However, the army has not been idle either.

Due to the large spread of sea monsters, many territories of the Federation have been invaded by sea monsters. The army’s duty is to guard the coastline and destroy the landed sea monsters.

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