Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 989

Chapter 980 All-out war is getting closer

When the third batch of aircraft returned, Renault received a remote report from Lieutenant General Gollum, Chief of the Air Force, and Major General Elon, Chief of the Navy:

“Under the supreme crown, so far, the military has hunted more than 8,300 alienated sea monsters, and there are more than 58,000 sea monsters left… It is worth noting that the sea monsters are showing a clear trend of proliferation. More and more sea monsters gave up chasing the submarine and turned to swim in other directions.”

“From the time the submarine discovered the abyss cave, it has been two hours. According to the results of satellite scanning, the sea monster has spread as far as 350 kilometers away. The number of fighters dispatched by the navy and air force is limited, and they cannot be stopped.”

“In addition, the sea monsters are becoming more and more scattered, and the hunting efficiency of fighters is also decreasing…”

Renault frowned tightly:

“According to your estimates, how long will it take to destroy all sea monsters?”

Gululu pondered for a moment and gave a number:

“At least 24 hours!”

After a pause, he added:

“According to the forecast of the Meteorological Department, at most 12 hours later, a small storm will blow in the star blue sea area, which may affect the progress of the sea monster cleaning.

Renault replied faintly:

“As long as conditions permit, the army must continue to hunt!”


Elon interjected:

“Under the supreme crown, during this period of time, the navigation channel in the star blue waters will be temporarily interrupted. The Phillip Islands at the edge of the star blue waters may be attacked by sea monsters. There are 3 “Philips Islands”. Settlement, the total population is about 20,000 people…”

Renault nodded:

“The navy immediately dispatched a fleet to cruise around the Phillip Islands to prevent sea monsters from approaching!”


Elon replied respectfully.

Renault asked again:

“By the way, have the civilian ships in the theater been attacked by sea monsters?”

Gurum replied:

“When the sea monsters emerged from the abyss caves, a fleet of ocean-going magical fishing boats was operating at a nearby fishing ground. Although the satellite center notified the fleet to evacuate in time, two fishing boats were overtaken by several extraordinary sea monsters. ”

“In the end, these two fishing boats were sunk by sea monsters. Afterwards, the Air Force urgently dispatched a squadron of Silver Eagles to search for nearby waters, but no survivors were found. All 30 crew members were killed…”

Renault was silent for a moment and said:

“If I’m right, there is definitely more than one abyss cave similar to the star blue ocean.”

He turned to look at his secretary, Rachel, one of the twin sisters:

“Notify the third satellite control center, let them mobilize a batch of satellites, focus on scanning all the main channels of the 4 sea areas, as well as the main fishing grounds, to ensure that there are no sea monsters on the sea floor.”

“Let the relevant department of the federal government issue a document again, requiring all merchant ships and fishing boats not to deviate from the main channel to avoid being attacked by sea monsters…”

Rachel quickly recorded, while responding crisply:


Renault’s gaze shifted to the two high-ranking military officials again, and continued:

“Grum, Elon, let your subordinates study it. If possible, draw a group of forces from the air force and navy to **** merchant ships and fishing boats, and regularly cruise the main channel and fishing grounds.”


The two lieutenants raised their hands and saluted.

Renault suddenly sighed:

“The footsteps of a full-scale war are getting closer… Alienated Demons are the first force used by the Void Demon Race, the sea monsters are the second group, and the next third group should be the Demon Race army.”

“At that time, the opponents of the federal army will no longer be monsters that can only fight hand-to-hand, but warships of the demons!”

Renault’s guess was correct. The sea monsters in the Star Blue Sea had not yet been cleaned up. The third satellite control center found the second abyssal cave in the western part of the Ice Sea, 300 kilometers away from the Glow Continent.

This discovery made the major military bases in the northern part of the Federation busy.

Battleships drove through the waves to the icy waters, and fighters roared across the sky and assembled to the new theater.

Interestingly, the sea monsters seem to be more interested in the black orcs.

Satellites in the orbit discovered that thousands of sea monsters had climbed onto the land and harassed the tribe of Black Orcs who settled near the coastline.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

A group of hideous monsters, shaped like giant sea monsters and covered in spikes, quickly crawled to a small black orc town more than ten kilometers away. Their heavy bodies stepped on a series of muffled noises, shaking the ground under their feet.

This sudden change caused the black orcs in the town to panic.

Before long, more than 100 horror beast cavalry rushed out of the town and approached towards the coastline.

However, when the black skins witnessed the monster’s true face up close, they were all frightened.

The terrifying beast, which is several meters in length and weighs several tons, is simply small in front of huge sea monsters that are generally more than 20 meters in length. The monster can step on it into fleshy mud with a single foot.

A black orc superhuman at the head, separated from a distance of more than 150 meters, mustered the courage to throw a ball of fire and shoot it at the front sea monster.


The flame burst, and the sound of air and waves shook everywhere.

Regrettably, for the thick-skinned sea monster, this blow is no different from the tickling, and the behemoth’s figure did not move.

Waves of water magic energy surged in the sea monster, extinguishing the extraordinary fire in the blink of an eye, leaving only a scorched black trace on its body.

The black orc transcendent narrowed his eyes, turned his head and shouted without hesitation, leading a group of black skins to turn around and leave.

All fools know that sea monsters cannot be resisted by humans, and escape is the wise choice.

However, the sea monsters did not intend to let go of the black orcs.

“Gag… gag…”

This group of big guys suddenly raised their heads, opened their huge mouths big, their throats squirmed quickly, and shot rounds of pale green slime balls, which passed a distance of more than 100 meters in the air, and landed behind the fearful beasts.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The slime ball exploded after it landed, and the foul-smelling slime flew around. Many black-skinned and terrifying beasts were splashed by the slime. The armor, clothing, and skin instantly melted, and they screamed and fell to the ground.

This is extremely corrosive slime!

This was not over yet, monsters came out of the slime ball, making unpleasant neighs, and rushing towards the black orcs frantically.

The size of the monster is similar to the alien monster, and the body is covered with sharp spikes, but the head is a strange fish head with two pairs of red dead fish eyes, and the head has two black sharp horns, one long and one short. People are awe-inspiring.

The Fishhead Alienization Demon runs half faster than the Dreading Beast’s feet, and its movements are surprisingly flexible. They rushed straight into the Dreading Beast herd, waving a pair of blade-like arms, and spreading out to the black orc. Bloody massacre.

The monsters are extremely powerful. In just a few minutes, more than 100 dread beast cavalry, including the Black Orcs, were slaughtered without a lifetime.

In fact, this is the ultimate move of the sea monsters.

It’s just that they were crushed and beaten by the federal army, and before they had time to eject the Alienization Demon, they were blasted to pieces by the Valkyrie.

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