Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 978

Chapter 969 Impossible to intercept weapons

The “Thor” series of magic guided weapons have a design logic similar to that of ballistic missiles on the earth. They all rely on the thrust provided by the engine to fly to a high altitude, reach a predetermined altitude, and then re-enter the atmosphere until they fall back to the ground and attack the designated target.

The ballistic curve of the whole process is close to a parabola.

The difference is that after the warhead of the ballistic missile is separated from the body, it will completely lose power and rely on inertia to fly. The “Thor” warhead also has a small power system and a corresponding magical remote control device, which the operator can remotely control. Change the flight path.

To describe it in one sentence, that is-the end maneuvering change of track.

This feature has an advantage, which greatly increases the difficulty of interception.

On the earth, this is an extremely high-end technology, and it is also a very deterrent technology. Few countries have mastered it, but in another world, it is almost not difficult to achieve terminal maneuvering.

Two minutes later, the four “Swords of Thor” rose smoothly into an altitude of more than 300 kilometers, reaching their highest point.

At this time, a technical officer watched the ballistic trajectory displayed on the crystal light screen and issued a decisive command:

“Separate the warhead!”


Several waves of magic energy swept across the sky like lightning, reaching an altitude of hundreds of kilometers in a flash.

The 6-meter-long projectile suddenly split into two sections. After flying for a period of time, a projectile of more than 4 meters long fell into the atmosphere below, and the other was a 2-meter-long warhead, which continued to slide forward according to a predetermined trajectory. .

Two nozzles can be seen at the end of the warhead. This is a small “subspace transition jet engine”, which is made of “Black Star Iron” magic alloy.

Even if the warhead descends at several times the speed of sound, friction occurs between the air and generates a high temperature of thousands of degrees, this engine can work smoothly.

As early as 7 years ago, the “jump jet engine” was born, and the first-stage engine of the “Aurora” aerospace shuttle that sent the first “Hand of Thanos” into space was it.

After several years of continuous optimization and improvement, this engine has successfully achieved miniaturization, and the cost has dropped from the sky-high price of more than 300,000 kinnals to hundreds of kinnals.

The “Silver Eagle” of the Air Force and the “Sea Eagle” of the Navy, equipped with a “Typhoon-7S” engine, use this technology, and the “Thor Sword” also uses this technology.

“Successful separation, prepare for magic remote control!”


The four operators sitting in front of the console immediately activated the magic helmet and began to control the “Thor Sword”.

“Engine ready!”

In the sky hundreds of kilometers high, four short triangular tail wings suddenly popped out from the tails of the four “Sword of Thor” warheads, each of which swung from side to side several times.

“The engine is working fine!”

This sentence made the officer’s solemn expression a little relieved.

After more than 20 seconds, the warhead began to fall downward and returned to the atmosphere.

“The warhead speed has exceeded 2 times the speed of sound!”

In the battle room of the “Storm-class” destroyer, an operator shouted loudly.

The officer issued an order without hesitation:

“Start the engine!”


A few more waves of magic energy swept past the warhead that was falling at high speed. Within 10 meters of the surrounding area, a strange change occurred in an instant. All the air molecules in the area would jump to the inside of the engine and then be ejected from the tail. The flying speed of the warhead was instantaneously faster.

This is a magical “subspace transition field”.

Although the number of “10 meters” sounds small, it does not mean that the thrust is small. On the contrary, the characteristics of the “Thor Sword” make the engine output thrust beyond imagination.

When the descent speed of the warhead reaches a high speed above 3 times the speed of sound, the total amount of air sucked into the engine will be astonishingly large, and the maximum thrust will exceed 3 tons in one fell swoop.

The entire series of “Thor” are equipped with this awesome system, which can not only carry out large-scale orbit changes, but also increase the flight speed by a large margin.

In comparison, the “Valkyrie” can be regarded as a “cruise missile”. It is more flexible, but has a shorter range, slower speed, and easier interception, while the ultra-high-speed flying “Thor” is almost impossible to be intercepted. Intercept.

For example, the “Thor’s Hammer” with a range of up to 8,000 kilometers, at the very end of the trajectory, the maximum flight speed of the warhead can even reach a terrifying 30 times the speed of sound.

With such a terrifying speed, it is difficult for even a Profound Level creature to capture the movement trajectory of the warhead with the naked eye. It is extremely difficult for even a high-level Domination-level powerhouse to intercept it.

After 10 seconds, the operator reported a new data:

“The speed has exceeded 4 times the speed of sound!”

Then again:

“Five times the speed of sound!”

“Six times the speed of sound!”

“8 times the speed of sound!”

Looking down from the sky, the four warheads pointed in the direction of the snow forest 80 kilometers northwest of Oak City, where the large groups of flying wing demons ambush the “sea eagle”.

This is the sword of revenge!

The time went back to 1 minute ago. The 6th Seahawks Squadron, which was circling more than 20 kilometers away, had an extremely low atmosphere on the channel. The loss of 4 partners who had been with each other day and night was a heavy blow to the entire squadron.

Since the establishment of the 5th Fleet, this is the first defeat, and for the entire navy, this is by far the heaviest loss.

At this time, a voice suddenly broke the silence:

“The Eagle’s Nest calls the 6th Squadron. It is estimated that in 1 minute, 4 Thor will hit the target… In addition, we have shared relevant information, please pay attention to accept…”

Along with this sound, there were several “didi” prompts, and the pilots turned their heads to look at a crystal light screen that suddenly lit up.

Two different images were displayed on the light screen. On the left is a typical satellite deep-scan cloud image. I saw a cloud of dark gray representing the rock formations. Large red dots were wriggling, and the corners were marked with two numbers. One is 2107 meters and the other is 1349 meters.

On the right is the trajectory diagram of the magic guided weapon that pilots are very familiar with. A green triangular cursor is slowly moving along a parabolic dotted line.

“These flying wing demons actually dug a hole several kilometers deep underground and hid in it. No wonder they concealed our airborne ‘disaster detector’…”

One of the pilots scolded angrily.

“Maybe more than that.”

The squadron commander, Captain Morini, said in a low tone:

“I strongly suspect that the flying wing demons have the means to temporarily conceal the airborne’disaster detector’, and they have also mastered the scanning interval of the’disaster scanning satellite’, otherwise this attack could not be so accurate, and it just happened to be stuck in two. Between scans…”

Several pilots took a breath:


Captain Morini sighed:

“Nothing is impossible… Do you remember the red beam that shot down the sea eagle just now? The Navy and the Air Force have fought against them many times and killed countless flying wing demons, but this is the first time I have seen this skill. .”

After a pause, he said affirmatively:

“This is obviously a new skill created by the devil in order to deal with us. It is not surprising that we have a new skill to evade the magic wave.”

There was a hint of fear in the other pilot’s tone:

“Those beams of light are terrible. We were at least 1,500 meters away from the flying wing demon, and we were able to hit the sea eagle. You must know that even the Profound Wing Demon, the attack distance is not that far…”

Another pilot interjected:

“I think the red beam of light emitted by the devil seems to be a special skill inspired by the group, otherwise the strange red light will not appear… A small number of flying wing demons cannot use this skill. A certain number of flying wing demons must be combined. To inspire it…”

This sentence was approved by several pilots.

“I agree!”

“That’s right.”

Captain Morini interrupted the discussion of his subordinates:

“Guys, the’Thunder God’ is about to fall, let’s see how the **** Flying Wing Demon died!”

Several pilots adjusted the direction of the fighter plane and turned to look at the location of Xuelin.

A pilot looked up at the high altitude and shouted openly:

“Look, everyone, there seems to be…”

He hadn’t finished speaking yet, several black shadows flashed across the sky at an unimaginable high speed, and hit a certain position in Xuelin.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A few super loud noises shattered the sky.

If you slow down the camera, you can clearly see that at the place where the shadow falls, the ground suddenly collapses in a large area, and dense cracks spread from the collapse.

Then came the strong wind pressure brought by the shadows, all the trees within a few hundred meters were blown obliquely, and the snow as far away as a few kilometers was also swept away by the violent wind, like a blizzard.

Then there is a huge mushroom cloud, snow dust, dirt, and broken branches flying all over the sky, soaring more than 1,000 meters high. This earth-shattering scene looks like the end of the day.

“Oh my God……”

“Is this the blow of’Thunder God’? It’s really powerful…”

The pilots suddenly looked stunned.

However, this is not the end.

Because the “Thor Sword” has not yet been detonated.

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