Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 977

Chapter 968 Thor’s Sword

The red beam of light was fleeting, and 7 Seahawks were hit.

The beam of light seems to contain a lot of heat, but wherever the fighter plane is hit, the center of it instantly evaporates, and it is also melted into liquid within a range of 2, 3 meters.

Among them, the fuel tanks of three fighters were hit by a beam of light, which instantly ignited a raging fire and turned into a huge firebird.

“Gosh, I’m going to crash…”

“The left wing of my fighter has disappeared, and I can’t control it…”

The flustered cry of the pilots immediately came from the communication channel.

The commander of this team of Seahawks, Captain Morini, turned his head and glanced down under the pressure of the sharp rise, and his sight caught several fighter planes rolling in the air and falling into the snow forest below.

He felt tight, and yelled without even thinking about it:

“The downed people immediately ejected and activated their jetpacks to leave the battlefield… The other fighters extended the distance to more than 3 kilometers, and projected’female weapons’ to attack the Wing Demon and cover their evacuation…”


“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Accompanied by a few explosions, the seat suddenly popped out of the cockpit, and the pilots quickly separated the seat with their hands and feet, activated the jetpack, and escaped back.

Even those who are extraordinary in the wind system do not only rely on their physical body to fly at this time, but use the jet pack while releasing the wind element to envelop the body to increase the speed of flight.

Regrettably, two Seahawks did not eject and did not respond.

Obviously, the pilot who flew these two fighters has been killed.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The fighter plane crashed into the snow forest, causing a few loud noises, shaking the snow on the surrounding trees and rustling down, the wreckage of the fighter plane began to burn violently, and a few thick black plumes of smoke rose up.

Large groups of flying wing demons emitting red light, with sharp howls in their mouths, chased after the pilot who crashed, like a surging red cloud.

At this time, five “valkyrie thorns” dragged a long plume of smoke, quickly swept down from the high altitude, and rushed towards the flying wing demon.

This is the guided weapon fired by 5 Seahawks that are climbing.

Because the “Valkyrie’s Sting” adopts the “magic remote control” method and is controlled by the rear seat pilot, the “valkyrie” can be launched at any time no matter what flight attitude the fighter is in.

This group of flying wing demons seemed to know how powerful this thing was, the red light all over their bodies suddenly became blazing, and the color of the red clouds darkened, and it seemed that they were about to burn.

“Whirring whirring……”

The surface of the red cloud suddenly fluctuated, and hundreds of burning fireballs separated from it, and shot at the “valkyrie thorn” like a web of flames.

The tail of the “Valkyrie’s Sting” was deflected to the maximum angle, and the projectile instantly traversed several steep arcs, perfectly avoiding the fireball, and soaring towards the red cloud from the other direction.

This is the biggest advantage of “Magic Remote Control”.

Relying on the “magic synchronization sensor” inside the “valkyrie”, the operator can sense the nearby situation in time to adjust the flight direction of the “valkyrie” in a targeted manner.

The surface of the red cloud fluctuated again, and two waves of fireballs were shot successively, with a total of thousands of fireballs, forming a strict fire net, blocking the “valkyrie” path.

Although the “valkyrie” changed continuously, there were too many fireballs. All five “valkyries” were rubbed by the fireballs, and the volley burst into cold mist.

However, this wave of attacks was not without effect. The threat of the “valkyrie” made the flying winged monsters dare not chase them anymore. They hovered in the air and entered the snow forest in groups.

“damn it!”

Captain Morini looked at the plume of smoke in the snow forest, cursing with red eyes.

Then he switched the communication channel and shouted:

“The 6th Squadron called for the’Eagle’s Nest’. We were ambushed by the Flying Wing Demon and lost 7 fighters and 4 pilots… Request the Eagle’s Nest to launch the’Thor’ to support us remotely…”

The so-called “eagle’s nest” refers to the aircraft carrier fleet.

After a while, a response came from the channel:

“The Eagle’s Nest has received it, and the Thor is about to launch… No. 6 Squadron, please cover the jumper pilots to evacuate to 30 kilometers away. The Eagle’s Nest will send a’puffin’ transport plane to pick them up!

The voice paused, then said:

“We will definitely avenge our sacrificed comrades!”

The 5th Fleet, the USS Archer.


The sound of the magic motive running constantly came out, and the elevator located on the left side of the No. 4 take-off and landing point slowly rose from the hangar below the deck to carry a small transport plane up.

Although its fuselage looks a bit chubby, its shape is still streamlined. Its length is only 30% longer than that of the Sea Hawk, and its wingspan is 50% longer. This is exactly the “Puffin” small carrier-borne transport aircraft.

In the Federal Navy’s sequence, the puffin is positioned as a general transportation tool, mainly used to perform various emergency transportation and rescue missions.

Two jet engines arranged under the wings give it a maximum load of more than 12 tons. It also has the ability to fly at supersonic speeds, fully following the speed of the Shanghai Eagle.


As soon as the elevator stopped steadily, the Puffin immediately started the two engines and drove to the No. 4 takeoff and landing point, and the folded wings that were erected high and flattened slowly.

“take off!”

The dispatcher vigorously waved the red round stick in his hand.


A strong air current ejected from the sub-pilot nozzle in the belly of the plane, and the “puffin” was lifted up quickly, and under the **** of two sea eagles, flew to the west of the Glow Continent.

Above a “Storm-class” catamaran destroyer 1,500 meters away, it was another scene.

This type of destroyer is the “Ship Industry Group” of Haichao. It is a standard destroyer built for aircraft carrier battle groups. The hull is 120 meters in length and has a displacement of more than 8,800 tons.

A total of two twin-mounted 120mm magic gas cannons are arranged on the decks on both sides. Thanks to the automatic loading machine, the “Storm-class” destroyer can bombard targets 25 kilometers away at a terrifying speed of 120 rounds per minute.

It can project a variety of shells, including but not limited to fire monster shells, ice magic shells, armor-piercing shells, and shot shells.

In particular, the shot bombs landed with one shot and were shrouded in fragments within a radius of 100 meters. They were called infantry killers.

The left rear deck of this destroyer is designed with an apron, and there is a hangar below the deck, which can temporarily park up to 2 Seahawks or 2 Puffin transports.

However, the most powerful weapon of the “Storm-class” is not the magical air cannon, but the magical guided weapon.

There are a total of 3 different “launch units” arranged in its hull, that is, 200 “Valkyrie” vertical launch units, 80 “Thor” vertical launch units, and 40 “Valkyries” underwater on the side of the hull. Launch unit.

The first two can attack targets on land, sky, and sea, while the latter mainly targets underwater targets.

The alien world is different from the earth. There are all kinds of big men living in the ocean here, and there are many violent guys. It really can’t do without underwater weapons.

“Synchronous satellite data, enter the target parameters for the “Thor Sword No. 1″ of the 301-304 transmitting unit!”

In the combat room, a crew member wearing a communication helmet shouted loudly.

The so-called “Thor Sword No. 1”, the official name is “Thor Sword-1” long-range magic sense guided weapon with a maximum range of 500 kilometers.

There are 3 different models of “Thunder God’s Sword” with a range of 500-2000 kilometers. The No. 1 Thor’s Sword is the one with the closest attack range.

“After entering the coordinates, you can launch at any time!”



Several magic waves came from the console and instantly reached the launch unit in the hull at the right rear.

“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

Four square metal covers suddenly bounced off, and four magic guided weapons over 6 meters long and 1 meter thick suddenly popped out of the launch unit. The engine at the tail immediately ignited and a fierce air flow emerged.

Then, under everyone’s gaze, the four “Thunder God’s Swords” rose rapidly into the sky, like unsheathed sharp blades.

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