Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1008

Chapter 999 Energy vacuum

Described in terms of the earth, the attack method of the Mozu fighters belongs to the “line of sight” attack. If the pilot’s naked eyes cannot see the enemy aircraft, then they cannot effectively attack the enemy.

The X-wing fighter and Phoenix fighter’s attack methods are “out of line-of-sight” attacks, which can knock down enemy planes hundreds of kilometers away.

There is a “generational difference” between the two, so it’s natural that the Mozu fighters were crushed and beaten.

When the Mozu fighters climbed to an altitude of 450 kilometers, their number had been reduced to more than 5,000, a full reduction of more than 60%, and the losses were not disastrous.

In the three-dimensional image of the scanned satellite, the originally dense red dots are obviously sparse.

However, the demon army can definitely be called ‘fight against death’. Facing the “spear of divine light”, “hand of the tyrant”, and the Valkyrie, they are still advancing.

This practice of not caring about casualties really made the faces of many Union officers extremely solemn.

At this time, a message came from the Fourth Satellite Control Center:

“Under the Supreme Crown, our’Space Wave Exploration Satellite’ has detected multiple sources of spatial disturbance, and the’Space Disturbance Value’ of each source exceeds 50,000 points, and all of them are rising rapidly… We judge that the Void Demon Race seems Planning for a larger scale transmission…”

Renault felt the tidal waves of space, and locked his eyes to monitor the three-dimensional images of the devil’s sea.

I saw a new “black hole” taking shape above the churning sea.

He frowned, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly heard Angela’s exclamation:

“Oh my god, how did the giant floating fortress become smaller? What the **** is the demons doing?”

Renault turned his head subconsciously and looked at the three-dimensional image of the monitoring giant fortress.

The size of the three fortresses is 20% smaller than the original size, and it is getting smaller and smaller, and there are strong spatial waves emanating from the fortresses.

Obviously, the fortress is the “source of spatial disturbance.”

“The fortress hasn’t gotten smaller, it’s just that the nearby space has been distorted.” Renault’s tone was obviously surprised. “If I’m right, there should be a’Void Gate’ installed inside each fortress. Turning it into a’portable void gate’, it’s no wonder that this fortress is so huge.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked astonished.

At this time, in the three-dimensional image, the fortress has shrunk by more than half, and an obvious “black hole” covers the center of the fortress.

The report from the Fourth Satellite Control Center rang again:

“The’spatial disturbance values’ of the 4 disturbance sources all exceeded 100,000 points. The central area of ​​the Devil’s Sea had the highest value, reaching 156,000 points, followed by the values ​​of the three fortresses, at 123,000 points, 119,000 points, 121,000 points. It is estimated that after 30 seconds, the cross-border transmission will begin!”

Renault took a deep breath and immediately issued the command:

“Destroy the natural disaster strike group, activate all the’Apocalyptic Magic Rings’, and cut off the cross-border teleportation for me!”


At this moment, Renault had to use the Federation’s killer, the magic ring of the apocalypse, otherwise once the Demon sent more space fighters, such as 40,000 or 50,000, the space defense line would most likely be overwhelmed.

On the surface of the white moon “Ya’an” and the red moon “Eva”, there are 20 metal rings more than 50 meters high, and the strange runes inscribed on the surface are lit up, and the metal rings turn into a blue halo.

They are exactly the magic ring of the apocalypse in Renault’s mouth.

The huge energy flow from the “Light Sail Array” on the surface of the two satellites, or the “Web of Light God”, instantly crossed the void and poured into the magic circle of the apocalypse, and a strange change took place.

The ten magic rings of apocalypse to which “Ya’an” belongs have constructed a circular phantom in the high-dimensional space, which is constantly rotating clockwise, which is the “ring of apocalypse”.

The 10 magic rings of Apocalypse that “Eva” belongs to have constructed a counterclockwise circular phantom, which is the “Ring of Anti-Apocalypse”.

There is a strange resonance between the two ring shadows.

The vast and boundless sea of ​​magic energy was stirred by the wave of magic energy released by the “Ring of Apocalypse” and the “Ring of Anti-Apocalypse”, and the endless waves of magical energy rushed past round after round.

Because the mana wave was too strong, the entire Blue Star was inevitably affected.

In residents’ homes, the magic lights placed on the desks began to flicker and dim; in factories, the rotating speed of the magic motives that were originally running smoothly became suddenly and slowly; on the city roads, the magic movement was running. In the car, the output power of the Heat Demon engine became high and low, and the speed of the car was also fast and slow, so that the driver quickly stepped on the brake.

The X-wing fighter and the Phoenix fighter are no exception. Its devil’s thrust engine has received a certain impact, and the pilots have difficulty controlling the fighter’s attitude. The latter’s optical stealth system has also begun to lose control, with weird stripes or spots constantly flashing by. Fighters cannot remain invisible.

The energy transmission of the “Hand of Thanos” was completely interrupted, and it was directly in the dilemma of being unable to shoot. The hundreds of Valkyries dropped by the X-wing fighter lost contact with the magic helmet worn by the operator and fell into the devil sea below.

The terrifying visions all over the surface of the planet are enough to prove that the “destroying natural disaster strike group” composed of 20 apocalyptic magic rings is definitely the most powerful weapon built by the Federation.

none of them!

The commander of Destroying the Scourge Strike Group, Advanced Magician Edwin, issued an order:

“Capture the magic particles!”


The ring of apocalypse suddenly has an extremely powerful attraction, countless magical particles are sucked into the center of the ring of apocalypse in a leap, and each magical particle is superimposed on a strange ‘high-dimensional magic state’.

The Ring of Anti-Apocalypse also produces suction, but what is absorbed by it are the violent mana particles, and their “high-dimensional magic state” has also undergone subtle changes.

Edwin stared closely at the crystal light screen in front of him, and shouted loudly:

“Particle flow projection!”

The Ring of Apocalypse shoots out a stream of magical particles, and the Ring of Anti-Apocalypse shoots out a stream of violent magical particles. The two streams of particles instantly span an extremely long distance and meet at a certain position in a high-dimensional space.

Subsequently, an inexplicable change occurred between the magical energy particles and the violent magical energy particles, as if’light’ and’darkness’ met, entangled with each other, annihilated together, and released a huge amount of energy.

There is one word to describe the whole process-annihilation.

The point of convergence of the particle stream produced a devastating annihilation.

Around the confluence point, whether it is magical energy particles or all kinds of magical energy particles in different forms, or “elements”, they are all annihilated into nothingness, and there is an extremely rare ‘energy vacuum’ in the entire high-dimensional space.

And the 4 cross-border transmission channels are exactly in the ‘energy vacuum’!

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