Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 1007

Chapter 998 Space defense

When the three giant floating fortresses rose to a height of 250 kilometers, the fortress had new movements.

“Ka Ka… Ka Ka…”

Dozens of doors opened on the surface of each fortress, and aircrafts gushed out like a swarm of bees.

Compared with the triangular aircraft launched by the Demon Pioneer Corps half a year ago, the shape of this aircraft is similar, but the fuselage has become more bloated, almost 50% larger.

In just 2 minutes, the three fortresses released more than 10,000 aircraft, flying to space overwhelmingly, while the fortresses continued to fly upward.

This scene was captured by satellites in the orbit of the Blue Star, and the holographic image was transmitted to Renault and others.

Seth, the dean of the Federal Academy of Sciences, stared at the densely packed flying machines and asked in surprise:

“Under the crown, is this the’space fighter’ of the demons?”

“That’s right.” Renault nodded affirmatively. “The engine of this space fighter is the same as the previous Demon fighter. It is still a low-efficiency thermal power propulsion engine… It can be seen that the Demon wants to make it. With the ability to fly into space, the internal space of the fighter has been deliberately increased to accommodate more fuel.”

Angela’s focus is not on the technical aspect, she said admiringly:

“Under the supreme crown, your prediction is too accurate. In the past few months, the demons slowed down their offensive, and they are indeed building space fighters.”

Renault shrugged:

“It’s not hard to guess that the Demon Race’s vanguard army was completely wiped out by the Federation. They should understand that if they can’t gain an advantage in space, they will never be able to occupy the Blue Star. So sooner or later the war will burn into space.”

He looked at the huge giant fortress, with an obvious exclamation in his tone:

“Tsk tusk, it’s unbelievable. I estimate that the weight of the giant fortress is more than 2 million tons. The demons used chemical fuel engines to force them into space orbit!”

Seth was also surprised:

“I remember that the small floating fortress of the Demon Race uses the’magic propulsion technology.’ Why doesn’t this giant fortress use the same kind of technology? A single demon thrust engine does not have enough thrust, and multiple engines can be used, just like “Planetary Engine”.”

Renault shook his head and explained with a smile:

“Our’planetary engine’ has a very special structure. It uses ultra-long-distance energy transmission. The engine itself does not have an’ultra-high-level energy source’, but Mozu does not have this technology. The floating fortress must carry an’ultra-high-level energy source’. .”

“You should know that when the energy level reaches a certain level, the energy source will have various strange phenomena. The most typical one is’energy spillage’, that is, energy will spill into high-dimensional space uncontrollably. This phenomenon It’s almost impossible to stop.”

Seth suddenly realized:

“I understand that if the energy source problem cannot be solved, the demons will not be able to make super-high thrust magic engines. No wonder the giant fortresses will use chemical fuel engines… I guess at least 20% of the fortress’s space is filled with fuel. ”

Renault nodded, activated the communicator, and issued an order to the army:

“Everyone, get ready to fight, first kill the space fighters of the Demon Race!”

More than 500 “Hand of Thanos” orbital strike weapons arranged over the devil’s waters were the first to fire.

More than 500 blazing beams of light fell from the sky, accurately hitting more than 500 Demon fighters. The power of the secondary laws contained in the “heat death” rays instantly exploded these fighters, and hundreds of bright ones appeared in the sky. Huge fireball.

This terrible attack caused the other Mozu fighters to panic. They immediately dispersed and increased the engine power to the maximum, and they continued to make maneuvers to avoid being locked by the enemy.

However, this is only a futile approach. The Heat Death Ray is an attack at the speed of light, and the locked Demon fighter cannot escape the doom of death at all.

Ten seconds later, “The Hand of Thanos” began the second round of volleys.

Hundreds of beams instantly traversed a distance of more than 300 kilometers, hitting the second batch of unlucky ones, and lighting up more than 500 high-altitude “fireworks” again.

For the next 1 minute, the Orbital Strike Group carried out rounds of shooting at a frequency of 15 seconds per round, and every heat death ray would surely achieve results without fail.

The number of Mozu fighters has dropped sharply from more than 12,000 to more than 9,000.

At this time, after paying a heavy price, the Mozu fighter finally climbed to an altitude of 350 kilometers, only 200 kilometers away from the low-Earth orbit where the “Hand of Thanos” was located.


Countless black shadows across the sky, shooting at the Demon fighter.

In order to snipe the Demon fighters, the two major space regiments of the Federation dispatched more than 600 X-wing fighters. This is the Valkyrie they launched.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Thousands of fireballs lit up, and a large number of Mozu fighter planes were blown apart and plummeted from high altitude.

More than 300 kilometers away, 24 beautiful Phoenix fighters were flying quickly across the void.

“Connect to the “Vulcan Net”!”


“Start receiving long-range energy transmission!”


The huge energy crossed the void and was accepted by the Phoenix fighter.

“Activate the Spear of God’s Light, a synchronous satellite signal!”


A hatch of 3 meters by 4 meters opened at the bottom of the Phoenix fighter plane. A large square plate inscribed with countless runes stood out silently. On the square plate stood 24 pointed cones, each with one inlaid on the top of the pointed cone. A black crystal ball.


The square board suddenly lit up, high-level elemental energy poured into the crystal ball, and the extremely dazzling light burst out in an instant, followed by strong and frightening mana fluctuations.

The light is so bright that when you look up from the ground, you can see dozens of bright stars shining in the sky.

In the next moment, each crystal ball fired a bright magic laser, each Phoenix fighter fired 24 lasers, and all 24 Phoenix fighters fired a total of more than 600 rays, and each ray aimed at a different target.

This kind of ray weapon is a powerful weapon developed by Renault by studying the “Holy Light Scepter”, the most extraordinary creature of mankind.

Generally speaking, due to the overflow of energy, the attack distance of the magic energy ray will not be too far. For example, the “father’s light” emitted by the holy light scepter can only penetrate the magic armor 5 kilometers away. .

However, the Phoenix fighter is connected to the “Vulcan Net” and has an almost unlimited energy supply. Even if the energy continues to overflow, the “Spear of Light” attacking the Demon fighters hundreds of kilometers away still possesses terrifying power.

This is a miracle vigorously.

In an instant, more than 500 Mozu fighters were hit by the “Spear of Light”. The destructive energy contained in the magic beam penetrated the shell of the fighter and detonated the fuel inside the fighter.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Hundreds of “fireworks” bloomed in the sky.

“The Hand of Thanos”, the X-wing fighter, and the Phoenix fighter, this is exactly the space defense line carefully built by Renault.

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