Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 438 - do you miss me?

On the intercontinental border, the war has been going on for a week, from a small-scale attack at the beginning to a large-scale attack today.

In just one week, the Intercontinental League suffered heavy losses, but it was firmly stuck on the coastline and never moved, and never retreated half a point.

Under the fire of artillery fire, the command post was quiet.

Bright lights illuminated the sand table in the middle of the conference room, and several men sitting beside the sand table divided their fields.

When the news from the palace came, they were still suffering from the momentum of the attack tomorrow morning.

After hearing Fei Ran’s narration, Fu Yuxiu also understood in general.

At the same time, Nangong Ye also finished listening to Shi Yi’s report. Now, at this juncture, the best news is that the seal is closed.

“So, when it’s dawn, everything will be over.” Len looked at a few people and said.

Now that the power user has receded, as long as it is not so tricky, the strength of the Intercontinental Alliance army is now the most powerful in the entire continent.

No matter what, I’m afraid there won’t be other people who don’t know how to live or die again dare to come and provoke.

“According to radar detection, there are 200,000 horses stationed 100 kilometers away from the headquarters.” The baton in Shen Qingyi’s hand tapped the flat ground under the valley.

“I just don’t know if these people are ordinary people or superhumans.”

If it is an ability user, an army of 200,000 is already very difficult to deal with.

“According to the information we have collected during this period of battle, these people will be stagnant for a period of time at night, which shows that they are not suitable for the climate and soil here. Just now, all fronts reported the ability to confront them. All of a sudden, most of them disappeared.”

That being said, those people probably felt that the seal was about to close, and rushed back before the two worlds broke.

It’s just that it’s not completely gone, and some who haven’t been able to go are still stationed on the battlefield.

“Our commander’s news says that there is no worries now, let us pay attention to solving the people in front of us.” Shi Yi said.

Fei Ran here closed the information, “Our mistress’s meaning is the same, the people from other worlds have returned to their place.

What remains now is the army that has gathered from somewhere.

“If your information is accurate, now we only have enemies at positions No. 4 and No. 7 and No. 8.” Quan Yanling pointed to the landmark on the sand table.

“Our mistress’s news is of course reliable.” Fei Ran said.

Shi Yi smiled without saying a word, and sent the news sent by Xia Chen along with their investigation results these days.

“Marshal Quan should take a look at this first.”

There are two documents in front of Quan Yanling, one is Shi Yide, and the other is handed over by Feiran.

The content of the above letter is very straightforward. All the information of troop contact is intercepted from the air, and the source of the signal is determined to be in the north.

After adding all the related information, it has already pointed to the source of this troop.

“Hebrew? Country K?” Quan Yanling lowered his head.

In this way, the commander-in-chief of the army formed by those gathered from the intercontinental countries opposite them is Hebrew.

“News from country K, King Hattas passed away, and the throne passed to Prince Yin Sa, who will succeed in a few days.” Fu Yuxiu said.

The black mobile phone page in his hand stopped on a message just sent, and the sender showed his wife.

Two very short sentences without much explanation, but he understood everything.

How the seal was closed, he roughly guessed what was going on.

“The most difficult thing today is the number of enemies faced by each position and the terrain of the position.”

Len on the side listened to interrupt him first, “There’s no need to be so troublesome. Since there are not many people left, we can all be responsible.”

If the rest are only those who have finished writing the mortal body, they will not have the strength to compare with the Intercontinental Alliance, which represents the highest combat power on the continent today.

“What if it’s not a power user, but something else?” Quan Yanling said.

Shen Qing thought about it for a long time, and then spoke first, “Compared to Len, haven’t you forgotten about the transformation of people in the intercontinental a while ago?”

This reminds everyone here that even if all the power users have retreated, there is still the existence of the transformed human layer.

Easy not only can be taken lightly.

“According to the division of the original theater, Purgatory and Evans are responsible for the seventh position, the Dark Palace is responsible for the north, and the Intercontinental Alliance is responsible for all the remaining battlefields.”

The division in this way makes it clear that the main responsibilities of all parties are clarified.

Now is the moment of life and death for the entire Intercontinental. Everyone should be twisted together and work together to solve this problem.

As for the end of the war, the differences between the families will be discussed later.

After the meeting ended, Fu Yuxiu walked out holding the phone, dialed the phone, and was picked up after it rang for a while.

“Are you asleep?” The man looked up at the bright moon in the sky.

“Just lay down.”

The little girl’s voice was still the same as usual. Fu Yuxiu walked forward, and there seemed to be other voices coming from the other end of the phone.

“Think about me?”

Wen Li leaned on the bed, listening to the teasing voice of the man on the other end of the phone, the corners of her lips curled slightly.

“It’s not life and death, the ground is full of bones, why do you still have time to chat with me like this.”

It seemed that he could vaguely hear the sound of guns and guns, and he knew it was not peaceful.

“After my grandfather’s funeral, I will leave the country K.” Wen Li was holding the crown that Hattas gave her.

According to Hatas, his funeral will be very simple.

In addition to the reason of the intercontinental war, the K country has simplified Yin Sa’s succession ceremony, and he does not intend to make a big deal.

It is simply a succession, and Hatas’ ashes will be sprinkled in the same place as the first queen after being burned.

It can be regarded as the fulfillment of his dying wish.

“It’s very chaotic outside. I’ll ask Yuan Cang to pick you up and take you home to wait for me.” Fu Yuxiu said.

Wen Liming said what he meant, they had all seen the cruelty of the battlefield, and he didn’t want Wen Li to go to that **** place.

“I remember that the Dark Palace was stationed in the North, right?” Wen Li suddenly asked.

Fu Yuxiu nodded. The area in charge of the Dark Palace was close to the northern part of country G, with special landforms and complicated climates.

In addition, the area where the Dark Palace is located has not yet had a very formal face-to-face contact with the enemy.

I don’t know too much about the enemy’s situation. Once a conflict breaks out, it is very likely that there will be heavy casualties.

“The body of the Hebrew was taken away.”

This was discovered after they returned to Mingju Hall, and the Hebrew body was said to have been taken away by his collaborators.

Si Zhao tracked each other for a distance, and the person disappeared in the north.

“Take it away?” Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows, “What do you mean?”

Si Zhao raised this matter with Wen Li very solemnly, if the other party did not hesitate to break into the palace and also take the Hebrew body away.

I am afraid that the intercontinental war has not been given up.

“Hebrews and people from other worlds colluded secretly, and even killing my parents back then was also to organize sacrifices and let the seal open.”

Therefore, the conditions given by the other party are definitely very attractive, but with Hebrew ambitions and ideas, I am afraid that they also want to use the power of the superpowers to control the entire continent, so as to achieve the goal of dominating the continent.

“You mean, the Hebrews might appear on the battlefield.”

Wen Li nodded and repeated Si Zhao’s words, “They have the ability to bring the dead back to life. Although I don’t know how Hebrew will come back to life, he will definitely appear on the battlefield.”

Fu Yuxiu leaned back against the wall, holding the fence with one hand, “I see.”

Now that the war situation is clear, the Hebrews have secretly colluded with many small countries, and they have also collected many very unpopular organizations on the continent.

Quietly, these people were trained to become soldiers of the army who can go into battle today.

Even a group of rabble gathered together can gather into a powerful force, the most difficult thing is.

The Hebrews also held a human-modified troop in their hands, which was an artificially genetically modified troop.

It is no exaggeration to say that these modified people possess the genes of various ferocious beasts.

“Be careful, don’t get hurt.” Wen Li said.

The man chuckled softly, and the gentle smile was transmitted to Wen Li through the receiver, which made the hearts of those who heard it tickled.

“Your man is amazing, but it’s you. I’m not by your side. I have to take good care of myself and don’t get sick.”

Wen Li was dissatisfied, “I’m a doctor, so I can’t get sick myself.”

“Then who knows.”

Yuan Cang stood downstairs and waited with everyone dressed up. According to the plan, the rest of the dark palace had already been stationed in the north.

After a brief negotiation with Marshal Quan, they should set off for the Northland.

“I should go.”

Wen Li clenched his phone tightly, “Be careful, I’ll wait for you to come back.”

“My wife kisses one.”

Wen Li hadn’t heard him play a rogue for a long time. In comparison, he really missed him very much.

“Wait until you get back.”

“Okay, remember to miss me.” The man smiled and hung up the phone.

Yuan Cang and Feiran saw the man with a bright smile beside the railing, and quickly understood who the owner was chatting with.

There is no one else on the other end of the phone except Mrs.

“Master, we should go.”

It takes six hours from here to Northland, and it’s just dawn after getting there.


The people originally stationed in the command post all withdrew one by one in batches.

Quan Yanling stood in front of the door of the conference room on the second floor, watching the soldiers trotting out and the teams leaving in batches.

Now this is the last battle. As long as they can hold their respective fronts, this war will naturally end in sight.

Inside the palace, all eyes were full of white. In just one day, everyone had yet to come out of the joy of Princess Yingran’s coronation, when the bad news of His Majesty the King’s passing came.

The whole country was immersed in sadness, and many people knelt on the side of the street and wept bitterly.

His Majesty the King had just celebrated his birthday not long ago, and his body was still very tough when he was on tour last time.

Not only that, I heard that Princess Jiatong also passed away together, and the whereabouts of the Hebrew prince are unknown.

In addition, there seemed to be signs of riots in the palace that night, and many people were speculating whether a thug broke in and killed His Majesty the King and Eldest Princess Jiatong.

For a while, rumors spread among the people, and there were speculations about the cause of death of the king and the eldest princess.

After the cremation ceremony, Yin Sa rested in the council hall. The king’s funeral should not be too hasty.

According to his father’s request, he avoided the process of paying homage to the remains, but there are also necessary links.

Prince Pei brought the incense candle prepared by the high priest, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Yin Sa sitting in front of the desk and frowning.

“Did you encounter any difficulty?”

Yin Sa raised his head and saw the person who appeared, with an expression like an amnesty on his face, “I’m looking at the guest list and the funeral process that I’ve drawn up below. It’s really complicated to delete or delete it.”

Hearing this, Prince Pei smiled, “The late king has a last word, the funeral should not be too extravagant, but the regulations of the royal family are placed here, even if it is not extravagant, it cannot be too simple, the rules are cumbersome, of course not so easy. .”

“Yeah, when I didn’t deal with these things before, I never thought it would be so difficult.” Yin Sa said with a chuckle.

“But you must be able to do it well, and slowly you will practice.”

Up to now, he can only deal with it bit by bit.

“Can you help me take a look. Uncle Harry has been guarding the Teng Palace. He hasn’t rested all day and night.”

Prince Pei nodded when he heard the words. When he was cremated in the morning, Harry couldn’t help crying, which made people feel sad.

There was a loud noise from outside the palace, and the attendant hurried in.

“Your Majesty, Princess Yingran is back.”

According to the rules, Yingran could not easily return after the tour, but it happened suddenly that not only Hatas died, but also Jiatong was gone, so it was natural to inform Yingran.

People came back after a day and a night, but Ying Ran has not yet woken up from this bad news.


Seeing the haggard Ying Ran, Yin Sa got up to meet her.

“Uncle, what happened? Why did my grandfather and mother die suddenly? They were all fine when I left.”

Ying Ran looked a little at a loss for words, her eyes were full of red blood, and she must have been on her way all day and night.

“Your grandfather’s body has been cremated. As for your mother, who is still in Mingju Hall, you should go and see.”

Now what he says will make the child sad, it is better to let her face the reality directly.

“No way…” Ying Ran said and stepped back, “No way!!!”

Looking at the person who turned and ran out, Yin Sa ordered the attendant to follow.

She lost her parents in one day, and she was only a child, so she definitely couldn’t accept it.

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