Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 437 - King sacrifice, contract terminated

The last time the flame of the sacrificial altar rose was when Prince Pei grabbed Wen Li and wanted to sacrifice.

Now that there are rebels in the palace, and the flame of the sacrificial altar is lit again, Wen Li has a bad feeling in his heart.

When they shouted like this, Yin Sa in the door also rushed out of the hall with people, and when he saw the flames lit on the sacrificial platform in the distance, he almost lost his footing.

“Where was your grandfather when you came to Mingju Palace?” Wen Li grabbed Yin Sa and said.

After being asked this, Yin Sa’s face suddenly turned pale, “It must be my father.”

Now, there is no one but Hattas who is qualified to light the flame of the sacrificial altar. It must be Hattas.

“not good!”

Yin Sa turned around and instructed Dongqing, “Arrange someone to take care of the eldest princess’ body, don’t allow anyone to touch it, wait for me to come back!”

Immediately, the group hurried from the Mingju Palace to the sacrificial altar, and Gu Ningxi, who was behind Wen Li, glanced strangely.

Why did sister Wen Li suddenly become so nervous?

Could it have something to do with the memory she read from Hebrew’s brain?

In the Ming Ju Hall, only the remains of the Hebrew couple were left in the main hall. According to Yin Sa’s instructions, Dongqing dispatched heavy troops to guard the entire Ming Ju Hall.

The four soldiers held a white cloth in their hands, and covered the white cloth over the couple’s remains with solemn expressions on their faces.

When the people in the hall bowed and knelt down, a white light flashed, and the soldier who was still in high spirits suddenly closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

A gust of wind completely lifted the white cloth that was not fully covered, flew out of the palace gate along the palace gate, and landed on the steps.

The man who appeared suddenly lowered his eyebrows and looked at the two corpses on the ground. He moved his fingertips slightly, and Jiatong’s body fell on the ground.

Hebrew’s body flew into the air, looking at the dagger on his chest, the man chuckled.

“Life here is really fragile to the extreme. It’s really useless to be killed by such a simple thing, but you are still very useful to me now, but you can’t just die like this.”

The man said and raised his hand, and the white cloth that came from the sky tightly wrapped the body.

The corpse slowly disappeared in the air, and when the man turned to leave, a sharp blade turned into a purple light came with an air of breaking air.

He dodged the attack sideways, and when he looked up, he saw the woman standing on the fence.

“Little girl, I don’t have time to play with you now.”

The black object thrown by Si Zhao caught his attention.

“How did you get it!!!”

Si Zhao weighed the things in his hand and chuckled, “You don’t have to worry about this.”

“Now that the person is dead, it’s not like you still have feelings for him with such a laborious effort to bring the body back?”

“Little girl, which family are you from?” The man stared at her.

This woman is not easy.

Si Zhao sneered, “You don’t have to know, and you don’t have to know.”

There was a loud noise in the Ming Ju Hall, like the sound of something breaking apart after colliding in the air, and it spread throughout the entire palace.

According to Wen Li’s instructions, Lu Min led the troops to clear the rebels in the palace. After all, the power of Hebrew was there.

Even if he died, the people he brought were not so easy to deal with.

After hearing the sound of the sound, I rushed forward with people, and I saw two rays of light twinkling in the air at a distance of fifteen meters from the Mingju Hall.

The professionally trained agents behind him were all startled, and Lu Min was considered to be someone who had seen the world, so he led people to stop.

“Don’t go there yet.”

This situation is beyond their control.

Wen Li and Yin Sa brought people to the sacrificial altar, but were blocked by Yun Mu who was blocking the door.

Looking at the sacrificial altar surrounded by guards, it further confirmed what Yin Sa was thinking, that Yun Mu had not been seen in the palace rebellion for so long.

It turned out to be placed in this place in advance.

“Yun Mu, what do you mean?” Yin Sa looked at the man in front of him who wouldn’t give in at all.

The King’s Guards personally guarded them, further affirming their thoughts.

“Your Majesty’s intention is that no one is allowed to enter or leave this place. Your Highness Yin Sa, please come back.” Yun Mu stood at the front door and nodded.

“Get out of the way, I have to go in now.” Yin Sa took a step forward.

Yun Mu didn’t mean to step aside at all, instead he took a step forward, “Your Highness, this is Your Majesty’s order, please obey.”

The king’s personal guards always only obeyed the king’s orders and regarded it as a death order. Even if the future king was in front of him, Yun Mu did not have the slightest fear or retreat.

“Your Highness, you should go back first.”

Yin Sa raised his hand, “Dongqing!”

The muzzle in the hands of the soldier who followed him raised his gun and aimed at the person on the opposite side, and his aura suddenly became tense.


The sudden cry made Yin Sa stop preparing to break the door. He looked up and saw Harry walking out of the door.

“Uncle Harry.”

Harry raised his hand to signal, Yun Mu led the people back to the door, and stood back inside the door.

“You all go back,” Harry said, looking at the two children. “Your father, your grandfather, didn’t want you to come here.”

When he saw Harry appear, the doubts that had filled his mind for many years, he was relieved.

Back then, my father was able to send Le Jia away without knowing it, even hiding from the people at the sacrificial altar.

It’s impossible to do so seamlessly without someone around you who is familiar with everything and who won’t raise suspicion.

Therefore, this matter cannot be done by people close to you.

There are rumors from the outside world that the relationship between Hattas and Harry is like water and fire. Harry’s biological mother is someone who is in the heart of the old king. Even the old king once thought of disobeying his ancestors and passing the throne to Harry.

In the end, he gave up amid the opposition. After Hattas succeeded to the throne, Harry was made a prince and left the palace to go west.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the relationship between the half-brothers is indeed not good, and it can even be said that the sword is drawn.

So even Prince Pei wouldn’t believe that Harry would help Hattas send Le Jia away.

“Uncle, so you have known from the beginning, the sacrifices, the elder sister’s affairs, and what is happening now.” Yin Sa was shocked.

Even if Uncle Harry came back from the west when he was a child, he was not very close to them, and he only went back after visiting Hattas.

How can such an uncle.

“Your father said it was his responsibility, not yours, just wait here,” Harry said.

Yin Sa shook his head, obviously not so accepting of this answer.

“How could this happen? It was already agreed, let me go…” Yin Sa suddenly fell down on the steps weakly.

“Obviously he promised me that he will take good care of Wen Li in the future…”

Harry knew what he meant, took a long sigh and sat down beside Yin Sa.

“This is your father’s choice, and he is for you too.”

Gu Ningxi stood beside Wen Li and whispered into Wen Li’s ear, “Sister Wen Li, do you need me to take you in directly?”

The entire sacrificial altar has been covered by a huge energy shield. Although it takes some time, it is not completely unbreakable.

“Has the sacrifice already started?” Wen Li suddenly asked.

Gu Ningxi glanced at it and answered honestly, “It seems that there is really some kind of ceremony going on here.”

Although she can’t tell, but the energy gathered in the entire sacrificial platform is getting stronger and stronger.

Wen Li stared in the direction of the sacrificial altar, looked at the raging fire burning above, and said after a while.

“No need.”

This is their choice, and she has no right to interfere.

Harry and Yin Sa sat side by side on the steps, behind the blazing fire of the sacrificial altar.

He suddenly thought that when he was a child, he would take his brother with him wherever he went. Even if he walked slowly or slowly, his brother would turn around and wait for him.

In the blink of an eye, half a century has passed, and now they have reached the age where they should be full of children and grandchildren, and the memories of their youth will always remain in their hearts.

“When your father was sixteen years old, he was selected as the crown prince and the candidate for the next king. It was also from that time that he knew that the ancestors of the royal family needed sacrifices. The sacrifice of the blood of the king’s relatives could guarantee a hundred years of peace. From then on He began to alienate me, and he hated me very much in front of outsiders, and I could naturally feel it.”

He knew that his brother was protecting him, and the farther away he was from the king, the safer he would be.

Yin Sa looked at his uncle, and with just such a sentence, he was able to explain what had happened over the years.

“That’s why you were sick in bed after your elder sister left, and it took a long time to recover from the palace to return to the west, because…”

He knew what kind of temperament his only uncle was.

Hearing this, Harry smiled bitterly, “I’m really scared.”

He was timid since he was a child, especially when it comes to ghosts and gods, he was really taboo. When he went to the mass grave, he had already mustered up the courage of his life.

Harry looked at Wen Li with a warm smile, “But seeing her also cured all my fears back then.”

In this world, no one can tell which is more important, emotional or blood relationship.

Gu Ningxi watched helplessly as the barrier faded, and the flames of the sacrificial altar went out.

“Sister Wen Li, it seems it’s over.”

Several people took a step forward, the door of the sacrificial altar in the distance was opened from both sides, and Hatas walked out with his hands behind his back.

For such a long journey, the old man walked very lightly.

Prince Pei and the high priest stood by the door one by one, raising their eyes and watching him leave.

Sacrificing the king’s life can close the seal again, but the only thing is that the contract with the Fallen Angel is completely terminated.

Fifty years later, the seal will naturally become invalid.

Yin Sa went up to meet him, stretched out his hand to support his father, but touched the scar on his wrist that looked like a lotus brand.

“It’s over.” Hatas looked at his son and patted his hand soothingly.

“I’ll take you back to rest.” Yin Sa said while supporting Hatas’ body.

Hatas shook his head, and his eyes that had been quiet for many years were brighter, “I want to go to the bamboo forest, you and Wen Li can accompany me.”

The lush bamboo forest behind Teng Palace is where Hatas cooked bamboo rice for Wen Li on his birthday.

This bamboo forest also has a history of hundreds of years, and the lush growth is also due to the careful care of the servants.

“Father, what are you doing?” Yin Sa asked suspiciously at Hatas, who was squatting on the ground and began to dig soil.

Hatas looked in good spirits, holding a small shovel and digging the soil, and quickly dug out something from the soil.

There are three boxes locked with locks. The boxes are the same size, but the styles are different, and the new and old are different.

“You two come and sit down.” Hattas raised his hand while sitting on the bench.

Wen Li and Yin Sa looked at each other and sat on the left and right sides of the old man respectively.

Hattas reached out and carefully cleaned the dirt off the boxes. He opened one of the boxes first.

Inside were a few photos and three small things.

Five photos of three children.

“This golden thread was Yin Sa’s favorite when he was a child. This small drum belongs to Le Jia, and this tung flower belongs to Jia Tong.”

When Yin Sa’s eyes touched the three children in the photo again, he felt as if he had passed away.

After disposing of Lejia that year, the director of the palace was ordered to dispose of all the photos and close things of Princess Lejia, and all the palaces were raided.

Now Yin Sa has no childhood photos in his hands.

“I’ll leave this box to you for safekeeping.” Hatas closed the box and placed it on Yin Sa’s lap.

Hattas clenched the box in his hand, “This will be buried with me in the future and stay by my side.”

“Father…” Yin Sa called out.

The huge pain hit, and Yin Sa couldn’t contain his emotions. He never thought that his father would eventually leave in this way.

“Don’t worry about me, I will see your mother soon, as well as Le Jia and Jia Tong, they will be by my side.”

Yin Sa was stunned when he heard Jiatong’s name, “You… how did you… know.”

He obviously hasn’t said anything yet.

“I am the father.”

After Hattas only said this, he stopped.

In his life, the people he loves have left one by one, and he has not been able to keep the wife he loves the most, nor can he protect the daughter he loves the most.

He was not qualified either as a king or as a father.

“Wen Li, the girl next to you gave me a promise that she will strengthen the seal between the two realms. Since then, my royal family will not be troubled by sacrifices, and this continent can be peaceful for a while, but I know what will happen next. , but you have to intervene, you are very like your mother, so grandfather hopes that you can live a happier life.”

Hatas was holding Wen Li’s hand, but his old wrinkled hand was extraordinarily hard.

“Don’t worry, I understand.” Wen Li lowered his head and held his palm back.

“Good boy.” He handed the last box to Yin Sa, “As for this, give it to Harry for me.”

All the things he cherished in his life are here. These boxes have locked up all his feelings. Now, he can see the light again.

Hatas had a heartfelt smile on his face, and he had done what he could do. It was up to the future generations how to go in the future.

“After I leave, the funeral doesn’t have to be too grand. From today, you have to remember that you are the king of the K country, and the burden you should bear in the future is not light. No matter what decision you want to make, you must take the country For the most important, the other is, protect Wen Li and Yingran well, and I will hand this country into your hands.”

In the future, they still have to rely on them to walk backwards.

Hatas leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes, and the brand on his wrist suddenly lit up. After the light emitted, it gradually dissipated and disappeared into the air.

“Father!!” Yin Sa knelt on the ground and cried out on Hatas’ knee.

Wen Li clenched the old man’s hand and called softly, “Grandfather.”

Hearing the movement, Harry hurried in, but his eyes were red when he saw Yin Sa and the old man who had bowed his head and was unconscious.

“elder brother……”

In the year 1765 of the Intercontinental K National Calendar, the eleventh monarch of the K country passed away.

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