Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 47: Chasers

"That's the one! Get the fucker!"

Jin's mask quickly manifested. Not again, more trouble. Look at what he's gotten himself into now. His health was low. Should he attack the group of teens coming his way, he knew he would falter, and descend in utter doom.

He cursed. What would he do now? His wounds were far from radically healed. His energy was at its culmination. Should he fight them and try surviving as best he could?

He paused. "I'm not gonna win; not by a long shot," his tongue clicked, "The best thing to do … is run!" his tone rose.

He darted off, pivoting on his feet. His breaths quickened. Right foot forward, then the left. Repeat, then again. Speed.

"Where do you think you're going!?" the figure's voice drawls; a struggle in uttering these words.

"Get back here!" another droned. Stretched, sagging voice—no different from the other.

Having seen Jin scurry, the boys started chasing him on their unsteady feet. It was a struggle to run. To chase at someone in such profound dizziness. Staggering on their feet. Headaches. If only they took less of those shots back at Aileen's.

Jin was far ahead. Right foot, left foot. He too was a bit shaky on his feet. This was his first time running after having been crippled for six years.

He had to teach himself all over again. Right foot, left foot. Bolting through the streets, distance between him and the boys augmenting fittingly. Truly, the upgrade points on speed, though so little, were paying off!

The wind that ensued running at this pace, brushed against his skin. His heart relentlessly throbbed. He took corners and paths that distanced him further away from his home.

But he knew what he was doing. He would lose the boys first. He would make them let up. Then, he would semicircle through the streets and make it home again. Safely.

One of the chasing boys popped a small, plastic packet open. Panting. He sniffed up some of the powder accommodated by the packet. Sniffling. Then he passed the packet to a companion.

The boys quickly passed the packet amongst themselves. Now, they ought to catch the impertinent fool who hurt a member of their gang!

"No getting away from us!"

Running, Jin looked over his shoulder. Turning his head, veering his eyes to a corner. The chasers were gaining on him. But how? Where was this sudden speed coming from? At this rate, he knew they were going to catch him.

Speed. He needed more of it. But he didn't have any excess upgrade points. He clenched his teeth. He would take more streets and paths to rid himself of them. He had to.

He looked over his shoulder again. They were no less than four meters away from him. He peered at the road. It was a bit clear for now. Only one car was inching close. He edged away from the pavement, rushing toward the road.

He quickly ran across the road, looking left and right constantly. A car was drawing close, not stopping for nothing. He quickly ran across nonetheless. The car blew its horn at him as it flashed past. Luckily, he made it across alive.

A vehicle zoomed up the road. Then a few others. The chasers halted at the pavement. They were cut. A figure gritted his teeth. He dropped the bloody ice pack, that was behind his head. "C'mon! We gotta cross quickly!"

The group waited until the cars nearest flew up the road. Then, despite more cars fast approaching, they darted across.

The one behind them all was about to get hit by a car that came inching haltingly. One of the headlights wasn't working. The driver had hit the breaks. But fuck! The stupid boy would still get hit.

On an impulse, the boy quickly used his hands to vault the bonnet of the halting car. It was wet—oh thank god. He quickly slid his behind against it. Then across.

This was easy for him. He made it across the bonnet and on his feet again. He was on the other side of the car now. Not a scratch to evince the tale.

Still running, the figure with the burst head shed tears. "I watched him kill … Frank!" he wept, his tone shaking from passing weight from foot to foot constantly as he ran.

The tallest of the chasers, eyes reddened, pulled out a gun from his side. "Don't worry, little brother! I'll shoot him—for taking out your gang!"

Jin looked over his shoulder, and saw the figure pointing the gun at him. He sped up. He quickly turned on his feet, slightly pivoting. His whole body veered. Agility.

Jin took a street. The others followed. It was an open area now. No walls to block him from bullets that would come his way. So he began to zigzag on his feet.

"Shoot the damn guy!"

"I'm trying, asshole!"

"Just shoot him!"

"Fuck! I can't!"

"What'd you mean you can't!?"

Jin took a sharp right. The area was dark. Yet the chasers quickly caught on, taking the same path. Jin met a fence. He turned around. The boys were right behind him. Nowhere to go.

He turned to face the fence again. "Shit!" He quickly hopped onto the Barbed wire. Latching his fingers to the intertwined areas. He started to climb.

The chasers halted, their shoes skating on the wet ground.

"That's it! You have a chance! Shoot him now!"

"Stop fucking ordering me around! I'm the boss here! Being the boss of your own gang doesn't make you the boss of mine!"

"What the fuck, Clint? I don't care! Just shoot the guy already—you'll make him get away!"

The tallest figure sucked his teeth. Then he heaved. He took aim. Inching an index finger closer to the trigger and closing an eye. He was ready to fire.

Jin would get hit in this position. He knew it. He was high up the fence. All he had to do was fall to the other side now. But falling and having to get up again would only spell the shooter having a cleaner shot.

Jin paused, still holding onto the fence. He stopped his climbing. Why?

"Look, the guy's not even moving! Why can't you shoot him yet!?"

"Stop ordering me around!!!"

"Don't tell me he hasn't fired a gun before," he slapped a hand across his forehead, shaking his head. "And you call yourself my big brother!?"

The figure lowered the gun, and turned his head. "Shut the fuck up or I'll shoot you instead!"

Silence. Just what he wanted. The figure turned to Jin again, and took aim faster than before. The gun was directed at Jin, who was frozen there. He quickly moved his finger closer to the trigger. Inches away from the gun going off…

But just when he was about to fire. Green flashes of flickering light filled the skies. Lightning. The figure looked around. No thunder? How could this be?

Then they watched as something bolted down from the skies. It crashed down to the surface. Its point stuck in the ground. Its handle was pointing upright.

The ground began to crack where the sword had collided. Then, there was a shockwave that was seemingly delayed. It blew their hair. Dust blew into their eyes. Then a blinding light squinted their eyes. They were compelled such that they put their hands in front of their faces.

What was going on?

Finally, the shockwave had passed. Silence. As the dust slowly cleared, the figures' eyes expanded at the sight in their presence. A sword!?

Quickly, the vengeful one shifted his attention to the fence again. He scrunched his face. Gritting his teeth. Jin was gone!

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