Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 46: Magic drugs

With the unfathomable magic, possibilities were at the cusps of boundlessness.

Magic drugs were the greatest drugs ever produced, and took the world by storm.


[HP: 4/15]

Jin, on his knees, turned his head only to see the kid who he had saved from getting bullied. The kid had completely slipped his mind.

The lone, youthful figure, eyes gaped, lingered at the end of the alley. The atrocious sight of the three stagnant vessels made his skin crawl.

From the time Jin wore a smile on his face, chills were sent running down the kid's spine. This man must be out of his mind! Should he run away?

Jin ignored him. In truth, he did not really save him for the sake of justice anyway. Who does? His eyes scanned the area. There were four teenagers. Where did the boss go?

He shifted his attention. He brought up his system screen, and went to the stats tab.


[Strength: 5]

[Health: 15]

[Speed: 2]

[Skill: 5]

[Available UP points : 10]

[Exp: 16/25 | Level 4]

He tapped an index finger on plus signs, spending his upgrade points seamlessly. He spent five points on Health, and the other five on speed. He spent it on health so that he could regenerate lest something unexpected unveils again.


[Strength: 5]

[Health: 20]

[Speed: 7]

[Skill: 5]

[Available UP points : 0]

He looked closely at the screen, watching as his Health went up. The kid just sneered at him as he began tapping the air; this guy must've really gone insane!

[HP: 5/15]

[HP: 6/15]

[HP: 7/15]

[Consume sufficient sustenance]

He stood, noticing that some of his injuries were depleted. The main thing he felt now was great hunger. He peered down at his belly, and jutted out his lower lip. "I know, I know," he rubbed his abdomen, "I'm putting you through a lot. Hang in there, alright?"

The kid twisted his face at the sight. This killer must be insane! Was he pregnant!? Was he really a he? He shook his head, disdaining the thought. He just needed to slip away now while he still could.

He stood, hunching his back a bit. He started sneaking away on his toes with widened eyes. When suddenly he heard something.

A mask manifested on Jin's face as he turned to the kid who's back was now turned. He put his hands on his waists. "Kid, aren't you gonna thank me? I just got my ass banged up real bad for nothing?" his tone in mock sorrow.

The kid heard Jin's voice, and halted. His eyes widened even more when he realized that he had been caught sneaking away. Fuck! He turned around. He plastered a smile on his face. "Ohh, I didn't quite see you there … it's really dark and all so…"

Silence as they both peered at each other from the distance.

Jin inched closer. "Well? Are you not gonna tell me why these guys were attacking you? Did you take something from them?" his tone like an adult chiding a child.

The kid shook his head. Wasn't he supposed to ask these questions before he killed the teenagers? He shook his head again. "I didn't take anything."

Jin wasn't buying it. He narrowed his eyes. He folded his arms, tapping a foot on the ground. "Kid … I'm not dumb. I heard them, y'know? I might have to hurt you a bit to get answers—"

The kid averted eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm Jack. I was supposed to take their money and give something to them. I'm really poor, and I ran away from the orphanage with my sister. So I really needed the money."

Jin knew where this was going.

"I took their money, and gave them half of what I promised. I told them I'd give the rest to them later," he gazed down at the floor, "but I didn't have it."

Jin narrowed his eyes. "What were you supposed to give to them?"

The kid didn't answer.

"I asked you a question…"

Still, no response.

Jin heaved. "Kid, these guys on the floor are gonna get up soon, and I'll just leave them be. They'll attack you for sure." Clearly he didn't know that they all were killed. Did he not see the system screen? "Or I'll just have to hurt you my—"

"MG's!" the kid blurted.

"MG's? What are those?"

The kid drew closer. He looked around for people. Then, he looked at Jin and whispered. "Magic Drugs. Technically they're just powder enhanced by magic, but they're still illegal, I know."

Jin raised a brow. "Where'd you get magic drugs from at your age?" This whole 'Magic Drugs' thing was new to Jin. It wasn't the drugs he would purchase at a pharmacy, obviously. Could it be the powder used by the hobgoblin earlier?

"I stole it. I know, I know. It's horrible. But it's the only thing I can do to feed my sister. And we're not going back to that orphanage!" he snapped.

Judging by his tone, Jin could tell that he went through some hardship at the orphanage he was in. This was nothing out of the norms. Interracial orphanages would oftentimes spell distress for kids.

Jin pointed. "Did that hobgoblin use magic drugs just now?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, he did. But he took an overdose of it. Too much of it in your system could send your entire body haywire."

"What are the drugs normally used for?"

Jack leaned on a wall, folding his arms. "People use them just as they would use ordinary drugs. To relieve stress. It's like a relaxant. Red Magic Drugs are used like adrenaline. But too much of it can make you uncontrollably hysterical. Even going as far as to make you stronger."

Jin soaked all this in. He shook his head. "Magic's just being overused at this point. Why would people with Enhancement Abilities enhance drugs? There are so many things I don't know about. This is so annoying…" he shook his head.

Jin put his hood over his head again. "Kid, stay out of trouble, please. Don't go using drugs. Don't do drugs."

"No-no-no, I never used them. I just sold them to those guys … who are just… dead now." his tone fell.

"Then don't sell drugs either. I won't let you off the hook next time. You shouldn't be running away from your home. The police would arrest you for smuggling. See you later." Jin turned around.

Jack put out an opened hand. "I didn't get your name…I gave you mine!"

Jin stopped. "Sorry, but I can't tell you that." he paused. "I guess you could call me the God of Mischief. Maybe?" he continued walking, his hand clutched to the bat.

Jack grimaced at him. God of Mischief? What was he talking about? One confusing day he's had. He turned around as well, and started walking the other way. He's had enough.


Jin was walking on the pavements of the streets. He wanted to keep the baseball bat to use as a weapon in the future, but too many passers-by were drawn to him because of it. Even though he had rid the blood that it was swathed in.

Should a cop stumble across him with an iron bat, he would get into a lot of unwanted trouble. Then again, if he was to sneak home with an iron bat, questions would be asked.

Ultimately, he threw the bat into a massive dumpster, and walked away. He was headed home, taking the same path he took to get where he was. It would be a long walk.

A few minutes later, Jin landed eyes on a group of people hurrying up the pavement. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that he knew one of them.

As he drew closer, he began to hear their voices clearly. He could see their faces clear as they inched closer. When he heard what one of them said, his heart throbbed.

A figure with an ice pack on his head inched closer. He couldn't believe his eyes. "Oh my fucking God! That's him! That's the guy who attacked us!"

"Get the mother fucker!"

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