Level 0 Master

Chapter 106 - Vol 4. Ep. 19

Chapter 106: Vol 4. Ep. 19


“… Sorry.” Before he entered the mindset of a beast, Sungjin stopped.


He was placed in a situation where he only had to take a step closer to his desires, but he did not go any further.

“Thank you for your consideration. Really, I… am grateful.” How could he not love these women who did their best for him?

But not like this. He couldn’t embrace them according to his desires or steal their purity as a sacrifice to gain his strength to fight. That was not the way to love correctly.

To truly respond to his heart, he had to make a promise to love and protect the other for the rest of his life. It would then be right to be with one another, but not now. He did not prepare such a promise.

“I’m fine, though.”

Sungjin shook his head in response to Ereka’s answer. “No, I can’t, because I really want to cherish your heart. ”

He pulled himself out, got up, and smiled gently. “But I promise. War comes first, just like before, but I won’t run away like this later.” He decided not to evade his thoughts anymore about their precious hearts. “From now on, I will seriously think about how we, as men and women, will shape the future, without considering the teammate aspect. And as for today…” Sungjin coughed and turned his head. The very attractive women still in front of him pulled at his instincts to the fullest. The sight was beautiful enough to stop talking at once and just act according to his instincts and desires. “…Let’s continue then. ”

“For real?”

“Yes, I’ll take it seriously. Give me time. ”

The girls pulled up their clothes with pity. They couldn’t help it if Sungjin were to deny them so resolutely. There’s still a fortnight before his standoff against Kapitle, after all.

Sungjin had plenty of time to think. It would be better to prepare not only for his strength but for a prospective marriage. Of course, if he changed his mind right now, they weren’t going to refuse.

After sending the girls away, Sungjin lay alone on the bed.

Sigh. He couldn’t sleep because his whole body was burning.

Even though he wasn’t using a blanket, he was still hot. His blood was boiling hot. He was still hot even after he had removed his clothes, but what was really hot was his head.

What should I do? They wanted to be his women. That fact was clear. Then what about himself? It was true that he liked them, as a team member and as a companion…

But that was a lie. In fact, as a man, he was attracted to them and felt their desire. Each one of them was a beautiful and lovely woman.

Yes, in fact…

He wanted to hug them, too.

But that was the problem—the fact that there was not one woman alone whom he liked—that he was attracted to all of them.

On earth, he learned that love was between one man and one woman who sincerely loved each other.

Of course, he knew in his head that love could cool off or break up due to various circumstances, but he had also learned that loving several women at the same time was unrealistic.

So, if he could choose, it had to be one of them, per earth’s basis, but what would happen if he did that here? Would the other women who had sworn their destiny to him give up and leave for another man? Or would they stay and die a virgin by his side? The latter could not be ruled out. No, it looked rather like a high possibility. Was it right for the women to give everything of themselves to him, only to live on lonely and unrewarded?

This world’s culture is different than earth’s. Everyone expected him to love everyone. They talked about who he would touch first. They never talked about who he would ultimately choose.

He knew it was a common custom in this world, but to him it felt as if he was cheating on all of them.

Everyone believed that he would love all of them. That was the problem.

Well, in fact, I know that earth has polygamy depending on the situation and the culture.

Especially as he was the king of a nation, whose position made it all the more valid.

What should I do?

How should he respond in a way that was suitable for returning their feelings towards him?

He couldn’t decide whether he could choose the one, before even considering the one.

The genius that helped his path to victory in the battle was a genius that couldn’t solve the question of love in an instant.

He had a problem with his heart rather than his head.

I’ve been postponing it because I didn’t have an answer… But now the time had come for him to truly consider his options. It was wrong to have forced the girls to this point and not think any further of their advances.

I can’t come up with an answer very easily… But I should give them a reply.

Whether the best solution came from earth’s culture or the culture of this world was something he had to think further on. He would have to keep thinking.

That was what Sungjin decided. It was then something unexpected happened. The bed he had pressed his palm down on in a show of his determination, broke. His hand broke the bed’s frame and continued inwards. He couldn’t contain the power that had suddenly emerged.

“Huh?” Flustered, he looked at his hand and felt it. From the deepest parts of his body, the sleeping powers had awakened and were running throughout his entire body.

My powers have… awakened?

He had drunk the Wine of the Gods after every battle, but the power within his body had been stagnant without a single hint of movement. But now, it had started moving, although it was only a part of his entire powers.


He had not done anything to the girls, but the power had started moving. Was the relationship the goddess had mentioned something different?

Perhaps… it’s because I decided to be responsible for them? Because I decided to seriously consider my future?

A heartfelt reply to a heartfelt confession. Was that what she had meant? Or was it because he had started something, although he hadn’t seen it to the end?

He couldn’t tell which was the truth. What was certain was that his powers had truly awakened, at least partially.

I should go check them at the temple. He would be satisfied with a level 1. There was a big difference between having some power than having none at all.

The next day he reported this fact to his company. “I think I’ve gained a level, but I need to check to be sure.”

Everyone paused.

“Really?” Ereka’s eyes shone like the sun.

“Perhaps yesterday was truly effective?” Eustasia made a slightly disturbing smile. “Hmm? But what we did is different from our theory. Or perhaps, after we left…”

“No. The definition of what a deep relationship is that we had was wrong from the start.”

“Then what is it?”

“Hm… The heart… No, nevermind. What is important is that we’ve found a lead for gaining a level and that I have gained a portion of my powers.”

“You’re right.” Ereka smiled brightly. No matter the details, anything that was good for Sungjin was good for her.

“Wow! Oppa’s got a level now?” Rachel shook her fork up and down in excitement.

“Let’s not get too excited. We need to check to be certain.”

“Let’s go immediately after our meal!” the girls chorused like birds in harmony.

“Ok. I’m quite interested as well, after all.” There was no point in holding back. After his breakfast, Sungjin and the girls immediately headed towards the temple.

Sungjin requested a check on his status.

The girls’ curiosity rose as the Valkyrie started scanning Sungjin. What class would he be in? What level?

“He said he only gained a portion of his powers… So it wouldn’t be a lot, right?” Ereka pointed out in order to lower their expectations.

“But if he gains a level, everything will be different.”

“You’re right! A level for Oppa. A level!” Rachel cheered.

“Hm.” Jenna’s eyes flashed as she shook her tail.

“Huhu. It seems my efforts were not in vain.” Zakiya smiled in satisfaction. “But if only that much was a level, we should have gone further…”

At her regretful tone, the girls nodded in agreement. Next time, for sure…

In the midst of their redetermination, the Valkyrie’s voice echoed.

[Updating status information.

Name: Cha Sungjin

Class: Commander]

At the class name, the temple’s atmosphere turned heated.

A seventh class? Aren’t there usually six classes? Sungjin is as special as ever.

Although being unique didn’t mean strength, they were excited because he was Sungjin, after all.

[Heroic power: 300

Level: 1

Skills: … ]

As Sungjin’s first skill was named and its details described, exclamations exploded around the temple.

“What an amazing skill.”

At Ereka’s exclamation, Eustasia agreed yet disagreed. “No, strictly speaking, it’s not amazing. It’s not, but…Yes, it is amazing.”

“Ha, that’s a perfect evaluation. It’s not special, but for me, it’s the perfect match.” Sungjin smiled in satisfaction. Huhu. Yes, this type of skill is fun.

He admitted it was weak a weak skill, but the skill could also make him stronger depending on how he used it. He liked this kind of attribute.

[Guaranteed Stats:

Attack: 20

Defense: 20

Casting: 0

Resist: 20

Speed: 5

Report completed.]

“Your stats are between a knight and a warrior.”

“I see. That’s good.” Sungjin was satisfied. Although strengthening his body was useful, the true keyword here was his skill. It could be nothing, but, at the same time, it could be something that could overthrow the entire battle.

He was truly satisfied with the first skill he could utilize for his own means.

But the title of Commander. Was it a coincidence that the title sounded very much like his nickname on earth, Devil Commander? Or were the gods giving him a special gift after having recognized his talents as a commander?

Ha. Either way is fine. His eyes gleamed like a predator’s. He had already begun to calculate exactly when and where he would bite the neck of his opponent. I see it. Although it was vague, he could see a way to cut down Sleipnir and Gungnir.

Chapter 13

The day of the battle for the continent arrived.

This was not a battle in a region where one could attack and retreat. The side that lost had to be sacrificed to the Infinite Well. In this special battlefield, losing meant death, and no matter the amount of supporters behind Sungjin or Kapitle, if one of them lost, their followers were bound to surrender.

The entire continent was interested in the direction the battle would take. “We’ll only know the results after the battle, but the battle is in the Wise King’s favor.”

“Yes.” That was the only fact that Sungjin’s people admitted.

This was a battle for the continent, and, accordingly, Kapitle’s strength was immense. His powers that ruled over the sacred steed and sacred spear were truly fitting of Odin’s heir.

It wasn’t that Sungjin had never been pitted against Kapitle before, but everyone knew his teammates had been defeated one by one before Kapitle himself. Although Sungjin was added to this battle, his enemy had added a level 7 Duke to his team, and, moreover, this was not a battle that Sungjin could enter with his defensive maneuvers all planned out. This was a battlefield where Kapitle had likely hidden traps.

Would it be possible to win against an enemy you’ve once lost against? They didn’t believe that Sungjin was going there to be defeated, but they also couldn’t wrap their heads around how he could win. He would have prepared something, but would it be enough?

Sungjin was in a very disadvantageous situation. This was a fight he should have backed out of.

Sungjin had also admitted that. When strategies are made in this kind of situation, I’d be likely to lose.

Sungjin considered the Wise King while going over his plans in the waiting room. If they were able to fight with divided lands, he would have had a chance, but after one defeat, Kapitle had changed the rules of the battlefield to one decisive victory, and Kapitle’s attacks with Sleipnir and Gungnir was a critical problem in this one decisive battle.

Well, I suppose having it easy isn’t fun either.

This was a battle for the continent. It wouldn’t be worth it if his enemy wasn’t strong. Wouldn’t this obstacle be just enough for this victory to become a legend?

But a crisis was a crisis. He couldn’t be certain of his victory.

The decisive factor would be how well he could wing the entire battle and how much preparation each of them had gone through.

Those two things were key.

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