Level 0 Master

Chapter 105 - Vol. 4 Ep. 18

Chapter 105: Vol. 4 Ep. 18

Kapitle’s majestic power oppressed the air around him. “Haa.”

Sungjin released a huge sigh before lifting his head with a smirk. “Ha, fine. It would have been boring if my greatest enemy didn’t have a hidden card prepared in a fight for the continent.”

“Are you saying that you’d be able to fight against my power?”

“Let’s be honest. You can certainly blow away half of the continent with your power. And I don’t have the power to stop you.” He became confident by acknowledging his weakness. “But even if your plan is to blow away half the continent, the loss would be unfortunate for you, too, no?”

“There’s nothing that can be unfortunate in the conquest of the continent.”

“Then blow it up. I don’t need a world that I cannot have. I’d rather have it destroyed.”

The spirit of the two leaders clashed violently. It was an invisible fight of will, with each leader trying to prove how confident he was.

The first to laugh was Kapitle. “Hahaha. To think you, an extra, would say such words. But even if you’re a thief, you’re a thief who stole half of the continent. I will forgive you. Yes, it would be unfortunate to lose all those extras before my complete rule.”

Their eyes intensely met. One of them had the power to destroy everything, but the other had the confidence to continue the battle.

“I will leave a path for you to come to the Infinite Well.”

“The Infinite Well…”

“Come with the purpose of putting your life on the line. There, your defeat will not be done in one blow but will be done by falling into the Infinite Well. Hahahaha.”

Kapitle’s voice filled the hall. “I will personally execute you and conquer the entire continent.”

“That sounds fun. A true contest with the continent on the line—let’s try that.” Sungjin closed the communication device.

“Huhu. Do you understand now? This is the power of my King…”

“Your job is done, so leave.” Sungjin chased the representative out of his meeting room.

Silence filled the hall for a time: a battle where the defeated is swallowed by the well.

The world ran on a system that allowed a player to continue playing even after a defeat with the loss of a territory. But as Kapitle wasn’t the type of person to spout falsities, this battle was going to be an exception. He could truly lose everything he had with this one battle.

Zakiya spoke up. “It’s a trap.”

“I know. But if I don’t heed his demands, half of the continent will disappear.”


“He only stopped because I dared him to blow it up if he wants.”

“Wouldn’t he look for another way? He himself admitted it was unfortunate. Even the current standoff may be more advantageous for him…” Zakiya tried to stop him before sighing. She smiled calmly. “But I suppose you’re not the type of person to stand by and watch people be sacrificed.”

This type of chicken fight was won by people who didn’t fear the act of sacrifice. But provoking Kapitle had been Sungjin’s limit for endangering others.

Whether that was a weakness or a strength… but she didn’t think that the man she loved was weak. How would he have risen to a position of fighting for the entire continent if he was weak?

But at the same time, his strength was his only weakness.

“I agree that this may be dangerous,” Eustasia started, having given up on convincing Sungjin, instead taking the position of an outsider. “Your strategies and Kapitle’s power. If we were fighting on several battlefields, it would be your victory, but Kapitle will win in a battle of brute strength, as proven by our last battle, a battle where Kapitle may end up the victor. Must you do it?”

“Yes, we lost. But that was then.” Sungjin smiled. He smiled as if he wouldn’t repeat the same mistake.

“Do you have a solution?”

“I need to start making one,” Sungjin admitted honestly. Frankly, Kapitle’s power, which was linked to Sleipnir and Gungnir, was troublesome, even for him.

He had lost the battlefields Kapitle had personally appeared on, but he had won regions due to Kapitle’s oversight, but now that was an impossible strategy.

Would he be able to overcome Kapitle’s might with only his strategies? I don’t see an answer right now. Even if he loved a hard challenge, this was a fight he needed to avoid if he could. After all, his defeat would mean leaving everyone under Kapitle’s tyranny. But if I don’t accept his offer, he will explode half of the continent.

Kapitle was a person who only thought about his own advantages, a person who believed everything should exist for him in his absolute power. He was a person who wouldn’t hesitate for his own victory.

“I’ll make the path to victory no matter what.” That was the only way he could save his people and his teammates, after all.

“It’s a battle we cannot avoid,” Ereka said determinedly.

“Ha. I’m your sword, after all.” Eustasia smiled, allowing him to do as he pleased.

“We’ll have to restrategize. We can’t go with what we have in this situation.”


“But we will map a new strategy centered on the well. Now…” Sungjin’s orders began steadily, and people started to move according to his orders.

Sungjin and Kapitle. The fight for the continent had started to reach its end.

And before Kapitle, who had half of the people on the continent as hostages, no one wished to step back.

People… or at least those who wished to reach higher… would all have a moment when they had to face one inevitable fight.

Chapter 12

During the busy preparation phase for the upcoming battle, Zakiya took a moment to spend time with her brother.

Her younger brother paused in his play with a ball and smiled at her brightly. “Sister.”

“How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you. But aren’t you busy? You said you needed to stop a bad king from breaking everything.” Her little brother had started to treat with respect because she was now grown-up, but they were still siblings.

“Huhu, it’s ok.”

“I see. I really don’t know what’s happening. I’ve only just woken up from a sleep, but…”

“Yes. Sometimes I feel as if these past years have been a brief nightmare.” She hugged Limad and patted his back. Her brother’s warmth made her realize he was alive.

I can’t lose him a second time. Kapitle had to be beaten, but could Sungjin win against Kapitle this battle? He was already trapped in Kapitle’s machinations.

I know what world he is working for. A world where no one was stepped on for whatever reason. Whether it was rank, or religion, or greed. He wished for no one to be stepped on for his great purpose either, but…

He should be willing to make some sacrifices if he truly wants to conquer the world, as history is ultimately the victor’s.

It was a weakness to be unable to become cold in the face of victory. Sigh. But no one will be able to change his mind.

If he was a ruthless man, he wouldn’t have saved her sibling. Even if he had the nobel idea to save a lot of people, it would be inevitable to sacrifice one sinner in the process, but he did not.

He might have levelled-up if he had sacrificed her, but he hadn’t, even though that has always been true of those before him.

Now she knew what kind of man he was. He was a strong man. Even if he insisted on continuing down this hard road to the end, it doesn’t seem to force him at all. But at the same time, his strength was his weakness. He was at stake.

She was a life saved by Sungjin, so she wouldn’t refuse death by his side… but that didn’t mean she had to watch his defeat. It’s my job to do what I can, something the others are too naive to do.

Even if they were facing death, there was no reason to sit by and wait for their deaths to come. Huhu, I should try my hand. She patted Limad again. I must exert strength for you and for those who have become opponents of my destiny.

“Limad, I will return after work. Will you be fine even if you’re alone? ”

“Of course.”

That night

Sungjin went to sleep with complicated thoughts. His priority was to get some rest when he could.

Suddenly, a wall disappeared from his room and three women emerged: Ereka, Eustasia, and Zakiya.

Each with their own charms was standing there with only a simple cloth wrapped around their bodies.

Zakiya first lowered the cloth surrounding her body. Her body, which was more mature than the others, bloomed under the moonlight. “I gathered them tonight to be the strength you need.”

A heavy provoking scent filled the room. There were many scents in the world, but for men the women’s scent was the strongest there was.

“What on earth…” The scene before him made his blood boil hotter than the desert’s heat. Sungjin couldn’t speak due to the sudden dryness in his throat.

“It may not work, but if you can, you have to do anything for yourself.” Zakiya came one step forward.

Eraka abandoned her cloth. “I’m of the same mind. In a situation where you have to play the ultimate game against Kapitle, you must accept us for everything you must protect otherwise.”

Nape, chest, waist, hips: none of the lines were blemished or lacked the perfect golden ratio. The skin was as pure and precious as powdered pearls.

She shook shyly, her cheeks blushing with shame, and at the same time courageously approached Sungjin.

“Yes, we’re prepared, and we don’t lack on the female side. If you are a man, don’t hold back anymore.” Eustasia finally took her cloth off. Graceful, confident, yet resilient flesh provoked a desire in Sungjin that surpassed the greed for a superb steak.

The strongly trained yet feminine softness pushed at the desire of the conqueror. All three women returned to their primitive form and came forward to accept Sungjin.

“Please, Sungjin,” Ereka whispered softly into his chest.

“Be like a man.” Eustasia pulled his right arm firmly against her chest.

“You are worthy of us. Everybody thinks so,” Zakiya said, her head burrowing into his left shoulder.

His head spun. In Sungjin’s head, a control device was broken. The stimulus exceeded restraint. His body responded with youthfulness to intense physical stimuli from all sides. He literally hugged all three women. The beast knocked down all three foods onto his spacious soft bed.

With both hands, he enjoyed Eustasia and Zakiya’s fruits, while his sharp mouth covered the neck of Ereka.

“Ah…” The breathing that followed was easily disturbed in the subsequent battles.

Their body temperatures rose, and the air in the room became hot. Man and woman intertwined their skin together.

The women, who wanted to be the beast’s food, trembled at the slightest stimuli. The beast, who wanted to embrace the women, became more and more vigorous, coveting more intense stimuli.

Men and women were created to be one from the beginning.

As their minds were attracted to each other, their bodies being attracted to each other was also natural.

The distance between them became smaller beginning with the first girl he met. The beast wildly ran towards her.

It was his first time, but such things were are in a person’s genes, already having the knowledge of what to do.

The strong body moved instinctively. Insufficient experience was masked by overwhelming power.

Ah. Feeling his approaching breath, Ereka closed her eyes, fearful and anticipating at the same time. Trembling yet joyful complex feelings swirled. If this helps Sungjin…

But really, it was most likely her own desire, whether he was empowered or not. Maybe it’s just an excuse, saying it’s for the victory against Kapitle. But what was the point in making excuses?

She just closed her eyes and relaxed her body as Sungjin led the dance. She fell quiet, nervous yet excited at the same time.

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