I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 323: Unlucky shrimp

The team grew slightly impatient of this search procedure, but thankfully something popped up that piqued their interest!

They witnessed a little dot coming towards them, from the lower portions of this tunnel.

Such a dot seemed small enough, especially when it was compared to this tunnel's overall size.

But this same dot swiftly grew larger, simply since it had swam up to meet with the team.

Yet this didn't seem like a meeting that would allow everyone to embrace intellectual debates, no.

On the contrary the method of conversing already projected itself as crude. Simply since this expanding dot, eventually proved itself to be another weird fish!

The approacher's body language deciphered just what intents it could have, every tail-slap against the waters was simply too violent.

"I am not touching that fish!" Timothy was the first to yell out.

Such a sentence seemed dramatic to a certain extent, but he had every right to behave like a spoiled teenage girl; as this new enemy simply seemed gross!

"You don't have to touch it," Osira assured.

The enemy fish was dark in colour, but was also covered with a lot of thick, green patches of tar.

This same substance sizzled the enemy's dusty flesh quite a bit, which managed to create a horrid scene.

When this enemy opened its mouth, the whole group could see quite a few pounds of this tar, actually circled and sprayed around its mouth!

The team figured such details out in just a few seconds, simply because this weird approacher was big and fat!

A rough guess could help figure out that this fat beast was at least eight-feet long!

So neither of them wanted to get close to such an odd animal. Of course the best solution was to assert a form of dominance.

Osira generated a portion of black-light right in front of her forehead, and swiftly blasted it towards the enemy before it got too close!

Most of the group was almost sure that such damage would be enough, but the enemy seemed to have other plans...

Within a blink of an eye, a large chunk of tar shot out of the large gravel-fish's mouth, and the results were surely unfavourable!

The tar was two-feet wide and bashed through the waters quite quickly! And this insane manifestation of power, crashed against what Osira had unleashed.

But then it simply kept going! Necessarily, this shot of tar had absolutely swallowed the whole power-attack that the black-grouper unleashed!

And this unholy substance echoed across the waters at grand speed, and headed directly for the team!

For a second they all felt that they would get enveloped by such an attack, but thankfully most of the team was mostly decent in size.

Apart from that they were swift with their fins, so they could swim away from the scene in just a corner of a second.

The shot simply swung across the waters, and eventually landed through the tunnel flooring.

Of course they all felt ready to unleash a counter-attack, each member of the team was individually prepared to put up a battle.

Timmy was the quickest between all of them. Not because he managed to swim near the enemy, but because he could unleash a ranged attack.

Likewise he quickly shouted, "Soul snare!"

And then felt another stun across his heart, it managed to shake him a little bit but it wasn't necessarily hurtful.

Timothy firstly tried to break this gravelly freak of nature in half. He found it easy against the first similar enemy he fought, so he was confident enough to try again.

But as expected, his soul power wasn't exactly strong enough; so he could barely even move the attacker.

The snare that Timmy had leashed around the other's soul, was only strong enough to affect tail movements!

So obviously he used that only opportunity, and forced the enemy to swim directly downwards!

This managed to buy the team a few seconds to prepare for another attack.

Because although the enemy did not crash against one of the tunnel's walls, it did swim far enough to give the group some space.

As for the soul snare power-move, it had been shattered for quite a valid reason.

The enemy proved to be a hectic opponent; and had enough brute strength to actually swim away from the snare's reach.

So now even though the enemy escaped completely unscathed, at least the group had another chance to launch a counter-attack; and surely this time they aimed to be more careful.

Timmy was the only other member who could launch a ranged attack, so he locked the large enemy as a target and felt prepared to assert some dominance.

He even swam towards the charging enemy, just to grasp the opportunity of a better shot.

Eventually he got close enough, and felt ready to unleash an attack that should prove at least slightly effective.

"Azelaq's scream!" He hollered with quite a bit of effort.

And a thin bright-light swiftly shot out of his mouth, before it exploded in size and shaped itself quite like a cone!

The four-foot wide piece of silver light, travelled towards the enemy at grand speed ~ the naked eye could barely capture it!

But yet the opponent proved quite faster in comparison, and shot out yet another chunk of tar out of its mouth!

This chunk pierced through the silver light, and was about to strike the hero right against his face!

But luckily he proved to be swift. Thanks to the couple of body-strength upgrades, he managed to slap the water hard enough to bounce upwards!

The silver-light ended up bashing against the fat enemy! It was weird, especially since the tar had travelled through the attack, but a win was a win.

While Timmy slightly celebrated this victory, he did not notice that Osira swam behind him as she planned to unleash an attack of her own!

She was swift enough to dodge the upcoming tar, but the old little man on her shoulders, was swiftly riddled with bad-luck through that moment...

The violent turn that Osira made, forced Gerlach to slip away from the comfort of the other's back.

So ultimately he lonely floated across the waters, and couldn't do anything to escape the two-foot wide, chunk of tar that headed right towards him!

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