I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 322: Under-ground cooperation

This whole scene was difficult to comprehend. The large hole itself wasn't too breathtaking, as they understood that many powerful things could have ruptured it.

But the question that surrounded this topic, bugged them the most. Just who or what has created this hole?

The team had many conclusions, but they couldn't exactly build a proper theory of how it happened.

There was quite an amount of some green-substance, which circled around the same hole.

For a second it seemed as if some group of fish tried to create a large holy-pool, but it somehow melted through the ground!

It almost seemed so but it couldn't be the actual case. Simply since this green-substance wasn't sizzling through dirt and rock.

It was just thick and heavy. Apart from that, it dripped and streamed downwards the hole, and headed towards god knew where?

To a certain extent it seemed sticky too, so it proved difficult to create a proper theory, regarding what this heavy liquid was.

As for now, Timothy broke the silence. "This is the fish you felt?"

A tad irritated, the stingray lady whipped the hero against the bum, and was eager to give a proper correction.

She slightly shouted, "I never said that I sensed a fish!"

Unwilling to let go of such tease, the hero continued. "Good, cause this would be the weirdest fish I ever saw..."

Gerlach decided to break what could have been an hour-long senseless debate, by unravelling a grand question.

"Are we going down there? We might need to explore it." The old man specified.

Although hesitant Timothy slowly agreed. "I guess so... but it looks kinda dark in there."

"Doesn't matter," The geezer instantly replied.

And then weighed in, "This hole might help us understand what happened around here, we can't waste this marvelous opportunity."

"We'll go down there then," Osira became the third to encourage such a plan.

It was clear that the entire team was eager, even though they weren't exactly happy to carry along with this swift plan.

So the hero decided to go with the flow. But since he too was willing, he saw it appropriate to add a bit of creativity to this plan ~ safety became a prime goal.

He peeked at the great-white shark that worked with them so far, and didn't shy away to build up a request.

The hero slowly explained, "We don't know what's down there, but we don't need any of those weird fish to follow us."

And after that he demanded, "I need you to stay here and kill any gravelly-fish that comes near this hole."

"No problem. I owe Snoopy a lot so this is the least I could do," The latter slightly grunted.

The waves of gratitude from this shark were staggering, especially after he considered the usual stiff attitude; such a proclamation was simply refreshing.

"Thank you," Timothy expressed.

He could care less of the relationship his brother had with this great-white shark. But in this case such a large beast proved useful, and that's all the hero thought about.

Afterwards they slowly headed towards the depths of this hole, and felt their anxiety gradually shift for the worse.

The hole itself was around thirty-meters wide, so obviously they didn't have to worry about space.

But the thought that various dangers might lurk around such darkness, well it surely proved nerve-wracking.

They stuck close to each other, as such presence made them feel safer ~ so if an enemy was to attack, they could fight back all together.

But it was fair to say that fear fiddled away, the deeper they headed towards this massive hole.

The sole reason behind such comfort, was the fact that they still could see as clearly as ever!

Darkness did not envelop them. On the contrary it was pushed aside by numerous light sources!

This light had been a bit hidden, because apparently the hole was not a bottomless abyss.

It just took a sharp turn to the left, and the massive tunnel gradually sunk deeper underground after that point.

But overall, such crude architectural details didn't prove extreme. The team could easily manoeuvre through the tunnel, and illumination was listed out as a problem.

It was difficult to understand the source behind this illumination, but eventually it made a bit of sense.

As a golden start, this tar-like green substance somehow glowed! And it was difficult to understand the sole reason, behind such a feature.

This tar-like thing was everywhere in the tunnel, and it cooperated with something else that made dirt walls, whole.

There were various gems spread across the massive tunnel. They seemed more like crystals, as they had cube-like heads and were very tall.

These crystals had various colours, but a good portion of them were light-red.

Such marvelous pieces of nature were truly a magnificent sight to witness, but they were also perplexing.

The crystals and the tar radiated light at a tremendously equal amount. There wasn't one side that generated more illumination than the other.

Such detail raised the conclusion that the tar and crystals, somehow cooperated with each other.

The team was sure of it actually, as a few gems weren't enough to spread that much light on their own.

These tall crystals usually towered at least forty-meters away from each other.

Even such valuable minerals couldn't be powerful enough to fully illuminate a massive tunnel, at least while they lacked in number.

"What are we looking for here, these are just a bunch of gems?" Timothy finally managed to break the silence.

"Anything, literally anything can help us figure things out." The mantis shrimp added, he was a tad irritated.

As for the team, they weren't exactly scared anymore.

This entire scene was beautiful to a certain extent, but the tunnel seemed endless; so their sense of discovery dimmed down.

They swam at least over a hundred meters under the sea-ground now, but they haven't seen anything apart from tar and gems...

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